**April Bunnies 2015**

Houses here are ridiculous. Even if we had bought a house when I was 18, there is no way it would be paid off in less than 20-25 years unless we won the lottery. Lucky you guys! It costs over 1/4mil for a piece of crap that probably needs to be demolished and rebuilt before you can live sensibly in it. This is why we are stuck in limbo-land with our living situation.

I feel terrible for those of you who get only 12 weeks. We get a year and 15 sick weeks before baby is born if it is necessary. I will have been off for 9 weeks due to the SPD, tachycardia and gestational diabetes by the time baby is born. Longer than that actually since I went off Dec 22 but I used up all my annual leave and sick leave first.

We are splitting our parental leave so OH will take over in Sept when I to back to school, as long as I can get my seat back!
Stripeycat: I hope you get your waterbirth! Sadly a waterbirth isn't an option around here...there are facilities but they are more than a 3 hr drive away lol. Personally my only birth preference this time is refusing pethidine, it made me too sleepy to enjoy the birth. I did get epidural but I was almost fully dilated by then.I just really wish I had more awareness of my surroundings...I was getting knocked out between contractions it was crazy! I'm sorry about your dog situation :hugs:

Northern: What are you doing in school? I would love to go back to school in September also, I was planning to go back last September if I weren't already pregnant but since we were expecting our second I decided to postpone it for another year.
Well I am wide awake. Had to use the bathroom at 2 and by 2:30 I kept tossing and turning. I played a game on my phone and took a shower for my back pain which only helped in the shower like usual. Now it's 4am and I am unsure if I can sleep. I will try again but I'm just so uncomfortable. =[
This is also the first night I did not take the Tylenol w/ codeine the ob prescribed on Wednesday bc my headache wasn't that bad.

Good news is my BP seems to be remaining normal at least when it's checked. I haven't had that spike again. Though who knows what it is in between =]. I still have swelling in my legs and ankles and slight swelling in my hands. I'm not sure about my face. My sugar levels went from being insanely high to almost crashing now after my meals. Like this week I had oatmeal wed, thurs and fri. I sky rocketed to almost 190 Wednesday, was 112 on Thursday ans yesterday I dropped into the low 70's. But for a salad for dinner last night I was at 119. The night before I was at 70. If I stand for more than 5-10 min at a time I get the massive headache and slightly dizzy. So I've been trying to sit it lay as much as possible.

Which is hard with my sudden urge to clean the entire house and make sure everything is organized lol

I guess I'll attempt to sleep now. Hopefully I can get a few hours in.
Christina: so sorry about your bad night but I'm glad your bp has been good.

My itching is under control finally. I didn't want to take the steroid lotion till I saw a dermatologist and I did. This morning a part of my leg was extremely swollen and tender. I asked my dr about it and she said to go to the er to rule out clots. Thankfully no clots and no blood pressure issues. And I totally went to the er in my house slippers lol.
Stripeycat: I hope you get your waterbirth! Sadly a waterbirth isn't an option around here...there are facilities but they are more than a 3 hr drive away lol. Personally my only birth preference this time is refusing pethidine, it made me too sleepy to enjoy the birth. I did get epidural but I was almost fully dilated by then.I just really wish I had more awareness of my surroundings...I was getting knocked out between contractions it was crazy! I'm sorry about your dog situation :hugs:

Northern: What are you doing in school? I would love to go back to school in September also, I was planning to go back last September if I weren't already pregnant but since we were expecting our second I decided to postpone it for another year.

Nursing. I was accepted for this Sept and the day I got my finances straightened out to go I got my bfp.
Christina I seem to be taking over from you in the can't sleep department. Its almost 4am and I just can't seem to go back to sleep! Dd didn't go to sleep til 11pm so tomorrow is going to be an interesting day...

Dh came round this evening. We had quite a long talk about our situation. He is basically feeling the same way as me - he wants to come back but he doesn't want things to just go back to the way they were. I told him I refused to be resented and that I wasn't going to put up with things I didn't want happening just to make him happy or avoid an argument. I also told him that if he did come back it was for real and not for things to be like they were just before he left. I said if I wanted to have a roommate I'd go find one somewhere else. And lastly I brought up the fact that I've been really resentful of him because he made all these promises and hasn't lived up to them and I've been left doing everything. Well that's the basics of it all! We've also discussed counselling or going through the book the counsellor recommended. So I'm still uncertain but we'll see.
Happy 33 weeks!

I'm personally counting down to 41 weeks as that's the gestation I had my daughter at- induced too and not a natural onset of labor (though it would have been a maximum of a day or two more if I hadn't been induced IMO).
Perplexed- I'm glad that your swelling wasn't a problem--too funny going in your slippers! :) Also glad to hear that your itching is better now.

Bean- That is great that you and your husband were able to talk and that he seems to want to come back. Did he seem receptive to your terms? I do hope you two can work things out!

Christina- Happy 33 weeks!

I spent most of yesterday morning sick. My husband was great, though, and took care of me. I was feeling completely better by the afternoon. As soon as I felt well, I got right back to my nesting. I had wanted to in the morning and I was frustrated that I was sick. My husband cleaned the apartment and vacuumed, which helped me feel a ton better because I felt something was getting done even if I couldn't do it. But I got all of baby Holly's clothes sorted and organized last night. It was eating away at me that I don't have a dresser yet, and her clothes were just sitting in 2 large bins. My plan to organize her clothes while we wait for the dresser was to get 2.5 gallon zip lock bags and organize her clothes by bag. I put just the things that she will need to wear for the first few months in there. Then, I sorted and organized the other clothes and put them away in 1 bin. I'm glad I have things where they will be easy to access now. I can't wait for my dresser, though.
I can't believe the due date is so close! I've been very crampy lately and having lots of BH. I also think I had real contractions about 2 nights ago. I have my doctor appointment tomorrow, and I plan on finding out as much as possible then. I also went from having lost some weight to just gaining 2 lbs. And I think that's funny because this was after I spent the morning being sick, hardly eating (no appetite), and running to the bathroom a lot. I was sure more weight would be off. But I ended up gaining 2 lbs that seem to be sticking around since yesterday. It could possibly be water retention, but I hope some of that is baby!
Maybe she had a growth spurt!!

It is FINALLY a nice day here. Still cold but the sun is shining for the first time in months. It impacts my mood so much.

I've turned into the hysterical pregnant lady that cries over everything. Literally. It's bad. OH is home today so our labour inducing attempts are in full force as of today!
I'm hoping she had a growth spurt! :)

Good luck on your labor inducing efforts today!
Rebecca: I completely understand having things that need to be done eating away at you. I still have a few more things to do...hopefully they'll be done sooner rather than later.

Northern: Wow! You are at 37+ weeks, good luck with your labor inducing attempts! I can't believe how close one of our very own April bunnies is.

I've been working on a scrapbook with my daughter's pictures starting from her ultrasound pictures till today. But well, I've only just covered the first 6-7 months of her life and it took a while. I want to it to be up to date by the time the baby comes and I'm starting his own scrapbook, too, or just maybe adding more pages to this current one. I'm enjoying this a lot! It's keeping me occupied and keeping my anxiety at bay. I really wish I had a hobby like this during my first pregnancy, I would have remembered it more fondly, I think!
Bean I happy he has finally opened up a bit I really hope things get easier for you and he hopefully understands what an ass he is leaving you and his kids. Xxx

Rebecca glad your better and you sound nice and organised

Good luck with labour inducing Northern!!! Hope things happen soon x

Perplexed I to had a book for my son and I just updated it all a few weeks ago as have done one for both kids with their first year milestones. I just need to add photos to it.

My back is still painful and not looking to get better. My bump feels so heavy I am wondering if baby has dropped down now as his movements feel further away and I feel the strain when I walk with his weight! 5 weeks to go until induction day! I started my rlt past few days and drinking 3 cups a day just now. Tomorrow I will begin epo capsules x
Anyone getting contractions yet? Not the Braxton hicks but real ones? My wife has been getting them since two nights ago, on and off. Last night we were up since 3am she had probably 10 contractions consistently 6 minutes apart. They've gotten less frequent now.
No real contractions here. Just pretty painful BH.

Perplexed I also have a baby book for dd and am scrapbooking an album of her. I actually sat down to scrapbook for the first time in probably a year this past weekend. I shipped all my materials over from South Africa so I have so much stuff now! I still need to sort it more because I spent more time looking for stuff than actually scrapbooking!!

I had another rough night of sleep. Dd seems to have picked up my snotty nose and struggled the whole night with her breathing. I'm all ready for work and of course she's fast asleep! Good thing my kids are writing a test today.
Too bad about the insomnia ladies... that would really bother me, I need a lot of sleep. Just ask my DH :haha:

Bean I'm glad you had a conversation with your DH. Did he seem open to what you were saying? Hopefully you guys can start fresh :) (or you know, as fresh as you can start with 2 children hahaha)

northern I understand the house limbo. If we were in Iceland, no way that we could afford an apartment, let alone a house. Good for you to go to school! Are you gonna pump and leave milk for your OH to feed her? I really hope I'll have an option of some online classes next fall, otherwise I don't know how I'll manage.
Oh and good luck on labor inducing efforts :sex: :thumbup: ;)

Rebecca sounds like yesterday was the official sick day, I was miserable with a fever all day. I knew as soon as I stepped (rolled) out of bed but MIL came down to help paint the nursery so I was trying to help for a while there, around noon I finally gave up and told them I needed to lay down.
Sounds like you got lots done!

perplexed I'd love to do scrapbooking but I'm notorious for starting projects like that and never finishing them... ask me how my scrapbook from my exchange student year (10 years ago) is going!

Today MIL went with me to babies r us to exchange a couple of things and use the completion discount from the registry. I got the bedding for the crib, some extra sheets for the pack n play, towels, hangers, and a sleep sheep. Used the gift cards from our shower so I only paid a little bit of a difference.
We now have the dresser set up in our room, the crib is outside our room but needs to be moved in here. I might not give him the dresser back haha I like it in here :) Oh, we also got some knobs at lowes that we are waiting for to be shipped to us, they special order the cute ones at the store. They have anchors on them, and the bedding we (I) chose has anchors too. As of now though, nothing is going into the nursery! Haha, it will be totally empty for a while.

This child sure does move a lot! Anyone surprised how often you feel them move??

My PGP is getting worse, but I guess there's nothing to do but deal. I turn on the seat heater in the car whenever I'm driving, it's quite comfy :haha:
I'm just so ready to see and hold this little man!
Okay. Baby has decided that it would be fun to shove (one or both) feet up under my ribs and kick really hard. I know it has to be feet bc my dr checked position when I went there last and baby is head down. Though what else is annoying is when the baby moves a lot I am now getting a pain on my left side. Not exactly by ovary area but maybe a bit above. It is like a quick cramp feeling. I'm wondering if I am getting punched? I go to the dr. again tomorrow so I hope to remember to bring it up. It really hurts when it happens but goes away within seconds. :shrug:
Scottish: happy 35 weeks! I'm sorry about your back pain. Baby dropping is a good sign although very uncomfortable. I'm also on 3 cups of RLT right now but some days i manage a 4th one. Have you tried them with your previous pregnancies?

Edison: no contractions here...mine turn out to be bh. Have you guys contacted her ob/midwife?

Bean: scrapbooking stuff are so pretty so I completely understand lol! I'm sorry about your dd not sleeping. My dd's been waking up at 4.30 for the past few days and wants to be in our bed. Normally id stay awake till she falls asleep but this time I just let her sleep with us.

Maggz: I started a scrapbook the year I graduated university...did one page and never touched it again lol! Awww the anchor theme is so cute! It's ok for the nursery stuff to be in your room for now. My daughter was in our room from the beginning and she still is...but she definitely needs to be in her own room soon. As for the movement, sometimes I wonder what's going on as I get busy and don't feel anything for a while then all of a sudden I feel like he's beating me up!!

Christina: both my babies did that and it was worse with my daughter. It really hurts! I think I'm carrying lower this time so my ribs aren't getting beaten up as much. Does that quick cramp feel like your muscles getting tense then releasing? I get that and assume it's round ligament pain but I've never asked.

Putting together my dd's scrapbook and going through her baby pictures is getting me more excited about our new ds. :cloud9: <3

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