April Mummies 2011

Not been on in about a week & had loads of posts to catch up on! You ladies have been chat happy!

Congrats again, Sam :D So exciting! Hope you're feeling better.

Great news on the job, Caroline. Do I remember you saying it was closer too? Glad to hear Alex's speech is coming on.

Ashley, definitely take the bad MS as a positive sign. Could it be twins?! Hope your plane journey goes ok. I have to say, I've been better on the plane since having Rex cos I try so hard to not scare him by freaking out!

Hope you can get seen on campus, Dana. And $300 for insurance?! Woah. I know the NHS has its faults but at least we don't have to shell out that much money for healthcare.

Danielle, Rex is just the same when I collect him from pre-school. He's never done anything or played with anyone :dohh: Hope Isis settles in soon.
Dana, if you have a repeat c section you have a pretty good chance if you conceive the beginning of September. Lol
7.5 weeks and morning sickness hasn't been too bad at all. Gagging and occasional awful nausea but nothing like the last two times.
Sam- good to know when we'd have to conceive, and don't think that it hasn't crossed my mind to specifically request that date. DH is on board too :haha:
My cousin scheduled her c section for a specific date so it was on her grandmothers birthday because they were so close. It was 2 weeks early but they did an ultrasound to make sure his lungs were developed. I also think they went with it because her first was still born and she was really anxious to get baby out.
better get onto timing ttc then dana!

you going to find out what your having this time Sam?

Haha oh my that's a long wait!
My c section was on the anniversary of my grandads death. Wasnt even intentional, just that it was meant to be on the monday but that week fell on bank holiday and they didnt do planned CS on tuesdays... and Wednesday was the anniversary. Kind of nice to have something to celebrate though.

Nowt new to report here. Kids not sleeping, husbands fuckin useless.... oh but eddies weaned off his dummy which is nice.
I never vent but need to right now lol.

My mom is here for 10 days. We see her 2 X a year for 10 days each.

Anyways .
I'm so annoyed.
We are having a hard time getting her to eat enough in a day (aleena) .. she will eat if we feed her but she's almost 4 and needs to just do it herself.
So my mom keeps feeding her.. bringing her food .. telling her to eat.. Giving it way too much attention.
So I told her to stop and she said ok. But yet she is continuing to do it.
So fucking annoying cause we need to get this kid to eat by herself and here she is messing it all up.
She also literally is playing with her ALL day long .. Our house is not big. I need a break. She does not stop.
She's like a 3 year old.. too much energy and so childish.
I can't deal with having 3 kids lol.
She will be crawling on the ground pretending to be a dog for an hour straight.. fun for aleena NOT me
I seriously feel like I'll snap at her soon.. breatheeeeeee... only 7 more days :/
We still sometimes feed her, but that's on a rare occasion, perhaps it's not worth the battle now? Maybe you can leave Aleena with your mom and just go have some one on one time with the baby or leave them both and go have a date. That way you have someone who'll play and you don't have to see her then.
we still have to regularly feed alex too, he's a pain with food, unless its snacks and stuff that's finger food like pepper sticks or cucumber.

Try walk away hun, enjoy that she's entertaining her for you and taking her off your hands. Is it still to hot to go outside? you could suggest she takes aleena out, think of the peace and quiet!

Danielle, been following you on fb, so hope Isis' eye is ok? massive hugs xx
Thanks that makes me feel better to know that she's not the only one needing to be fed half the time still.
But I also feel my mom needs to listen to me regarding how I do/don't feed my child .. you know.

I told her again last night and she seems to be listening now.
She does play outside with aleena for a while every day :)

Every time I feel annoyed when my mom is here lol.
It's just that whenever I was little my mom never paid attention to me or my brother yet she was always playing with kids at her school since she was / is a teacher.
As I got older I felt like I was more mature than my own mother and I still feel that way.
Just annoys me .. lol.
yeah that'd get me too, annoying when they don't follow how you parent. Least she's not popping round every week ;). Lol I remember her visiting before and driving you a little nuts. Hope you manage to enjoy her being here overall! x
I have no idea what anyone is talking about is Dana TTC? Or TTC planning?!?

Cottles sorry about your DH. I really don't know the whole story but I've surmised that sometimes he can be no help at all.

Sam how is your first trimester going?

Danielle- How is Isis doing??? What a nightmare!! HUGGGS!

Lilly- I've heard of a lot of people getting upset when their parents or in laws don't abide by their wishes with their kids. They don't seem to really understand how much it messes up kids progress or routine and then who suffers. The parent! Headache!

Last week I didn't notice anything (probably the vacation) except sooo much bloating!! :( Then all four of us got a stomach flu through the whole week starting with Josie and ending with me. Thank god I didn't get it on the plane! I might have been detained. ;) lol

I went to the ER the day before leaving so that we could make sure everything was okay. The ges sac was looking more like 5 weeks than 6 week (which 10/10 I would have been 6 weeks according to LMP). However I'm pretty darn sure I ovulated a week late. I had ovulation pain, bleeding, CM, the works. So it would make sense, but i know that the doctors will go by my LMP anyway. But I know that I will be 7-8 weeks this week. Depending what you go by. First tri is such a headache.

I'm starting to really let it sink in that I'm pregnant but I'm still weary. I'm hoping for a boy so bad. We aren't going to find out this time though. Skip the whole possible gender disappointment all together.

Michael's having a super hard time right now. :( It's starting to spill over on us. Because his sister is a damn wreck of a person and his parents are so caught up in her bull crap they have no time for him. He hasn't even spoken to his mother in probably a month! His father is better about it. Michael told him we were expecting and he was excited but his mother hasn't even called to congratulate us. His sister EXPLODED at him Friday (while on vacation) to tell him off because he had been sending her emails with USAjobs applications to help her get back on her feet with a better job (outside of retail) so that maybe she would stop bleeding his parents dry. They were outside of Florida though.... She accused him of so much bullcrap. AFTER we gave her 1K$ in funds to help her get a private attorney for her misdemeanors. Which were dropped later (thanks to said private attorney). What thanks we get! Later her father told Michael that he had told her to pay us back and her Aunt (who gave her $2500) and she got extremely upset about that. She was boasting that her bf is about to get 100% disability (which.... is another rant!!) and back pay and they were going to get a new car with it and XYZ with it..... she's just so selfish. We didn't want to be paid back, but her aunt damn should be!

So anyway all that has Michael stressed the hell out. He isn't sleeping, and he's not acting right. I suspect he's getting a bit depressed. And there's very little I can do about it except support him. I'm hoping it gets better soon, or we simply detach ourselves from his sister's toxicity. It's his call though. Not mine. IMO his sister is garbage after everything she's done... but it's still his family so it's his call.

I hate that I always write a damn book! LOL I guess cause I don't get on enough.
Dana's just planning for the future as far as I'm aware :)

Hope things settle down at home soon Ashley. Glad the little bean agrees with your dates, fx'ed he/she is growing well in there. Gender disappointment is kinda why we didn't find out with eddie and I'm sooo glad we didn't. And I'd do team yellow everytime now, loved all the guessing :).

How's Isis Danielle?

Times are a bit tough here right now, my uncle got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in august and given 3-6mths, he's deteriorated rapidly and my mums just been waiting on the call to go to him as he wants her there when he dies. Tonight while she was at my house she got that call, so they've headed off, it'll take them about 3ish hours at least I'd have thought so hopefully they make it and make it while he's still with it enough to know shes there. Was so so hard trying to explain to alex why grandma suddenly had to go. I don't want to totally shield him from death but at the same time his reaction to it was 'so grandma's brother is poorly', he's a tad more than poorly. But trying to explain she's saying goodbye or he's going to sleep and not waking up is not the way I want to explain it as atm I think he'll then get scared to go to sleep or say bye to someone as he's just got such an imagination atm without the ability to really understand. So atm we've just left it really that he's very very ill, the doctors can't help and grandma and mummy will be sad as he'll be gone forever, but I still don't think he gets it, and I guess at 3 he shouldn't get it either.

Anyway sorry for the essay! xx
lilly pickle won't eat unless sat on/touching me and being fed. She even asks to be fed like a baby. Given I'm turning her world upside down with being pregnant I'm ignoring it.
Caro- that is so hard!! Josie talks about dying but she doesn't get it. It started with the worms that dry up or the caterpillars that don't make it out of the sun in time. It's really a subject that I wouldn't know how to address if it was a loved one. I'm so sorry that your Uncle is dying. :hugs::hugs:
Casey- we've said for about 6 months now that we would like for me to have a kid shortly after a graduate and before i go into the work force. mainly because newborn and school is just not happening so that rules out now, and i don't want to get working and a year in take a bunch of FMLA and leave (social work and leave don't mix imo). so if i'm just about ready to burst when i graduate, i can spend as much time as i want home and then get a job. i don't want to be much older than i will be in 2017 when i have #2 so it's really to most opportune time. anyway, we're planning sex for sept 16 so i can have my june baby which works cause 38+ weeks pregnant and finals just don't mix....june 3rd if i get my way :rofl:

Caro-I'm so sorry your uncle is dying, it's the worst thing watching a relative literally wither before your eyes. I've been there, done that, feel like a veteran at it. never gets easier. :hugs:

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