*Edit Found the post!! YES!!
Anyone dealing with pitting edema? My legs, ankles and feet are ridiculous. I'm pretty paranoid because that is how things went at the end last time, right before my blood pressure shot up. My BP is still fine right now, just worried.
Yes counting, I have been for about 2-3 weeks now and I even wake up it it now. My BP has also been good and my hands are very swollen now as well, even people at work are noticing. I'm also a bit worried that I may end up with some BP issues but so far so good and I'm trying to stay optimistic. Saw the midwife today and she said some women just retain the fluid and i should try to lay down on one of my sides every day other than at night for a few hours...like I have the time!
Sorry I've been MIA, thanks to the swelling I was talking about my carpal tunnel is severe now, fingers numb all the time, losing strength and dexterity daily now, yesterday at work I was almost in tears by the end of the day and in so much pain

I even had to have a co-worker open my water cup for me because I couldn't do it. It was awful. It was also a real eye opener for me because if it gets any worse, or even if it just stays the same I may have to take off work much earlier than 39 weeks. Being a nurse requires a lot of fine motor movement and I really struggle with that. My midwife said today that we would just take it a day at a time and to see if I can hold out till my next appt in 2 weeks and we will reassess, and if I need to she will put me on disability but I need to go till at least 37 weeks or I won't even get 9 weeks with him after he comes because here in the US you get family leave of only 12 weeks a year period. Ugh!!
I'm sorry for those of you with colds..boo! That is no fun at all!! I was sick several times this pregnancy and am praying I don't get sick again.
Had my shower Saturday and it was wonderful! I just can't say how great it was. I was so surprised at the turn out and my MIL did such a great job. I'll post some pics on the FB page later. We actually did get the pack n play, which as you all know I was dying to get. My work friends from night shift (I left nights about 2 years ago) went in together and bought it. So most of the big stuff is bought, I really wanted a rocker for the nursery but I don't know that we will be able to afford it especially if I have to take off work early. I got 3 boppys and a boppy lounger lol. I think I'm going to keep them all though...I haven't decided. I want to give one to my MIL since she will be keeping him when I work and was thinking of keeping one in the car so if we go visit friends of family I won't need to pack it. What do you ladies think?
Currently I'm washing his bedding. Do you all have a lot of things washed? I was really hesitant to do it because for some reason it makes me anxious about all being well, like if I do it something will happen. But at my appt today she said all looks good, and he appears to be head down, although a little diagonal, but still head down.
Sorry for the ramble!!