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April Mummies 2011

def not alone ladies, I have started to really take a step back when I can though and not shout at them, it really does work for a better life all round and I've found the more I praise him generally the better he behaves. oh yes we still have many time when he doesn't or I have to say a million times and only get a reaction once I raise my voice, then it all escalates and all goes horribly wrong. Usually on days when we're hurrying to get somewhere, kids have zero sense of urgency.

And messes, ugh messes, yep its like living with little tornadoes in the house, accept mine now love cleaning up, but of course that means in reality they're actually making more mess. Tonight for example they 'washed' the stair case, was very cute but really just made the carpet soggy. Then they cleaned the windows, cue far to much polish going everywhere then I panicked as eddie had the duster, coated in said to much polish, in his mouth :/, then he had a serious meltdown when I took it away...he'll thank me when he's older and not dead from being poisoned! I substituted for a soggy flannel.

I really have decided they need to do something outside the house every day though and then they're way easier to manage indoors. Often I find weekends the hardest as they play up for DH and we tend to be needing to do stuff around the house so it all goes a bit wrong.

oops sorry for the essay. We've had a crap day, DH's grandma has had a severe stroke, not sure whether she'll make it. Personally feel it might be better if she doesn't, it sounds bad and the CT scan shows a lot of damage :(
Sorry to hear that caro!

Poppy to is more manageable generally if we've been out
Flippin terrible twos is a LIE. 3 has been harder and if the past few weeks is anything to go by, 4 is going to be just as bad.

Yesterday we distracted ourselves with crafts and drawing and whatnot So i know we CAN have good days and if i make suggestions while hes in the right mood its great... but if hes already started dondown the whiny "cant/wont/dont want to" route, its almost impossible to reverse.
going to need to start planning our days in advance methinks.
I was just going to post how yesterday was a good day for Josie too. And today is looking good as well. I don't know how long it will last but we had a huge talk and I told her to repeat what I was asking and what it meant if she didn't do it. Today she woke up brushed her teeth, put on panties and came downstairs to breakfast ready for her and all was well. Very well! She cleaned her toys from the living room last night.

We will see how long it lasts.
Sounds like me two years ago with a preschooler and toddler. It was HARD.

Now at almost 4 and 6, it is SO MUCH easier. They listen. Something they have never done!!! I actually lost hair through stress And got myself so wound up. It was the hardest part for me.

But it does help when the older one helps out at home. Simple things like making own bed, washing and dressing themselves. WIPING THEIR OWN BUM!!!! Just little things that take the weight off you as a mum being pulled in different directions.

I find it hard in te mornings. Talk about SLOW! Getting dressed is like the Tortoise Versus the Hare. Except they are both the Tortoise....
YESYES BUM WIPING! Toby keeps telling me "when im four I'll wipe my bum"
2.5 weeks to go!
I refuse to potty train the twins til then. Its too much.

Theyre giving me a run for my money today. Toby had a meltdown because he wanted spaghetti numbers not hoops, dylan is bashing everyone round the head and eddie is crying for no reason. Loudly.

I lost my hair a lot at the end of last year. Spent months running my fingers through my hair and coming away with handfuls. Ive got my whispy regrowth now and it'd better bloody stay!
Yeahhhh im not getting anything handmade for mothers day... keep telling dh i want some time upstairs by myself thinkjng he'll go "ooh yeah good plan! We csn make things!"
Pffft nahhhhh :haha:
Sounds like me two years ago with a preschooler and toddler. It was HARD.

Now at almost 4 and 6, it is SO MUCH easier. They listen. Something they have never done!!! I actually lost hair through stress And got myself so wound up. It was the hardest part for me.

But it does help when the older one helps out at home. Simple things like making own bed, washing and dressing themselves. WIPING THEIR OWN BUM!!!! Just little things that take the weight off you as a mum being pulled in different directions.

I find it hard in te mornings. Talk about SLOW! Getting dressed is like the Tortoise Versus the Hare. Except they are both the Tortoise....

Yea mornings when school is involved are the hardest right now. Without school Josie wakes up when she wants and at the pace she wants and isn't as grumpy. She will definitely be a coffee person later in life. Next year she'll be going to pre-k five days a week so I don't know how I will manage. Hopefully the school is much closer so it will make a difference.

I'm going to hope 6 and 4 and 2 are good ages all around. :wacko: LOL
YESYES BUM WIPING! Toby keeps telling me "when im four I'll wipe my bum"
2.5 weeks to go!
I refuse to potty train the twins til then. Its too much.

Theyre giving me a run for my money today. Toby had a meltdown because he wanted spaghetti numbers not hoops, dylan is bashing everyone round the head and eddie is crying for no reason. Loudly.

I lost my hair a lot at the end of last year. Spent months running my fingers through my hair and coming away with handfuls. Ive got my whispy regrowth now and it'd better bloody stay!

I don't even know when Josie is going to wipe her own butt. LOL Sometimes she forgets to tell us when she's gone poo and we just find her panties slightly stained! :( Fun times.
alex has started trying to wipe his own bum, I'd almost rather he wasn't lol, just cos he seems to need to use a mountain of paper and still doesn't quite get the job done properly :haha:, then we have tantrums if I ask to just check as don't want to take him out smelling of poo! they'll get there on that eventually I guess!
Haha yeah i can imagine toby getting through a ton of paper. They already ask him to try and do it himself at nursery (to prep for school i guess?) so when i asked why he didnt try at home hes like "urgh yeah but tracey makes me do it at nursery and then i come home and its JUST TOO MUCH, MUMMY" :haha:
Hes becoming a right cheeky sausage
Aleena wipes her own butt, she actually does pretty good at it .
We got one of those potty seats you put on the toilet and it has a little ladder attached to it, so she's basically independent when it comes to pooping and peeing.
She still wears a pull up at night but she hasn't peed at night in like a year, I just leave it on in case of accidents, I don't want to be up at night cause of that lol.
Rosie wipes her own bumm. Unless her hair is down. Then she yells MY HAIR IS DOWN AND I DONT EANT TO GET POOP ON IT!!! Or if she wipes and it is very messy she will call for help lol
Once I'm off work I'm going potty train Ruby. I was hoping to work though April but I'm in so much pain t is stupid. So I'm shooting til the end of March LoL
Bless rosie and her hair, love that!!

Alex cracked me up tonight, we were in the car and he asks for some milk, i said he could have soome when we get home, then he asks for water too, i repeat my answer. his reply..
Yes I can have both milk and water as I'vebeen a ggood boy today, naughty boysaaren'tallowed both!'. Oh to be nnearly 4 and think it's aamazing to have milk and water!

I promise I don'tstarve tthemnnormally and excuse the typos my phones gone weird!
Eddie is lucky to be alive still tonight, omg I've had a terrible day. Ended up in tears and pretty sure I never ate lunch (just the Ed's refused food), I def drank nothing but tea which so isn't good, and only had those because we have workmen in so had to make them them. I've got a headache!
Caro sounds like youve had a bit of a nightmare. Hope you get a good nights rest and have a better day tomorrow.

I'm having the worst week in like... im not even gonna... just... muh.
Good stuff!
MIL i think has picked up on my "meh" and has said she wants to have the kids for a few hours every wednesday. Should be good!

in other news men are ridic at plans. If you plan to bring home food for lunch then change your mind and take one child to the pub for something to eat... let your wife know so she doesnt starve the other kids waiting for you to show up. :dohh:
oh blimey, what's he like!!

yay for a bit of free time though :), it'll make the world of difference to you! x

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