April Mummies 2011

It's very exciting to be so close with each other again!! I can't help but not want to get too excited though. I have my 16w MW appt on Tuesday where I hope they will listen to the heart beat. The we aren't telling anyone until after the anomaly scan so have another 4 weeks of sitting on it. I think my OH wants to tell his parents this weekend though. Not sure how I feel about it tbh, I just remember how horrid it was to tell people what happened last time :(

Maybe your appointment will help u relax hearing the heartbeat etc. I've not got mine until 18 weeks feels like forever since my scan.

Maybe telling close people will help you get excited etc and whilst I can only imagine how u felt having to tell before before. Your family will want to support u I'm sure x
Dhs idea of giving me an evening off is going to the movies with toby and leaving me with 2 stubborn little shitbags who NEVER EVER GO TO SLEEP AT BEDTIME. Im feeling nore and more like a shit parent because I want to have a bit of a life where I exist to do something *I* want instead of just to be mum and im starting to resent not having me time. It doesn't help that its been a MONTH of illness now. All I ever do is give medicine, book doctors appointments, clean up diarrhea as a result of antibiotics, clean up sick, often with the clothes off my own back because we're out of towels or muslins or whatever. I am fucking exhausted and run down and im really, REALLY struggling. And im sorry because this pales in significance to your situation gertrude and yours gem and I truly hope you guys are ok but I have nobody to talk to im and im sad and fuxking lonely and :cry:
:hugs: cottles. That really sucks. I've resented being a parent before when Michael was gone. It's gotten better since so I hope for you once this month of hardship passes you can get some YOU time which you so deserve and take a breather.
I bet everyone else deals with this but- I swear to god if Josie asks for my food ever again I'm going to scream bloody murder. I don't want to share my food. None of it! Get your own!!! We could have the same flipping thing on our plates and she wants mine. Drives me batty!!!!

Of course I blame myself- I used to always share my food when she was younger so now I bet she just thinks my food is hers. Also- she's a 3 yr old everything that's anything is hers. :dohh:
Dhs idea of giving me an evening off is going to the movies with toby and leaving me with 2 stubborn little shitbags who NEVER EVER GO TO SLEEP AT BEDTIME. Im feeling nore and more like a shit parent because I want to have a bit of a life where I exist to do something *I* want instead of just to be mum and im starting to resent not having me time. It doesn't help that its been a MONTH of illness now. All I ever do is give medicine, book doctors appointments, clean up diarrhea as a result of antibiotics, clean up sick, often with the clothes off my own back because we're out of towels or muslins or whatever. I am fucking exhausted and run down and im really, REALLY struggling. And im sorry because this pales in significance to your situation gertrude and yours gem and I truly hope you guys are ok but I have nobody to talk to im and im sad and fuxking lonely and :cry:
Hey lovely, don't worry about me. My OH has been and can be a complete twat, but we do share our lives. For example I'm just pregnant tired and work is a pile of stress so I booked today off, he has literally just left me to lie on the sofa except for half an hour where I wanted to chuck some stuff out of the loft and only I could sort it. Then he sent me back on the sofa with more biscuits (which of course have now given me indigestion :dohh: ) he dropped pickle off, picked her up, got lunch, ordered tea. It's a team.

Anyway, without his support I couldn't have got through this year. We fight like cat and dog and I cheer when he goes away with work sometimes but we have each other's back. Through everything and through this stress, I know I'm not alone.

I wish with everything I can that your fucking wankstain of a husband could be the same. It breaks my heart to see you struggling and getting no help and often enough just shitty comments or abuse.

I wish that he would step up and be a man, actually scrap that, just be a human and help out WITH HIS OWN FUCKING KIDS.

Given that he isn't going to, keep focused on the fact their immune systems will be amazing before long :haha:, that you WILL look back on this and laugh :hugs: That you will get through it. :hugs:

But really, fuck him and the horse he probably couldn't be bothered to ride in on.
And whilst I'm sure that I don't need to say it, but I will anyway, you can talk to us. I wish you were closer but we are here xxx
Let it be known that Josie rather we take all her toys away than clean her room- so guess what we are doing.

I feel a sense of relief. No piles of toys everywhere!
Oh Katherine, Gertrude says it so much better than me. His comments on your fb status' infuriate me, he always adds little snips of how he's done x,y, z and yet the truth is he's doing hardly anything. Hold onto it will get a bit easier as the twins get older, in some ways at least. Everythings easier once you regularly get a full nights sleep.

I can't get any blooming sandals for eddie for our holiday in September, honestly you'd think no-one goes away once English summer is over!? I want the clarks doodles ones ideally as they wash and dry so well and don't rub feet that have never been in shoes before. He's just this weekend really started to walk round the lounge, crawling is still his preferred method of getting around atm but we don't go away for another 4 wks and can see him being on his feet properly by then. He measured a 3.5, a 4 at a push and alex was a 4.5 by this age, he'll just fall flat on his face in a 4.5!
Have you got a Clarks outlet near you, Caroline? They always have sandals in the one near us. All year round. :thumbup:

:hugs: Katherine. I think you just need to pop out to shops or something one evening & not return! Check into a B&B or hotel or stay with a friend. Just have a break.

Ashley, I hate sharing food too :haha: It honestly pains me to do it!!
nope no outlets grrr. Thinking I'm going to order the ebay ones, before the price goes up even higher!

alex has gone back to whacking eddie again whenever he does something he doesn't like, he's started thumping adults too sometimes. I'm taking him away from the situation and telling him its not nice, asking if he'd like it if someone did that to him but he still seems to consistently react in the moment, any ideas?!
I'm a bad mom and smacked abby back when she hit me, and that stopped it dead in it's tracks. she was SO BAD with hitting her "little brother" my god son that plays here every day. she would hit him multiple times a day, no time out ever worked, nor did talking. ever since i did that back (and it wasn't hard, just enough to snap her out of it), she no longer hits. If she does go to hit i can yell a no! and she'll stop dead in her tracks. good luck! i hope you find something that works for you!
I'm not proud to admit I've hit alex back before too, makes no difference here so not the way forwards for us, just makes me feel terrible lol. X
i will only count you a lesser parent if you actually felt proud hitting your children. i was raised very traditionally and while i think at times they were a bit rough, i'm all for a good spanking if the situation requires it. she's so young, i end up tapping her softer than i would killing a mosquito and that's after all other options are exhausted (usually time outs or even the threat of time outs work), so i really see no harm.

let the judging begin! :haha:
Josie and I had a hellish April month. I thought I was going to go insane, truly. I was feeling run down and a bit resentful of her. I was walking on eggshells in my own house around her tantrums.

Then I gave her one spanking- and she all but stopped.

I'm riddled with guilt each and every time I spank her. Michael spanked her a few days ago for the first time and he wasn't guilty. He gave her a choice of going back to bed nicely or getting a spanking and bed and she chose the spanking. I would still feel guilty. But in this house we always discuss after a spank. And we always say our sorries.

Today has been so emotionally taxing on me. And yes I will say it's because of Robin Williams death. I know it's stupid to be so worked up over it. Michael doesn't get it and I don't either really but I've cried on and off today and I even hit a parked car and shattered my Driver back side light all because of this. I wasn't looking in my rear camera I was just absentmindedly listen to Robin Willaims Stand up gig. I think I was even already laughing and then BAM! I didn't even know what it was at first until I looked behind me.

I've just been in a huge fog. And it's so stupid I know. A celebrity I didn't even personally know.:nope::cry:
*hand up*

So, I'm firmly against smacking/hitting of any type. I wouldn't hit my partner, I wouldn't accept being hit either, so I certainly won't accept it for my DD. For me I see it as a loss of control and as the adult, I should be able to deal with a situation before I lose control of myself and hit someone. Whilst I would have said the age of the person being hit is irrelevant to me, actually typing this I realise it is relevant, because if I wouldn't hit another adult, I certainly wouldn't hit someone who is vulnerable.

My Dad is late stages alzheimers, he's violent and aggressive some days, if his carers can deal with him and manage a situation without resorting to hitting back then I certainly can too.
I'm against spanking as well.

I don't think it is ok in any way to hit your child.
You don't hit an adult, you don't hit an animal, so why is it ok to hit a small child ?
Kids sometimes are hard to deal with yes, but they're probably just having a hard time , they're still learning how to live life, how to deal with emotions , they're impulsive , they don't listen well, it's all part of being a 3 year old kid.
I don't agree with hitting either, just being honest and said I have hit alex, felt terrible after and it achieved nothing. Hopefully I'll never hit Eddie nor alex again.

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to remove alex from the situation though, on a more physical point, he'll throw himself about, try and bit me, or hit me then laugh at me, it's very very hard to remain calm sometimes, but I'm trying. Also he's heavy now for carrying out the room, as he won't go if he's not physically removed
yup im the abortion having, spanking giving, 3 yr old who isn't toilet trained mom.

I'm out.
That was a bit of a cheap dig no? I had a termination and I'm against it, does that mean I should go?

Because I/we disagree with something that means you're out?

So no one can express their opinion?

Come on, what way of dealing with life is that? Did you actually think the UK mums would be in support of it? It's quite rare to find mums who smack here now. I don't doubt it happens, but it's not as common as the states. Nor is it as acceptable in that if it happens in public someone will often pull the mum up for it.

And what's your daughters readiness for using a big toilet got to do with anything?
oh Dana, wasn't a dig at anyone, just a point of view, each to their own how we deal with our kids. I'm def a shouter, don't agree with it either and really try not to as believe I'm teaching him to shout back at me, but boy does he push my buttons, I'm sure others on here would hate it the way I sometimes shout at alex but not gonna go over it.


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