Hi ladies.
I've been catching up with all of you and I'm still not finished but just thought I'd pop in and say hi. Everything is OK here. I have been reading the thread every day and now I have the weirdest craving because of it: I want carrots dipped in peanut butter! Your talk about the raw carrots and the peanut butter toasts messed up my head.
I saw and heard the baby's HB on 14/8 and have my 12 week scan booked on 16/9. It's a very important scan where they test for all types of stuff. Before I have to do blood, urine and CM tests to take with me to the scan. They will then do a thorough scan and give me the test results with all kinds of odds of having certain problems like DS etc. I have my OB appt on 22/9 to discuss everything with him so it's scary but exciting. I just want to see my baby and its HB again. Will anyone else have this type of scan at 12 weeks?
I still have MS but not all the time. It's always reassuring when I have it though
How is everyone doing today?
to all you baby momma's