April Mummies 2011

So..I have news to share! We are going to be adding an addition to our family tomorrow lol And its a BOY!!:haha: A Boston terrier pup named Roscoe!! Watch on facebook for pics of him lol :)
So..I have news to share! We are going to be adding an addition to our family tomorrow lol And its a BOY!! A Boston terrier pup named Roscoe!! Watch on facebook for pics of him lol :)

Oh I can't wait!!!! Little puppy pictures are the best!
It's so weird. I just wish I knew when the patience bucket was going to end. I am usually really good at talking Josie through a tantrum and I can still do that but then it's like a switch gets turned off, sometimes even in the middle of trying to be consoling and I just say "stop!" or "no!" really loud and end up having to just walk away for a moment.

I think she's teething. She slept so poorly last night even coming to bed with us she didn't want. She just tossed and turned all night and then she demanded to go back to her crib. Then to come back to our bed!! It was almost hilarious. Of course we are tired as shit so what did we do? Whatever she wanted. When your tired there is no room for arguing.

Today I've already slept for an hour while Josie was put to watch Super Why. I don't even feel bad anymore. It's like sanity time. Can't wait for Josie's nap time so I can nap some more. It seems that the more I nap the less nausea and heartburn I get.
I'm not handling pickles tantrums well at all atm, because they're about nothing. The ones that are related to not being able to have something or do something or whatever they're fine, but when she just stops walking and looks at me and starts I just have no patience :o

yes, teething here too for sure but no sign of them. these back 4 are supposed to be vile aren't they so maybe they're on the move - who knows, what I do know is I'm sick of everything atm and I'm not pregnant :D
Glad you got good numbers back!! I feel you with the lack of patience and I think it is because were so tired. Adequate rest is the only thing that helps... and it is so hard to get.
Cottles sorry for the pain! I remember the accident now I hat you mention it. My hips hurt most of the time and my arm goes numb when I'm sleeping. And the braxton hicks. Ugh! Though I'm hoping it makes a vaginal delivery more likely.

Yay for exchanging caro!!!

Emmy- can't wait to see puppy pictures! I've always wanted a Boston terrier mixed with a pit bull lol. Mini pit bull!

Remember the issues I was having with my former best friend? She started texting me last week and we hung out yesterday for a few hours. It wasn't the same but it was OK. She wants to hang out again soon
Glad you and your friend are hanging out. Even if it's not the same maybe it can be.... But who knows do you want to hang out with her again?

I never had Braxton hicks with Josie. If I did it was super mild and I didn't notice. So if I get them this time it'll be the first time and I'm sure I will freak out a few times.

I'm hoping to be a VBAC too. I'm actually really scared of getting pre-e again so I'm being really extra conscious of what I eat and BERATING myself to go for walks everyday. The walks thing hasn't happened yet but I'm blaming the messy house and the cold damp weather. Hopefully when I don't have those excuses I will start getting my ass outside!! I want to be able to walk 3-5 miles three times a week. We will see how that goes. I plan on starting slow.

I've had more patience with Josie today. She's so congested! :( poor thing. I think it's the afternoon time that gets bothersome. I am starting to notice more of an afternoon sickness instead of morning. So around 2 until basically I go to sleep I have nausea and headache and heartburn. So it's hard to handle Josie then.
What's everyone's plans for the kids birthdays?

We're planning on going to sea world :)
Awesome beta number Casey!!! I think mine was 199 14 dpo with Lizzie (medicated cycle) and they said the same thing as you, happy with anything over 100.
What's everyone's plans for the kids birthdays?

We're planning on going to sea world :)

SEA WORLD!!!!!! I wanna go! :haha:

We just booked a venue at this place called Be With Me: Children's Playseum yesterday. It's like a building that is set up like a town square with different "shops" all around. Like a "beauty salon" a "grocery store" the "Fire Engine House" a "Pet Shop" and more. It's really fun. We took Josie in January and she LOVED it. They do birthdays and since we will be starting our packing and selling (of a lot of furniture) soon for my Move in June I didn't really want people at our house. Plus it's a small house and Josie wants to invite all her friends from Daycare. Lots of people in this little house is not my idea of fun.
That's great news on the move, Caroline :thumbup:

Aaawww, a four-legged baby, Emmys :D I'd love a dog when Rex is older so he can take it for walks :haha:

I'm not even preggo & sometimes struggle with patience with the tantrums, especially when I've had a full day with Rex on my own. He can't half throw a mega tantrum too! :dohh: Danielle just posted an article on FB that explains why toddlers have tantrums. After reading that, I am going to try & have more patience with Rex's tantrums. Well....I'm going to try :haha:

We've booked a play centre for Rex's birthday. His bday is on a Sat this year so his party will actually be on his bday, which is lovely :) It's a smaller play centre & you get exclusive use at a party so it'll much calmer & can have some of my childless friends & family there without having to worry about space. Also on the bday front, I am currently working on DH so I can get Rex a kitchen. DH is such a gender stereotype & says boys don't have kitchens :dohh: He loves the one at play group!

I am getting seriously broody now! With all you girls pregnant on here & one of our close friends just hit 20 wks too. Plus OBEM isn't helping! I know I need to wait til the end of July to TTC so I can shift my extra pounds & enjoy my sister's wedding but the reckless part of me could so just get myself up the duff right now!
Haha I'm the same sazzle. I'm proper broody but want to enjoy my 30th in Sept and my best friend was due last week. Can't wait to give a newborn a big hug :)
DH and I are both struggling with Isis's tantrums. I posted that article as a reminder to myself as much as anything else. I was raised very authoritarian and I want to raise Isis in an authoritative household. Its hard but I keep reminding myself that she's not a small adult, she's a toddler.

and you knocked up girls are making me a little jealous! I really don't want another baby right now but that's brain vs. hormones. I know what will win. :haha:

For Isis's birthday I'm doing an Elmo theme party at our house. We're going to invite her little friends over and my parents are coming out. I hope the weather is good because we have a walk-out basement and I'd love to use the basement and backyard for the party. Any of you know how to handle declining presents? She doesn't need anything and if they want to give something I'd love for them to donate to an organization. She does not need any more toys!
hey guys. i've been rather quiet on the updates this week but still stalking. drama and illness are driving me batty!! abby's whining and tantrums for everything are making me want to beat my head and her head if only for a moments peace. i don't ever actually hit her, but damn i want to sometimes.
i think about #2 sometimes but dh and i defo need to be better as a couple for a while before i do this again. a little more solid ground if you will.
speaking of dh, he told me i could stand to loose weight. i wish he would've been honest with me like a couple years ago to where it wouldn't feel like i had a mountain to climb.
i also feel like i suck and fail at english. whatever gpa i get from my a's in other classes won't matter if i can't get this one down. i think i write really good essays, only to have them destroyed by my professor. combo of this, being told about weight last night and being dead sick i'm super emotional about the whole thing. i went to writing center to get help and he looked at me and said "oh you just don't want to do the work writing it again?" fuck you very much sir. i'll be making sure if i ever go in there again, it won't be with that tool ever again. these are supposed to be supportive other students and that's just crazy. he didn't even read my essay, just started re writing it and now it doesn't even make any sense. i could seriously cry from frustration.
tomorrow a gf and i are going to watch bd2, get drunk and do some dance party on kinekt. i sure could use it after today.
Danielle-- I've given up trying to get people NOT to buy her stuff. Instead I donate old toys that she doesn't play with as much or that I personally don't find entertaining (aka HEADACHE INDUCING). I just think it's hard for people NOT to get her stuff.

Dana-- That is awful!! :( First of all the writing center should definitely be more supportive and help YOU do a paper instead of attempting to just re-write it. I'm sorry about what DH said, and also about you guys not connecting at the moment. Definitely a good idea to keep the marriage as a focus before trying for more.
BIG :hugs: Dana!! Sorry that guy in the lab was a jerk!! :(
Also, hope you have a blast on your girls night!!
I guess I just want the birthday party to be just a party not where people feel obligated to buy presents.

Sorry things are so unstable right now Dana! That guy was a serious jerk at the help center! he should be there to help you! I'm not great at writing either so I feel your pain. I hope you figure out a way to get through it so you can move on to classes that are your forte! my DH has told me before that he would like me to lose weight but its in a constructive manner. in that, I would like you to lose weight so you are more healthy. when we were first together he wasn't quite so eloquent. I've talked with him enough that now he understands how to talk with me about it. on the flip side I used to nag him about smoking. Now I realize that its his demon and we are just open with each other. This has taken a LONG time to develop. We've been together 10 years and have been working on this from the beginning.

I forgot to say: so many congratulations to you Casey!

Cottles, I'm sorry you're having so much pain! Just 100 or fewer days to go! :thumbup:

My dyeing business has gotten crazy! This week I had orders for 20 yards of fabric! I have about 1/4 done and we have friends coming over tomorrow!

Have a great weekend everyone!
So glad your dyeing business is getting lots of orders though!! :D That's a win!

Michael has never told me to lose weight, when I tell him I want to he's supportive but he's not very motivating and sometimes I need that. I need a motivator. I also need to learn to do it on my own, but that's my own battle.

So, i told all family I was pregnant! LOL I couldn't hold it in anymore. My godmother said she knew. By some of my fb posts. *sigh* oh well. I still have my fb announcement in April.

So still nothing on FB please. :) I told family that too.
oh, i asked him about it since i saw a promo pic taken on the school website. it wasn't like "omg you need to loose weight!"
pretty sure i would've punched his neck. :haha:
today i think i did OK, def better then usual but being sick and not eating for a few days does tend to shrink the tummy. plus, i hate tonight but now it's all just come back out, so yay! :rofl:
pretty sure this dress will be used for abby's 2 year pics. we're going with the super spring theme and will be having a party at our apartment like we did last year. she's not in daycare or anything, so it'll be just family and family friends like last year.
i'm making her a scrap tutu too (say that 10 times fast), it's going to be super adorbs.


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