April Mummies 2011

yep no problem :) I loved my close with pickle, no tying ends to get stuck with :)
i get soppy over how amazing abby is almost every day. crazy what she's grown into from something so small! (first time we saw her she was the size of a grain of rice.) i wasn't so sure about God before i had her, now i can't help but believe with what a miracle she is.
Sorry to hear that Edward isn't having an easy time sleeping, Caroline :hugs: But like you say, it is early days & at least this time, you know it won't last forever :)

I get soppy too, Dana. I'm amazed everyday at the minute at the new things Rex can say. I just don't know how coped when he couldn't tell us exactly what he wanted!

Having said that, I could have killed him today!!! Just after dinner, I was sorting out a poo in the potty & the little sod went into the kitchen whilst I was in the loo & threw half a dozen eggs all over the kitchen floor, which he'd managed to get out of the fridge. Grrrrrrrr!!! I screamed. A lot!!! Is it September yet?! :haha:
omg I bet that was hard to clean up!! least he kept them in the kitchen though, imagine that in your carpet!!

Eddie has been an angel today...what's the betting i'm in for a rough night :dohh:, he's slept sooo much!

Been at the pub all afternoon, Alex was in his element playing with 8 girls :haha:, he LOVED the attention as they were all mostly older than him, was sooo cute to watch as they were so patient with him, especially when he kinda spoilt their hide and seek game where he'd not hide but point out where others were hiding :haha:.

Only trouble is, don't sit on a picnic bench for hours when you gave birth 11days ago and ended up with a 2nd degree tear and didn't take any painkillers today :dohh:
Yeah, it took a LOT of kitchen roll and them a washing up bowl & cloth to get them up :dohh:

I honestly dread to think what he is gonna get up to in Cyprus next week :( Good job he's the only LO in a villa with 6 adults. We should just about be able to control him between us :haha:
AF started today :( have been feeling really queasy and exhausted all week and thought we had a chance :(

Off to bed to wallow, bah
Feeling like a bad mum tonight. Poppy's been up for about 2 hours now she drifts off but when I leave her room she is inconsolable. So I've toughen up and left her in my room and I'm in mine she keeps coming to my room asking me to sleep with her I keep returning her but she's breaking my heart!
maybe she just needs some extra mommy love? i say let her sleep by you as long as it doesn't turn into a habit.
I know in the short term the answer is to give in for an easier evening but I also know the long term the battle it is to get her back into routine once she's had one night out of it which involves her waking up many times in the night.
It's also a bit of a game with her at the moment and in general she is pushing boundaries etc.

I've chosen to stick to my guns been giving her cuddles on the way back to her room. Think things have started to settle down.
Caroline, have you tried a ring sling? I hadn't but I had someone ask me to make one and I tried it with Isis. It was really comfortable! She didn't like it but she hasn't even worn in quite a while!

Sorry Gertrude! I really thought this was your month! Enjoy some gin :)

Ri, whatever you choose, I hope she starts settling for you!

So yesterday Isis came home from school with a 101.4 fever. Poor girl was miserable and snuggled all night. I decided no matter what I would just work from home today. Well she still had a fever and I decided in the morning that I would use this as a trial run for staying home and doing my dye job with her at home. It was wonderful! I absolutely loved it! I wasn't stressed at all, I got so much done for my dyeing business. I can't even believe it! The best part is I had a great day and I wasn't so wiped at the end of the day that I couldn't handle being a mom. I was mom all day and was happy! I don't know how/if that will change over time but at least one day was good. I'm also thinking (if we can afford it) to get her into a half day MWF preschool so she's still around other kids regularly and still in a learning environment.
Sorry af turned up Gertrude :-(

Ria, I'd keep going too in your situation, Alex is a fab sleeper these days and we'd have the same problem if I gave in once. Like if we let him play in the driver seat of the car just once I then have issues getting him into his seat for weeks which makes every journey stressful and a challenge all for one play session!!

Danielle, glad u enjoyed your day home :). No I haven't tried a ring sling, I don't know anyone in real life who uses them to try and they're all sooo expensive. Gertrude is very kindly lending me her closer sling. Will see how I get on with that. Gonna try not to get too addicted as people sound like they spend hundreds on them :-/

I gotta say, I love you ladies!! I followed advice tonight and just went with it, we were asleep by 10.30 with Edward on my chest, I dunno how many times he nursed as kinda sleeply nursed him, he's now wide awake at 6am but I don't feel like death warmed up! Still tired yes, but able to function. And he's happily gurgling away in his crib, so I've just laid bk down for more rest :). Long may it last ;-)
:hugs: Gertrude

Get well soon, Isis.

Glad to hear your night was better, Caroline :) He'll sleep on his own when he's bigger :)

Ria, you are stronger than me! I've had a bed partner since 1.30am. DH was out for the night (I don't let him come to bed when he's drunk - snoring is too horrendous :haha: ) so I let Rex sleep with me cos was too tired for a battle on my own! :blush: I may well pay for this tonight!
Poppy finally went off for the night at half 12 when daddy came home and reinforced the boundaries
Oh ladies I feel shit, I really thought I was pregnant this month but that's only a tiny bit. I've reached a whole new level of exhaustion and tiredness :( and I don't know what I'm going to do about it. I've quit all the hobbies I had trying to cut back, the only thing left is working full time, studying part time (and need to write this up) and pickle, who has decided sleeping is for wimps and can't sleep through again.

I actually feel like I'm about to be physically sick all the time. I guess I'm just done in. I can't stop crying and I'm a mess :(

Other than medication, which I don't want, I just don't know what to do.

And I don't want medication because when dad gets even more ill, I need something in reserve as it were to try and cope.

Please don't say anything on Facebook, don't want people on there to know :(
:hugs: Gertrude. Could you maybe look at cutting your hours down at work? To 4 days or shorter days? That night give you some time on your own? I'm right there with you on the toddler not sleeping thing. It's tough. I just hold on to the hope that he'll be STTN by the time he's at school. I hope!
:hugs: Gertrude, somehow you need some time out hun, even one night away from pickle i'm sure you'd feel a million times better. When your that tired its hard to eat properly too then you'll have even less energy :(. Can someone give you a break? xxx
Lots of people could, but all that happens is I have the same shit just with less time to do it on.

I think I need to face up that I'm not very well with it all. I see my dr again a week on Thursday and I think I might need some more help. She's been after signing me off since about feb so she isn't the issue.

Sorry I'm properly doing my own head in today, all woe is me shit. I've finished baking way ahead of schedule, I have some time now whilst my OH is doing naptime. I think I'm off t drink a fucking huge gin in the sunshine and have a cry.

Pickle was sleeping through the night but what with the heat, these ******* back teeth and a massive growth spurt she's all out of sync :( it's bloody tough. I loathe these back teeth :(

Sorry girls, I'm aware all I do is moan. Having my period start yesterday was just the tipping point I think.

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