April Mummies 2011

Having one of each is definitely interesting to say the least! They are complete opposites but I guess any siblings could be. A is an extrovert whereas J is not an into very, but not as confident perhaps?! Again that could apply to any siblings!

I'd love another girl if I had another. Sending that pink dust your way Sarah! I can't even remember what I predicted; may have been boy?

Busy busy round here hence why I hardly get on here any more. I love the ages my two are at now. So much more independence and we can talk on a rational level now. Both are doing well at there schools and I'm starting to look at schools for Amelia. Obviously I hope she gets into jakes but we should have three options. I fear if I just put the one, and she didn't get in (highly unlikely), then we'd get put anywhere. So I'd rather have the choice! Start looking at schools when they have open days, I will be!
In the future. Very very far in the future. Not now. Might not ever need it but I would like one of each. And I won't ever go past 3.
I'm happy with just one.
I couldn't do the sleepless nights and 9 months of feeling like death warmed up all over again.
Id love a little girl if it ever were to happen again though.
Ladies I need to vent. I tried venting at DH. I even explicitly told him I dont want advice, just someone to let me rant. What did I get? A FUCKING LECTURE. Ffs.

Im trying to get the babies to nap. Toby keeps wandering in making lots of noise and keeping them awake and now theyre overtired and screaming. Ive got to the point of whatever mood this is where I literally have to bite myself to let out my frustration or I'll burst. Clearly I'm in no state for more fussing. So his suggestion of "well get all the kids dressed and go out" is ludicrous in my mind but he goes and fucking lectures me about how i should do it anyway. Just because he takes the boys out without me one morning a week, he thinks hes gods gift to parenting. Even though he does it immediately after breakfast when the boys have full bellies and aren't tired as theyve not long been awake.
Afternoon nap is an ENTIRELY different kettle of fish. You get one screaming while the other gets cuddles while tobys running in and out shouting. I've already done the bit where I tire them out. Theyre now at the point where if I try and get them dressed again the whole town will hear. Especially dylan. He hates being changed at the best of times.

Im totally rambling but im just frustrated and annoyed at my husbands lack of sympathy.
:hugs: buckets of sympathy Katherine, I find getting 2 out the house hard enough! xx
Massive :hugs: Katherine. I think you're super mum for coping with 3 babies/toddlers.
Katherine, I have no advise and rant away! I can't imagine getting three ready to leave the house! We get out of bed by 8 am and I still can't get Isis ready to leave by 10 am dressed and fed.

Most people I know have one of each. Interestingly, FIL and MIL had a girl and then a boy, SIL and BIL had a girl then a boy, we so far have a girl… at this point I'm not sure if we'll be able to have a second so we might not find out what's next for us.

Sarah, I'm hoping you have a girl!!

I can't wait to see this next couple LO coming!
Katherine, I have no advise and rant away! I can't imagine getting three ready to leave the house! We get out of bed by 8 am and I still can't get Isis ready to leave by 10 am dressed and fed.

Most people I know have one of each. Interestingly, FIL and MIL had a girl and then a boy, SIL and BIL had a girl then a boy, we so far have a girl… at this point I'm not sure if we'll be able to have a second so we might not find out what's next for us.

Sarah, I'm hoping you have a girl!!

I can't wait to see this next couple LO coming!

why wouldn't you be able to have another?
So I heard the stair gate slamming and eddie getting upset. Figured he was just getting frustrated with it... until the cries got worse and I peeked my head aroubd to find eddie sitting one side of the gate ans toby on the other slammibg it into eddie over and over, harder and harder... and laughing. im fucking FUMING right now. Hes been sent to his room for his own safety im SO ANGRY. He pushed him yesterday for a laugh and when I told him off he giggled. I dont even know what to do. This whole sibling bullshit is new to me..
I have no idea Katherine but I know dh has scars from the things his sister did to him when they were younger so it's not just because he's a boy or just yours that do it. I would be very angry if I saw my child doing that too. I would give him some sort of consequence for doing that and stay consistent. Hopefully if he gets enough consequences he'll do it less.

Dana, my cycle is VERY out of whack right now. We're hoping its because my thyroid isn't balanced yet but we'll see. I'm tracking it now (wasn't while dh was away because it didn't really matter and I had too much on my mind to even notice it was off) and when I go see the endo in a month or so I'll let them know what's going on. Also I am getting older and if it doesn't happen without assistance then it's not happening. Just the way we feel about it.
oh gosh Katherine, Alex has been very horrible to eddie before as well, goes through spells of deliberately pushing him over, many times in a day, kicking out of throwing toys deliberately in his direction, and yup he laughs too. I get sooo mad at him, he usually gets taken to his room until he's ready to say sorry and I make sure I remove all dummies and his snuggly's so he doesn't have comfort. Then he'll not do it for a few days then will do it again. I find he's worse when he's tired and then gets more jealous.

So no real advice, but your not alone xx
My DH also has the odd scar/mark from sibling fights & he has a sister :haha: It's not just your kids, Katherine & it's not cos they're boys either. I was pretty awful to my younger sister too :( We never physically fought all that much but I was verbally awful to her! Just til she was 18 :haha:
Rosie has been really mean to Ruby here and there. Drives me crazy. The other day she flipped up the foot rest on a chair that the baby was in front of. It hit her in the head and sent her over backwards with some force and she hit the back of her head. This is moments after I explained to Rosie was it was important to not put the foot rest up for safety. I put her in bed until I was calm enough to continue the discussion. 10 minutes after that she pushed Ruby over. Then it was nap time.
Danielle- I hope everything with your cycle works itself out.
Since my last post toby had his dinner taken away for spitting his spaghetti at the twins. A few minutes later I left the room to put something in the kitchen and I heard full on screaming. Tobys standing there with a toy sword having swung it and hit them both in the face/head. He was sent to bed. So cross with him today.
Not much help but my friends boys went through this at Tobys age but now they are a little bit older 5 and 4 it's not soo bad.
I too was vile to my sister but she was just as bad to me as times I'm just the gobby one so got caught lol
I'm the oldest too in my family and remember being horrid to my brother, however I always got caught, somehow he learned to be way more sneaky about it as he got older and always got me into trouble! the twins will get their own back on toby! xx
Katherine maybe try and keep toby with you instead of with the twins? Like of youre cooking get a spare pan and a wooden spoon and let him pretend hes making dinner (on the floor or something).
Eveb though ollie has no siblings I do things like that all the time. Hes never out of my sight. It helps them become more helpful too.
Like he has a toy kitchen with a sink in my kitchen and when I do my dishes he does his dishes.
Same with vacuuming - he has his own toy henry hoover.
He'll be busy where you can still keep an eye on him.
abby sweeps when i sweep, vacuum when i do too (well with her bubble lawn mower, but vacuum non the less, lol)
Ahhhhh sleep regression! Poppy's sleeps been awful for about a week for no reason sooo tired!!

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