April/May IVF buddies?!?

Plex - i have been logging on daily and coming here to await you update. I am so very sorry this did not work for you both - you are such a lovely lady and always so encouraging to others.

i am thinking of you :flower:

Life is just so unfair sometimes.


Whichever child you adopt will be so lucky to have you. I give so much credit to people who adopt. Its a big step and its a hard one. I hope the adoption process goes smoothly for you guys. Blood/DNA doesnt make a family...Love is what makes a family. And I know you guys will love that child and be great parents and your son will be a great big brother.

I am so sorry IVF didnt work out for you. it really isnt fair.

Will you be doing foster-adoption, open adoption, closed adoption, or embryo adoption?
:hugs: thanks :hugs:

Am going to be just going for plain adoption, embryo adoption is too expensive. Im still waiting on our wtf appointment, in no hurry for that though as we cant do any more treatments due to costs etc. Found some old clomid from 2010, got 5 months worth so will try those see how we get on lol really not expecting much but hey, any port in a storm and all that :)

How are you lovely ladies doing? xx
Hey u never no!!! That clomid could be ur miracle worker!!! Things are ok here. I failed my first GD test and had to do the 3 hour one...just waiting for the results.
Plex - i have read about success with clomid following failed IVF cycles - i hope so very much that you will be able to add your own story.

I have to say that i am thinking about adoption more and more - if you do progress with that please do update here as i would love to know what resources you find helpful etc. I will do the same.
Heya girls - how r u both doing? Ive been meaning to pop by online to see how everyones doing :)

Ive not done much adoption wise, gunna use up all this clomid first i think. Apply May time, gives us 6 months after treatment.

STILL not had our WTF app yet :grr: frustrating but we have no money left so not really bothered in the grand scheme of things :shrug: Got to pay my mum back as still owe her 3000 for the last cycle - already re-paid 1000. Just saved up another grand to transfer friday next week, taking us to 2000.

We are in the process of landscaping our garden and re-decorating lol dont do things by halves here :) so money isnt too good at the mo. I have said to hubby that i will be saving my own little pot up so we can maybe try an iui in the future but not sure i want to go through the failure again :nope:

anyways, thinking of u both xx
Hey! Glad to hear you are doing ok. I'm not sure if they have this in the UK, but in the US, our banks have this thing called a Christmas Club Account. Most people use it for Christmas, but people use it for other things as well. You open the account, then put money in as you please. You are not allowed to withdraw the money at all. At the end of October, you get a check for however much you saved. Most people then use it for Christmas shopping, but some people will re-open the account and put that money back in it and continue to add to it. Its good because you cant take the money out, so it helps u save.

Things are ok here. I am getting a c-section on April 17 due to my being very high risk. I just got diagnosed with gestational diabetes a couple days ago and I hate the new diet. No sweets and limited starches. My whole diet consists of starches. I have to test my blood sugar 4x a day. I did good all day today until dinner time. My son is getting a poem published in a book so we went out to celebrate and I had Italian food. My sugar is supposed to be less than 120 and it was at 225. Needless to say, we will not be having any more italian food for the next 3 months.

I hope the clomid works for you. I am in an infertility pregnancy group on facebook and quite a few of the women who are pregnant got pregnant AFTER they stopped their treatments. One woman did exactly what your doing. She used up all her IVFs and IUIs with no success, so she just used her leftover clomid for 3 months and ended up getting pregnant the 3rd month. Miracles happen!!!

Plex. Hi :flower:

The garden landscaping sounds good. I cannot wait until we get our own house and I can make it exactly how I want it. So sick of renting. I hate doing the maths and working out how much I have spent on ttc......certainly enough for a decent house deposit!!

I hope and pray that clomid does the trick. I have read lots of stories of clomid and natural conception success post treatments.

Thinking of you :flower:
heya both :hi: hows things??? im so sorry ive been crap at coming online here recently :( i think everytime i log on i see my signature and remember all the crap of the past couple of years (gunna have to change that i think!)

I cant believe that ur 33wks JViti!!!! Seriously not long left for you at all! I really hope you have not had anymore complications hun :hugs: xx

Blythe - Money on treatment sure stacks up, stupidly so! Think we've spent over £20,000 in 3 years, which isnt as bad as it could be i suppose but when you dont have it in the first place, it truely sucks :( Hows your journey going? whats ur next ttc step? I still havent made my mind up about adoption, i cant seem to accept that my body is incapable of conceiving again. Dont know if i ever will :shrug: ttc is a pile of crap - wish we all didnt have to go throught it! :hugs: xx
hey! ive been bad here too lol. so far no more complications. Just very uncomfortable now. he is consistently in my ribs lol. yeah its not much longer to go! Its 5w5d left! crazy!!! how have things been going for you? Are you still going to adopt?
Jviti - Heya huni :hugs: eeeeek!!!!! 39 weeks! i dont feel as if ive been offline for almost 5 weeks! Hope u are doing both well - were u having a planned c-section if i remember rightly? I have been thinking of you :D xx

Blythe - :) Hiya! Sorry not been online for ages, i have no computer access at work now (laptop broken) I have a tablet but just cant deal with the app (have no idea how to navigate it) so i have to remember to use my home computer lol Hows ur journey going? xx
hey!! I am in the hospital now, I gave birth yesterday, 4/14. He is 8lbs 0.4 oz and 19.5 inches long. Nathan Brady Vitiello. Born at 7:56 am.

How are things with you????? Ive been thinking about you!
:happydance: yayayayayay!!!!! Congratulations to u all huni!!! How are you recovering? Been thinking of you - hope u had no more complications?

Im good ta, just mulling along. Got drama at work so pretty occupied with that for the most part. Clomid didnt work so leaving that behind us now. Going to ask if we can try letrozole or tamoxifen to see what happens but failing that we have decided to go for embryo adoption if all else fails.

So happy for you right now!! xxx
gosh ur lil man is a month old already?!!? :D hope u are all well and Anthonys enjoying having a baby brother! :hugs: xxx
hey!! Yeh hes a month old! Time is flying by. Embryo adoption sounds great! I am in a couple infertility support groups online and quite a few people are doing that now and have had some great success. I hope the best for you.

Anthony likes being an older brother, for the most part. He is still having a hard time sharing the spotlight. But hes getting the hang of it. I attached some pictures for you! Please let me know how the embryo adoption works and I am so glad you're not giving up!!


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oh my, he is adorable!!!! :D is it strange doing all things baby after a long gap?

I so hope to join you in baby mode soon :) i think i may be spending a bit more time online now as im off sick from work (have been for about a month so far) Im intending on leaving as well so may be on a bit more. :D

It is weird!! I have to relearn everything cuz so much has changed since my first was a baby. For instance, my first was a huge spitter-upper. He would choke on it while he was sleeping, so the doctors and nurses had me roll a receiving blanket up and place it under his back so that he was leaned a little to the side, that way when he spit up, he would be able to drool it out. Well, Nathan was doing that in the hospital. So, as an experienced mom, I did the same thing to him. I rolled up the receiving blanket under his back so that he wouldnt choke on his puke. A doctor came in and creamed me for it. I got yelled at. I told him we did that with my first, and that the doctor had been the one to do it, so we were just doing it again with this baby. I then got told that its considered dangerous now. Jeez-a-fucking-loo. So yeah, everything is different, everything I thought I knew is now no longer acceptable. Its like being a first time mom all over again.

That sucks your sick, and cant work at the present time. But maybe its a good thing? Means you'll have more time to research embryo adoption and persue it. I was out on medical leave and decided to do my IVF while i was out of work since i had the extra time. thank goodness cuz i wouldnt have been able to do ivf otherwise, my job wouldnt have given me the extra time off. Bittersweet cuz i ended up losing my dream job, but gained a baby. (Obviously the baby is more important and what i wanted more, but it still sux that i lost my dream job).
Just checking in and seeing how things are!!

So, umm, yeah my baby is 11 weeks now...and...

its looks like I'm pregnant again. I dont know HOW THE HELL that happened. I am going to my Primary Care Doctor in the morning hopefully (if shes not closed for the 4th of July...our Independance Day). and get a blood test, cuz if I am, I need Crinone and the blood thinner again.

I mean seriously!! I am infertile, TTC for 5 years. Finally get my baby through IVF, am told that IVF was the only way I would ever conceive, and then I get pregnant naturally right after my baby is born. Like seriously??!?!?!!!

I guess its true what they say, you'll get pregnant if you DONT try. I'm happy, and its a blessing, but its a tough time financially right now. Can barely pay for rent. But I start my new job on Monday, so hopefully that helps us.
.........................EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo::happydance::bunny:

OMFG...... had to read ur post several times to let it just sink in lololol :D

Im seriously lost for words - Its truely a gift! <3 and after all your heartache trying for so long! Please, PLEASE post me ur update asap 2moro - i will be online hopefully 24hrs from now :D

only a quick post as was dropping in to quickly update my journal xxx
I am just at a loss for words to be honest. I have to call my Primary Care Doc tomorrow because she was closed Friday for the holiday. But I took another FRER this morning and the line was super dark, and came up right away.

Ill let you know what my doctor says in the morning!

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