April/may babies off 2016.... catch up help and and advice xx

Wonder if it's working for us because I put it into his bottle with his feed so it's diluted rather than hitting his tummy in one go. E hates being winded because he is often a little bit sick, but not anything like the amount he was before we used gaviscon and gripe water.
You could be right, Bekah. I think it's the quantity hitting either her tummy or the back of her throat in one go that makes her sick. She fine taking her ranitidine as that is given before a feed and is only 0.5ml.
Erica had her first set of vaccinations yesterday and, as it now includes the MenB vaccine, I gave her 2.5ml of calpol straight away. I was giving it a little bit at a time and she got go nearly 2ml, then was sick over me and the waiting room floor! I was pretty sure that none of the calpol would have been absorbed but didn't want to give her more straight away. Her temperature seemed fine until she woke up from s long evening sleep, when it suddenly spiked to 38.6. I managed to get her to keep down 1.5-2ml of calpol (I stopped there because she started gagging) and it took well over an hour to come down. She's still a bit warm and pretty grouchy but seems to be improving. I spent most of the night checking on her so am hoping to nap with her this afternoon to catch up on some sleep.
Erik had his immunisations yesterday too. His temp went up in the afternoon but then settled again. We managed to get most of the calpol in too but he did spit out the last bit. He's been very cuddly yesterday afternoon and today. He's grumpy if his head isn't nuzzled into my neck.

We've been to baby massage/yoga today. Out first class, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Will be going back.
Aww, it's not nice for them. My other two seemed completely unaffected by the jabs, so I wasn't expecting Erica to be either. She's slept a lot today but at least Serbs happy now as long as she is right next to me or on me and has access to milk as soon as she wants it :-)
Hi ganton

Yea skylars ranatadine is working well..
Shes much better on it..
We missed one days worth a week ago due to a issue with the perscription and after the day she was cryin alot very unsettked and her mucus and snorty mose was back..soon as we did a day back on it ..it went !!

We tried gripe water in her bottle too and made her sick too...
No idea y....

Bless all the lil babies and the jabs im dreading skylars :(

It us strange how they both have similar issues..

Skylars on colief too and it does help her with her colicky ness and fussiness..
Hey ladies! I hope you are all doing well! I haven't had much time to read through everything, but has anyone else's baby started rolling over yet? Alex rolled over (tummy to back) three times the other day. The first time he scared himself and started crying, so I thought it was a fluke, but he did it two more times that day. I've tried to get him to do it again, and he's gotten close, but he absolutely hates tummy time and will just put his head down and scream. I was just wondering if anyone else had their baby roll yet. It seems early, but I know every baby hits milestones differently.
Hiya, yes Esme's rolled twice from tummy to back and once from back to front. She can't do it every time she tries but keeps trying anyway! Our baby massage teacher said it's quite early for them to do it. Must be strong bubbas!

Is anyone elses LO fighting naps? E fights them something rotten, she gets so tired and angry :nope:
Dani, my lo does NOT sleep during the day and gets so overtired and cries and cries! It's so difficult because his clearly tired but won't sleep the minute I put him down! It's getting hard as I'm not able to do much with him crying :|

How is everyone babies doing! My lil one seems to have found a way to get on the move, his constantly pushing himself with his feet and the other day I left him on the changing mat and found his head almost off it lol. We was laying on my bed together and he went from laying next to be to suddenly at the top of the bed. His so wriggly I must keep an eye on him especially on my bed.

He barely naps in the day and his always scratching his face and pulling out his hair especially when his tired, no joke but his pulled all his hair out from the front! I've always got mittens on his hands and even socks and they don't seem to come off as easily if his not wearing sleepsuits with the mittens.

Almost 3 months and I honestly don't know where the times gone! He keeps me very busy especially having a 4 year old too so I never have much time to type anything on here but I do read along :flow:
Hiya, yes Esme's rolled twice from tummy to back and once from back to front. She can't do it every time she tries but keeps trying anyway! Our baby massage teacher said it's quite early for them to do it. Must be strong bubbas!

Is anyone elses LO fighting naps? E fights them something rotten, she gets so tired and angry :nope:

Oh my goodness, Alex fights sleep so much that my mom commented on it, saying she had never seen that before. Once he falls asleep, he's fine, but actually getting him to sleep is a nightmare...unless its night time. He sleeps the whole night, wakes up around 6 to eat, and then goes back to sleep for an hour or two.

How much does everyone's LO eat in a sitting? Alex is downing 8 oz and screaming for more. As I'm sitting here, Dan had fed him and 8 oz bottle, and Alex is about to finish another half bottle that I made him, so 12 oz in all. We're going to the pediatrician tomorrow and will discuss how much he eats, and I know you aren't supposed to put them on solid food for at least another month and a half, but if he keeps up at this rate, he'll be eating at least 2 full bottles of formula. Has anyone else run into this and what did your doctor recommend? I'm wondering if he'll recommend putting him on rice cereal or something already.
Wow guys early rollers indeed..skylar does half rolls lol and i thought she was strong
Altho she can pull her self up fully and tries to sit up...

Yea doesbt really day nap unless were out in the car or pram..
Hellojello sorry i cnt help im avin the opposite isdue and skylar still only drinks 3oz max...

Sounds like youve got a hungry lil man...wat about hungry baby formula ??
Oh yes how did I forgot..This lil guy loves to try and sit up lol. Always pulling himself forward when on the bouncer or my lap.
I'd second the hungry baby formula. Erik is on 5oz every two hours.

All of a sudden he doesn't want to be held to sleep. When he's tired he's happy just to be laid in his cot and he falls asleep very quickly. It's only happened this week and he's also gone to sleeping 8-8 with half an hour up for a bottle around 4 or 5am.
Bekah, I love to hold my lil guy but I'd be over the moon if he was happy to sleep himself lol!

My lil guy is slowly trying to roll, he knows how to flip from his back to his side and then back but hadn't fully rolled yet ... Eek can't believe how fast these babies are growing x
Sorry your LO's fight naps too. It is exhausting. E's actually been napping again this week. I don't know if it's because she appears to be teething or not? Who knows what changes things for them!!

She tends to have about 6oz every 2-3 hours. Sometimes less. But I offer 6.
Hello everyone! My little man just ended a three week sleep hiatus. He would only sleep for 40 minutes at a time unless I held him. Then he would sleep for hours.

Three nights of 4-6 hour stretches has been slowing making up for lost sleep. He got a cold at daycare, had his 2 month (WHAT??) growth spurt and then his vaccines. My poor sweet baby. He's back to his sleepy self.

I can't believe our babies are so "old". lol.
A little sad today. I've set myself the task of packing up E's 0-3mth clothes as they're too small for him now. He's 11weeks old today and growing so quickly. I just want to freeze him where he is.
A little sad today. I've set myself the task of packing up E's 0-3mth clothes as they're too small for him now. He's 11weeks old today and growing so quickly. I just want to freeze him where he is.

Bittersweet packing up old clothes isn't it.

Freya is only just going into her 0-3 stuff now, I'll be glad to be packing about the newborn and first size in the next week or two.
Esme's had a cold too, it's really knocked her. Not sure where she got it from. We wondered if it could be a side effect from the 12 week jabs that she had on Wednesday, but who knows.

E's still in 0-3 month, they fit her perfectly length wise but they're baggy around the middle! Skinny little thing. Like Freya, she's getting lots of use out of her clothing!
Yep we in 3-6 month stuff now. Socks and a few vests are 0-3 months. It is very bittersweet x

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