**April Bunnies 2015**

Dini- Glad you got sleep last night! You poor thing--it sounds like you never get much sleep.

Perplexed- Sorry to hear about your anxiety. :hugs: I hope that your doctor can help if you bring it up at your next appointment!

Beanonorder- My son (who is a great sleeper) went through a sleep regression at around 2. I hope your daughters starts sleeping well again soon!

Is anyone else having a bunch of new hairs growing in and causing fly-aways? I can't stand it. The only thing that keeps them under control is some hairspray. But I can't stand the smell of hairspray right now.

I've also been nesting like crazy lately! This apartment is going to be extremely clean by the end of next month. It's hard to believe that the last full month of this pregnancy is just a few days away! For me, even when I'm not pregnant, February just always seems to drag on and on despite being the shortest month. I looked at the calendar today and thought, "Finally! February is almost over!" I don't even know why I want February to be gone. I'm still not ready for this baby yet. But I'm kind of excited about entering that last full month.
Anyone else ready for it to be over? I am excited to meet my little man and physically I am just exhausted. This is my 3rd and hopefully my last and my health wasn't great to start off with in regards to my back and so on, so it is taking its toll on me!

I hope everyone else is enjoying their last few weeks!!!
Rebecca you give me a little hope that things will go back to normal! Dd used to be a fantastic sleeper - from four months I could put her down, read a story, kiss her good night and she'd sleep all night! The past six months have been awful. I understand a lot of changes have taken place but I really thought she had settled. And when baby arrives it's just going to add to it all.

Its raining here again. Its a colleague's birthday and a bunch of them are going to indoor batting cages to celebrate. I said I would go for a while. I really don't want to but seeing as I was forced to cancel the last thing I was invited to I feel I have to go this time otherwise I'll never get invited to anything!

Lucky I do kind of want this to be over. I'm dying to hold my little boy! And I want to finish work and have my parents arrive. But I'm also terrified about what having two kids is going to be like. Especially if this one isn't as easy a baby as dd was.
I'm ready now. So ready. I'm at the point where anything that involves engaging my abs to move hurts because they're just squeezing so tight around the baby.
I'm not ready but ready- I just don't want to be in pain anymore. I'd be fine if my hip and lower back didn't feel like they were on fire every time I moved. And I am waddling bad now bc it's only my left hip! My right is fine.
Perplexed and northern, I wouldn't wish bad anxiety on anyone, especially when pregnant! Is it mostly the hormones?

Rebecca I feel the same about February and it's a busy month for us because we both have birthdays and so do several others in our family and friends group but it does seem to drag forever!

Well I'm also not ready but ready. I would kinda like to have my body back or at least get rid of this awful carpal tunnel, and I'm ready to hold this little fella and know he's okay but I'm also not even remotely ready with all the tasks at hand needing finished and emotionally I think I'm just a little scared of how I'm going to do and how DH and I will do together and how exhausted I will be. I think the excitement out weighs most of that though.

We got the crib and changing table put together today and I way over did it, my wrists hurt ao bad I know they will keep me up all night. My back is really achy but and I'm sure I'll be stiff tomorrow but I'm so glad they are done! I'll post a pic in the fb group.
My family doctor said the anxiety thing is due to hormonal surges. When I was 11 weeks I was convinced I MUST have done something to get arrested. Sounds crazy (and it is), and it was completely uncalled for but I was reading so much crap in the news about people getting arrested for things that somehow in my anxiety filled, hormone raging brain I figured there was no way I hadn't done anything. I haven't even gotten a speeding ticket and I certainly don't commit crimes or partake in criminal activity! I had to stop watching the news and delete Twitter off my phone so I wasn't constantly bombarded with terrible news. It only lasted about a week and then it was like it never happened for the most part.

I like went to bed after watching Grey's Anatomy and I was fine, then woke up the next morning obsessed with thinking that. It was bad. Thankfully I got over it but sometimes it sneaks back in and I have to have a chat with myself and be like "you're an idiot. That isn't even real. Stop it".

Like I said before, pregnancy makes you weird. Or it makes me weird.
I've been having odd dreams recently. Not even all about the baby. In fact the last two I wasn't even pregnant. I kept dreaming I was falling into nothingness. Like I was walking up stairs, the stairs broke, the floor of the house caved and I just fell. Then there was nothing around. I was in the dark. Alone. No noise. Nothing. It freaked me out!!
I must say one thing I want to do is to start working on getting my body back into shape! I'm determined this time to be much more proactive about the whole thing. It took me ten months last time to get back to my previous pregnancy weight but my waist line was still a few centimetres bigger and my stomach had a very unwanted roll. Plus I'd been trying to lose weight before I fell pregnant. I know I need to be realistic, especially to make sure exercise doesn't mess with my supply. My biggest hurdle is going to be my sweet tooth!

Turns out I'm not able to join my colleagues after all. The cages don't open til 3 and it's an hour travelling to get there. So I can't get there and back before my nanny leaves. If they'd discovered this yesterday I could have asked her to stay late. Oh well.
I'm ready to meet my son. But, also not sure if I'm ready to be done being pregnant. Physically, it isn't completely easy- I have A LOT of pelvic pain from his head being engaged, and my legs and feet as so swollen they don't even look human anymore. Mentally though, I love feeling him move and grow, and I'm not sure if I'll ever have another so trying to enjoy this last experience. But I still want to meet him so, so badly!
I think I've only just started to 'feel' pregnant! Maybe when I finish work I'll want it over, right now it feels like years away until I meet her.

I expect I'm in some sort of denial.
I hate colds they suck 😞 all three of us have one now and DS has just been sick everywhere after coughing so much. You would have thought some brainy person out there somewhere would have been able to discover the cure by now lol 😜. Would save the NHS a huge amount of money! I swear working in a place where people come in and cough all over you all day is not good for your health grrrr rant over.

How is everyone feeling today? My pelvic pain has completely gone since I rode that bicycle last weekend which is really weird! However every few sneezes I have started ahem leaking a little bit which is not good so think I need to step up with the pelvic floors. I remember last time they told me I was in the highest category for urinary incontinence as had had epidural, episiotomy and forceps bloody fantastic eh!x
I'm not ready for the pregnancy to be over with yet. I was having a few issues yesterday with some extra discharge, cramping, and a harder than usual belly. I felt like my body was telling me to take it easy and rest. So, that's what I chose to do. I had a lot I wanted to accomplish, but I was afraid of pushing myself too hard and stressing my body out.
I also went to the gym today and went much lighter on my workout than I usually do because I feel like my body just needs a little bit of a break. So far, I feel tons better than yesterday. I even gave myself a "spa" treatment here at home. My husband knows I need my son to clean up, and he told him that his room needed to get cleaned up today and that I am not allowed to do any of it. He told him it needs to be clean before he gets home. So, my son has been very focused on cleaning his room. While he was in there working away, I took a shower, gave myself a face mask, covered myself in lotion and relaxed. I felt SO GOOD! Plus, it's nice to know that he was cleaning up and I didn't have to do it.
But anyway, I need my body to chill out and not do any more weird crampy stuff. I'd even prefer it if the discharge would be less. But I do remember from last time that the last month is crazy and there's just so much going on "down there." I also remember being at the end of my pregnancy with my son and being so ready for him to come out. And I loved meeting him and holding him, but there were plenty of nights when I wished I could just put him back in because I'd have an easier time sleeping. lol
So, I'm fine with her staying in there until closer to my due date. I truly want her to wait until week 38 at the minimum. I'd love to meet her but not early.
Baby engaged this early? 34w+2d and today she feels almost painful pressure in her pelvis. She said from her waist down she just hurts, and her belly feels heavier and some more back pain then normal. Is it normal for the baby to be engaged this early? I mean I have a feeling he'll be here sooner rather than later, but it still seems too early for him to be engaged already. What do ya'll think?
Is it her first baby?

I thought most first babies often engage really early. I know from 30 weeks+ is common x
Sorry for those that have the cold/flu, I just got over mine. It stuck around for 2 whole weeks Uggghh...yuck lol.

Amelia, we're on the last stretch :) hope your weeks go fast for you :)

Rebecca! Yes you definitely sound like you need to rest a little more :hugs: I definitely have to rest. Ire with this pregnancy, this baby feels much heavier than my dd, if I stand up too long, my bump and back hurt and I get a lot of oressure and numbness in my lower bump.

Eidson, I hope your wife can hold out a few more weeks.
I think my sister she was engaged early, but then her stubborn baby popped back out again at 40 weeks and her bump was sky rocket high again lol. Little stubborn babies can be ;)
Dini: I'm sorry that your wrists and back hurt after you've put together the crib and changing table. I hope you feel better. It's a relief to cross tasks off your to do list, though.

I'm sorry you've suffered anxiety and intrusive thoughts as well Northern. Did your dr suggest anything that helped?

In my case it was triggered by accidentally seeing a picture of something violent that I won't talk about. It happened one night where I was awake with dd. Its shocked me so much I can't even put dd in the same clothes she was wearing that night. It turned into having anxiety and intrusive thoughts about something bad happening to dd.

Then mil and sil told me they read something about an accident that happened in a household that resulted in a child's death relating to having access to a power source. This is not new information and we are careful but I keep having intrusive thoughts resulting in panic attacks. The cause is probably hormonal. I'm very prone to anxiety anyway. The first time I've suffered intrusive thoughts relating to a child getting hurt was when I was 14 years old and my youngest brother was a baby, the issue subsided as he grew up. I had a lot of intrusive thoughts when dd was an infant but they stopped after a while.

Christina: those types of dreams are terrible and I hope you never have them anymore.

Bean: I have a sweet tooth also so I understand. I'm sorry you wont able to join your colleagues.

Counting: I understand how you feel. I spent the later stages of my pregnancy with dd wishing time away and then I missed it. But I expected that a little. I'm excited about having a new baby but worried about the challenges of having two little ones close in age.
Amelie: I'm sure it'll feel more real soon!

Stripeycat: I'm sorry about your colds, they're awful! I'm glad to hear that your pelvic pain is gone. I also leak a little when I sneeze, cough or even struggle to lift dd lol, been wearing liners more often now.

Rebecca: I'm glad you took it easy and got to relax. Listening to your body is the best thing you could do.

Eidson: my first baby didn't engage till 40+ weeks. This time baby has engaged starting 27 weeks but I dunno if he's stayed engaged. I have the feeling he's give further down as my pubic bone hurts these days. My pelvic joint pains have only affected the outter parts of the joint and would go down to my hips. Now it's at the pubic bone area and I feel my inner thighs hurt so it could be a variation of pelvic girdle pains. Definitely mention it at next appointment though.

Sharnw: I'm sorry you've had a cold for 2 weeks but glad you're feelin better.

I'm definitely having more cramps than I used to. Sometimes it feels like the period cramps that occur right before the period. But I'm probably not drinking enough water. I'm having this weird tooth pain/pressure similar to what is caused by sinus issues and a headache on the same side. It's weird as my nose doesn't feel that congested.

I'm torn between wanting to have the baby before dh goes on his course and wanting/expecting to stay pregnant to almost 41 weeks and have him at the same gestation I had my dd. I hope dh's course gets cancelled!!
Eidson mine has been engaged for the past two appointments, although at varying stages.
Perplexed, my doctor didn't recommend anything but making sure I'm getting enough sleep and seeing a psychologist. I went once since this pregnancy and couldn't stand the guy. I think anxiety is something you can't truly understand until you have it happen to you. When you can't control your thoughts, even though you know it's not a big deal, it is scary. I find it totally terrifying to be out of control of my own brain.

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