**April Bunnies 2015**

Rebecca: looks like things might be starting for real for you soon! While the labor did stop it probably did cause dilation and effacement!

Amelie: I hope your growth scan goes well and you can labor in the midwife led unit. :hugs:

Bean: happy 38 weeks! Sorry your appointment was so quick. Hopefully the next one will be better.

Dini: from your description I think the pain when you get up is probably ligament. But I don't have a good track record of figuring these things out. You are probably having bhs without realizing.

Today I am at 37 weeks. I've realized that when I have period cramps my entire bump hardens even if I only feel pain in my lower abdomen. I guess it surprised me as I was expecting it was only a lower abdominal thing. Bump these days is more hard than not, it doesn't hurt it just feels weird.

I found a tiny lump in my left breast last night. Smaller than my finger nail and kinda hard to find. I wonder if it's a plugged milk duct. I had a large fibrodenoma that was more egg sized removed when i was 19...but that was huge and easy to find.
Amelie I hope you get the labour you want this time. Like you say if you labour in the Mlw at least there are consultants near by if you need them.

Rebecca - I don't think it will long for you at this rate!

Bean - I'm sorry your appointment was disappointing. Appointments in the uk are v.similar literally blood pressure, urine, checking the bump and the heartbeat and that is pretty much it!

Dini - I have started feeling a few cramps and if I roll over too quickly damn it hurts!!

It is DHs birthday today so want to something special for him but he won't be home til much later and will have probably already eaten . Thinking about making some millionaires shortbread as he loves it.

My father has decided that emailing me to pick up his meds, some money and some pigs kidneys (vomits ugh) is acceptable with a day's notice so have got that to deal with too. He only lives 20 mins away but his house is a tip DS can't do anything there as there are knives, screwdrivers, medication everywhere. A bit ol dirty cat litter tray in the kitchen (which I refuse to clean his cat/ his mess). Father sits on his arse all day watching telly or on his laptop. He broke his hip last year and hasn't driven since but just doesn't try and help himself at all and it drives me bonkers 😡. Anyhoodle rant over I need to rest but as soon as I started on maternity leave it seems like a free for all for me to take DS to see relatives, run errands for people etc. Think I need to learn to say no! X
Beanonorder- I'm so excited for you that your parents are coming in! It will be great for you to have the help. :) Happy 38 weeks also! I'm sorry your appointment was so short and not much help.

Amelie- I am glad to hear that you will have a chance to have the kind of birth you want. Hopefully, you will have a much better experience this time.

I had my appointment today. Not too much went on at it. The doctor believes this baby will come within the next 2 weeks. She is descending. Her head is also engaged. Things seem to be moving toward labor. I'm just doing everything in my power right now to stay calm and not be anxious about it. Sometimes, I really want things to hurry up and get going because the "any day" thing makes you wonder every single day if this is it. I have had a lot of contractions all day. But nothing coming at specific times. I told my mom that this makes no sense, but I have a feeling that she will come either this coming Sunday or next Saturday. My original thought of March 27th is fading because, as I get closer to it, I just don't think my body is going to get things going that fast. I think I still have at least another 4 days to go before any real labor happens.
My appointment went well yesterday. Baby has had a good growth spurt all over and isn't on such a low centile now - she was estimated 5lb 15oz yesterday, which I think is a smidge more than she is but if it is her weight then Dd2 was 6lb exactly at 36 weeks and she was 7lb 7oz 4 weeks later at birth.

The placenta is healthy and flow through the cord is really good. Totally normal fluid.

The consultant was happy given the extent and early intervention with my GD to proceed as though I don't have it in this pregnancy so I can go to +12 if I stay well and have the baby in the birth centre and use the pool if I want. I am so so so happy :flower:
Rebecca: With labor, especially a second one, you just don't know! It's not impossible for it to be really fast! :)

stripeycat: I know what you mean...I have a hard time saying no too even when I can't. I hope you can put your foot down because you'll certainly need your rest while you can have it!

Amelie: So glad to hear about your appointment! I hope you'll have the labor you want in the midwife led unit. A water birth sounds really lovely :flower:

Last night I've come to the conclusion that I am in no hurry to have baby. I used to want him to arrive this week once I've reached 37 weeks, but now I just don't know anymore. I've had a few nights of good sleep and will miss that when there's a newborn. I'm still tired and heavy but I think because I had a good day yesterday I feel like I can carry on for a few more weeks without complaint.

I want to go for a massage and get my hair and nails done. Also I've had this weird craving to have my teeth cleaned. I used to be so precise with my teeth cleaning and went to the dentist to get them done twice a year on the dot...but the last time I went was when I was around 39 or 40 weeks pregnant with my daughter. Maybe sometime next week.
It's March 26th! I am officially exactly a month away from my EDD of 4/26. Though I don't think I am going to make it to my due date. I've had multiple people between yesterday and today tell me they don't think I'll make it to 39 weeks (and some even think I am going to go at 37).

My professor asked me what I thought and all I said today was baby needs to hold out until 10am on April 10th. When she asked why I said "because I'm doing my presentation at 9am... it's 20 minutes... this gives me time to do the presentation, answer the questions and then get to the hospital if I'm in labor" :haha::haha:
Because my water broke before I had any labor signs at all, I wanted to ask you ladies! Since last night she's had excruciating lower back pain (more than the normal back pain she's had) and period cramps all night and through today. Is this considered that "prelabor" stage? She's had contractions on and off since like 35 weeks, but this is different and I don't know what to make of it. I was never this miserable in my pregnancy.

Also her blood pressure was 140/94 twice in the past week, but her EMTs are telling her that's normal for being pregnant and not considered high. I consider that high, any input would be great!
Eidson- I think it could be a prelabor stage. My water also broke last time without a real labor first. But this time, I'm having the same thing as what you are describing. My back pain has increased a lot this week. I feel like I have a constant lower back pain--especially when I am sitting down. I have also had a few days with period cramps. I had them bad on Monday. I personally feel like my body is starting a very slow labor right now until it gets to a point where it feels like picking up into real labor. If hers is more consistent and she's not getting any relief, I think she very well could be headed into real labor.
I don't know enough about BP to weigh in on it too much. Mine is usually pretty normal. Is she swelling a lot?

Perplexed- I hope you do get your nail and massage appointment! I made a hair appointment for tomorrow. I was on the fence about making one with having labor signs, but I decided to go ahead and do it. If I go into labor, I'll just cancel. But it feels good to be a little bit pampered at the end! :)
I hope you're right about fast labor. :) That would be nice and make all of this on and off stuff feel worth it later.

Amelie- Excellent news! You worked so hard and it feels like you definitely deserve to be treated like you didn't have GD. Good job! Glad baby is measuring great too.

I went from feeling like I spent a long time riding a bike on Monday-Wednesday to feeling like someone straight up punched me in the crotch today. It hurts. I looked it up and have found mixed opinions on it. Some people say it's the pelvic area widening and ligaments loosening up for the baby. And others say it doesn't mean anything because they had this and still 2 weeks later had to be induced. It's hard to imagine walking around feeling this way for another 2 weeks. Although, I don't have to worry about any kind of induction unless I make it past 41 weeks.
Eidson it sounds like prelabor to me but what do I know lol. Now the Bp, I'd say it's a bit high but it does seem like they don't worry so much when you are pregnant if it gets there towards the end. When is her next appt?

Rebecca I really have a feeling you will go soon and not go till 41 weeks!

Amelie I'm glad your scan went well and it sounds like you are doing great!

Bean, I know what you mean about ahort appts. But with an Ultrasound you would think it'd be longer.

Had my own appt today, got my strep b swab but no cervical check :-(. Good news is baby is now head down and vertex instead of oblique so if he stays there that increases my chances of a natural birth. Praying he stays put! I definitely have the pressure and discomfort to go along with his position!

Tomorrow is my last day at work! So excited! A little nervous because my disability papers haven't come in so I couldn't get them signed today. Hopefully they will be in by Monday because my next appt is Tuesday.
Amelie so glad you are getting what you want. I always wanted a water birth, the idea just sounds so amazing!

Perplexed enjoy your pampering! I would so love a massage...

Eidson is does sound like things are moving along for your wife. My labour started with period like cramps that then started spreading over my whole belly. The blood pressure is definitely high. The doctor said to me you should expect your blood pressure to be lower than it normally is because your blood volume has increased by so much.

Dini I'm so glad you're going to finish work soon! I know you definitely need this time off! Because you're getting disability this means it doesn't affect your other leave right?

My parents are here now and it is just awesome! Granny has already been put in the number one spot and I'm constantly being told to 'away' and granny must bath, change nappy, etc... Its lovely!!
Appointment is tomorrow and she'll have her cervix checked...so I'll update! We just got back from a walk with one of the dogs.
Had an appointment today...they did the Strep B test and she said I was 70% effaced and about 1 1/2 cm dilated. Ultrasound next Tuesday!
I find it so odd being in the UK all these cervical checks, they just don't do that here.

Do people have babies earlier in the US than in the UK? Most people here seem to reach their due date - unless induction is involved is just assume most first time mums will have their baby later than the due date as that is what seems to happen most of the time. It could just be my perception though.
I think personally it wasn't done in my first pregnancy till 39 or closer to 40 weeks. I was induced at 41 weeks due to low fluid though so maybe that's why I was checked before 40 weeks. My current dr won't check till after 39 weeks...but I'm personally planning to reject as it won't really tell me anything useful I think. If they decide that a 41 week induction is the way to go again then I don't mind having stretches & sweeps after 40 weeks.

I had an ultrasound at 35 wks and the dr said cervix looked closed, fluid is fine but on the low range of normal and some calcification could be seen. A bit over a week later when I went to check on the lump I felt I was offered another ultrasound and of course I accepted LOL (not my regular dr...the walk in clinic). The dr said cervix starting to open hehe but also added that it doesn't really mean anything (don't I know it?!).

My aunts just left on vacation today. My inlaws are leaving tomorrow. I told my aunts that I'm keeping baby baking till they come back lol. I also told my mom that I'm taking her out for breakfast sometime next week. We joked that baby will say he wants to join in on the breakfast outing and come next week haha.
I find it so odd being in the UK all these cervical checks, they just don't do that here.

Do people have babies earlier in the US than in the UK? Most people here seem to reach their due date - unless induction is involved is just assume most first time mums will have their baby later than the due date as that is what seems to happen most of the time. It could just be my perception though.

I think it is just a much more common practice here. Although, my current midwives are not into doing cervical checks...at least not like my doctor was last time. I know that last time they checked to see if I was making any progress toward labor. I think it was some way to help them predict if there would be an induction necessary.
But I have known quite a few people who have delivered before the due date. My cousin had her first at 37 weeks, a good friend of mine had hers at 36 weeks, my cousin's gf had hers at 36 weeks last month, another cousin of mine had all of hers at 37 weeks. I had my son at 39 weeks, but my personal situation is a bit different I think because my dates are all over the place in both pregnancies. Of course, I also have a good friend who just had her baby at a little over 41 weeks in addition to a few others I know who went to or past their due dates. I'm not sure what the average would be. From people I know, it would seem most babies arrive between 37-41 weeks.
I've been crap at keeping up with this thread - sorry!

Amelie I agree, compared to home, I feel like more women have their babies earlier here. I don't know what to attribute that to exactly, I think it's a combination of factors both cultural and medical.

I do however understand women now that are like "GET OUT AT 38 WEEKS" lol although I wouldn't go as far as to ask for an induction or anything, but I sure would be glad if I didn't go over 40 weeks. My sister has been saying he'll be here on the 11th of April, and even though I totally disagree I would love it if she was right ;)

Stripey sorry your dad is putting such pressure on you. You're totally right you should start making it clear that you can't be at his beck and call like that :/

luckymama that's exciting!

I had a cervical check yesterday too and she said it's still pretty high. I also have no practice labor going on so it seems like he's completely content in there, little booger :haha:
I had my doctor read over our birth plan, which only made me want the other doc that I like more to be on duty when I go into labor, because she's been at a hypnobirth before. This one just doesn't seem to get it. She was all "what do you mean breathe baby down? How are you going to get the baby out??" I just felt like she didn't have any trust in that what I'm planning on doing will work. I mean, if it won't, it won't. But don't make me feel stupid for wanting to try something else than what you believe is right, lady! Oh well. I'll just have to educate her :haha:

DH is gone for the weekend for work, and I have absolutely NOTHING to do. I see a lot of housework, Netflix, and procrastinating homework in my future :rofl:
Appointment went well today! She is 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She said it could be as early as tonight or as late as 41 weeks lol. He's putting a ton of pressure on her pelvis so we'll see. If she's still pregnant next week she said she would do a cervical sweep. Was hoping she'd do it this time but she said she couldn't at 1 cm. baby boy is great though! Good size and moving like crazy. Heart rate was 163 because he was moving all crazy lol.
For anyone not on the FB group, yesterday I was added to the induction list at my doctors appointment. My blood pressure meds are not working well anymore to control the PIH and it's time for baby boy to be born. I'm waiting for my hospital to call me to come in, but I don't know when that'll be yet. Within the next few days my Dr guessed. I'll be dosed with cervadil for cervical ripening and then i'll get the drip and waters broken. Lots of mixed feelings, but excited i'll be meeting my son most likely in the next week.
My midwives also don't check you until 39-40 weeks and won't do a sweep unless you need to go Into labor soon or are over and Part of me feels like I'll go over but part of me thinks it'll be early because I'm not totally ready lol.

I seem to get period cramps at night most nights now, not bad just barely noticeable sometimes and they don't last long but they have come every night for a few now.

Eidson, isn't it awful to have such a range to wait for? Maybe it's a good thing that my MWs don't check so I won't think he will come sooner lol.

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