**April Bunnies 2015**

My dog is driving me up the wall. She has literally been following me everywhere I go in the house as I clean and when I swept up stuff into a pile she sniffed it so it went everywhere. I let her outside and she proceeded to eat frozen poop. Came inside and followed me around again then tried to get into the garbage! I had just cleaned the fridge so there was food in there. On the cleaning note -- I need to learn to sit occassionally. My poor back!!
Rebecca that sounds like a terrible day! So glad you got some good sleep!!

Amelie I hope your daughter gets out of this phase soon! I'm also glad she is okay after her fall.

Had a pretty good day today. Ended up doing a birthday lunch the went to a birthday dinner for DH's dad after. My MIL bought me some cute PJs and a light robe to match so I have something to take to the hospital. I'm just not sure the top and robe will fit in ten weeks. I seem to have grown in the last few days. I'll try to take a pic tomorrow. If I dress right I almost look pregnant instead of fat.

Also we got our first registry gift yesterday! My friends mom is addicted to Amazon so she bought us several of the smaller items on the registry. We got burp cloths, a crib sheet, washcloths, a portable changing pad, and the bath water thermometer that doubles as a rubber duckie! It was fun to open it.

30 weeks today!
rebecca sorry about the awful day you had :hugs:

amelie that will be a challenge! Are there any activities/sports that the older girls could do to lighten your load a bit?

Dini aw that's fun! I get so overwhelmed when I feel that people really do care like that, I'll probably bawl at the babyshowers lol

Talking about gifts, DH went last night to meet his friends from his last duty station at a casino, then they all came over here and are staying the night before they have to leave in the morning. Well on the way here they stopped at the mall and one of them wanted to get me something, they saw a maternity store and went in and got me a back support belt :rofl: They were all drunk/hungover/hadn't slept in 24-48 hours so I can just imagine the scene they must have caused in the store. But, now I have one! Yay! Can't wait to wear it to work.

We had our 3/5 hypnobirthing session yesterday. It's crazy to be able to relax so deeply with some conditioning! I'm really set on MAKING it work for me on the day of.

Well, the day is here... the baby has found my bladder. No straight kicks to it yet but something that I think are punches, haha, very flutter like and weird feeling.
What you guys helped me establish is probably reflux comes every night now, and it's unpleasant. I'm currently sitting in the recliner instead of the bed because I can't get comfy propped up with pillows. Boo, no fun.

Oh, I almost forgot! Biggest news of the week! We got a new vacuum :haha: It's a Shark and I love it and it's super light so my back doesn't even hurt *that* bad when I vacuum now :dance: I was vacuuming the couch cushions with our old one yesterday and finally I gave up and said to DH that we're getting a new one. I'd been looking at the Dyson ones that were on sale at Target but the ones within our price range were battery powered and only last 15 minutes per charge. Def not enough for my house. So we went with a similar one from Shark that is plugged in and so far it's doing awesome. Did the whole house and couch and oh god the hair... Makes my to do list easier, I have a huge nesting to do list that I meant for this weekend, I don't know what I was thinking but it will probably last us a week or two.

While we were out picking out our vacuum we also got paint samples for the baby's room, hopefully DH will be able to get all the painting done this week cause he has short work days. We need to touch up the ceilings, do the top half/third of the baby's room, the tiny downstairs bathroom, and finish the hallway where we ran out of paint. Sounds like a lot when I write it down. Anyways, at least we WILL get it done before this child arrives!

I hope you're enjoying your weekends!

EDIT: Wow that was long. Kudos if you got through it all!
Sorry you had such a bad day Rebecca! Are you still with your mom or are you back home now?

Maggz that is so sweet that they all got you a present! And awesome about the vacuum cleaner. I can't wait for my nanny to come in tomorrow (Monday) because my house already looks like a disaster. I'm really grateful I have someone else to do the cleaning for me.
Although tomorrow I will be spending the day cleaning my walls with toothpaste. Dd has decorated all sorts of walls with crayons and it really looks so ugly. I searched for ways to clean and one of them is toothpaste. I have to be really careful because the paint here is crap and comes off so easily. So I tested the toothpaste on a small patch and it seems to do the job.

Amelie sorry you are also suffering with a wilful child. They really can be a challenge sometimes!

Dini glad you had a good birthday and great that you are getting some presents already!

Sorry in advance for the TMI but I had terrible diarrhoea last night. I don't know where it came from but at one point I was ready to curl up on the bathroom floor and die! But when I first got out of bed thinking maybe I needed to go to the bathroom I had the most intense pain across my bump. I would rate it a 9 out of 10 in the pain department. I don't know if it was a BH or trapped gas or what but I wanted to cry because all I could think was 'how on earth am I going to cope with labour again'. I want to practice the hypnobirthing but have been pretty bad about it. Every time something happens that makes me think about the actual labour I can't see how I'm going to get through it!
Beanonorder- I am back home. I got back on Tuesday, so it happened here.
I also hope you are feeling okay! That sounds like an unpleasant evening.

I live in a gated community, and it's really unlikely that the person who did it is from outside...or that they don't know someone who lives here. Even the maintenance men (who happened to be around when the police officer showed up) think it's my neighbor's daughter or one of her friends.

I'm about fed up with the situation with my neighbor. We pay a good amount to live in our apartment, and in the lease you have to promise to be quiet and respectful. You can be evicted for making too much noise or creating disturbances for your neighbors. Anyway, so my neighbor doesn't appear to be living in her apartment anymore. It looks like she has just left it there for her teenage daughter to come and go as she pleases! My neighbor hasn't been staying there for weeks. Her daughter is there alone with her friends, and she was just brought home in handcuffs three nights ago! I feel very uncomfortable with the whole thing. Who knows what those kids are doing over there unsupervised?

Maggz- That is so funny about that belt! Glad you can make good use of it! Reflux is a pain. Mine has started coming back now. I do think exercise helped to keep it at bay until now that baby is big enough to be pushing on everything. I've also found that eating smaller meals really helps.

Dini- That's great that you got so much stuff from your amazon registry already! :) I wish I knew someone like that. Ha! I got a total of 2 things from my amazon registry. Everything else I got was from Target. Not that I mind. But I do have a few things left to get. Happy 30 weeks!

AFM- Yesterday was a complete opposite of the terrible Friday I had. So glad! It was peaceful and relaxing. I even got a nap. I have forgotten how quickly things change for me at the end of pregnancy. My son was slow growing at the beginning, but caught up at the end. This one feels like she is also growing very fast right now. I'd be curious to have an ultrasound and just see how she measures. I have an appointment tomorrow morning anyway. I don't think there is any kind of ultrasound in it, but my fundal height might be ahead. I am really curious to see because I am definitely feeling fast changes in size. And I'm not eating a lot of food or anything, so it has to be all baby growing!
Dini- awesome about your registry!

We got some items as well. My mom is going a tad baby shopping happy. She keeps sending me texts saying "a box will be there on... Don't open it until we get there!" So now we have boxes of stuff lying around lol.
32 weeks/8 months today! Only 8ish weeks and 56ish days left! I'm so over the top excited to be meeting this little person so soon. I'm so not a patient person though. I want the next 8 weeks to go by quickly so I can finally see his little face and hold him:cloud9: Picture is 4m through 8 months!


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We installed our car seat! One of the perks of being a car seat tech is that I didn't have to wait for my own employers installation clinic ;-) I installed it myself while waiting for OH to put his boots on. Some seats take upwards of 30 mins depending on the car/seat and the angles, etc. I don't know how people just randomly put car seats in themselves. Anyway, this one fit my car like a glove and I only had to give it one little tug to get it as tight as it needed to be. It went in on the right angle without any adjustment at all. Awesome.
I'm joining a little late! Hope you don't mind! I never could find the thread:p

Anyways, Baby girl is due April 14th and I currently have mini panic attacks when I realize how soon that is actually coming up!
Welcome mcwhmm! It's always nice to have new people. I'm also having mini panic attacks when I think there are only about 8 weeks left!!

Northern it's amazing the things that make us excited! I'm glad your car seat went in so well. I wish I could be doing that! I have a car back home but only get to drive it maybe once a year!!

So my new doctor called me today to update me. She met with the hospital neonatologist and also a group of paediatricians to discuss my case. They will do blood tests on baby as soon as he's born and they will be monitoring him to see how quickly he develops jaundice. But provided there is nothing else wrong they will leave him with me while they wait for the results. Plus they are confident that he won't have to be transferred because of the ABO and that any treatment needed can be done in the room. They also said that in their experience second babies have a more mild reaction than first and that the high blood test results are usually a result of the first pregnancy. So that was all really great news. Provided baby has no other problems at birth, I shouldn't have to be separated from him!
Welcome mcwhmm!

Bean that's fab news about bubba boy - hopefully everything will go really smoothly and he will have the milder reaction ☺️

Northern - I have had my car seat for weeks and really need to get it out the box and try and work it out! It is an isofix base with the car seat clicking in and out so should be fine. Also need to double check it fits onto the I candy - by rights it should fit with the maxicosi adapters - should have a play with it though!

Well today has been great so far - saw the consultant and she is happy for me to deliver either at mlu or dgh. DS was apparently back to back last time which I never realised which caused some problems hence the forceps. It was nice to discuss it with her and know that my preg is low risk so far. She found the hb straight away and fundal height is bang on. I just need to get round DH now as he is still unsure of me delivering in our local mlu as there is a good 30-40 min transfer time. I have explained to him that I would feel more comfortable in the mlu and would be happier to stay there all being well. Anyway we will discuss it with my midwife next week and see what she thinks.

The floodgates have opened with buying baby stuff though..two gorgeous onsies, a blanket and a little fleecy suit today. Newborn nappies and gruffulo pjs and slippers for DS oops 😉 x
Beanonorder, that is GREAT news! Fingers crossed for you that everything works out the way you need it too!

Stripeycat, we bought our carseat/travel system in November. It has been sitting around forever but I didn't want to take DD out of her spot until I had to. I currently have her put in the middle and the baby put behind the passenger. I'm terrified to put either of them behind the driver. Not that there is anything wrong with it and people do it all of the time, but I'm after spending 5 years telling people that seats are safer in the middle or behind the passenger.
Thanks for welcoming me :)

Stripeycat- my flood gates opened a long time ago! lol I've been under control though recently and focusing on nesting and organizing the house like crazy:p

Northern- I know exactly how you feel! We've had our car seat since December and it's in my trunk in the box still! I kee meaning to install it and make sure that it fits okay, but I don't want to move DD. I likely will just install the car seat to ensure that it fits and then take it back out until it's closer. With DD I didn't even have the car seat installed and my mom went home and got it the day I was discharged and they installed it in her car. Which come to think of it, it would make more sense to install it in DH car cuz he likely will be the one driving.
Beanonorder- I'm so glad to hear that things are looking more promising for staying in the same hospital as your baby! :) I do hope it all works out perfectly.

Northern- Congrats on the carseat installation! I have such a hard time with it. It takes me sometimes 45 minutes to an hour to get a carseat installed. My husband does it like it's just a piece of cake.

Mcwhmm- Welcome! I have seen you on the other boards, but I didn't even track that you were also due in April. :)

Stripeycat- Glad you had a good appointment and everything looks like it will fall into place. Nice to have a complication-free pregnancy!

I had my 32 week appointment today. I met with the last midwife on the team that I hadn't had a chance to meet yet. She's pregnant also and due in April! So, I doubt she'll be delivering my baby. I asked her about scheduling a 34 week appointment, but she said they only schedule more frequent appointments for high risk pregnancies. Mine isn't high risk and there's no need to be seen in 2 weeks. So, I told her my feelings about being seen between appointments, but she just said that's what labor and delivery is for. So, that was a little bit frustrating. It's okay, though. I guess I'll just call L&D if I have any concerns before March the 9th.
Everything is normal right now, so I'm very happy about that!
Rebecca, there are certainly tricks to making it easier. Like rethreading the UAS belt back in the opposite direction through the route to pull it on an angle instead of pulling it upright or trying to pull it over the base will get it in 50xs faster/easier/tighter.
We are getting our stroller and car seat in about a week and a half when my parents come. I am hoping the weather holds out and is somewhat nice. If it is, we will drive to Omaha to pick my parents up and shop at some of the bigger baby stores there. I like Targets selection but I want to see more. I don't like Walmart very much. If the weather is not good, then they will rent a car and head here and we will figure it out. Grr and I got a coupon for Burlington Coat Factory in the mail for some baby stuff and the closest one is 3hrs away in Des Moines! Someone on a FB group was selling her travel bottle warmer for $5. I picked that up today. Wooo the first baby thing I bought :haha: I figured what's the harm... it was only $5 and we will be doing a lot of driving when baby is little so this way we will have it if needed. :thumbup:
Good luck Christina! Shopping here sucks too. I buy everything online, except for the odd Carter's item at Sears.

What kind of travel system are you getting?

How is everyone doing with swelling? I'm starting to notice a little in the tops of my feet.
I think we are going to go with a Graco travel system. We want to get a jogger stroller- not because we actually jog but because the wheels are not the plastic kinds and my husband thinks it will be easier. Its a one click, so we can pull out the car seat and snap it onto the stroller. After baby outgrows the car seat we will upgrade that.

No swelling... yet.
Counting: I love your bump shots!

Mcwhmm: welcome! I think I still haven't realized that it won't be that much longer yet. Lol.

Bean: I'm so glad to hear your news. Such a relief that your Drs think your baby can stay with you as long as nothing is wrong!
Stripey: I'm glad your appointment went well! I understand what you mean about the flood gates lol, I tend to buy dd a piece of clothing with the new baby's stuff. But in my defense she's growing out of her old pjs!

Rebecca: does it mean your next appointment will be at 35-36 weeks? Do they see you more often starting then?

Christina: congrats on your purchase! I agree with sturdier wheels/better suspension especially if you live in a place with uneven pavements etc. we traveled last summer and several cities gave our stroller a lot of trouble...it couldn't handle things well as it had terrible suspension. Felt so bad for dd.

Northern: I'm actually not really swollen right now. I can't wear my rings and watch anymore but that's all. A few weeks ago I had a case of severe swelling in my legs but it went down a few hrs later.

Dd woke up and is in the process of falling back to sleep but I won't be able to sleep due to hunger!

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