April/may babies off 2016.... catch up help and and advice xx

Little Erica isn't trying to roll over or sit up at all. She won't sleep in her crib at night and only likes to nap on me during the day. However, being my last baby, I'm in no rush for her to grow up and I'm making the most of the cuddles day and night.

She's fully breastfed so I don't know how much milk she's taking, but only takes about 2.5-3oz of expressed milk on the rare occasions that I actually get round to doing it. She weighted 11lb 12oz at 9 weeks and is still in her 0-3 month clothes, though will probably move up at around the 3 month point.

She's super smiley when she's not starving or over tired, and I love her to bits x


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Were 3-6 sleep suit as shea so long...
Ganton shes gorgeous xxx

I too cnt believe there so old ...
10 weeks today :(
My lil baby


How was everyone LOs after the vaccination? My baby boy not doing too great. His been crying and looks off. I was told to give him calpol straight away for the Menb vaccine. Now his sleepy but it's horrible seeing him so upset :( his had two doses of calpol so far and I'm hoping he won't need it again
I gave Erica a quick feed after her vaccinations to calm her down, then gave her the recommended calpol dose. She got nearly 2ml, then started to gag on it and was sick all over me and the waiting room floor. It's very unlikely that she actually absorbed any of that dose but she was fine for the rest of the afternoon. When she woke from her last nap of the day (about 7 hours post vaccination) I started giving her another dose. I was doing it in stages to avoid her gaggibg again. She was absolutely fine when she woke up but within 15 minutes her temperature shot up. She was very unsettled but also not crying as loudly as she normally would for food. It took a couple of hours for her temperature to come down to a reasonable level, although she was still warm and unsettled through the night. She slept a lot the next day but was otherwise fine after that.
Sounds like you LO wasn't effected much Ganton:

Woke up 5am to find him boiling hot! I put in bed with me and didn't even realise that he barely fed so my right boob was engorged. We gave him calpol and undressed him. When he fed from that side he took a lot in and ended up vomiting everywhere! Literally went all over his face and up his nose which isn't normal so I'm assuming it was caused by the fever :(
The boiling hot and not wanting to feed much sounds similar. Maybe the vomiting was partly due to the fact that you were so full and he ended up overfilling himself? I know that Erica has ended up doing that a few times. As long as he feeds reasonably soon after being sick and doesn't bring it up again (and his temperature comes down with the calpol) I wouldn't worry. If he's sick again though and still has a fever, I'd keep a closer eye on things. I ended up calling 111 in the middle of the night after Erica's jabs because her temperature was 39 and hadn't come down nearly 2 hours after the calpol and she'd been sick twice since the vaccinations (once straight after the calpol and again after gripe water later in the afternoon) and they said they wanted her to be seen at out of hours. However, by the time out of hours called back 15 minutes later, she'd had a bit of a feed and her temp was below 38 so they said just to monitor her overnight and call 111 again if she got worse.
Aww bless, 39 is very high temp. Yes I did think at one point that he probably drank too much as he hasn't vomited since. His still not himself and is very quiet today. Hopefully today the last of it and I get my baby back x
Hi ladies!
I have not been on here for a while, no time as a mummy of 4! Hopefully things settle down soon cause im running in empty lol
My baby girl is almost 14 weeks now! Its going soooo fast, she is still only breast fed. We haven't introduced a bottle yet. Shes so cute with her little chubby thighs. Im not sure how much she weighs, i haven't had her weighed in a few weeks. I think she will be out of 000 ( 0-3 month clothes soon )
She sleeps better than my 2 year old, we are still co-sleeping with her. ( shes my only baby ive co-slept with ) when the weather gets warmer i will try get her into her bed, but for now we are all happy to co-sleep :)
Shes laughed a few times too, its so cute. She tries to sit and i don't think it will do too long before shes rolling.
They are all growing up so quickly :cry:
Just found this thread. I haven't been able to read through it yet, but will start getting caught up. I just wanted to comment so I can find it later.

My girls are 3 months today! They are both doing great (I'll post a pic when I get home). Ella stayed small up through their 2 month apt (30 percentile to Lydia's 80). She also fell behind Lydia in weight to almost 2 pounds (from 1 pound at birth). I think she may finally be catching up.

It has took her a while to take more then 1.5 ounces at a time and often would fall asleep after .5 ounce, but she's up to 3-4 ounces at a time now. Weighed her at home and she's up to 12 pounds, double her birth weight.

Lydia went through lots of testing but she's perfect and all test proved it :)

My bp normalized after 2 weeks post delivery and I went off meds. I lost 40 pounds of fluid weight a week after delivery, but am still working on the 15 pounds of additional weight I put on. Not worried about it though, just annoying I can't get back into a lot of "normal" pants yet.

While I was on maternity leave my youngest son potty trained just before his 3rd birthday. So much easier with only 2 in diapers instead of 3 (and I originally thought I'd have 4). I'm in the 4 under 4 club.

Girls go to bed at 6, get up around 9 for snack. I try to get to bed between 9 and 10. Then one or the other is up between 12:30 and 1, while feeding them I pump (I'm an almost exclusive pumper). Then maybe someone gets up around 4 and then we're up at 5 so I can get ready for work. At one point Lydia was sleeping through the night, but she's not anymore.

I do bedshare, mostly with Ella, with Lydia in a pack n play next to me. They go down really well for bed and naps, if I swaddle them and then give them a bottle.


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Lovely to hear from u christie and your girls are gorgeous xx

Lots of hair too :)
Hey Christie, it seems like we haven't had from you since you had the girls! They are soooo cute! Glad everything is going well x

I wonder how jonesbaby and her twins are getting on?
Hi Christie, so glad to hear you're all doing well. Your girls are gorgeous! xx
Had some devastating news here. I've got breast cancer. E turned twelve weeks yesterday and my hubby is paralysed from chest down and all this after going through an amniotic fluid embolism and ending up in intensive care after delivering E. Sorry for the pity post. Just need all the prayers/positive thoughts I can get just now.
Omg bekah I'm so so sorry :hugs: :hugs: sending prayers to you and your family xxx
Oh my goodness bekah. Sending you big hugs xxxx i don't know what I can say except my thoughts are with you xxxx I hope you're getting the very best care / treatment ASAP xxxx I'm so sorry you've had so much to deal with xxxxxx
I'm back seeing the consultant on Friday to hear the results of genetic tests they are running. The following Monday I'm going in to have a biopsy done on the lymph glands to see if it's spreading. I've also got to have a ct and bone scan to see what else is happening, if anything. They plan to start chemo first and then surgery to either remove the lump or remove the breast. The later will only be if I have the hereditary gene which could mean it could return. I'm just so upset and terrified the treatment doesn't work what will happen to my DH and LO.
Oh Bekah, I'm really sorry lovely. That's so crappy :hugs:. I really hope treatment goes well. All I can say is don't be afraid to bombard your consultant with any questions or worries you may have. Thinking of you and sending lots of positivity your way xx
O bekha im.so sorry hun but ur a fighter and E will give you the strenght you need to fight this even more xxx

Prayin for you xxx
Sounds like you're all doing perfectly Christie! They are gorgeous! And yay for only 2 in nappies, im hoping to start training mr 2 at Christmas time ( hot here in Australia )

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