April Mummies 2011

this is going to be abby's shirt for her 2nd bday. i'm making a fabric scraps tutu to go with, it'll be so cute i'm going to die!...only difference will be the number will be a bright green and maybe different font..

Very cute Dana!!
Rosie has been pretty good but that could change! Haha! I think a lot of my troubles are hormonal. Thanks for the support. I know that when I'm in my mood my dh isn't as bad as I imagine he is and I know I'm not 100% in the clear either in terms of my behavior. But I want to be happy. I want him to gave a job and have a schedule.
So my tummy/hips/lower back are really messed up from how I slept last night. I hope tonight is better. Rosie did just take a 2 hr nap. I got 45 minutes of light sleep in before dh called but when my phone went off I shot awake. Luckily I answered because he called from a pay phone. I'm hoping he can video chat with me later.
So tired! I think were having something canned for dinner. I will be more productive tomorrow ;)
Sorry everyone's struggling so much! We're not great here either. Dh's been traveling for nearly 2 weeks now and Isis misses her daddy terribly. Her teeth had stopped bothering her for about a week but I think they working again, just in time for us to be traveling. She has several canines and molars coming in. She hasn't been eating much lately, very clingy, and emotional. I've been struggling a lot because work has been very stressful too! I'm going to have to check in at least once a day with work while I'm on vacation.
Ok, I gotta be up in 6 hours. I hope things get better for everyone!
Sarah, rex and alex sound like twins!! i'm not a fan of going outside unless its warm either! wish every once in a while i could stick the tv on and he'd just sit and snuggle and watch it. Not all the time of course but it'd be nice sometimes!

today i feel like total crap :cry:, really nasty head cold, which of course i'll survive but alex seems to be playing up super much and DH is now getting the man flu version too. I've told him to go buy some decent drugs as he can at least take them to make him feel better! def not feeling the sympathy this morning for him, lol, he did get up with alex this morning but came back into bed with him at just gone 8 and laid down as if he was dying. Sorry but that's exactly how i felt on thurs and still had to get up and take alex swimming, all by myself! then yesterday had to go to work feeling like that!!

anyways moan over! danielle, hope your DH is back soon?

big :hugs: to everyone that needs them! xx
Cute shirt Dana!!! :)

:hugs: to all those who need them!!

So a friend of mine posted an article on FB saying you can tell the gender of your baby as early as 6 weeks!! I was like WHAT? so i had to read and it said its all in the location of the placenta -- 97.2 percent of boys had their placenta on the right side of the uterus at that 6 week ultrasound, and 97.5 percent of girls had theirs on the left. Crazy, isn't it? According to their study, this method should be considered "highly reliable" in determining gender within the first few weeks of pregnancy.

Ohh and apparently if your first ultrasound was transabdominal, the image is flipped, so you'd reverse the sides. :)
With this one at 6 weeks it was to left... almost center though. And abdominal so switch it makes top tight.
I read everyone's posts but I've had a couple Mai Tai's so I don't remember everything. We've made it to Hawaii! Caro, we actually met up with dh in Hawaii yesterday. :) I'm just glad to have some help! Our house is really nice! We're probably going to the volcano tomorrow. I'm really excited! I hope everyone had a good weekend and a new week!
have a lovely time danielle!

Dana, i didn't get a 6wk scan :(, first was at 12wks! think it has to be done between 6-8wks or something for it to be accurate!

hope everyone is ok? i've had practically a whole wkend of being pretty ill and therefore haven't got online at all! crazy how much there is to catch up on but at the same time it was quite nice having a break from the internet!!

anyways we got a few more things sorted for our move (still not exchanged, our buyers are driving me mental!!), including scattering all the sandpit sand around the garden...alex loved doing this, i just hope he doesn't remeber when we fill the sandpit back up after we move!! :haha:

this morning went for a walk and play with my FIL's dog, which again alex loved! fx'ed he's now down for a decent nap ;) xx
i really think if you're going to put babies in a promo banner, you should make sure they're not homely...j/s
Its wine time! My mother has managed to emotionally manipulate me about the money we paid them back. We had been calling (a little often I will admit) because she continued to not deposit quite a lot of money even though she said she would. We try really hard to keep a balanced budget but emergencies happen and I'm sorry but we live paycheck to paycheck and we have critically low savings because of Josie's daycare. So, 325 is a lot to be looming over our head.

So, Michael called her matter of factly and then she calls me bitching about it and manipulating me. Then sends me an email about how she had to leave the gym because she was crying too hard and couldn't breathe.

She's really good at emotional manipulation. I'm so sick of it. I won't have Josie becoming aware of this type of treatment. I hate using Josie against her. I hate it, but I do have to protect her. Just like I wouldn't let her play in traffic, I won't let her be manipulated. And honestly, with therapy I'm learning to do the same for myself.

*sigh* this is why I'm sooo worried about moving closer to them. Up until now Michael has been the buffer between my vulnerableness to my mother's manipulation, but now I have to put my big girl panties on and hit it head on. I will have my friends there and I'm staying with one of my best friends who is strong (stronger than me I'll say). So hopefully all this helps.

Ugh! Sorry for ranting. I'm just so upset about her manipulation of me, and acting like a child over 325$.
We have been having an incredible time in Hawaii! Today we went to a black sand beach and discovered that there were turtles on it! I took some incredible pictures! Then we went to the southern most point of the us. It was incredibly windy all day! We spent some time in Kona today, we saw a ton of coffee plantations!
So the house we rented is right on the open but its on a cliff. We see tons of whales every day! We see them breech, slap their tails etc. it's really cool! We're only two days in and this is probably the best vacation I've ever had!
Casey, sorry your Mom continues to be such a manipulative drama queen. Crying so hard she couldn't breathe, really?!? I'm sorry but that type of reaction is reserved for really bad news or if you're the type, really good news (like you won $$$$). You sound very strong yourself so please give yourself full credit. You realize you are sensitive to her ploys and you put a security net in place to protect your family. That is a truly strong person. I'm glad your friend will be able to help you stand up to her as well.

Danielle, I can't wait to see pictures. What an amazing trip and to share with Isis, awesome!!!

How are the pregnant ladies feeling? Hope you're all doing well (preg or not for that matter!!)

Gem, how are you feeling?

I've been up since 6am, can't sleep. Lizzie woke up all happy and cute at 5:30 and luckily fell right back asleep but I can't manage to. It's nearly 7 and my alarm will be going off soon.

Very excited as we're vacation planning at the moment. Looks like a week at the Disney resort on Hilton Head Island the end of April and a week at Disney World in September. We got a price that I can't even quite believe for a Disney resort ($140/night in a studio at Wilderness Lodge or $180/night for a 2 bedroom if my parents go and split a 2 bedroom with us). We're renting disney vacation club points and the prices are unreal compared to booking through Disney for the same resorts. Even with 3 airline tix and 5 day park tix our total cost is around $2500 for a week, so excited!!!

Back to reality and work now...
It's crazy! Josie didn't sleep well last night either. She ended up coming to bed around 1/2 (we didn't get to sleep until midnight trying to reason with my mother. Didn't happen). Then in the middle of the night- 3/4 I woke up and Josie was out of bed and I bolted up "where's Josie?" and Michael bolted up and was confused and then he felt her on the floor next to his feet asleep on the floor (he sleeps on a make shift mat on the floor when she gets in bed) and we moved her back to the bed. Lol she must have woken up and fallen back asleep or something. I hope she isn't a sleep walker. That terrifies me.

Cheese-- I soooo want to be in Hawaii!! :)

So my talked to Michael for a long time last night. Never getting over an issue only going back it even after Michael had addressed. Oh and Michael told her "if you had a problem with me why didn't you tell me why did you call Ashley?" and she said "because she's my daughter. I can talk to her whenever I want, youre not my son". That was really hurtful to Michael.

She just keeps digging herself a hole. But it's all for the best because everytime we pull away just a little more. I ended up telling her how concerned I was about her hurting Josie and that it might not be true but my childhood with her carries so much baggage I can't help but think it. She's all offended that I "bring up the past". Well I'm in therapy for it al it's relevant. *sigh*

I don't even care anymore. I'm not going to Let her spoil my time with my family or our upcoming getaway. :)
to say pickles sleep is fucked up atm (and has been for 3 weeks now) is an understatement
:hugs: Casey. I'm glad you're learning to stand your own with your mom
And I'm glad that you have Michael on your journey

Cheese that sounds amazing!! We stayed at the Hilton in Kona when I went years should. Found this restaurant in the hills with the world's best pancakes!

Bernina- those vacations sound amazing! I'm jealous!! I used to go to disney world often. My uncle would take me

Sorry for those not getting enough sleep. Rosie slept on a mat om the floor but the puppy kept laying on her. Brought her to bed with me at 3 and she decided 4:50 was an OK time to wake up. She three up the night before so I was up for most of the night with her. I'm soo tired.

In the last 5 days (not sure about daycare) Rosie has only had one poopy diaper and she even finished on the potty. Pee is still a lot of accidents but getting yhere
Great news on the potty training Sam! Lizzie was using the potty regularly first thing in the morning for a huge pee and then before bed for pee and usually a poo. The last week she's refused to use the potty most times when I ask. In fact she's refusing to do most things I ask and is turning into a real monster. It's wearing DH and I out and we're afraid this is the new 2 yr old Lizzie. Guess we just have to stay strong with time outs and positive reinforcement and redirection. Always something!!
Casey, sorry your Mom continues to be such a manipulative drama queen. Crying so hard she couldn't breathe, really?!? I'm sorry but that type of reaction is reserved for really bad news or if you're the type, really good news (like you won $$$$). You sound very strong yourself so please give yourself full credit. You realize you are sensitive to her ploys and you put a security net in place to protect your family. That is a truly strong person. I'm glad your friend will be able to help you stand up to her as well.

Danielle, I can't wait to see pictures. What an amazing trip and to share with Isis, awesome!!!

How are the pregnant ladies feeling? Hope you're all doing well (preg or not for that matter!!)

Gem, how are you feeling?

I've been up since 6am, can't sleep. Lizzie woke up all happy and cute at 5:30 and luckily fell right back asleep but I can't manage to. It's nearly 7 and my alarm will be going off soon.

Very excited as we're vacation planning at the moment. Looks like a week at the Disney resort on Hilton Head Island the end of April and a week at Disney World in September. We got a price that I can't even quite believe for a Disney resort ($140/night in a studio at Wilderness Lodge or $180/night for a 2 bedroom if my parents go and split a 2 bedroom with us). We're renting disney vacation club points and the prices are unreal compared to booking through Disney for the same resorts. Even with 3 airline tix and 5 day park tix our total cost is around $2500 for a week, so excited!!!

Back to reality and work now...

omg, we're doing the same thing in jan! love renting dvc points!!!

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