April Mummies 2011

Not free but have u looked I to the sun newspaper holidays? Cheap n cheerful I've been on a few x
Sod that ive changed my mind. I want a holiday for just me. Genuinely not sure if I can do this much longer.
Hugs cottles. Have u spoken to health visitor about the boys sleep?

So poppy woke up with a bit of a temp, shivering etc. Have her meds she's stopped shivering but is now rambling so much rubbish is funny! Fingers crossed she will settle soon thou
We don't really get much in the way of HV support. But ive been told its my fault anyway for not taking them out enough because im fat and lazy (apparentlyalso why my hairs falling out)... sorely tempted to just not eat so people stop blaming everything on my weight.
We don't really get much in the way of HV support. But ive been told its my fault anyway for not taking them out enough because im fat and lazy (apparentlyalso why my hairs falling out)... sorely tempted to just not eat so people stop blaming everything on my weight.
Who said that and why do you have such toxic people in your life? Tell them to fuck off.

I genuinely don't get why people have to be so shitty without offering any real help. It's nothing to do with them.

I suspect you don't take them out, and your hair is thinning, because you're stressed and depressed. The way to change that is to support YOU. And it's about time the people closest to you had a fucking wake up call.
Amen to what Gertrude said!

I think you should contact our HV, like Ria said. They're there for support & you might get a referral to a sleep clinic.

Honestly though, I'm seriously finding that my days are sooooo much easier & more pleasant if we get out & about. Even just a walk to the butchers or the park. The boys seem to be in better moods & are less needy & it makes me feel better. Sometimes it's hard cos I'm so tired from bad nights with one or both of them but forcing myself to get up, showered & stick a bit of make up on makes everything seem better.

I've had a tough week here. Both boys have had sickness bugs :cry: DH's first full week back at work too. Typical! Oh & amidst the sicky washing, the tumble dryer packed up. Winner!! Not what we need on mat pay. Especially when we just had to pay out for a new washing machine for our rented house :wacko:
oh no sarah, hope everyones stopped puking soon, sickness bugs are the worst :(

Katherine, ta for the dress advice. i'll 2nd what sarah says about getting out, though it is way easier said than done at times. Also DH seems to manage to take Toby out a fair bit atm...why not swap? I went out with just alex this morning and omg it was sooooo easy compared to having a toddler in tow! no buggy, generally that little bit better behaved, could have a chat etc.

We saw speech and language again today, he's booked into having therapy sometime before the end of the year for a bit and we've been given some worksheets to do if he will to work on sounds. Part of me just wants it to go away and just wait for his speech to be clearer but then the other part of me thinks its important he's understood in early life or other kids just ignore him as they don't get what he's saying which I guess could be damaging on social skills and general confidence? :(. Thankfully his assessed understanding was what it should be for his age. However she did say in her experience most kids can count to 5 by now and alex can't do 3 yet, but that's not her area....so who's is it? who do I ask for help with that sort of thing as he just won't/can't count with us, just doesn't repeat to stand any chance of learning the numbers.

I'm really noticing how much alex didn't do some stuff regarding speech now having eddie who already copies sounds and can string 2 words together (all gone, cat gone, car gone, bye bye etc) at not quite 14months.
Kids all develop differently he will get there with his counting and his speech. Chin up hun xx
It's hard not to compare but children really are so different in every way at this age. The twins are completely different. Eddie can just say "dah" every once in a while but is generally very quiet and reserved. Dylan has made up his own language but can say daddy, eddie, toby, dog and... well he calls me KJ because thats what dh calls me :haha:
thanks ladies, just a bit scary I can almost see Eddie over taking alex on some things lol. However Alex is very physical and always has been. Maybe he's gonna be our handy man in life...make a nice change from all the computer geeks that are about in this family :haha:

Having twins must really highlight how different every child is as got the same environment yet are still totally different :)

We're off on holiday on Monday! can't wait. Hope you all have a good couple weeks and i'll catch up when we get back :) x
Aww lovely where are u going? Have a lovely time x
Oh, wow, Caroline! A proper holiday! Have fun! (Very jealous! :haha: )

Leo & Rex are already really different. Rex was sitting unsupported by 5 months. Leo is nowhere near. But then Rex didn't roll back to front til nearer 6 months & Leo is already rolling. Just one example but I'm always trying to compare them & my mum is constantly reminding me that they're different people.
Yeh everyone always compares poppy and my nephew there are 4 months between them. She's always been advance in language but he's better at practical things and climbing etc
Ruby and Rosie are also very different. It is crazy! Ruby is so much more of a "baby"
Jake had speech therapy at the same age as Alex, Caroline. Just this morning he stood up in front of 200 people at his school and spoke about his Geography/ Animal knowledge. I was the same as you. Really worried as to how he'd get on at school. He was awful painfully shy. School will help so much, too.
I hope your speech therapists work wonders. Ours sure did!

Amelia can still get her 4 mixed up with an 8. So she will count 1,2,3,8,5 etc lol!! She can count to 20 but only with the help of her brother. She won't do it with me.

School has been chosen and hopefully she will get in as a sibling. Scary stuff!!
Layla and Aleena are a difference between day and night.
Layla is in the 90th percentile for height and weight, Aleena in the 0.5 something , Aleena has always been a high needs, spirited child. Layla is more layed back.
Aleena didn't STTN until 2.5 years old, Layla usually STTN or only wakes once.
Aleena was always attached to my boob Layla only wants boob to eat not for comfort.

And the list goes on.. lol
I think it must be something about second children & BF, Naima. Leo is exactly the same. He's never fed to sleep in his life & never fed for comfort. Just latches on & is done in 5 minutes. Rex would feed for ages & always fed to sleep at naps & bedtimes. I wondered if it was because I didn't have the same time to sit & just let Leo feed, feed, feed in the beginning.

Rex & Leo are also completely different sizes. Rex was 91st for weight & poor Leo is on the 50th. I don't want him to be the weedy younger brother!

It was Rex's first half day at school today. I was so proud of him. He went in so confidently & didn't bat an eyelid when I left, just waved me off & blew me a kiss :) I was fine when I left & whilst he was there but when he came running to me at home time, I welled up :cry: I don't really know why, either! I think it was just the emotion of it! He looked so grown up in his uniform & like a proper little boy. Where has time gone?!
Wow school already? Isnt reception next year? Im terrified of little man going to school. Hes just a baby still!

Dh still wants to home ed. There are some days when I like the idea. Then there are days like today where dh proves he cant do ANYTHING by himself that I realise that id have to be housewife, mum and teacher to 2 different ages. And I'll still not be doing enough or something.
Sleeping on the sofa tonight booyah.
Oh. I take it back. Wont be sleeping because hes just brought the twins down to join me. Wooohoooooo.

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