April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Mari- What day are you getting induced? how far along will you be?

I am going to my doctors tomorrow to discuss my kidney pain... which has gotten to the point where all I do is cry and cant even make it to the bathroom or on my bed without screaming... I think I might ask about being induced... I dont really like the thought but I cant imagine going on like this...
Mari- What day are you getting induced? how far along will you be?

I am going to my doctors tomorrow to discuss my kidney pain... which has gotten to the point where all I do is cry and cant even make it to the bathroom or on my bed without screaming... I think I might ask about being induced... I dont really like the thought but I cant imagine going on like this...

I am being induced at 38 weeks. It should between the 18-22 or March. My OB will book the induction date closer to then, because she wants to book me in when she on call. He on call dates changes every couple weeks.

I am so sorry you are in agony:( :hugs: With everything you have been goin through, I think u need to be induced before your due date. You have had too much suffering. I would definitely bring it up with you doc.
I went into labor naturally with my daughter 9 days early and my son 15 days early so I might not even need to be induced at 38 weeks but if they offer it I will agree just so I can think of there being a for sure date where the pain will be gone no matter what! 10 weeks is just too far away!
I went into labor naturally with my daughter 9 days early and my son 15 days early so I might not even need to be induced at 38 weeks but if they offer it I will agree just so I can think of there being a for sure date where the pain will be gone no matter what! 10 weeks is just too far away!

That is really good both your kids came early on their own. That probably means there is a very good chance you won't need an induction and your LO will come naturally again. It is nice to know that there is an end date, even if you might not need it.
I hope baby comes early Brooke, I do think there's more chance of it if others were. My first was born at 37 weeks, 2nd at 38 +2 and third at 38 weeks. I'm hoping that this one will be a little early too...just because I'm impatient, lol. wish there wasn't so many suffering, so unfair! I'm so hungry but anything I eat gives me the worst acid indigestion and I end up throwing up. Going through a lot of milk.and gaviscon!!
Mari- Yes, Just the date being moved up 2 weeks early will make me feel a teeny tiny bit better... LOL I know it seems strange but really it does.

Pink- Thank you I hope he comes early too! 37 weeks would be awesome! As long as he is healthy. Have you tried papaya tablets for the acid indigestion? I swear by them they are so amazing!
I am hoping to have Airyonna at 36/37 weeks. I have pretty much had a UTI for the past 7 1/2 months and I know that the only way to get it to go away and stay away is to have her. I have also been told that at 36 weeks I can no longer take the meds I need to keep the UTI at a bay. So am I just going to have to deal with it the last bit if I make it to 40 weeks? When I get closer I am going to be bringing this up to my OB and see what he thinks. My girls never stay put though. My son on the other hand didn't come out until 39 weeks on the dot. I also don't think I could handle this pain for another 8+ weeks.
I'm so gonna give that a try Brooke, thanks...I'd not heard of them before. X
Hey ladies, I am so tired today. I had my worst sleep yet:( I do not think I slept more than 30 min straight at a time last night. I was so restless and the baby moved a ton last night. Also, my 3.5 yr old dd decided not to fall asleep until 12am! She has never done that before. Does anyone know if it was a full moon last night?! lol jk. To top it all off,this morning we got a call saying my father in-law had a stroke last night. He is going to be ok, but it was quite a scare. He just had a heart attack in Dec too! I just want this day to be over so I can go to sleep tonight....sorry for my rant. How is eveyone else?
Sorry you are in so much pain Brooke, it is definately worth bringing induction up with your doctor x

I had blood tests yesterday and my doctor rang today to tell me i need iron tablets because i am anaemic, it definately explains my exhaustion lol.

Hope everyone is feeling ok today x
Sorry you are in so much pain Brooke, it is definately worth bringing induction up with your doctor x

I had blood tests yesterday and my doctor rang today to tell me i need iron tablets because i am anaemic, it definately explains my exhaustion lol.

Hope everyone is feeling ok today x

I was on iron tablets from oct-dec. They definitely helped with my exhaustion. Since my OB told me to stop them, I am slowly feeling tired again. It is probably just the 3rd tri, but I might get her to check my iron levels again.

Your iron pills should definitely help u feel a bit better. GL :)
Sorry you are in so much pain Brooke, it is definately worth bringing induction up with your doctor x

I had blood tests yesterday and my doctor rang today to tell me i need iron tablets because i am anaemic, it definately explains my exhaustion lol.

Hope everyone is feeling ok today x

I was on iron tablets from oct-dec. They definitely helped with my exhaustion. Since my OB told me to stop them, I am slowly feeling tired again. It is probably just the 3rd tri, but I might get her to check my iron levels again.

Your iron pills should definitely help u feel a bit better. GL :)

It sounds like it will definately be worth you having your iron levels checked, i hope your tiredness eases soon x
Well ladies The doctor said that due to my grade of hydronephrosis I have to see him a lot more often and take percosets and kidney infection meds. Then at 36 1/2 weeks I will get an amniocentesis to check lung maturity and induce me based on the results. I didn't even have to ask him about it he just said it.*
Well ladies The doctor said that due to my grade of hydronephrosis I have to see him a lot more often and take percosets and kidney infection meds. Then at 36 1/2 weeks I will get an amniocentesis to check lung maturity and induce me based on the results. I didn't even have to ask him about it he just said it.*

That is great your doc mentioned before you did. With all your pain and sickness, he probably thinks it is best to get the baby out around 37 weeks or later. Now u know there will definitely be and end date in sight sooner rather than later.
Yes, I am so happy to know there is a for certain end date that isnt 10 weeks from now(I would never make it) who knows maybe I will go in labor on my own before I even need to be induced :) I am so excited!
Well my doctor called and I failed my 1 hour glucose test friday so I go in monday for the 3 hour :-( he also said my iron was low and put me on a iron supplement. I feel like complete crap today I'm so tired!
Bwilliams- Sorry to hear about your 1hr test! I hope you come up negative with your 3 hour! <3 I hope some iron tablets start helping you ladies soon!
Thanks I would have past but before my test I was so hungry I had to munch on something and I had a handful of strawberries lol oops! I'm hoping the iron helps some!
Well my doctor called and I failed my 1 hour glucose test friday so I go in monday for the 3 hour :-( he also said my iron was low and put me on a iron supplement. I feel like complete crap today I'm so tired!

Sorry you failed the 1hr test. Hopefully is was just a false positive and you will pass your 3hr test. I have had to have the 2hr glucose test twice this pregnancy. I think low iron is quite common in oregnant women. The iron pills should help u feel not so tired. GL :)
Hey ladies, I figured out why I have not bee sleeling well the past couple night because I am sick, again..... I just got back from the doctors and I have strep throat and an ear infection. Last night my throat hurt so bad, everytime I swallowed it felt like razor blades were in my throat. I am on antibiotics for the 3rd time this pregnancy. I must have a pretty weak immune system with my 3rd pregnany, casue all these problems are driving me crazy!

I hope everyone starts feeling better soon:)

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