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April Mummies 2011

Wrecked my car today. Baby and I are ok. Caused damage to two other vehicles. because more stress is good right?
Yikes Sam. Glad you're ok. Are yoi still able to use the car?

Night off is cancelled. MIL was meant to have the twins all day today and overnight tonight. Last week she decided she'd only have them for the evening and night... so we called on my mum to have the twins during the day. Now MIL reckons she's ill so she can't have them overnight either. How convenient. I reckon shes faking. So anyway Toby is away tonight but Eddie and Dylan are still gonna be here. Sooooo.... no alcohol or movie or going out for a meal for at least another 3 months. I really needed tonight. Just a night in my own bed. :(
Seriously, I wish I could help you! I would happily take your boys overnight (all 3!)
Yes, my fault. The car is not drivable at the point. The whole front is smashed. It is an older vehicle (2002) so I might not have totaled it. But not sure.
ah god sam, so glad your ok but man how gutting on the car :(.

Katherine, so annoying you don't get the night off now :(, bet the way your boys (don't) sleep you really hang onto those once a 3 mths night off!

oooh Rachel when are you gonna do No.3? lets ttc together!!

:hugs: to everyone else, sure I've missed some stuff I was gonna say!

thanks for the bed advice ladies, at his request we've started taking him to the toilet when we got to bed, it involves pulling his pants down whilst in bed as he's still so out of it his legs just give way if I stand him up :haha:, carrying him to the loo, sitting him down, he wee's, then carry him back, pull pants back up and say night night :rofl:. However, he's still not dry in the morning :(, the last couple nights we've at least managed to get him to wear a nappy as a 'just incase' method and its been wet, but is saving the bed changes. I just don't think he's ready yet, but he so wants to be bless him.

We find out in April too re. schools, I feel really anxious over it as we've not put catchment school down at all and the one I want is the most popular in town. It's not totally unrealistic we'll get a place as literally the neighbours at the other side of my garden fence are catchment but it still means we're a long way from priority, 4th on the list I think :/, fx'ed! will be a nervous wreck april 16th, at least its not on alex's birthday though! xx
And us April 16th. I've put catchment school and pray her and my nephew both get in lol
That will be nice, riri, having your nephew at the same school!

I don't mind either way. I'm right between two schools and virtually guaranteed a place at either but as she is sibling priority, I should get first choice. Never bloody know nowadays!! Building more houses yet not expanding/building schools. It is so so busy here, now.
We get a lot of people move here from Wimbledon, I guess property is that bit cheaper. But the roads can't cope. We are a market town with serious traffic issues!!
ria for some reason I think you're not that far from me? are you w.sussex too or am I making that up?
I'm Hampshire Portsmouth not far from west Sussex thou.

Yeh it will be nice. He has a language disorder so it will be good for him to have her there. Although I'm hoping they aren't in the same class as she will talk for him.

But will be very helpful childcare wise with the school pick up as me and my sis in law can share it between us to fit round our jobs
This morning has made me SO GLAD i wont be doing a proper school run.
DH woke me at half 8 then went out (i mustve gone back to sleep after dylan tried dragging me out of bed at 6:30!). So I had 45 minutes to get all 4 of us dressed and ready. But obviously as I was putting Eddies socks/hoodie/coat on, Dylan was taking his off and vice versa... all the while toby decided he had completely forgotten how to dress himself and put his shoes on so i had to sort him out too. And as we were outside the front door getting the twins in the buggy, toby decided he actually DID need a wee despite previous protests and got completely undressed to go to the toilet. Needless to say we were late for nursery today. Thsnk god theyre more lenient than schools!
ah knew you weren't that far away Ria! I went to uni in Southampton so used to drive through Portsmouth loads :).

lol Katherine, I can hear the frustration in your typing, little monkey's! xx
Haha these boys have been a NIGHTMARE this week. And dh knows it so hes putting off coming home, the git.
ah knew you weren't that far away Ria! I went to uni in Southampton so used to drive through Portsmouth loads :).

lol Katherine, I can hear the frustration in your typing, little monkey's! xx

Ahh I went to Southampton uni to 2002-2006. If your ever this way let me know
no way Ria...I was there 2003-2006! we'd have graduated at the same time! what a small world!

hope the boys have settled Katherine.

Alex seems to have developed car sickness, joy of joys :(, puked after only a 20min journey this morning so had to abandon swimming for both of them, but has been fine since. It's not the first time he's been sick in/following a car journey either, think today was the 3rd and he's def looked pale frequently. Not like he reads or does anything in the car so not entirely sure what would help. My friend suggested making the car cold, so we'll try that and today he did have a onesie over his clothes so he was probably hot.
It's such a small world indeed!!

Oh no poor love. I suffer with travel sickness and being cool defo helps
Aww poor lil thing, travel.sickness is horrible :( Hope you find a remedy!

So tonight I didn't cuddle the twins to sleep. And they actually fell asleep. Hurrah! I know they're nearly 2 but I still lay between them With one snuggled under each arm. But they need to start learning to settle without me so today i put them in bed, turned out the lights and sat at the end of the bed. Eddie protested a bit but went down fairly quick. YAY!
my world fucking exploded today. i'm so beyond hurt and betrayed. a huge fucking glass of wine is all i plan on having. and then another.
What's happened dana? Hope you're ok?

Yay for settling without being cuddled Katherine xx
Dana, whats happened? Are you ok? Thats probably a dumn question but... I really hope things are alright x

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