April/may babies off 2016.... catch up help and and advice xx

Hey can I ask a quick question for those who's babies are formula fed? (Although feel free to answer BF-ing of course just I think BF or FF will change the answer) how often does your baby poo? I'm a bit worried Mae doesn't poo often enough. From google it seems some people say they should poo at least once or twice a day but others say some babies don't poo this often and that's normal for them.
Mae was really unsettled yesterday and a bit today. I feel like it might be trapped wind maybe (already using infacol) she was very stiff, and kept pulling away from me while I was trying to keep her upright on my chest (arching her back?) it was awful as nothing was helping. She eventually kept dropping off if I danced around the living room with her sort of over my shoulder (but she was so fidgety I was constantly moving her) and listening to music. She would fall asleep for a bit and then wake up crying again immediately whic made me think she was in discomfort (?)
Wondering if I should change her milk or bottles 🤔

Sounds like wind. I've started adding gripe water to Eriks bottles and it's really helped. He still gets the odd bit of trapped wind but nothing like the suffering he was experiencing before I introduced it. We are also using gaviscon for reflux. I was warned by my health visitor to look out for the poos becoming too firm and hard for him to pass. She suggested adding in some cooled boiled water to his day to soften things down if it became a problem. Maybe infacol does the same? Erik goes once or twice a day. They have firmed up but it doesn't seem like he's having problems just yet.
I have no idea what my lil boy weighs. He was last weighed at 20 days old and is now 7 weeks! We do have our 6 week check coming up and then another HV apt at the clinic... Really interested to see how much he weighs now x
Thought Erik had really filled out. Turns out I was right. Health visitor just been and weighed him. At 5 weeks and 4 days he's now weighing 11lbs 11. He was 7lbs 13 when born. :)
We had a good night last night. He slept just before midnight and didn't wake till 6am! I was shocked to when I looked at the time, breast full and leaking lol! He fed and went back down till 10am. He woke up playing about in his Moses basket and my left boob was engorged so I offered him it. It's so nice to get a good sleep.

To be honest he usually sleeps after 11pm and wakes up 3-4am then again around 7am and usually awake for the day before 9 which is still ok as I feel that's enough sleep for me.

How is everyone else doing? I can't believe his so close to 2 months?! Where's my tiny newborn gone?!
Thought Erik had really filled out. Turns out I was right. Health visitor just been and weighed him. At 5 weeks and 4 days he's now weighing 11lbs 11. He was 7lbs 13 when born. :)

That's an excellent weight gain!

I can't wait to know how much my lil guy weighs now!
That's a great weight gain Bekah!

Yay for sleep babyjan, that's brilliant :). I know it seems mad that our babies are almost 2 months old... how is it June already? Madness

E is still doing 5/6 hour stretches at night which is lovely. I hope it continues!! She's a lot harder to get to nap during the day now. She fights it and gets really grumpy. Getting lots of gummy smiles now though. When I weighed her she was 9lbs 2 but the Hv is coming Fri so she'll do it properly. She's still a dink but is definitely filling out her clothes more now. She fits perfectly into up to 1 month and 0-3 fit but have lots of space in them.. she fits them in length though perfectly. I think she's long and thin bless her!
Great sleeper babyjan. We've mainly had good nights 3-4 hours between feeds and the occasionally really good night up to 6 hours. Makes such a difference getting the extra in one stint. I too was shocked when looked at the time.

Erik is a milk monster this morning. He's drinking loads. It is warm so wondering if that's why, or if he's having a growth spurt.
I've just been to have Erica weighed. At 5+1, she's 10lb4oz, so she's still just about on the 75th centile despite her fussy feeding habits.

Bekah, 6 weeks is a big growth spurt time so Erik could well be building up his feeds for that.
Fab weights for all your babies! Archer was weighed 1 week ago and was 10lb 6oz, hv is coming this time next week to do check and weight, he looks very chunky to me and has cute chubby cheeks!

Babyjan I bet you felt amazing after 6 hours solid sleep!

Archer generally does 4-5 hours through the night but last night was awake every 2 hours! Hoping it's a one off as I was enjoying the longer stretches ha!
Thank you ladies :hugs: always nice to get some advice and experience from other mummies with similar age LOs.

Thankfully Mae has gone a bit more and it's getting softer, I've changed a couple things after asking you all and speaking to the HV on the phone so I'm not sure which has helped - 1) stopped using ready made formula at night (tbf I don't need to now really it was just at first toe save my injured pelvis from the stairs :-S) 2) I'v given her a little bit of cooled boiled water (I suspect this is prob the key) 3) the HV on the phone suggested it could be the infacol so I stopped that to see how she got on, but a different HV said infacol would help her to poo so I'm not sure. Since stopped she seems to be bringing up a bit of milk a while after her bottle (not loads) and maybe showing signs of wind so thinking of trying that still and cutting it out again if the poo situation gets worse again (?)

Anywho I weighed her yesterday and she's now 9 lb 2 oz at 4 weeks :thumbup: (she was 7 lbs 7oz at birth) she's put on a pound in just over 2weeks?? ... she seems to be around the 50th centile. I'll post a pic in a bit :)

How's everybody else doing? are you all settling into routines now? x
Erik spent the day fighting sleep yesterday and wouldn't settle last night. We ended up falling asleep together on the bed. Woke up 5 hours later to find him lying on his front beside me. Thankfully his head was turned to the side and he wasn't on the pillow and the quilt wasn't near his face. Didn't half give me a fright though :s . Think he'd got overtired and just added to the battle when it came to getting him settled for the night. He's sleeping better today so hopefully it's a one off or he's started on his 6 week growth spurt. I don't know how people cosleep. Think I'd be a nervous wreck.
Bekah that does sound scary but glad he was all ok! I bedshared with my first from when he was a month old. It was absolutely ok and made breastfeeding so much easier! I haven't done it with this lil one much. Maybe a few times and that's only because I've accidentally fallen asleep with him next to me.

Today his 2 months!!! I say this all the time but it really is going ever so quickly!

We have an appointment with the Dr about his constant vomiting. My first had the same problem and was diagnosed with reflux so I'm thinking it's the same thing. I still don't know his weight, his last check was only at 20 days old! Our 6 week check is next Monday when he'll be 9 weeks and the HV check up will be the following day so should find out his weight then :)

Hope everyone is doing well x
Bekah so scary glad all is ok!

It's hard work when your over tired, a few times I have been feeding baby and almost nodded off :sleepy:

Had his first lot of jabs today , and the notravirus oral ,had his paracetamol and has pretty much slept ever since with a few crys and I try feed him he falls back to sleep.
Doctor said I can give him 1pz of like warm boiled water once/twice a day as he is struggling to go loo, they said how strength he is and he really is but so is my other son, he's been holding his head up for a while too now think he's nosey like me :lol: meeting milestones well

He now weighs 11lb 7oz :-)

Hope all ok xx
Erik had his 6 week check today. He's 6wk+4. He weighed in at 12lbs 6 oz, and is 58 cm long. He's jumped up from the 50th %ile to the 75th. He passed all the tests and the HV commented he's doing things advanced for his age, so pleased with that considering he's had reflux.
Bekah, that's a great weight gain! How much did he weigh at birth?

We got my lo weighed at the drs the other day when she prescribed gaviscon for reflux... He now weighs 5.4kg 11lbs or so... The Dr asked his weight at birth as I forgot his red book then asked if I had gestational diabetes because she believes he was 'so big' I really didn't think an 8lb 5oz baby was really that big? Doesn't bother me just curious lol

I just got a text to book his 8 week vaccinations :|
That's definitely not a big baby babyjan!

Esme had her 8 week vacs yesterday and it was horrendous :(. Two in right thigh one in left and an oral one too. She was so happy cooing and smiling away and then screams and she screamed all evening, completely inconsolable. She's very upset today and is only waking to feed and then sleeping again. Looking forward to having my happy baby back. Poor little doll x
I agree that's not a big baby IMO babyjan I thought that was about average tbh. I know people who have had much bigger and didn't have GD.
I don't like it when people say things like that / especially a health care professional they should know better! It could cause you anxiety for all they know. Similarly I don't like it when people say you're big / small to pregnant people my midwife said you should ask when they qualified as a midwife when they say that lol.
How's everybody getting on? Are you all super organised?
I sometimes find it hard to motivate myself - am I alone in this? ... I think I have a bit of anxiety too ... I over think things (e.g. Is it too hot or too cold? What if I don't pack enough bottles?) etc plus I find it hard to get myself and 2 LOs ready by a reasonable hour ... Sorry for waffling on. I remember feeling this way when I had Hollie. Is this normal or am I just being lazy ?
I posted before I finished - that's great progress bekah well done!!!! XXXX

Ah sorry to hear Esme has been suffering :( lots of cuddles xx

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