April is HERE!!! Any other April WTTers???

I brought it up with my OH the other day (a bit premature, seeing as we're not even TTC #1 yet haha!) and she was like "wooooah, not for a while, definitely not straight away" but then I reminded her that the gap between her and her sister was IMO perfect, and there's only 16 months between them...so she went quiet then lol.

I don't think there's any age gap that is particularly better than any other...whatever you end up with works out fine for you :)
Kess - it sounds like he doesn't want to jump right on the TTC wagon, but wouldn't mind if you git a little surprise bfp?? I have to say I didn't get my head around being a mother until after our LO was born - when its your first you have no idea what to expect! OH was the same!

I keep telling him he will have 9 long months to get used to the idea, but for some reason he's not happy with that lol.

We are getting somewhere though. We spent a lot of time last night discussing how we'll parent. He is worried we'll argue a lot since we have different ideas, but I'm sure we'll manage. But at least he's taking it all seriously enough to talk properly about it, which is a step forward.
I agree - 16 months is good! Close enough to be best friends (or mortal enemies LOL) - but I will be pushing for friends! :D

Kess - If he's discussing it then it sounds like things are looking good!!! :thumbup: I am lucky OH and I have very similar beliefs when it comes to parenting so we rarely argue about what to do. You do manage to come to agreements in the end - talking is the key!

Hi everyone:flower: Im Amy and im wtt no 4 in April so wondering if I can join you ladies? I have a 5 year old daughter, Freja, a 2 year old son, Ruaridh, and a 6 month old daughter, Anja- Josaphine. Ive always wanted 4 and DH said this was as good a time as any to try:cloud9:
Like you sun im still bfing with no af so need to find the witch first:dohh:
Hi Amy!!!

Yah! WTT #4 - wow you are a pro! :happydance:

I have been so excited about WTT#2, but recently have gotten a little worried about pregnancy/labour/delivery again! Everything worked out so well last time so I think there's no way I will be so lucky this time! How were your pregnancies?? Were they similar or each one very different?

Yes - still no AF for me. Is it possible to still get pregnant with no:witch:? People in Baby Club definitely have, but I wonder what the chances are. I thought for sure she would have arrived by now! (Though it is soooooo nice not to have to deal with it)

Also - Halfway through February!!! Times a-tickin! :thumbup:

It is possible to get preg without af, but unlikely unless baby is over 6 months. I fell with no 3 when DS was 11 months but I had been having af since 8 weeks, that time the mini pill triggered my cycles to start. This time I went on it for a month to see and nothing much:wacko:

I was worried after my first as I had loads of complications but other than being a bit preemie ( 35 and 33 weekers) my other 2 births were much better. Theres a lot to be said for being prepared! Also after the first it gets easier, they play together for instance so I actually get more time with 3 than with 1:happydance:

This time I have been mega broody since lo was about 2 months old, luckily DH feels the same way,just really waiting for april so he can move jobs! Just want to get on with getting my 4 kids:thumbup:

Im wondering a lot about where my af is now tho as baby is night weened, sleeps 10-12 hours and has 3 lots of solids so hope im not waiting too long! Its worse waiting with no af dont you think? x
My little guy was also a bit preemie (36 weeks) so I wonder if #2 will be early too. I do really want my little guy to have a brother or sister though - even though I worry about it. After all, I did it once and can do it again!

It is much worse waiting with no AF!!! It gets hard to REALLY look forward to April as it might not happen. I was in the breastfeeding forum and some girls were saying it took 12 months+ to get their AF! Did you bf all your kids??

I never thought I would be hoping for my AF :dohh: as I absolutely hate it normally LOL. I am also worried about TTC as I found out at my 12 week scan that I apparently have ovarian cysts. The tech said I was lucky to get pg as it can cause fertility problems. Wish she hadn't said that - I don't need the extra stress!! :haha:

My 3 have all been early and it is worrying as they are getting earlier but each was early for a different reason so im hoping this time lucky!
I bf all 3 of them, my first for 2 years, af back at the 14 month mark, DS for 14 months and still feeding Anja-Josaphine:thumbup:
I know what you mean about setting a date without af, im worried i'll get there and then have to wait again for months, anticlimax!!
Are you doing anything extra to get ready to ttc in the meantime?:flower:
I'm not doing anything in preparation yet, but when I go in for Buns 2nd set of jabs (3 weeks - sniff!) I am going to get some prenatal vitamins with 5mg of folic acid. Last time I didn't start taking them until I got my bfp - I had been taking them but after not getting a bfp for months I kind of got lazy. But not this time!

mummy3 - I notice you are online when I am! Usually I am alone on here since most people are in the UK and everyone is in bed when I post - LOL! Are you in North America or just a night owl??

Hey yeah I keep forgetting that im not in the uk, we moved to California last july:thumbup: As for a night owl, not so muchI go to bed at about 8 30 absolutely knackered:dohh:
Your in Canada right? Whats the prenatal care like over there? Here is very different to the UK! When I was on hospital bedrest at 32 weeks the hospital was like a hotel and you get to see a doctor every week! seems like there is'nt a midwife system here as I never saw one in the US at all:shrug:

It was a bit scary/comic getting here mind, we flew over when I was 30 weeks gone with special permission and I started get contractions somewhere near philadelphia, poor hubby was bricking it:haha: Wont be doing that again in a hurry tho!

I got a bit bored yesterday and started looking into ways to bring on the af some Im not sure about, some herbs like agnus something but apparently it both increases and decreases your milk supply:wacko:
Also apparently if you have a bmi between 25 and 30 you are more fertile while breastfeeding.

Anyway you up to anything today? We are off to an endocrinologist for my little boy this morning at 10 30, little guy hasnt grown much ( 98th centile now at below 2nd) so we are off to hopefully find out whats up. Hes 2 and only 75cm tall, we are both tall parents. He also doesnt talk much, just keeps calling everything "light".

Hi Amy :)
I hope the appointment went ok and your little boy is well! Did they have any answers for you?

I'm not sure how prenatal care is here since I have nothing to compare it to. I went with a midwife because I wanted more personal care than a doc would give. I know in the UK everyone gets a midwife unless they need a specialist for some reason. Here you can have an OB/GYN (specialist) who you would see throughout your pg, then during labour you might get your own OB, but generally would get whoever is working at the hospital at the time. A midwife deals with low-risk pregnancies and they are really great. They see you every month at first, then every 2 weeks, then every week for the last 6 weeks. They are available 24h/day and you can call anytime. They trucked out to the hospital at midnight when my water broke and were invaluable to me during labour! OMG - I would never go with a doc unless I had to as a midwife's care is so much more patient oriented and personal.

Interesting that you are in California!!! My OH was considering taking a position in the US but I am hesitant because of the health care system. The system there is great if you have lots of $, but I am wondering how much it really costs with the monthly payments and deductibles. I am used to health care being 100% free. Also having a year of paid mat leave! How are you guys finding it?

I was also reading about that herb (agnus something LOL) - I didn't know it messed with breast milk supply! I eat lots of oats and take brewers yeast to increase/maintain my supply since my LO was growing so fast I was worried I wouldn't supply enough. And that is interesting about the bmi - but I am not in that range - dang! Breastfeeding has really upped my metabolism (and it was pretty good before) so I am guessing my bmi is a bit below that.

Hey - I see you're online now! Hello! :wave:

Hi there!:hi:
I've gone and asked hubby about the healthcare here, I still dont get the way the insurance works! We have something called an HMO which he gets through his company ( he works for a government contractor called SAIC) We pay 100 dollars per week for all 5 of us to be covered, with a 25 dollar copay for each visit and a 250 copay if any of us need to be an inpatient. Coming from the UK it seems really strange to have to pay for any of it at all but I can say that the level of care and the speed of service has been much much better:thumbup:
Your right as well about cost but it seems everything is expensive here due to pound to dollar change eg a weekly shop is 150 dollars compared to 50 pounds back in uk:wacko: I stay home for the meantime but im scared to think what the cost of childcare would be! Will you be staying home?

As for my son, we took him to the specialist yesterday and with he thinks that Ruaridh has osteogenesis imperfecta so the little guy had to have loads of blood taken and a bone survey xray. We managed to get those tests done straight away and will have the results the beginning of next week. He broke his leg 5 months ago for no reason and it seems this could happen a lot:cry: The only good news is that it probably is a mutation and he didnt inherit this but hes having genetic tests.

With the agnus herb, yeah I found it did both depending on where you read, also that in some people it can delay periods even longer:dohh: And the bmi thing, I just put mine in and it says 17.5 so im off to eat more:shrug: I always go sooooo skinny when breastfeeding so not sure if this will work but gonna try! Your right it totally ups metabolism, esp from about 4 months to a year.

So where abouts you thinking of moving to in the US? :hugs:
Hello everyone! Well i'm back and with a shock aswell!!! we had said we were going to wait until September 2011 to start trying again. But my OH in the car the other day says to me what would it mean to me to have a baby? i was like it would mean the world to me and make everything perfect. He then said he misses me being pregnant cos he use to talk 2 my tummy and just be all mushy. So he goes well i'm 21 in April why dont we start trying then?! i was WOOP!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! lol

i was in tears i was sooo happy :D

so i have been getting all my vitamins and books and stuff ready and my diet going well to so all looking up 4 me!!

So should be end of April beginning of May depending when AF comes etc... great to have others starting then!!

Who wants to be my Buddy to??
YAY!!! :happydance: Another April TTCer!!

We're also aiming for end of APril beginning of May :thumbup:
But I am breastfeeding now so we'll have to see when AF shows up - I am hoping soon! Not yet though - which normally I would be soooo happy about, but seeing as we're wanting to TTC I want it to start asap!

Just a reminder to all the April WTTers!!!

This thread started out at 3 months to go....and is now only 35 DAYS!!!
:happydance: :happydance::yipee::headspin::dance::wohoo::happydance::happydance:

That is all :haha:
27 Days Left For us April WTTers!!!
Less than a month until we visit the TTC thread!!!

27 Days Left For us April WTTers!!!
Less than a month until we visit the TTC thread!!!


I'm invading your thread, even though we're not TTC until May. I'm a wannabe April TTCer! :thumbup: (and I won't be far behind you so keep a seat warm for me in the TTC forum) :happydance:
Time is going sooooo quickly!:thumbup:
We are going to seattle next weekend, so really excited about that, hubby has a final interview with a company there and they are flying us:happydance:

As for hubby hes confused as to how we are going to try in april, as I have no af :dohh: at the moment we are going to ntnp from april.

My youngest got her 6 month check on monday, she is 13 pounds now! She cant sit up yet but she shouts at everything lol


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Baby Love - mummy3 and I will for sure keep a seat warm for you in TTC - neither of us have seen any sign of AF yet, so chances are good we'll still be there LOL... And I still consider you an honourary April WTTer - you were one of the first ones! ;)

mummy3 - OOO Seattle!! We almost moved there 2 years ago!!! OH ended up turning down a job offer, but he got flown out too and got to check out the city. He had a great time! We're probably also ntnp in April as no AF yet!!! Still being optimistic though LOL :thumbup:

Great news about your little girl!!! My LO just started being pretty vocal lately as well and is smiling lots!!! I love it!!!

hi i hope you dont mind me invading your thread lol but just came across it and am also starting to try in april may though still waiting on af which is annoying came off pill 2 weeks ago but heard it can take a while i have a 2yr old girl me and hubby keep putting trying off as were scared of having a baby due to IC incompetent cervix which means ops and bedrest but have decided now is the time lol hope ill be accepted lol and that my AF comes soon lol

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