**April Bunnies 2015**

Phew that must have been a relief bean! I would've been so stressed losing all that stuff!!! Glad you had fun at the party :)

mcwhmm sounds like you should definitely get to a chiro! :)

Rebecca that's pretty crazy that your bladder puts pressure on your back like that. And annoying. But I must say I wish I was active like you have been. I have no reason, just haven't been.

I have a question for you ladies that have pain in your pelvic bone... when you say pelvic bone do you mean like way down in your groin almost where the vagina is? Don't know how to describe it exactly... Cause I was at work today and that area started hurting so bad when I was walking, I was wondering if it's an extension of the PGP? It already leads down to my buttocks and sometimes down into my thighs, which I know is PGP, so I was wondering if that is a part of it too?

We're going to the first of two hospitals for a tour in an hour. This one is just down the street, like 5 minutes away from our house. I'm pretty excited :)

Oh, I did post it in the fb group but we got some bad news today... DH will be going out to sea a couple of days before my due date and they're supposed to be out for 2-3 weeks. So it's almost guaranteed that he will miss a part if not the whole birthing process. They will give me an emergency email address, from what I can understand, so I can let him know when I go into labor, and they will medivac him off the ship. That's not a huge comfort though as we have no idea where the ship will be, and I also don't know if they'll actually fly him to the hospital or just to base and then he would have to drive back.
I'm still hoping they'll change their plans (which they do all the time, but it's more unlikely the closer it gets) or that something on the ship breaks so they can't go!
And IF he still has to go, that means I need someone to at least drive me to the hospital and even stay with me there. I know MIL would be happy to, and his cousin's wife probably too, and then I have one semi-close friend that I could ask. But I don't WANT any of them there... I thought about the hypnobirthing instructor who is also a doula, but I'm just not sure we can afford it. I'm so torn... :/
maggz, I'm definitely looking into it! :)

When I say that I have pain in my pelvic area, I mean that it's down like in my vagina, but not in my vagina if that makes any sense. Lol. The best way I know how to describe it is that I feel like I'm doing the splits constantly and at some points I feel like baby girl is just going to fall out.

I felt like I am 99 years old tonight! After working 8-5 today I was just absolutely pooped by the time I got DD home from daycare. Then I decided to take an early shower because I knew once I sat down, I was not going to get up. I got in the shower and was in so much pain that I had tears because it hurt so bad to stand! Then when I was trying to dry off and everything I'm not sure if it was BH contractions that I was having or what, but then I laid down and my heart started pounding and I was out of breath! Oh the joys...
Yeah that's what it felt like. Kinda like intense pressure right there in that area... cervix/vagina/pubic bone? Lol... But yeah didn't feel good!

Oh gosh that sounds awful. :hugs:
Yeah. It's a hard thing to explain. Lol.. I never quite feel like I can explain it :p

I'm also sorry to hear about DH. That sucks :( Fingers crossed that something changes!
Hi ladies how is everyone doing?

Maggz I totally get where you are coming from with the pain
moving around but is def mostly in the foo foo area!! Weirdly I have been suffering quite a bit with it but went on a bicycle for the first time since I was about 17 (am 29 this year 😞) and it was a little
painful to begin with but has been fine ever since! No walking like an octogenarian and no pain. Also managed to dtd last night which I have been avoiding for a week or so cos I thought it would be really uncomfortable. That sucks about your OH being at sea around your due date - could you be induced so that he could be around and not miss it?(not the best option I know and I am a full advocate for letting everything go naturally but it would be horrible for him to miss it 😞)

Bean - I am constantly losing my handbag/phone/changing
bag. Am convinced I know where it is and then find it somewhere really random!! I would def blame baby brain!

Mcwhmm - I know where you are coming from with the tiredness. I also work 8-5 three days a week and if DS is in nursery that is 20 miles there and back to pick him up. By the time I get home am exhausted! Thank god I only have 3 weeks left to work. Bollocks to the housework I say - my evenings are spent on the couch and sometime when DS has gone to bed and I have had a bath I don't bother going back downstairs 😁.

We had a fab time at Center Parcs - it is log cabins in the forest. No cars are allowed apart from unloading when you arrive and packing up when you leave. So letting DS run around was great. We hired some bikes as well and as previously mentioned have not been on for years! DH was v.worried about me falling off but it came back to me slowly and but the end of the ride I had it sussed again! There was a massive pool in the middle of the resort with cafes and restaurants as well. The facilities for toddlers are excellent and the log cabin we stayed in was very well equipped. We will def be going back 😊. (Two bedrooms next time though as not enough room for two cots lol!). It was so nice to get away for the weekend as a family without any other distractions. Another few weeks at work and then I am done - it is so scary how quickly it has gone! Roll on April 😍
Thanks, everyone! I do feel fortunate to be able to still be exercising. I wish I had done it last pregnancy. I had no reason not to. I just didn't. But it's really hilarious to see reactions I get when I go now! The further along I get, the more reactions I get from people. Plus, I'm always the only (visibly) pregnant woman at the gym. There was one other girl in my dance class who I thought for sure was pregnant, but then I found out that she just had a baby when she was in the child care picking up a newborn. Several people are super encouraging, but there are also quite a few who just have to make me feel like something is wrong with me for being there. Or a few people act like my water is going to break all over the place there and they try to steer clear of me. It makes me feel really annoyed. I have had to tell many people there who tell me they are surprised I haven't had my baby yet that I still have at least another month to go. But out of the encouragers, there was another lady in my dance class who has 5 kids and said she ran a half marathon during her last pregnancy and said she exercised up until she gave birth. I am not even doing nearly that much.

Beanonorder- I'm glad that you had a good time at the party. That pregnancy brain moment is funny! Glad you "found" your purse, though, and that it wasn't really lost!

I had a pregnancy brain moment also last night. I almost put buttpaste on my son's toothbrush. The only thing that stopped me was not even noticing that I was holding the wrong tube but actually looking at the stuff coming out and thinking, "What's wrong with this toothpaste?" :dohh:

Maggz- I am so sorry to hear about your husband having to go out to sea right around your due date! :hugs: That's a pain. I hope you have plenty of others around to support and help you during that time.

Stripeycat- That sounds like a lovely getaway! I'm glad it was a good time for your family. :)

I have such bad pregnancy brain right now. My thoughts are so scattered! I typed up all of this and then just called my mother. I forgot to actually hit "submit reply." Then I opened my computer after getting off the phone to see it was just sitting there typed. This time, I copied it before I lost the text and pasted it again. lol
Stripeycat- that sounds like an awesome place to visit! I wish we had time to get away for the weekend but we are busy every weekend from now until baby time! Which scares me! Lol

I had a terrible pregnancy brain moment last night! I opened the patio door to let my dog out last night and he wanders around, does his business and comes back in. Well I got my stuff ready for bed and went to bed and didn't think anything because my dog was in my room and I was exhausted (DH works third too so I'm alone with my pregnancy brain:p) anyways, I went to bed and then I woke up about 3am to pee of coarse (like clockwork) and when I went back to bed I heard something repeatedly hitting the wall. I thought at first maybe it was the freezer making ice, but it didn't stop. I got up and checked on DD who was passed out in her bed and then went and looked around to find the source of the noise only to find out that I left the patio door WIDE open and the noise I was hearing was the blinds hitting the wall/door because of the wind!! I couldn't believe it! Then I had to look around the rest of the house to put my mind at ease before I could go back to sleep!!
See, if I did that I would immediately get hysterical and be concerned that a) someone broke in, or b) an animal was in my house
Oh trust me! I was freaking out looking in ridiculous places like cupboards, under the bed and everything! Plus I was blowing up DHs phone who calmed me down a bit and reminded me that if someone was in the house then our dog would have been going crazy. Instead our dog was looking at me like k was crazy lol. I then laid down on the couch and was awake for about an hour and a half before I fell back asleep just in time for my alarm to go off!
Maggz, I'm sorry to hear that your DH will be going out to sea so close to your due date! I hope he won't miss any of your labor and delivery!

Mcwhmm, I would have freaked myself out if that had happened to me! Probably would have called my dad and got him to come check things out lol.

For you ladies with GD, I checked my blood sugar today 2 hours after my lunch and my number was 139. From what I've read it should have been under 120 at that point? My lunch was a small bowl of vegetable soup, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and then I had a small piece of cake. I could have done without the cake for sure, but figured it wouldn't hurt since the rest of my lunch wasn't very carb heavy. Do you think it's reason for concern?
I wouldn't go off just one number, but yes, that is certainly a high reading.

Keep checking. Try a 1hr reading after eating bread or pasta and see how you react. I'm assuming you're in the States? I don't know why it's common to do 1hr readings here and 2hr readings there. You need to keep an eye on your 1hr spike.
I'll try to do a one hour tomorrow. I intended to do one hour today but I was at work and got busy. Thank you, northern! I don't have a glucometer at home but I work 5 out of the next 6 days so I'll try to check it at varying times (I work 12 hour shifts and end up eating all meals there) so I can have an idea of what to tell my OB at my appointment on Wednesday.
It should be under 140 for a 1hr reading! Good luck!

I am going through this phase where I just want to eat everything but I'm getting spontaneous cravings instead of week long cravings. Pickles have been up there for me, and I'm in desperate need of a particular kind of icecream, but all I want tonight is apples. I adjusted my insulin so I could have one and now I want more. I feel like I'm just going to go insane if I don't eat another apple. I think maybe it is fruit deprivation from this dumb GD.

Pregnancy makes you weird.
Wanting they wanted my 2hr to be under 120 but I agree with northern I wouldn't go off one number. I found when I was checking mine for two weeks that my highest numbers would be after meals that didn't pair a good protein with my carbs. My highest was 120 but the majority were around 80-90. I'd check it again a time or two. Don't you just hate 12 hour shifts right now? I'm so over them now, and being on my feet is exhausting!

Bean I'm so glad you found your bag!

Stripey I think your trip sounds wonderful! I'm so glad you had a good time.

For some reason I actually got some sleep last night, about 5.5 hours which is 1-2 more than usually these days and it made such a difference! I felt almost human today at work. Had a few times where I couldn't stand up straight though because LO was playing with my cervix. Ugh that hurts!
Maggz: I'm sorry about your bad news. My husband also might not be around at my due date and I'm really worried about getting to the hospital and being alone there. My mom will be watching my daughter so she won't be able to come.

Mcwhmm: I definitely have days I feel very old. Hope you feel better! Like northern I would also be hysterical if I'd left the door open!

Stripeycat: I'm happy to hear you had a nice time!

Rebecca: it's awesome that you're still exercising! I wish I had kept up with my exercise but I got too lazy. It's funny about your pregnancy brain, I've had many moments like that! I often leave posts unposted as well.
I'm glad you got some sleep Dini!

These days my anxiety levels are high and I have intrusive thoughts during the day and they also come if I happen to wake up at night. I know exactly what triggered my anxiety but can't undo it. It's starting to spill over to my dreams so even if I get a few hours of sleep at a time I wake up feeling upset because of a dream.

Will probably mention it to my ob when I see her in a few days.
I'd look at your 1hr spike Wanting, that number seems high though.

Just try with a normal balanced meal with carbs, protein and veg. GD at the end of the day is when you can't get a normal number when you eat just 'normally'.
I'm glad you got some sleep Dini!

These days my anxiety levels are high and I have intrusive thoughts during the day and they also come if I happen to wake up at night. I know exactly what triggered my anxiety but can't undo it. It's starting to spill over to my dreams so even if I get a few hours of sleep at a time I wake up feeling upset because of a dream.

Will probably mention it to my ob when I see her in a few days.

Get it checked. I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with this. I kind of stopped talking about it but my anxiety this pregnancy has been insane. Intrusive thoughts have basically run this whole thing.
Perplexed sorry about the anxiety. And Northern too! I can imagine how it takes over!
A friend on Facebook posted this very disturbing video. The reason she posted it was to advise people that if you're going to hire a nanny (especially back home) to put cameras up around your house so you know your kids are being treated well. I won't describe the video but basically it was some really bad abuse to a young girl by the nanny. I stupidly watched it and it's still haunting me three days later. And it makes me cry every time I think about it. I just can't get it out of my head...

Currently I'm trying to get dd to go to sleep. Last night took two hours. Tonight I've been at it for an hour already. I thought I had to her sleep sorted out and now it seems to have gone to crap again. Right in time for me to go back to work.

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