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April Mummies 2011

I fell asleep sat upright with my leg tucked under my bum. Managed to stay upright for 15 minutes til I woke up but my knee and calf are killing me now.
ouch Katherine :(

hmm dana, your mil sounds delightful.

Eddie's been puking here since Thursday :(, thought he was finally over it today as he hadn't puked since this morning but he just brought back his water before bed (we've omitted milk for now as that's def coming back up), grr, have a horrible feeling we'll be calling the emergency dr's tomorrow, why do these things always happen on non-working days!?
I had Ollies party today.
And my nan passed away... not at the party mind. She got taken to hospital this morning but unfortunately didn't make it back out.

What a mixed emotion kind of day :/
I have shit timing for celebrating things I swear.
My poor little nan.
Sorry to hear that Gem.

Hope Ollie had a lovely party thou

Big hugs to you and caro.

Poppy had a bug couple of weeks ago it was horrid hope he starts to perk up x
She's a real peach. I have lots of anger and other vile emotions towards that family. They piss me off and luckily nick feels the same.

Gem, I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs:
Thanks ladies. I'm still in shock. I'm gonna go see her when she's in the chapel of rest to make it sink in properly because I just can't believe it. Need to say goodbye aswell.

On another note and probably tmi... I've been on for a month. But this week I've been soaking pads quickly and getting huge clots. I have a doctor's appt Friday but it's making me tired and dizzy... Reckon a trip to the hospital would be better?
I haven't had sex since November so I know it's defo not pregnancy related or anything. I just need it to stop now really.
:hugs: gem, sorry about your nan, try to take some comfort in she went quickly and hopefully didn't suffer for long. Re. the bleeding, call the gp and explain what#s happening, they'll probably see you as a emergency, I remember getting meds to stop the bleeding when something similar happened to me once xx

thanks ladies, eddie finally stopped puking, is now just incredibly grumpy at times but beginning to be my little boy again! and so far, touch wood, no one else has got sick.
Gem I'm so sorry :hugs: I think you need to see someome before Friday if its making you dizzy x

Afm all 3 boys were awake together tonught. 2 of them wanted me. Eddievwanted dh. Guess who got the kingsize bed! So 3 of us are literally stacked up in the single bed. dylan is laying on top of me with toby next to me.m... while dh has all the space in the world And wont switch or take another kiddo
selfish prick.
i find it amusing you even give him the option. Go put another kid in the bed and walk out. i know i've said it 100 times, but i'm hoping one day you actually stick up for yourself. he treats you the way he does because you let him. period.
I originally put dylan in with him with the intention of getting toby to sleep then coming back to help with the twins. But he sent dylan in to me almost immediately. giving dh what for at that point wouldve disturbed eddie and toby. Im learning to pick my battles... and battles arent great in the early hours when trying to get the kids to sleep.
Its not like he gets away with everything.
So alex and Abby turned 4 today! happy birthday to them both :), hope you guys had a lovely day Dana, was mostly have although there's been rather a few tantrums this weekend :/, I think treats need to be reigned in a bit here as we've got a large family and he gets a lot! but overall we've had a really lovely weekend, party yesterday with his friends and family, plus a bouncy castle. Then today preschool, and then we all went swimming this afternoon, which was a rare treat for alex as daddy rarely gets to come with us all:) xx
Happy birthday Alex!!! We've had an amazing last couple of days, rather sad I have to go to school tomorrow. Hubby is on 12 hr days so it's going to be akng week. Already begging for Friday. Worked things out with my brother and hoping for a friendship with his wife. New baby, new beginning.
Am I the only one who had mommy moments today? Found myself getting teary eyes a few times today.
mummy moments, bless you! I've barely had time to catch a breath for the past few days lol. Glad you've made it up with your brother.

I'm feeling anxious about the school results that come out on Thursday, we get an email at some point in the day, I'm going to be constantly refreshing my emails! trouble is if it comes through when we're out I'm not sure I want to look incase its not the school I want, but at the same time it'll kill me not to look :/
im nervous too for Thursday. I think we can log on at midnight and it will tell us the school before receiving the email. Lol I've put catchment down at 1st choice but still so nervous. Lol
we're supposed to hear about school this month as well only we weren't given a date just that we'll get a letter at "some point". I don't believe them since I didn't receive anything to enroll her like I should have.
Happy birthday to all the 4 year olds!
Good luck with school choices guys. Was wondering when that was.... didn't realise its tomorrow! Hope you all get what youre hoping for!
Happy Birthday to Alex (belated!)!!

Ive got 28 hours to wait....eek!!! Blimmin 5 pm we get our results. I've got a widget for Surrey where you can put down your school and it shows you how many applied for that school as a first choice, and the percentage that get in as a first choice. There is 5 pupils going for 1 space at our school, and only 52% get it as first choice, which indicates a high sibling intake.

In other news, had my smear today, which i used to be bothered about. But now since having kids, I have lost all dignity!

My Jury Service begins in 2 weeks, really looking forward to it now, after an initial grump about it!!!

Good Luck for tomorrows results!
Haha i know what you mean about smear tests... i got 2 borderline results so I've had them annually since Toby was born. Even had to have one at 7 weeks preg with the twins. Back to 3 years now though whoop!
You've reminded me I need to book mine! Lol

Happy birthday to all the 4 year olds so far! Not many of our babies left to turn four now!

I was feeling good about tomorrow but now I'm anxious again lol

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