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April Mummies 2011

Yeah the twins have been lovely so far *touches wood* and hopefully toby will sleep well after a day out with daddy!
I always forget to come on here.

Been crazy busy with college.

And sent it off to a few publishers so fingers crossed I hear something back :) if anyone wants a copy let me know!

Also went back to hospital to see my respiratory specialist last week and he thinks something is wrong with my blood now... I'm constantly anemic despite being on iron tablets. But on the plus side I don't have to go to hospital for my lungs for another 6 months woo :)

Oh and OLLIE FINALLY GREW! He's now fully in 12-18 month clothes haha... might even be in the next size come summer!

Hope everyone is well!
i'll have a copy Gem, amazing writing a book! fx'ed for it getting published.

do you remember me saying we're waking alex for a wee when we go to bed? its finally beginning to pay off! he's been dry probably the last 4 mornings and only once was he wet before we took him to the loo. If he keeps this up we might be able to let him go nappy free again soon!
i'll take a copy, though not sure you can ship internationally.

i'm dying over the cute that is abby's invite...


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Fingers crossed Gem

Oo caro that's brilliant need to try poppy again but need to get her back into her own bed all night as I dont want to wake up in a puddle of wee!

Cute invites dana
Dana- LOVE the invite!! :D
Gem- Keeping all my fingers crossed for your book!! Hope it goes international so I can snag a copy!! :D

Michael found out today, as a passing conversation, that his 98 year old grandmother has been having pretty serious health issues. They have it "under control now" but they still don't know how serious it is, or what it is. A few days ago she wouldn't wake up- for a day or so, and when she finally did wake up her eyes were extremely blood shot. They thinks he might have had a seizure. Michael's come to terms with his grandmother's eventual passing. She's 98. They've had several conversations about how she's ready to go. She's been ready to go since I've know her which is going on 8 years now. I'm sure she's beyond ready at this point.

Michael was kind of put off by the way his dad informed him of her health issues. I know his dad was coming from a place of not wanting to bother people, but what's worse is learning someone is dead and it be out of the blue instead of giving a heads up that she's probably actively dying. We don't think that's the case right now, but we aren't sure. Michael would need time to plan at work and with the kids, and in a perfect world he said he'd like to be there before she passes to be with her in her last moments. It's all really important and good communication is key.

I have to constantly remind myself that this is 100% different from how my family works. When someone is having health issues (or really any issues) I always get the play by play. Especially so with my grandmother. I know the moment it happens and I am updated constantly. It seems insensitive what they did to him, but I have to remind myself that it's just a different way of handling family issues. That isn't how our family will work in the future when we are dealing with the same things so it doesn't effect me and as long as Michael advocates for his preferences I know he won't get hurt by it. *sigh* At one point in time I wanted a huge close extended family- the more time goes the more I'm happy with my side of the family's involvement *AND* Michael's side of the family's distant involvement.
I can send you ladies it in a pdf format over Facebook if you want? :)
Can you believe I've had a reply already!!!
They've said it's a very interesting idea they just have to discuss it in a meeting to agree on whether they think it'll sell or not and then they'll get back to me with a definite answer but so far so good haha! Didn't even expect to hear back... especially not so soon.
And this particular publisher makes hard copies and online copies via amazon so it'd be on Kindle too! I'm so excited right now haha.

Btw if anyone watched the new Obrien show today... I was on there in the audience haha. I went for the filming yesterday. Could gave gotten involved in the debate myself bit my friend said she'd kill me if I did so I didn't haha. I met stacey dooley too! The woman is so pleasant... I love her. She has like the ultimate dream job (for me anyway).

Ahh fan girling over...

What's everyone doing for thier littles birthdays? Ollies party is next weekend and I'm not prepared at all... oops.
Gem I would LOVE to see a pdf pretty please!
So awesome that you've already had a reply. Definitely a good sign... good luck!!

Tobys party was yesterday. It was a double party for his birthday and his leaving nursery (today was his last day) So we hired the function room upstairs at our local softplay and invited his nursery pals and family. Awesome day!

As for me... im exhausted. Chicken pox with toby was hard work. Chicken pox with Eddie is just.... its like Ive grown an extra person the amount hes clinging and hanging off me. I cant get anything done and its making me super emotional. Thank god Dylan is coping relatively well apart from the itching at night. If they were both Eddies id have gone insane by now.
Gem- I'd love a pdf and will buy on amazon when avail. Good Luck!!

Abby's party is on the 12th and I'm for the most part prepared. Just doing the normal eating, talking, presents, play, chill thing we normally do. Next year is when I think it'll be interesting when we start to invite her school friends, etc. Maybe. That's a helluva lot of work which I just don't know I can do with school. This time of year is always hectic with homework since it's a little over a month before finals week. I need to get into crunch mode and knock out some A's to ensure a good sememster.

Had my welcome to the major meeting today, though it's not official until this semester's grades are submitted, but I shouldn't have any problems with the mandatory GPA guidelines. I'm SO excited for next semester to start my upper level courses and really dive into my social work. I realize for you UK ladies that's like a 4 letter word, but we really do try over here with what we're given. I plan on either working in the nursing home or hospital setting as doing anything with someone else's child just doesn't sit well.

anyway, that's all that's up over this end of the pond. off to do more essays and reading.
That's so cool gem! Keep us updated.

Poppy is having a disco for her party on the 3rd May she really is the ultimate diva. lol

We are going to butlins for a weeks holiday on her actual birthday which will be nice as she loved it there when we went last year

How come Toby's leaving nursery already? Glad he had an awesome party and I'm loving the blog of him picking your outfits.

All sounds very exciting Dana well done.

Poppy is off for 3 weeks over Easter she's gonna be climbing the walls although we have lots of things planned to keep her entertained.
He's just leaving so he misses the last term where all the older kids are primed for school. Teacher visits and stuff aren't of any benefit to him since we'll be home educating. The nursery know our plans too so they'll either exclude him from the school hype meaning he'll be separated from his friends anyway orrrrrr he'll be involved in it all which is a waste of time and might make him feel isolated and "different"
So we're keeping him home to get involved in our own prep for home ed. Give him a say in how he wants to do things.

Which Butlins do you go to? I reeeeally want to take the boys but I think only toby will benefit at the mo. In a year or two maybe...
Ah I see makes perfect sense. I feel sorry for poppy coz she won't be going to scho with any of her friends from nursery as we moved areas but kept her in the same nursery but she's pretty sociable so fingers crossed she wil make new ones.

We go to Bognor butlins. First took her ages 2 for the day but last year we went for four days she got really involved in it all and asked to go back this year.
Ooh yay Naima! Everyone thinks I'm crazy. Its not the done thing over here but we know what suits our children... how common is it where you guys live?

I've had the twins having tantrums at 3:30am. Its now 4:15. I'd JUST got them to calm down and be quiet and then we get disturbed by baging and crashing.amd DH storms in with bowls of cereal. So now the cereal is gone and the kids are wide awake and having tantrums because its time to sleep and no doubt now if they wake up tomorrow night they'll expect cereal agiagain argggggghhhh.
Don't u hate it when husbands undermine everything.
I reckon there was something in the air last night. We've had an awful night with poppy screaming the house down, refusing to go to sleep etc. she not been that bad in months. I told Andi to ignore her but no he was taking to her, try to rationalise with her even though she had gone way past that point, bargaining with her etc. I have up and left him to it but know I'll have to deal with the repercussions tonight and I'm on my own with both of the girls
That drives me nuts Riri! Hubby does this too!!!

Gem I'd love a copy of your book! How exciting. I really hope you get a break and this works for you, let us know how you get on?!

I would home school if we have to. There's a high chance that when we move, we wouldn't get into chosen school, so I'd temporarily homeschool until a place comes up. Saying that. Part of me can't wait to get back to work!!!

Cabin fever is setting in al-bloody-ready! It's only day 1 of the POX , yet Jake is going nuts. We are usually out most days. He's coping really well, but this is just the start. If say he has over 100 already ��
good luck with the book gem, it was cute, although I couldn't read some of it...the pages didn't show properly, but maybe that was me being dumb!

omg eeek 2 weeks tomorrow Rachel...deep breaths!

dana, alex's party is on the 12th too! we always mirror each other in that :). We're doing basically the same as last year, just with a few more children this year and will do a couple of proper games to keep them busy. Also getting a bouncy castle (please be nice weather!). It's only 2 hours, so with doing food, a bounce on the castle, pass the parcel and maybe an treasure hunt I'm sure we'll be good.

hope everyone gets some sleep tonight! eddie's already been up screaming here too, he's pulling his ear though so its either teeth or ear infection :/, joy! xx
We do! I think it helps they have the same bday. We were going to do the 18th but MIL asked if we could switch. Funny since the same courtesy isn't extended to nick to celebrate his sons bday this weekend when they know we can't make it. I hate her.

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