April Mummies 2011

i wonder where katherine is? it's not like she's busy or anything..
So how sad am I? I have never had a full night away from Isis. We really have no excuse. She isn't weaned but she only nurses twice a day and she sleeps through the night. We don't have family close. BIL and sil have offered to take her overnight so we could go stay in Chicago but we've never taken advantage of that. We really should.

Sorry Gertrude! Definitely go get blind drunk!

Hangovers with a toddler totally suck!! Not something I want to do often.
We've never left Aleena either, I have never left her with someone besides DH period.

Don't feel like it is necessary as I am a SAHM, and we don't really have family close besides DH's family who live 45 mins away but we don't get along.
wait, i left her overnight when she was like 5 months old with her god momma (my really good friend). DH was working and i went out of town with a friend for her bday. it went so badly that i just don't think that'll ever happen again. in fact, i think it went so badly that's why i forgot about it.
my parents never left me overnight anywhere that didn't include them, so it's just not normal for me.
i wonder where katherine is? it's not like she's busy or anything..

Haha! Yeah this 3 under 3 thing is a piece of cake... ;)

hope everyone's doing ok. I'm feeling totally smug about how well I'm coping with no sleep but I'm finding the c section recovery a bit difficult. Toby cut his knee and I burst into tears trying to explain to him why I couldn't pick him up for cuddles. :( We're figuring it out though.

Rachel... YOU ARE THE BEST. Thank you so much for the gift. I think I may have scared people with my excitement but bless DH, He went out at 8pm to get me that frappe :haha: Best treat ever!

Sorry for the short and sweet post ladies... My in laws are on their way round, DH is trying to get Toby to nap so I need to tidy up while the boys are in their milk comas!
Glad you're doing so well Cottles! Yea I don't know how I will cope with a c csection and a toddler and newborn. Dh is no help. This week hasn't been any better. I feel like he is expecting me to make all the change. he wouldn't get up with Rosie this morning but I hardly slept and really over did it cleaning yesterday. I'm not even half way done either. My body hurts so bad and lifting my right leg is near impossible.
My counseling session went good and we are going to work through the trauma surrounding Rosie's birth in hopes that will help with this baby's birth and life in general. I feel awful. I haven't been bonding with this baby. I hardly ever talk to her. So I was told to get Passion Flower for my anxiety I've been having and Dh has no interest in anything I've been doing trying to feel better with life. I am so tired
But I've been having Rosie go on over nights since about 10 months old.
:hugs: Sam, can't believe you're DH isn't trying to make more changes too :(. My right leg is really weak/odd too...difficult to lift it, can't really stand from sitting or squatting. It's like all the strength has suddenly been zapped!?

Katherine, glad to hear everything is a piece of cake ;). Sounds like you're under control though!!

we actually really enjoyed our night away last night, despite a very dodgy morning with alex being a total nightmare...talking throwing everything, tantrums etc etc. But we put him down for an early nap and then took him to FIL's after and he became a total angel for him! even turned round and said 'bye bye' to us and trotted off, then as FIL assured us he was happy we left him there until 4pm today! longest we've both ever been away from him! and even when we returned he was really not all that bothered we returned! FIL does have a dog though, and the weather was good so he just kept taking them both outside :D.

Gives me peace of mind though for when I have this baby as he may well end up at FIL's if its during the day/evening as my mum will hopefully be coming as the 2nd midwife. Getting so close now :shock:
Glad to hear that things are going well, Katherine :) Long may that continue!

Sorry to hear things aren't getting better with DH, Sam. Chin up! For you, Rosie & bump.

Glad you had a good break, Caroline. Baby no. 2 is really close now! You'll probably have had him/her by the time I break up for the summer hols!!!

Back to work this week after a fab holiday :( But still lots to look forward to! My sister's hen do, Robbie concert & then my sister's wedding at the end of July & our first family holiday :) Then TTC :D Happy, happy!
ooh exciting sarah! omg yes i'll prob have had this baby by school holidays, gulp :haha:

not too long until you ttc now at all then! hope you've started the folic acid ;) xx
Ill be starting the folic acid well before we TTC!! Sarah sounds like you have so much fun things coming up! I love having a bush schedule, having something to look forward to makes it so much more easier to get through every day!

Katherine SO SO glad you like your little treat! I couldn't help myself! Bless you, I admire you for looking after all 3 boys and recovering from a c-sec! We will have to meet up when babies are a bit bigger and you are in a routine.

Sam sorry DH is being a jerk; makes me so so angry for you :(

Went to Brighton today, was a gorgeous day today! Had fish and chips on the beach, went for a walk on the pier, rode the carousel, etc. was so fun!

Amelia has been in underwear for a week and these last three days she has had no accidents! All pees are in the toilet or potty depending in where we are. However number 2's are a nightmare! She freaks out when she can feel it and goes in her underwear (tmi!). But jake was the same when potty training, it's something about a different feeling. So so proud of her though! She's changed so much recently. Very sassy, independent, strong-headed, chatterbox. Just like her mummy haha
Sam - I too am so sorry for the idiot of a husband you have. He needs to both grow up and grow a pair. He's behaving like a petulant child. He has responsibiility now whether he likes it or not and it's about time he behaved like it.

I'm feeling really depressed atm. I can't see how I'm ever going to get pregnant, I can't see how if we did how we'd afford it. My dad is so ill now :( I saw him yesterday and he's so changed, even from just a month ago. They feed him a lot of the time now, and he no longer has his tea in a mug, he has to have a beaker :( It's sad to see pickle more advanced than he is. I feel totally lost and totally in limbo :(

My work is REALLY stressful atm :( I don't know what to do or where to start.

ooh exciting sarah! omg yes i'll prob have had this baby by school holidays, gulp :haha:

not too long until you ttc now at all then! hope you've started the folic acid ;) xx

I'll be starting once this cycle is out of the way. I only started on the cycle that we started trying with Rex, simply because we never, ever expected it to happen straight away, so figured I'd be taking it for a while before we conceived. But that wasn't the case so will be planning ahead a little more this time.

Massive :hugs: Gertrude. It must be so hard watching your dad deteriorate. It sounds like you visit him a lot & have really fought his corner with things so you shouldn't feel like you don't know what to do. You are doing so much already. And as for TTC, it will happen, so try to relax about it (easier said than done, I know!). You have all the big baby things you need from Pickle so you will definitely be able to afford another one :)
:hugs: Gertrude, it'll happen hun and people manage on nothing somehow money wise.

Rachel, you could have popped in and said hi :haha: bet you drove practically past my house from surrey!! (though actually we weren't in yesterday, lol) Glad you had a good day though, haven't taken Alex on the pier yet, really ought to I guess! xx
Yeah I know we'll manage somehow, suspect my OH will have to be a SAHD tbh. But the biggest issue is it was SO easy the first time, this time I'm on cycle 3 now and I'm really worried it isn't going to happen. I'm a bit crap when I'm not 1000000000% in control of something :D

And I'm supposed to be losing weight, well, you can guess how that is going can't you :dohh:
Losing weight sucks!!! See ticker... :blush: :haha:

I was meant to have lost all that by TTC. Clearly it is not going to happen. All my motivation from the first quarter of the year has done a runner on me! Dieting had ceased! I'm only staying the same due to exercise otherwise I'd def be putting on weight. I'm soooo greedy :haha:
Omg bloody losing weight, my day starts off good and by, well now, I have been such a pig. I try and walk everywhere but it's not exactly speed walking as jake is so slow! I gained weight with this pregnancy as by 3 months I was definitely up. I found slimming world REALLY good , I don't go to classes just follow their meals Eric and drink just water. I lost 8lbs the first two weeks. Err, then stopped lol I need willpower!!

Caroline, maybe I should get your address and next time I have a spare day (either a weekend or school holiday) we can meet up, it's definitely easier with my two now BUT you are very close to having another one! So maybe sooner rather than later?!

Gertrude I am so sorry your dad is unwell. It is the most saddest thing to see your dad decline. I was there 9 months ago, and even now I remember how bad he was. Especially when that person is NOT like that and would be embarassed to be like that (when they were in a good place). I really hope you fall pregnant soon, it takes an average of 6 months so you are still below that. Stay positive!!!

With jake I fell pregnant, well it was more a surprise. Amelia was around 2/3 months of TTC. My MMC took a month and my last pregnancy took 2 months *i think*. I hated the bloody two week wait. And the endless Internet cheapies! But I look forward to doing it all again in the ... Near.. Future. But on the other hand I really want to start my nursing degree. Ugh! I keep telling myself I can TTC after y degree, but with that comes a rise in age and after the trisomy with my 4th pregnancy, my odds are shit of it happening again.

Sorry for waffling, I have some kid free time and I'm not used to it!!
Yeah I just really miss my Dad. I sit with him and whilst it's him, and I love him so very much, I feel so fucking cheated all the time atm. And it's all consuming (as you know sadly :() - got to pull myself out of this fug I'm in.

Losing weight sucks. Balls.

wrt odds, does the trisomy of the last pregnancy make it more likely to happen again? I thought it wouldn't have had that effect at all.
oh I ordered a load of IC OPKs and HPTs so then at least I can distract myself as much as possible :haha: if I didn't have male cats I might test them too :D
We got to talk a bit more yesterday. I should have asked for help more than I did but he didn't have to be a dick when he finally did wake up. The Dr office gave me Tylenol 3 for my RLP and if really helped me sleep last night. But besides that it isn't helping with the pain very much. He said I could have percocet when I come into the office So I'm going to see how today and tomorrow go. I don't plan on taking it all the time.
Gertrude it took me 3 months of trying with Rosie and I was only 23. And my SIL tried for nearly 7/8 months for her first at 26. It will happen. And like the others have said you will afford it. I'm so hoping things work out for us financially too. We have been really struggling (like hard time buying food/anything above what we need) but Dh didn't have work for about 2 weeks and now he is busy again so hopefully that will help. I'm also having a baby shower next weekend. Thank goodness. I don't need much and most of what I do need is parts to my breast pump so I've got my fingers crossed. Oh and diapers lol
I'm kinda jealous how close some of you live to each other. I'm hoping Casey gets to come to CA to visit her DH and I can go visit her too!!
Good luck TTC ladies who are!

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