rebecca sorry about the awful day you had
amelie that will be a challenge! Are there any activities/sports that the older girls could do to lighten your load a bit?
Dini aw that's fun! I get so overwhelmed when I feel that people really do care like that, I'll probably bawl at the babyshowers lol
Talking about gifts, DH went last night to meet his friends from his last duty station at a casino, then they all came over here and are staying the night before they have to leave in the morning. Well on the way here they stopped at the mall and one of them wanted to get me something, they saw a maternity store and went in and got me a back support belt

They were all drunk/hungover/hadn't slept in 24-48 hours so I can just imagine the scene they must have caused in the store. But, now I have one! Yay! Can't wait to wear it to work.
We had our 3/5 hypnobirthing session yesterday. It's crazy to be able to relax so deeply with some conditioning! I'm really set on MAKING it work for me on the day of.
Well, the day is here... the baby has found my bladder. No straight kicks to it yet but something that I think are punches, haha, very flutter like and weird feeling.
What you guys helped me establish is probably reflux comes every night now, and it's unpleasant. I'm currently sitting in the recliner instead of the bed because I can't get comfy propped up with pillows. Boo, no fun.
Oh, I almost forgot! Biggest news of the week! We got a new vacuum

It's a Shark and I love it and it's super light so my back doesn't even hurt *that* bad when I vacuum now

I was vacuuming the couch cushions with our old one yesterday and finally I gave up and said to DH that we're getting a new one. I'd been looking at the Dyson ones that were on sale at Target but the ones within our price range were battery powered and only last 15 minutes per charge. Def not enough for my house. So we went with a similar one from Shark that is plugged in and so far it's doing awesome. Did the whole house and couch and oh god the hair... Makes my to do list easier, I have a huge nesting to do list that I meant for this weekend, I don't know what I was thinking but it will probably last us a week or two.
While we were out picking out our vacuum we also got paint samples for the baby's room, hopefully DH will be able to get all the painting done this week cause he has short work days. We need to touch up the ceilings, do the top half/third of the baby's room, the tiny downstairs bathroom, and finish the hallway where we ran out of paint. Sounds like a lot when I write it down. Anyways, at least we WILL get it done before this child arrives!
I hope you're enjoying your weekends!
EDIT: Wow that was long. Kudos if you got through it all!