April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

it started off with just my stomach, which I figured was just from the skin stretching (i've gotten the dreaded stretchmarks...ugh) then my thighs...but yesterday I started getting it on my feet, which is almost impossible to itch!! Not only because I can't reach, but because it's the sides and bottom!
since I never sleep now, I've started a fun mommy blog to give me something to focus my energy on :) https://diapersandmascara.blogspot.com/
can you believe some people go to 42 weeks and further!? Ahh

My third baby was born at wk 40+12!! ugh. But then, my previous pregnancies were very, very easy. I didn't feel all this pressure/pain like I am with this one. So I wasn't very uncomfortable.

I'm sorry for all the terrible itching Marlee!

I hope you're in the hospital delivering Mari!!

I've had a bit more mucus and a few real contractions! I seem to get them at night/early morning the past few nights. Woohoo..I hope it's soon now!!
I hope that everyone is doing well today. It's amazing to know that 2 more babies are about to be born and it might be today!!! I had the worst night's sleep ever, as in I didn't get any really. Maybe about 2hrs at the most. I don't really know why I can't seem to sleep. I am hoping to get a few more hrs but I guess the sandman forgot to stop by and give me the sleeping dust..lol

Wow I have made it to 39 weeks!!! Congrats Dorian on being 39 weeks as well. One week until our due dates!!!! I really hope that neither of us make it to 40 weeks. My kids and oh are going crazy waiting for her to come out. I had trouble sitting up this morning and my oh asked if I was in labor. The other day he was on the phone on his way home from work and heard my daughter playing and asked if it was the baby..lol Yeah like I wouldn't of called him while I was in labor.

Marlee~ I hope that you feel better with the itching!!

Mari~ I hope that things are going good for you and that you are holding Landon right now or that you will be very soon.
Hi, I hour everyone it's well today and that you are in the middle of delivering mari!

Dorian how are those contractions coming along now?

I had contractions all last night and this morning, very painful in my lower back so got checked out arty the hospital today and I'm 4cm dilated and head is 4/5 engaged and cervix is very favorable so hoping with fingers crossed that birth is close. The midwife said that with how quick my labors usually are...a couple of great contractions and she'll be right out!!.I really hope so.
Wanting - I was up all night too! I get so hot and now with the itching...we could have chatted lol.

Pink - good luck!

I can't wait to hear if there are any new babies today or tomorrow!! :)
My contractions got to 3min apart at 4am, and then the started to slow down. I fell asleep til 6 and they had stopped completely. For 8 hrs I had consistent contractions, now nothing. I feel so defeated. I still have constant pressure in my bum and cramping sometimes. I called at 630am to find out when I could go in for the drip, and they were BUSY!!! Grrrr. They are thinking I can probably come in the afternoon. I have to call back in 30 min to get more of an idea of the time. I am about to loose it! Fx'd I get the full induction today.
PinkmummyOf3~ That's great!! I hope that you have your baby soon :happydance:

Marlee~ I am so dang tired today. I had contractions all night but so far I haven't gone into labor. If I would of known I would of been up for all night chatting.

Mari~ They better finish your induction today!! Good luck!!

I got a call from my ob's and they are having me some in tomorrow!!! I am so going to get him to give me a sweep so if I'm lucky this will be over with this weekend. This is what I am hoping will happen. Sweep at about 9:15am labor to kick in sometime later in the day and baby born Friday morning home on Saturday!! That would be GREAT!!!
Mari - I'm so sorry! That is SO frustrating!! Wishing you lots of luck

I called the DR this AM about the itching and they had me come in right away. Guess they are concerned about liver function. I should get blood work back this afternoon. If I have any issue I will have to have this baby in the next day or two...but I really don't think I have whatever it is! Just being cautious. I just am so damn itchy!!

They also did a monitor and baby did really well! Lots of kicks, I even had 2 contractions in 20 minutes, didn't even notice!
Marlee- I am super itchy to but mine is all over my belly and nothing seems to ease the itching, i saw my midwife yesterday and she said it was from how stretched my skin is now and that they recommend bio-oil or e45 cream.

Mari- I hope things are coming along for you now!

So glad some of you are having contractions now, hopefully we will have some more babies by monday!

I have been for a super long walk today it is so hot here and i am exhausted! I walk everyday but not as far as i have today so i hope that he decides to drop down and engage soon lol x
That's what I assumed this was but its on my hands and feet so they were concerned about that.
Marlee - I hope everything is ok with your blood tests. GL :)

AFM - I just called the hospital and I was told to call back at 5pm:( They are still busy!!! She also told me there is a very high chance my induction could be pushed until tomorrow. I am about to loose my mind!! I will keep you ladies upated, but for now, no news to report.
Hi, I hour everyone it's well today and that you are in the middle of delivering mari!

Dorian how are those contractions coming along now?

I had contractions all last night and this morning, very painful in my lower back so got checked out arty the hospital today and I'm 4cm dilated and head is 4/5 engaged and cervix is very favorable so hoping with fingers crossed that birth is close. The midwife said that with how quick my labors usually are...a couple of great contractions and she'll be right out!!.I really hope so.

Good luck!!! I hope you will be holding you LO soon:)
Hi Ladies,

Wanting, so sorry you couldn't sleep last night! Were you able to nap at all today? WOOHOO...good luck at your apt tomorrow. I hope they sweep you and it happens. You and I can BOTH be in the hospital in the next few days, along with Mari and Pink!!

I had my checkup today. MW did a dilation check, I'm between 2.5-3cm dilated and I think she said 20% effaced :happydance: but baby is not engaged...but, I've had some bloody show since!! And some contractions early this morning. My Bp was also very high, but after laying on my left side for 5 min and retaking it, it went down. Whew! So MW told me to rest a lot... then also told me it's time to get baby out. lol... so that means walking to me. ROFL.

Pink, I sure hope it happens for you soon too. Wouldn't that be cool!!

Mari, ugh, so sorry your contractions stopped!! UGH. Have you been walking today? Maybe that will helps things along.

Hope they helped you with the itching Marlee, and your liver is ok.

Hope the walking helps Tilly!
Dorian - I have been walking and sitting on my excercise ball all day!! lol I might try dtd with hubby tonight. lol

I just talked with the hospital and I will probably not be going in tonight. My induction will probably be tomorrow. I just hope tomorrow is a good day and I will not be pushed back again. So frustrating, but going to try and have a nice evening.
Dorian~ 2.5-3 cms that's fantastic!!! I really am hoping that I will be even more dilated tomorrow. Oh he is going to do a sweep or I will be turning into a crying pregnant fit throwing mess. :haha: I got in a short nap before the kids got home from school. I am sooo tired. I better be able to sleep tonight. I can't take this whole no sleep thing. I swear I will get more sleep with Airyonna here than I am getting now. Wouldn't it be funny if we were all in labor at the same time.

Mari~ I am so sorry that they are making you wait until tomorrow. I would be so irritated!! At the hospital where I will be delivering at when they induce you you go in the night before and they put in the cervidil (sp?) and then you stay over night then in the morning if your cervix has changed they either break your waters or start the drip. I really though it was like that everywhere. I am really sorry that your contractions stopped. Yes try dtd to get them going again.
I got in for my induction tonight!! Waters have been broken, 3cm dilated and I got my epidural:) He is coming today!!! Will keep you all posted. Yay!!
Good luck Mari!! So excited for you! x

Dorian- That is great news that you are dilated, i hope your wait isn't to much longer! x

Wanting- I hope your appointment goes well today and you get your sweep! x

I am exhausted the last few nights i have got up so many times in the night, i can't wait for my girls to break up from school on friday so i can get some rest! x
Contractions died down, again! Arrrgh, lol. The more this happens, the more I think it will just go like my last two labours....no pain until waters break and then contractions straight away overlapping and babies born very quickly....just as well I'm booked in for a home birth!

Mari I'm so pleased for you, will be keeping my eyes peeled for an update....got a feeling we're gonna have a whole load of newborns very soon ;-)
Yay Mari, finally!

It's not even April yet and so many babies! I hope I'm not the last one to have mine lol.

My liver levels came back normal today, but I guess I have to wait for the bile acids to come back, it's more sensitive to cholestasis. I'm so itchy I can't sleep again.

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