April Mummies 2011

How is Casey? I don't have her on my facebook, so out of the loop!!

Just had the news I was waiting for!!

My Hubby and I had our DNA karyotyped to check for translocation, to see what caused the Downs Syndrome with our last baby. it took 8 WEEKS for the results to come back, so as you can imagine, I have been very nervous with this pregnancy.

So the results have said we both have normal genes. It wasn't caused by translocation, it was just a rare fluke that we had a t21 baby. So happy we are both fine!!

they have suggested we can have an early scan but ill be honest, it wouldn't help reassure me because I have had problems at 10 weeks, so nothing like that would help!! But I'll see what my nuchal scan results are before we decide whether to have an Amnio or CVS to guarantee results. Either way, we are so so relieved!!
So happy for you Rachel! That has to be a relief! I hope everything goes well with this little one!

Isis had to sleep with me all night last night so I went to bed early. I needed sleep anyway so it wasn't too bad but this is now 2 nights in a row where I've had NO alone time in the evening. I'm getting a little batty. I need that time to just do nothing and have nobody needing anything from me. I feel like not even trying to put her in bed like normal but I know I have to. At some point she'll be comfortable enough to be ok. As someone who has abandonment issues due to a missing parent I really want her to be comfortable that I won't leave her.
Great news jakes!
Danielle- I know what you mean! I'm doing OK with the baby but for the longest time Rosie wouldn't settle or fall asleep until after I passed out in bed with her. Hope you manage to get some alone/you time tonight!!
casey had her little girl after only 5 hours of labor begining to end. 8lb 20.5 in ember lorelei

i did send a mass message to everyone i knew of fb about sending out a card bomb again since i'm sure dealing with no michael is hard, let me know if i missed you!
U missed me what do I need to do :)

Congratulations casey!

And that's brilliant news Jakes
Fab news, Rachel :) Now try to relax & enjoy your pregnancy more :thumbup:
I got a lot of facebook requests! :D LOL Thanks Dana for letting everyone know!!

Here's Ember Loralei's birth story (while she's asleep and content). Sorry if it's really long:

So, Wednesday night around 10-10:30 I started having light/moderate irregular contractions and while I was on the couch I felt a small little trickle but it didn't feel like it came out of my urethra, it was definitely different. So I called my midwife, told about irregular contractions and what I suspected was a trickle. She said most likely it wasn't but that even if it was it wouldn't matter much because the midwives would still allow me to labor at home properly. So she said to call if anything changes. So, things started going really quickly after that and honestly it's hard to pin point anything.

I started trying to time my contractions, but when the timing started saying things like 6 minutes apart, and 3 minutes apart I thought I was some how messing it up and I stopped. I was texting Michael and my roommate and telling them I was pretty sure my water broke. My roommate had told her boss before I told her, that she was going to need to leave because she suspected I was having a baby tonight. So, by the time I told her to leave around 11pm she was already ready to go. She works nights. My contractions had started getting really painful. To the point where I didn't want to walk, or couldn't walk and it was hard to do much in between. So i called my mom (and then a contraction started which freaked her out) and told her to come pick up Josie because I was pretty sure I was having the baby. She was already freaked out of course. My mother is a worrier (where I get it from) and she was really worried that I would have the baby on the road.

I called my midwife again and asked her if she would help me time them because I was sure I was messing up. After only 10 minutes or so she was telling me that the contractions were 3 minutes apart and that she was going to pack her bag and take a quick shower and head to the hospital and that I needed to do the same and call the midwife.

Things had started to get a little overwhelming at that point. I had to finish packing my bag (just the laptop so I could skype with Michael and the phone charger and camera). I had to pack some stuff for Josie for my mom's house. So it's about 11:20 now and my mom is showing up and I'm trying to get stuff ready while having contractions every 3 minutes, and my water is definitely gushing between contractions. My mom totally freaks me out when she gets there. She's so stressed out about me being in labor and she's telling me to get in her car cause she'll take me to the hospital. I REALLY didn't want that (because of the stress level). So I tell her Jessica's on her way and I start dilly dallying a lot to waste some time because I know Jessica was about 20 minutes away. She puts Josie in the car and I'm sitting on the stairs having contractions. It's 11:35 now and I know Jessica is moments away, and my mother starts urging me to get in the car before she calls an ambulance (just remember she's freaking out not angry). I tell her Jessica is 5 minutes away and she says "okay i'm waiting in the car for five minutes if she isn't here your getting in the car." and I agree because I know Jessica is almost there. Jessica races into the drive way and exchanges "thank you" remarks with my mom who is clearly relieved that she's there (my mom really doesn't handle her daughter in distress well never has). Jessica gathers everything up, I put on a tube top dress with no underwear because what's the use i'm gushing water. I'm also wearing a long sleeve red maternity shirt with minnie on it. I look so fashionable! It's about 11:50 when we head to the hospital. Let me tell you, it's like a scene from the movies. I'm basically screaming with each contraction, Michael's on the hands free speaker in the car and talking me through them and Jessica's lead footing it to the hospital. We got the hospital at 12:30 and moan/screaming through the hallways getting wheelchaired to L&D.

I had to sit and wait for about- can't remember times- for a room to be open. they were cleaning one of the only ones available at the moment. So I'm laboring alone with this random guy who wheeled me up in the wheelchair in the hallway of L&D. Jessica was parking the car and my doula showed up just afterwards. Everyone basically walked in around the same time, and we still waiting for the room. Apparently someone bled a lot all over it.

So- when I get in the room, I remember looking at the clock only a few times. Basically more laboring (pretty sure I was howl/yodeling at this point and shaking like crazy). I kept assuming it was going to be such a long time and the pain was already so awful. But the midwife came in and checked me as soon as we were in the room and she said i was about 6-7cm dilated. So I think around 1:30-2 she checks again and says I'm 8cm but really really soft and thin and if I ever felt the need to push to go ahead gently because pushing would help me dilate just a bit further.

So, all the while they are setting up the water birthing tub. The doula is trying to move them along faster because she knew I was having a baby really soon. Once the tub is done I think it was like 2:30 because I remember wondering how much longer because I was so tired. I was basically zoned out asleep between contractions. I get in and instantly feel a more pronounced need to push. So they tell me to push. Oh and the nurse was really having a hard time finding Ember's heartbeat because she was just so low and descended and I was kind of a bitch about it but eventually we came to an understanding and she found Ember's heartbeat and helped keep it steady for the monitors. I just didn't want to do anything during contractions and people kept asking me stuff during contractions.

So I'm pushing, and I'm making awful noises (and the video Jessica took I'm making awful faces too!) And no one can find the midwife to check me and I'm just pushing and pushing. The doula asks me to check myself to see if I can feel anything. I check and with about half a finger length I hit a hard bump. That's Ember's head. So, the nurse is like "I need to find the midwife, or we will have more paperwork to do."

Finally- no time because I wasn't facing the clock anymore, the midwife comes in and she checks me and she's like "oh yep, we're having a baby now." and she gets herself ready, she manually dilates me a little because I had a lip of cervix, when she did that the pushing got more intense and I could feel what I know now is my baby coming down slowly. It felt like a rocking, she would be pushed down and then when I was done pushing she'd slide back up a little. But I started getting a bit impatient so I started trying to push harder with each urge, which worked. I felt her descend faster and with a bit more force.

Pushing, pushing pushing, finally she's crowning and my doula tells me to go ahead and feel her head. And it kind of makes everything real that "omg this is happening!" So i'm pushing as hard as I can, and after a few more pushes I caught Ember myself and brought her up to my chest. She had a nuchal cord but the midwife popped it off so quick no one else noticed but me. I was looking for it though. Just something told me she would have it. She wasn't breathing for a while but the midwife told me it was okay because she still had her cord pumping her oxygen and everything and she started breathing not long later anyway. They delayed cutting the cord until it was completely done pulsing.

And that's that- she was born at 3:17am weighing 8lbs exactly and 20 1/2 inches long. So from 10-10:30 to 3:17am with an hour of pushing my doula says.

Oh I got a second degree tear, but it doesn't feel that bad. Honestly my nipples are more sore than my vagina. Though I can't sit right on my bottom, have to kind of angle myself.

I just can't believe how amazing I feel and the fact that it's SATURDAY- I gave birth Thursday morning! I keep being amazing that I'm NOT still at the hospital!

I don't know when I'll get her newborn pictures done (hoping next week when Michael's here but we will see how I feel), but when I do i'll have birth announcements ready, if anyone wants some just fb message me, or if you don't have fb inbox me. :D

Sorry if it was a long birth story!! lol
Wow what a story! I'm glad your tear isn't bad. I had a second degree tear too. And massive hemorrhoids. I'm so glad you were able to do a vbac! Congratulations! I was waiting to hear about your baby and my coworkers baby at the same time and his wife gave birth the same day! She was due the 11th.
Congrats Casey!!!! I'm so happy you got your vbac! Isn't it freaking amazing?!! I want a birth announcement!
Yea- im pretty sure i have awful hemorrhoids. :( I remember pushing and thinking "Oh my god! I'm going to push my intestines out!!" In like a legitimate fear!
:haha: :rofl: That's how I felt too!!! (But I didn't get any)
Finally posted my birth story for Ruby. but it's long. Because my labor was long lol
wonderful story hun! and amazing VBAC! huge congrats :).

So glad to finally read your birth story Sam! You guys both had successful vbac's! So awesome!
So I discovered that Poppy knows her left from her right. She amazes me with her rate of learning!

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