April Mummies 2011

Im jumping on yhe sick toddler train.
And also the sick dh train.
And the teething sniffly snotty baby train twice.

Toby came into bed with dh and me last night. He jumped up with a start at 1am saying he needed water because he was going to be sick. I got him a drink and took him back to his room with a sick bowl and he wouldnt sit down or get into bed, he was shaking so much. Not sure if it was the feeling sick or being scared that was causing the shakes but it worried me a bit. I stayed in his bed with him from 1:30 til 3:45 while he dozed in and out of sleep.
Left him asleep and came back to my room as the twins were stirring just before 4am. Gave up trying to settle them and put them jn the bes with me and dh at 5:30. Hubby wasnt impressed, it woke him, he has man flu but I needed the sleep!
I am so tired.
the standard protocol at our house is if pickle is ill and not settling, she comes in bed with me and my OH buggers off downstairs no arguing. I have offered when he moans about that he can stay in the bed with her instead and after doing it once he now offers to go downstairs before I ask :haha:
I always chuck DH onto the sofa, too!! He will still get a bloody better sleep as sharing a bed with either child is a nightmare!!

Hope you are all having a better day today?
Poppy has sniffles again but hopefully nothing to bad. She's also regressed in her sleeping pattern ended up in out bed more often than not at the mo. I'm too tired to argue lol
I wouldve loved nothing more than to chuck dh on the sofa but as he was ill and i was between two rooms all night i let him be. Because of that, I was awarded with a lie in. Whoop!
Yay! A lie in! The holy grail!

ION I feel bloody awful :( really bloated, really farty, really just shit. My OH was a total twat last night/this morning and I'm shattered. Am hoping I feel better tomorrow.

Is there a growth spurt at 13 weeks?
Yey for a lie in. I've been over work the last two days and me and the mini human have woken up at the usual 6.30 lol
So Rex does have an ear infection :cry: So annoyed at the doctor we saw last Wednesday. We could all be better & well rested by now. A day of antibiotics seemed to help & slept waaaay better last night than he has in weeks. He still woke up a couple of times but he stayed in his own bed all night :happydance: I felt pretty well rested when I woke up this morning! Still full of cold mind :(

Any tips on how to get Rex to take his (admittedly, disgusting) banana flavour antibiotic medicine? The little monkey had started to refuse it then spit it out when I manage to get some in. I'm using a syringe :shrug:

I finish work tomorrow. I can't wait!

:hugs: for all those with poorly LOs.
gosh ladies i'll add my own sorry ill story, I've got a cold, DH ended up in a&e on Saturday cos he got kicked in the shin playing football and my SIL who's a GP was worried he might have compartment syndrome, he didn't but it looks awful still, hugely swollen and the skins split where the fluids had no where to go and now his ankle has gone so black where the bruising has travelled down! Eddie's got a snotty nose and Alex seems to be getting nightmares :/...phew!

hope everyone is getting all these bugs out their systems for a lovely and healthy xmas!!
Sarah have u tried it with a bit of yoghurt to take the taste away??
Isis is better today. I think she's still a little sick but no fever today! She was a good girl for daddy.
Went to the dr yesterday about my thyroid and he suggested we try a low dose of synthroid to see if it helps my symptoms. He had blood drawn for a free T3 and free T4 test just for a baseline. Unfortunately since I stopped taking Zoloft so recently he wants me to wait until after jan 1 to start the synthroid so we don't confuse any symptoms. I'm really hoping this helps!

I just realized today that I'm so far behind with Christmas because I forgot we do two stockings with dh's family. I have to get stocking stuff shopped for in the next couple days! I'm also out of wrapping paper :/
So DH came home a day early to help with caring for sick Isis. I knew the house was a mess but I've been busy and sick plus I knew he was coming home so I hadn't worked hard at cleaning. Well he started lecturing me about keeping the house tidy while he was gone and boy did we have a huge argument! He's apologized and made me an awesome dinner but I'm still stuffy from crying.
I'm so excited! Tomorrow I have a hair, eyebrow wax and nail appointment! I'm getting all done up for the holidays. I am off work until the 2nd of January now and Isis is going to daycare every day that we aren't traveling! :) I swear she has more fun there anyway.

I hope all the sick kiddos get better soon!

Katherine, you crack me up with man flu! I totally understand what you mean!

Sarah, I have no idea to help with getting Rex to take his medicine other than to bribe him. Treats, snacks, stickers, whatever it takes :)

Oh Caroline! I hope your family heals soon! Poor dh!

Sorry Gertrude! I don't know much about gestational growth spurts. I think the whole 40 weeks is a growth spurt ;)
i'm so jealous!! i want a girlfriend to go get girly things done with :(
Sarah have u tried it with a bit of yoghurt to take the taste away??

Sarah, I have no idea to help with getting Rex to take his medicine other than to bribe him. Treats, snacks, stickers, whatever it takes :)

Unfortunately, bribes did nothing! Even the offer of sweets :( After our childminder only managed to get one dose down him yesterday, I had to resort to desperate measures to get some into him. Like Ria suggested, I mixed a dose into the yoghurt he had for dessert. He ate it all :) This morning, I've mixed it with a small amount of OJ that he had with his breakfast. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do the mixing thing but I need to get them into him. He seems in a much better mood for the first time today so I'm hoping we've turned a corner. And, even more of a miracle, he's actually slept in his own bed for the past 3 nights :happydance: He's still got up but has settled straight back to sleep when one of us has gone to him. I'm thinking that his ear must've been bothering him for a while & that's why his sleep has been so horrendous :cry: Feel guilty for not knowing :(

Huge :hugs: to everyone with poorly LOs & OHs. Hopefully we'll all be well for Christmas!
Feeling really crappy today. The twins were both so poorly last night. They didnt settle until 5:30am. Then I had to wash a load of bottles because I had none left for this morning so I didnt get to sleep til like 6am then woke just before 8:30.
Dh is playing up to his manflu and working from home today because he cant be arsed going to the office. When I got up he told me to go for a shower then have a nap. But before I'd even left the front room he realised Dylan was going to be having a whiny day so he changed his mind and said I could have a shower but then come back downstairs and "see how it goes"... so I huffed knowing exactly what that means. I dont get a nap. I get to deal with the babies on my own while he harps on about how hes working even though hes on facebook.
And now hes all like "wah wah im working from home for you and now youre being a bitch about it wah wah"
Ive had almost NO sleep since the weekend, i ran around after him with his pathetic cold (which I now have so why is nobody running aroubd after me?) And the thanks I get? He calls me a bitch and complains that tobys cough woke him up once or twice last night. NICE.
I don't think you need me to say what I think :D

What would happen if you just arranged to see some friends one evening and left him to it? he's an equal parent after all. You don't have to go out, go to a mates and go to bed for the evening :) x
Um. Well I had to cancel my ann summers party because all the women he'd normally call on to help him out wouldve been at my party so that doesnt give me a lot of confidence in a girls night out hah.
3 nights before the party was meant to happen he had a work night out, came home and saw that I had 3 sleeping children around me and was like "yeah I couldnt do that" so I haven't made any plans since!

All I seem to do is moan on here. Sorry ladies. I'll try better!
moan away :) it's what this thread is here for isn't it :)

I would have to ask whether he is their Dad or not. My OH and I are equal parents, whilst he is a twat sometimes (isn't everyone) I wouldn't think twice about leaving him home with pickle (or when this one is born with both of them) and it's up to him to work out what to do and how to cope. He's a grown up and he's their Dad. He does things differently to me but that's fine because he's a different person.

But god forbid if he tried to tell me he couldn't do it. I don't care! If he gets screamed at for four hours that's his problem not mine. We all have a life other than being Mum. He needs to learn how to cope and how to make it so pickle doesn't scream at him :) and he has, but only because he had to.

pickle is a Mummies girl, always has been, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't also have things in my life that mean I get to go out :) I don't do it often (maybe once every 3 months! but that's more to do with my OHs work than anything else) but I have just as much right to have my own interests as he does and as pickle does :)
My theory re mixing they don't like u to do it as if they do to eat it all u don't know what dose they've had but my theory is it goes into the stomach as doss food and drink so it can't be that hard and it's better that they get it rather than nothing at all
Katherine, I agree with Gertrude! I left dh home yesterday all day with Isis while I worked and she was awesome for him. She couldn't go to daycare because of her fever the day before. I can't even imagine feeling like I couldn't leave daddy with Isis for even just a couple hours let alone a full day. You need to stop worrying about how it would go for him and just schedule something. Rip off that bandaid and have some time just for you! Oh and Isis is a mommies girl too.

Sarah, I know lots of moms that mix here. If it works I'd go for it! I remember one little girl in the infant room needed antibiotics and her mom mixed it with breast milk in a whole bottle and they struggled so much to get the whole bottle down. I always try without mixing first since it increases the volume of whatever you're giving them but whatever it takes to get them to take meds!
Dana, I don't have any girlfriends to do things like that either. I went by myself.

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