I am pretty sure I'm feeling better. I have been resting a good amount, drinking lots of water, and eating oranges. My husband made me some tea as well, and that helped.
I've been busying around the house (when not resting) trying to clean before I leave. My husband told me not to overdo it and that he can clean while I'm gone. But I'm sure part of this is some form of nesting. I feel it just has to get done and I have to do it before I go. I probably won't get as much done as I originally planned. But I'll do as much cleaning as possible before leaving.
Beanonorder- Happy 30 weeks! I'll be there tomorrow as well. Except tomorrow is Wednesday for me.

I feel like you do. Sometimes, it just seems like there is very little time left. Then, there are other times when I think "Wow...Still have all of February and all of March to go!"
I know it's the shortest month, but February always seems to just drag on for me (pregnant or not).
Right now, when I feel like time is going slow, I then remind myself that it is still a good 10 weeks to get ready for the baby and also to get myself in the best shape possible to give birth. My friend who just had a baby shared something about how squats help with giving birth and if you do 300 squats a day, you are going to be guaranteed a quick an easy labor. That sounds like more than I could handle just yet! But probably my goal for March will be to start squatting.

I do some now as it is, but nowhere near that many!