My little brother is notorious for saying he isn't hungry (more when he was younger) and we left his food out on the tAble. If he got hungry later that was srill the only option- and it was cold! Worked great though.
So last night Rosie went to sleep around 7:40p and woke up at 1:45a and I fed her. Then she farted and I swear she pooped so I wait a bit longer for her to finish. In the middle of changinG her poopy diaper DH tells me that she's making noise. Ummm Ya- I'm changing her! Then BAM!! She opens the poo gates and poops all over the blanket and her diaper and it just whooshes out!!! I tell him I need him to turn on the lights and he says no and I snap that the baby just shit everywhere and I need a light on (if I get up poop will cover my spot in bed) and he just starts screaming at me for getting attitude and he doesn't feel good and BLAH and if I better drop the attitude or else! I asked or else what?! Ready to leave at this point! He says he's gonna put holes in the walls. He's over it today but I'm still just frustrated and irritated and he better be fucking happy Rosie is so little bc I would react much differently if he looses his temper with her like that. UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!