April Mummies 2011

So I never really talk about Aleenas growing issues since I feel it's my fault or whatever but figured I'd share.

Aleena has always been tiny but at her 3.5 yr check up she has fallen off the 3rd percentile for both height and weight.
She has been constipated most of her life.
To make a long story short we finally realized that she's REALLY intolerant to dairy and instantly gets constipated then won't eat when she eats even a tiny but of dairy .
She's now on miralax and dairy free and finally gained and inch and almost a pound in the past 1.5 months .
It's still a struggle to get her eating enough every day but we are getting there.. she's now eating 3x as much as she used to eat.
We are going for another weight Check up in 6 months .. ped said she needs to have gained about 3 lbs by then to be back on her 3rd percentile line.. If not we will have to have her undergo some tests .. Please send positive thoughts our way.. hope this weight gain continues so she doesn't have to do tests and just hope the dairy is the only culprit.

Layla is also milk AND soy AND beef AND eggs intolerant so it Def runs in our family .
big hugs and fingers crossed for the weight gain! XxX
Oh Caroline, what an awful few days you've had :( Massive :hugs: Hope your grandma is ok now?

Keeping everything crossed that Aleena poles the weight on, Naima. It's not your fault in any way. It must be tough keeping her on such a strict diet :(

Rex has been ill this week. He had a cold for ages & that turned into a throat infection & is now on a 10 day course of antibiotics. 4 times a day til next Friday, I get to experience screaming & tantrums over taking 5 bloody ml of antibitics. Shoot me now! I hate it!!! Started a sticker chart for it today. If he gets 10 stickers (10 doses without spitting any out, any screaming etc.) he gets a new train! :wacko:
thanks sarah, she's ok at the moment, but is still saying she just fainted so has had zero follow up despite the ambulance saying she needed further tests...can lead a horse to water..an all that saying :/.

Poor Rex, and you with the meds! good luck! hope he gets his train. you should have seen the fuss alex made having the flu vaccine today, he maintains it hurt :rofl:

Naima, really hope aleena put on more weight soon. Sounds like she's heading in the right direction now, and hopefully with identifying the intolerences then that'll help loads. It is funny though how you guys get so many check-ups, I don't think there's any other formal check up at all now for alex. Eddie had one at 11mths, where he'd dropped right down on all his percentiles but they weren't bothered, and he won't have another until he's 2.5yrs. No-one has a clue what their weight is medically speaking. I realise though aleena's case is more extreme, hope she gets her weight up...needs to take on Layla as she gets bigger :) xx
Thanks ladies .
Yea here they have a yearly check up.
We missed her 3 yr one but went a few months later.. and he said to come back in about 6 months for a weight check.
Caro layla is now 18 lbs 4oz and 27 inches.. Both in the 90 something percentile and aleena below the 3rd percentile.
Layla only needs 7 lbs and she will be the same weight as aleena (25lbs)
Crazy !
Sounds like youve sussed out Aleenas intolerances and shes going the right way with her weight so fingers crosses she continues to gain xx

Had a bit of a freak accident this morning. Most mornings, the twins wake up at stupid oclock (4am this time) so they watch telly and play in their room until toby, me or dh gets up then they come downstairs for breakfast. This morning toby joined the twins playing in their room. I have no idea how it happened but it ended up with a chest of drawers toppling over. Everyones fine, the chest seemingly hit the bunk bed ladder but Eddie got caught by a drawer that fell out. The first thing dh said when we got in the room to sort it out was "YOU shouldn't have still been in bed" implying it was my fault it happened. Then he wouldn't let me check on toby who was crying while he was checking eddie... felt like he couldnt trust me because of what I'd allowed to happen.
so yeah.
Feeling like the shittest mum in the world right now.
Ok so hes apologised prefusely, said it was in the heat of the moment because he was a bit freaked out by what happened. And i cant be arsed dwelling on feeling shite so crisis averted
Oh Katherine, he'd have got a serious sharp end of my tongue back, accidents happen and tbh something like that could happen to anyone. You know you can get straps to fix furniture to the wall? We've done it on more wobbly furniture but not stuff like chest of drawers. So glad all the boys are ok.

Naima, that's crazy on their weights! I weighed Eddie and Alex just at home on Friday out of pure interest and Alex is now 34.5lb and Eddie 22 lb, my boys are like the opposite of your girls lol, Eddie used to be such a good eater too but latelyhe only wants milk until dinner, the hhe's suddenly starving, but his curve is just dipping and dipping :-/
Oh no. Hope Eddie starts eating better soon !!
Hugs !
I'm feeling pretty down lately. I've noticed I have much less energy brain fog is back and I just can't concentrate. I also noticed I'm having some heart palpitations. I had a drs appt this past week and I was really hoping my thyroid levels were off based on how I was feeling. Well my TSH was in the normal range and so she won't change my dose. Without too many details, one of my thyroid numbers is low but this dr won't treat based on that number. :dohh: I'm just sure I'm struggling because of my thyroid. I did get a heart monitor for 2 days to see what's going on with my heart. Also, I only had one week off from my period. I had essentially a 3 week period, one week off and started bleeding yesterday :nope: I'm going to get the IUD removed and see if that helps. My mom had a hysterectomy in her early 40's after dealing with excessive bleeding. I don't want to be a couple years from a hysterectomy. I think its due to my thyroid not properly regulated but no one believes me.
I'm going to pull myself up and find a new dr but damn its hard to fight with drs. I have a friend that recommended a dr who listens and will treat based on symptoms. I'm just so done with the exhaustion. Why do drs only try to do the minimum?

Naima, I can't even imagine working around so many food intolerances and I'm glad you can get more food in her! I'm sure she'll put on more weight!

Caroline, I hope your grandma is better!

Katherine, mistakes happen. your husband has a hell of a tongue on him. I get heat of the moment but hubby was playing with isis tonight and dropped her. She had a bloody nose but I didn't yell at him. It was a mistake, he didn't purposely hurt her. You didn't do anything wrong. :hugs:

Sarah, good luck with the meds! We bribed the hell out of Isis with her eye drops. Sometimes its the only way!

Dana, we aren't even sure about a #2 and we still talk about names :haha: I can't wait to hear what mystery name you guys are planning!
Haha we planned Abby's first name years before we had her. It just so happened to work out that her name is short for my gmas home town and her middle names were decided in pregnancy as was the spelling to incorporate Abby the spelling in the name. Did that make sense? Lol. It's just fun to toss around names as we come across something we like. We also have our future dogs name as well :rofl:

Sorry your dr appt didn't go as planned, I don't think they're doing the min, I think with everything there's a certain line you're used to being within and certain beliefs and unfortunately thyroid isn't one of those things studied much beyond fat ppl trying to get an easy way out. Hope you can find the rare dr who will listen or have a specialty that affords him the capacity to help. Maybe you're just in sahm blues? Good luck!
Kathrine- I would be really upset if DH didn't let me hold my child. :( That would be really hard for me to handle, more so then the hurt words. But I'm glad it was all resolved.

Danielle- I'm sorry your doctors are being dismissive. :\ It seriously is hard to debate with doctors. I'm afraid I might have to if I want the same birth experience as I did with Ember. :( But I hope the doctors are at least placating. It seems they may want to really work with me but want to assess risk.

Today has been awful. I was hoping to have such a good time with Michael off. And we probably still will but I'm so raw with emotion right now. Michael's sister and boyfriend are harassing us both. Calling us both names, instigating a fight (and getting one from me because I'm reactive). I was told to "get a job" and that his sister was more of a woman than I'll ever be. It just feels so awful to be in this situation. I can't believe they just can't leave us alone. Her boyfriend called Michael a "nasty b-word" because he is putting distance between him and his sister because of her behavior. She dismissed those insults and said she can't believe Michael can't take it. This situation has reached a level of true psychotic. To the point where I've debated filing harassment charges. But I'm trying to let that go because getting the law involved feels wrong. He's asked them both to please stop texting and calling and they won't. It's very exhausting. Michael has a counseling appt tomorrow and I hope he gets some better perspective from the counselor on how to proceed. I really think this is a toxic relationship and the sooner he lets them go and they ACTUALLY go away the better. The harassment is seriously scary. His sister has been very bipolar in her texts with him. On the one hand playing the victim and on the other telling him she can't believe he is upset by those insults. That she can't believe he's "actually having a hard time." But then saying she loves him and is here for him. It's very psycho. I'm so over it. I'm sorry I'm venting again. That's all I seem to do here but I don't have anyone else to really talk to about this.
Also: Heard the baby's heartbeat!! :D that was nice. :)

Wish my BP hadn't been 134/82 because of my upsetness with his family. :\ I wanted to get a redo after I calmed down, but I doubt I'm calm. And the doctor said there will be more BP readings, MANY more. LOL!!
i had to finally block the SIL (and many other members of dh's family) on phone and on FB. i don't need any of the negativity and it's worked like a charm. they soon lost interest and we haven't heard from most of them since may. it's michael's family so he can keep the texts going to his phone but it's all on him, take yourself out of it. especially since it's now affecting your health as well as your baby's.
i had to finally block the SIL (and many other members of dh's family) on phone and on FB. i don't need any of the negativity and it's worked like a charm. they soon lost interest and we haven't heard from most of them since may. it's michael's family so he can keep the texts going to his phone but it's all on him, take yourself out of it. especially since it's now affecting your health as well as your baby's.

You know what I think I'm going to. I mean I know they are effecting me and that effects the baby and it's not right. I don't want to cause more drama by blocking but I also have to look out for myself. They take literally everything anyone does as a personal insult. The fact that Michael didn't come DOWN to visit them when we were Orlando was a personal insult. Everything is. I'm tired of it. If she and him can grow up I can unblock them. Until then, I need to make myself and the baby as healthy as possible.
good job Ashley!

eugh work sucks atm, tempted to just hand my notice in tbh, its only because its not just a job but my career that I don't...however many more days like today and I might not care!
Good for you hun, you dont deserve any of what theyve been doing to you. :hugs:

I think over the next year I'm going to find out who in my family are supportive and who aren't... and I may need to follow suit in cutting a few ties. Apparently my aunt hasn't taken the news of Toby being home educated particularly well. She thinks I'm irresponsible and "gambling with my childs education" and I'm going to ruin his life.
She does like to argue, that one. Silly old cow. I will explain my choices to her to an extent in the hope that she might understand but that's as far as I go.

Such a shame, I was hoping to take Toby and my nephew over to her goat farm in Ireland to learn about farming and making cheese and whatnot, but if she's going to be an opinionated whatsit then I'll have to find something else to do next summer.
I want to visit a goat farm in Ireland and learn to make cheese!!! Take me with you if you go!! :D

Sorry your family members are being dumb. Home schooling is a great option!
Sorry about the drama! Blocking is the best thing you can do!
I just don't get why people think that it's any of their business who works and doesn't, who homeschools or doesn't. I'm sure you guys have your reasons for it. I've never had anyone second guess that I'm not working.

I have one awesome thing to bring up the tone of this group! 😄 the scale showed me down two pounds! I haven't been this low since early July 2013! Take that thyroid! (Only 37 pounds to go...) I've been trying so hard so it makes me happy to see some progress even if it is really slow going.

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