April/may babies off 2016.... catch up help and and advice xx

Erm we haven't had him weighed in a while now! .. Everything has changed where I live and I now have to book in advance to get him weighed at the clinic whereas 4 years ago I could drop in at any time!

He was 3.770kg (8lb 5oz) at birth... And his last weigh in at day 20 was 4.300kg. When he was weighed few days later he lost birth weighed passed his birth weight by day 10 I just need to double check his red book :) his ebf and sometimes I wish I knew how much he drinks lol!

I tried him on a tommee bottle yesterday with 2oz of expressed milk and he didn't take it! My milk is still in the fridge and I really don't want it to go to waste. He happily took expressed milk from a different bottle at 2 weeks but now won't even give it a try :dohh:
Eleonora that is the cutest face!

I co-slept with both. My first would not sleep anywhere else. At only one week old he would stay awake the WHOLE night to avoid being in the crib and then only slept in the day when held.
Once I had him in bed I got a full night of sleep with him waking every 4-3-2 hrs to nurse. He went right back to sleep.
He is still in our bed because we enjoy the family bed.

Safe co-sleeping means for me: no lose blankets or pillows and small babies under their own baby blanket. I also tuck in his blanket on the side so it can't come up. My own covers are angled so they only cover me from hip to the back, but not in the front. I also tuck in my blanket some, under my legs so it can't cover baby. Also, sleeping on the side, facing baby with your legs pulled up makes it virtually impossible to roll over.

With Trystan I have to sleep halfway sitting up and holding him half of the night because he reflux raspiness/congestion gets so bad he can't breathe. I build some sort of wedge for both of us. When milk comes up and ge swallows or stirrs I can either sit him up and pat him or rock him. Sometimes he wakes every ten minutes from this, I am happy if he sleeps a full hour at night. He was sleeping better before his reflux got worse. To top it off he is colicky too. All because of the stupid antibiotics I'm sure...:cry:
I attached a pic of how we sleep, just with the wedge now, so more up.

He is gaining with the speed of light, already grew out of size 42, 48 and 50 (NB) which is crazy since he was so thin :wacko: looks like he is getting a quadruple chin :haha: Idk how much he weights now but I lost 5 lbs in one week :cry: which was not in my plans. Eating lots of Gluten Free bread , rice and potatoes for now hoping to not lose any more. Just not the ideal foods for my health.
Oh my 3rd was the same with reflux it was a night mare. He ended up on zantac just to give him some relief. Finally grew out of it by 8 months.
Hope you get some more sleep soon x
I'm not sure what Esme weighs at the moment. We haven't had her checked since week 3. She was 7lb 2oz at birth, dropped to 7lbs at day 5, back to 7lbs 3oz at day 9, 7lbs 9 1/2 oz at 2 weeks and then 8lbs 2 1/2oz at 3 weeks.

She seems happy enough most of the time though, eat sleeps poops repeat :haha:. She gets a little colicky in the evenings so spends most of the evening asleep on me upright. She usually wakes every 2 hrs during the night but has had 4 hour stretches here and there which i'm hoping will become more common :haha:.

She's starting to coo and tries to smile at her brother :)

(zonked during the tummy time yesterday)

Such a cute face baby beatrice...

Glad all the babies are gaining good and well

Sorry about the reflux ganton and marium ..
I kno its so hard isnt it..
We have her on gaviscon and colief as she has colic too so its very hard

Dani tinks esme looks soooo long !!
Are you finding the gaviscon and colief are helping? Thru did nothing but constipated DS2 when he had it. Ranitidine gave slight temporary improvement but omeprazole turned him into a different baby. I'm not sure yet if Erica is just colicky or if the reflux is bothering her, but I'll be pushing for a referral to a paediatrician if it becomes obvious that reflux is really distressing her.
No the gavisvon isnt helpin :(
Its been a bad day today shes screamed pretty much all day and will only settke up on me..goin to try get gp app tomoz and get ranatibdine
Archer has had green poo since yesterday evening. It dosent smell any different, not that I've been smelling it lol I mean it dosent have a distinctive smell! I am breastfeeding him so don't know if it's normal perhaps something I ate? I'm also taking antibiotics for the mastitis so wondering if that could affect his poo? He's fine in himself and eating, pooing and sleeping fine. Any thoughts?
Archer has had green poo since yesterday evening. It dosent smell any different, not that I've been smelling it lol I mean it dosent have a distinctive smell! I am breastfeeding him so don't know if it's normal perhaps something I ate? I'm also taking antibiotics for the mastitis so wondering if that could affect his poo? He's fine in himself and eating, pooing and sleeping fine. Any thoughts?

I've heard green poos can be down to this 'Green poo can also occur because baby isn't getting enough fat, or enough in relation to the lactose rich milk at the start of a feed (often called foremilk)'

So looks like I have a crying baby that won't settle this evening... I decided to give him bath earlier but before I put him in he began to cry, he usually likes baths but he cried the whole time literally screamed, never heard him cry like that. I checked the water temp before putting him in and it said it was ideal. I begining to worry about the water being too hot or maybe the room being cold, so I gave him a quick bath. His feeding and sleeps whilst latched on but as soon as his off he just cries and cries whilst yawning :/

His now feeding again and has fallen asleep! I hope his now settled down.
So looks like I have a crying baby that won't settle this evening... I decided to give him bath earlier but before I put him in he began to cry, he usually likes baths but he cried the whole time literally screamed, never heard him cry like that. I checked the water temp before putting him in and it said it was ideal. I begining to worry about the water being too hot or maybe the room being cold, so I gave him a quick bath. His feeding and sleeps whilst latched on but as soon as his off he just cries and cries whilst yawning :/

His now feeding again and has fallen asleep! I hope his now settled down.

Bless him maybe he was just overtired hun?
Archer has had green poo since yesterday evening. It dosent smell any different, not that I've been smelling it lol I mean it dosent have a distinctive smell! I am breastfeeding him so don't know if it's normal perhaps something I ate? I'm also taking antibiotics for the mastitis so wondering if that could affect his poo? He's fine in himself and eating, pooing and sleeping fine. Any thoughts?

I've heard green poos can be down to this 'Green poo can also occur because baby isn't getting enough fat, or enough in relation to the lactose rich milk at the start of a feed (often called foremilk)'


Yeah this is what I've read online too. I'll keep an eye on it and speak to hv if no change x
Ok he only slept whilst on the boob as soon as he came off it was back to crying! Really not sure what's going on with him tonight :(

Princess , I think he definitely is over tired as he hasn't slept for a long time now!
Sounds like the night we had last night. Only drinking a small amount of milk then falling asleep but only for a short time then screaming house down each time woke. Was a rough night. Seem to have got him out of the cycle this afternoon and tonight we are experimenting with white noise. Seems to be working a treat.
The green poo thing could have a number of causes. If it's just a one off or only happens occasionally, then I've been told in the past not to worry about it. If it's happening consistently though, it's worth getting checked. It could be upset stomach from antibiotics/illness, excess foremilk or possibly another cause.

We had a rough evening with Erica yesterday. She was fussing a lot when feeding and just got gradually more upset. She was clearly uncomfortable, with lots of hiccups, pulling her legs up, arching back etc, and in the end my husband just had to hold her until she cried herself to sleep. No amount of walking, patting or winding would sooth her, so we have a GP appointment in half an hour to start the process of getting treatment for reflux. I know they'll start us on gaviscon, which just made DS2 worse and is a pain to give when breast feeding but I doubt they'll give ranitidine until we've tried it.
Esme was screaming the house down yesterday evening too, nothing seemed to settle her :nope:. I think she was over tired and was working herself up poor girl. I ended up swaddling her, giving her a dummy and rocking her until she fell into a fitful sleep! Then she was up eating pretty much every hour through the night. Today will be sponsored by coffee! :sleep::sleep::sleep:
Could be your babies are going through growth spurts, hope you get a better night tonight both of you!

Archer still had slightly green poo this morning but nothing like yesterday. My milk does come really fast so I'm wondering if it is that he's not got enough hind milk? I'll ring the hv tomorow if doesn't improve today. Otherwise he's fine himself :-)
Ganton its really hard isnt it..ope u goet something sorted

Iv been back to the gp today abd got ranatadine but it has to be specially made so cant pick up until nxt week...
Shes screamin in pain after every feed and looks so uncomfortable
Thanks Emma. As expected, the doctor would only give me gaviscon and said to try it for 2 weeks. There is no way in waiting 2 weeks if she's obviously in pain. She's had it in a fee feeds today and still struggled this evening. If it gets worse over the weekend, I'll go back next week. I'm glad you managed to get the ranitidine though and really hope it works.
I only tried gaviscon for 5 days therea no way i was waitin longer !
Def go back if shes still in pain...its just not nice :*(

Fingers crossed we both get it sorted for them xx

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