Hey can I ask a quick question for those who's babies are formula fed? (Although feel free to answer BF-ing of course just I think BF or FF will change the answer) how often does your baby poo? I'm a bit worried Mae doesn't poo often enough. From google it seems some people say they should poo at least once or twice a day but others say some babies don't poo this often and that's normal for them.
Mae was really unsettled yesterday and a bit today. I feel like it might be trapped wind maybe (already using infacol) she was very stiff, and kept pulling away from me while I was trying to keep her upright on my chest (arching her back?) it was awful as nothing was helping. She eventually kept dropping off if I danced around the living room with her sort of over my shoulder (but she was so fidgety I was constantly moving her) and listening to music. She would fall asleep for a bit and then wake up crying again immediately whic made me think she was in discomfort (?)
Wondering if I should change her milk or bottles 🤔
Sounds like wind. I've started adding gripe water to Eriks bottles and it's really helped. He still gets the odd bit of trapped wind but nothing like the suffering he was experiencing before I introduced it. We are also using gaviscon for reflux. I was warned by my health visitor to look out for the poos becoming too firm and hard for him to pass. She suggested adding in some cooled boiled water to his day to soften things down if it became a problem. Maybe infacol does the same? Erik goes once or twice a day. They have firmed up but it doesn't seem like he's having problems just yet.