Bean I hope Logan is doing good and he didn't need to be transferred xxx
Christina I would suggest keeping active by walking as much as you can and if you have a exercise ball sit and bounce on it as it helps get baby low in position. Are you taking epo capsules? They can help ripen the cervix. Also rlt is good for helping labour progress quickly when it begins. That is the ways I am trying. With your first it's more likely to go overdue than early. I was 10 days late with my first so be prepared. Other things, sex is supposed to help and I've heard eating lots of pineapple to helps. Good luck.
I have just been taking epo orally as I to am afraid of something happening and being checked with epo everywhere lol

I am doing 3000mg just now but will up this tomorrow to 4000 maybe! It makes me go to the toilet 4/5 times a day which doesn't feel normal lol so afraid to up the dose too much.