Perplexed- That is very annoying! I really feel like there should be policies to prevent those things. I mean, what if you have somewhere else you need to be? I hope your next appointment doesn't take as long.
I also hope you can find some help or someone to talk to who can help you work through the anxiety.
Maggz- I know what you mean about the questions. It does get old answering the same questions again and again. My favorite, though, is when someone asks me how far along I am, I tell them, and they tell me "You don't look that far along!" or "This must be a small baby." I have come to just thank them for telling me I don't look that far along--I guess it's a compliment. And then when they say this must be a small baby, I'm like, "No, she is not a small baby. I can feel her." That one is annoying because other people actually think they know more than I do about that. And I just want to tell them that I wish they could feel what I feel because I can feel that this baby is not small.
But I get similar comments on my son. When people ask me how old he is and I say 3 and 1/2, everyone gets such an astonished look and says either, "Are you sure?" (yeah, no, I'm not sure how old my own kid is

) or "Wow! He is so tall. He looks like he is 4 or 5."
On another note, I'm now just 39 days away from my due date! It definitely feels like "go" time. Time to get everything ready and I'm glad that my husband is "nesting" too. At least he's feeling an urge to make sure everything is ready.

I need to start taking advantage of getting things done on the weekend when he is here because too often I chill out with him on the weekend and leave work to do during the week when I'm by myself. That honestly makes no sense because I should be doing stuff when I have someone here with me to help!