**April Bunnies 2015**

I hope you aren't getting sick Rebecca! Hopefully getting some rest and drinking plenty of fluids will make you feel better. Have a fun baby shower :)
Ameile you look stunning! I love that dress!

Rebecca - I hope that you don't get ill that would be awful especially if you have to fly 😞

Bean - I am glad your class got you some chocolate to say sorry. Glad you had a good swim though! I would live to swim regularly but the pool 20 miles away and is never open at decent times for me to go 😞. One of the crappy things about living in the middle of nowhere.

I had my 28 week appointment with the midwife today and everything is great. Baby's heartbeat and growth is right on track. Every time she moved the Doppler the baby kicked like mad - I remember ds doing that. It doesn't feel like two minutes since it was him in there kicking away ☺️. I still hadn't had an appointment through from the consultant so the midwife rang the hospital and made an appointment for me today. They said they can't decide where I am going to have the baby until I go into labour though. I think my midwife thinks that I need to go to the main hospital whatever happens which is a shame as I would love to have the baby at the local midwife led unit but because of the forceps last time I don't think that is going to an option 😞. Hopefully will know more when I see the consultant.

My mum dreamt that I had the baby last night and that I gave birth to her/him and then wouldn't let her see it. I reassured her that this isn't going to happen lol 😉 x
Oh my dizziness. I haven't had anything to eat since 9pm. I'm starving and my arm hurts. I get my blood drawn for the 4th time in a few minutes. Stupid 3hr glucose test.

Though while here (since 8am) there were 2 babies born. This is the hospital I'm delivering at and every time a baby is born they play a lullaby thought the speaker system. =]
Stripy I had forceps with dd1 and no one was worried with dd2, I know women who had home births after an assist previous delivery.

In comparison to dd1 dd2 pretty much fell out :rofl:
Oh my dizziness. I haven't had anything to eat since 9pm. I'm starving and my arm hurts. I get my blood drawn for the 4th time in a few minutes. Stupid 3hr glucose test.

Though while here (since 8am) there were 2 babies born. This is the hospital I'm delivering at and every time a baby is born they play a lullaby thought the speaker system. =]

That is such a cute idea.

Good luck on your test!

I picked up my Rx for insulin today. Have to have it before every meal and long acting before bed to keep my morning numbers down :(

I dragged OH along with me to meet the OB today and she said she was totally in favour of inducing me for a VBAC as long as baby isn't too big. Which is awesome. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday, then another at 34 weeks and then one every week until she arrives!
Ha ha Ameile hope that is the case with this one then! I think they worry more cos ds was in scbu and we both had an infection after the birth. They panic a bit cos the dgh is a good hour journey away from us 😞. Tbh I will try and labour as much as possible at home this time and see what happens 😉 x
Don't know what this kid is doing. I think his head keeps popping in and out of my pelvis. My belly gets low and I seriously feel like his head is going to fall/push itself out, then everything goes back to feeling normal after a few hours. Never had this happen with my first!
Christina that is adorable! I love the idea.

Northern awesome news that your ob is still open to the VBAC.

I'm 30 weeks tomorrow (it's Wednesday here already!) and I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time! I'm trying to get through two hypnobirthing books plus a breastfeeding book and I want to reread Ina Mays book. The more I read about hypnobirthing the more I'm convinced it will make some difference in giving me a better experience. I also want to do loads more research on breastfeeding because I desperately want it to go better this time.

I thought I was having a good night's sleep last night. I was waking up every hour and a half but I was going right back to sleep. But then at 3am dd decided she just couldn't go back to sleep. Eventually at 4:30am I pulled her close to me and curled up with her. I was then woken up just before 6am with an excruciating leg cramp and leapt out of bed and discovered I also had a very numb, dead arm!! Oh the joys of parenting.
Baby is on the move today. I am getting random kicks all over but big hard bulges either lower to the left or high to the right-- close to ribs. It's actually quite uncomfortable. =[
Beanonorder, what hypnobirthing books do you have? Now that a VBAC is an option, I am interested. Think it can get me through pitocin if it's needed?
Christina that is adorable! I love the idea.

Northern awesome news that your ob is still open to the VBAC.

I'm 30 weeks tomorrow (it's Wednesday here already!) and I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time! I'm trying to get through two hypnobirthing books plus a breastfeeding book and I want to reread Ina Mays book. The more I read about hypnobirthing the more I'm convinced it will make some difference in giving me a better experience. I also want to do loads more research on breastfeeding because I desperately want it to go better this time.

I thought I was having a good night's sleep last night. I was waking up every hour and a half but I was going right back to sleep. But then at 3am dd decided she just couldn't go back to sleep. Eventually at 4:30am I pulled her close to me and curled up with her. I was then woken up just before 6am with an excruciating leg cramp and leapt out of bed and discovered I also had a very numb, dead arm!! Oh the joys of parenting.

So much dead arm here! That is the worst about side sleeping during pregnancy, I am a HUGE back sleeper!
I am pretty sure I'm feeling better. I have been resting a good amount, drinking lots of water, and eating oranges. My husband made me some tea as well, and that helped.

I've been busying around the house (when not resting) trying to clean before I leave. My husband told me not to overdo it and that he can clean while I'm gone. But I'm sure part of this is some form of nesting. I feel it just has to get done and I have to do it before I go. I probably won't get as much done as I originally planned. But I'll do as much cleaning as possible before leaving.

Beanonorder- Happy 30 weeks! I'll be there tomorrow as well. Except tomorrow is Wednesday for me. :) I feel like you do. Sometimes, it just seems like there is very little time left. Then, there are other times when I think "Wow...Still have all of February and all of March to go!"
I know it's the shortest month, but February always seems to just drag on for me (pregnant or not).

Right now, when I feel like time is going slow, I then remind myself that it is still a good 10 weeks to get ready for the baby and also to get myself in the best shape possible to give birth. My friend who just had a baby shared something about how squats help with giving birth and if you do 300 squats a day, you are going to be guaranteed a quick an easy labor. That sounds like more than I could handle just yet! But probably my goal for March will be to start squatting. ;) I do some now as it is, but nowhere near that many!
Beanonorder, what hypnobirthing books do you have? Now that a VBAC is an option, I am interested. Think it can get me through pitocin if it's needed?

The one book I have is called HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method by Marie F. Mongan and the other is called The HypnoBirthing Book by Katharine Graves.
I have bought both of them in PDF & Mobi format so if you (or anyone else) want to PM/facebook message me your email address I am more than happy to pass them on. I paid the equivalent of $1 for each so its really not an issue to share! I do think they could help you deal with pitocin contractions too.

Rebecca I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Being sick is just not cool.

I am so upset. I went swimming today and the gym has put up a notice to say that the swimming pool will be closed for the whole month of February for maintenance. I had just been thinking how I could go swimming five times a week during my holidays and now I discover that I won't be able to go AT ALL! :cry::cry::cry:
hi Beanonorder

I highly, highly recommend getting some of the cd's that go with the book. I didn't like Mongan Relaxation CD so I purchased some others on ITunes that I love. Really helps with the relaxation and hopefully in labour it will act as a trigger for me to completely relax and to go into my happy place. I listen to a relaxation one once a day. Usually when I fall asleep at night. I also listen to birth affirmations twice each day. Once during the day while practicing breathing techniques and stretching and the second time is before I fall asleep.

I'm going to look into all of this. I'm glad other people are interested in hypnobirthing. It isn't really a "thing" here.
Also, under 60 days till due date, although only 47 days till I most likely go in to have her!
Glad you guys are interested in hypnobirthing too! I've been a slacker about listening to the affirmations, good job Steph!
I really need to step it up now that it's getting closer.

29 weeks today over here :happydance:

I started feeling that lower back pain again now that school started, so it's definitely related to those damn chairs in the class rooms! DH said I should get a donut to sit on hahaha or just bring my exercise ball :haha:

Oh and those who have Target close to you, there's a bunch of clothes on clearance and if you get their "cartwheel" app you'll get an extra 20% off everything on clearance! I got two cardigans, a tank top, and a really cute Liz Lange maternity sweater. Yay for not roaming around naked anymore lol
hi Beanonorder

I highly, highly recommend getting some of the cd's that go with the book. I didn't like Mongan Relaxation CD so I purchased some others on ITunes that I love. Really helps with the relaxation and hopefully in labour it will act as a trigger for me to completely relax and to go into my happy place. I listen to a relaxation one once a day. Usually when I fall asleep at night. I also listen to birth affirmations twice each day. Once during the day while practicing breathing techniques and stretching and the second time is before I fall asleep.


How long is the relaxation thing you listen to? And do you have quite a few if then? I've found some in YouTube but I'm not sure which to actually go with. I need to get organised and start doing these things if I want them to work!
Hypnobirthing sounds interesting but I terrible at anything I have to concentrate on like that. I will read up the info though :D

Northern wow not long to go! When will hospital decide for definite the date of going in?

Bean that's horrid about the swimming :( I would have been really upset to.

Rebecca get well soon xxx

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