Im so pissed off with marc is unbealivable, i think hes trying to control me! turn him into some one else!
he tries to control how i spend my money, or if i use my debit card or cash! he always trys to make me look around for the cheapest option well thats ok, but if i want something like avas cot, he'll try and make me go get it from some internet site ive never heard of, like i wanna put my card details on a site ive never heard anything about!! and i wanted to buy her a jumperooo today, but marc said if you buy that im walking out of this shop and you wont be able to carry it home by yourself!
and i bought 4 nursing bras from debenhams and he had a go at me cos it was too much! £37 isnt too much! its MY MONEY!!
we dont cuddle! we were in bed last night and i had to ask like 100 times for a kiss then kissed him and said kissing you makes my tummy have butterflys and my heart go all loved up, hes responce to that is " Im not a love sick teenager, and were not romeo and ruillete and i dont even feel like that" its not fair

i know he doesnt feel the same about me
& i say I LOVE YOU before i go to bed, and he says yeh ok, then i go marc!! and he goes GRR love you too, like he doesnt even care and its such a i cant be arse voice!!
and another thing! he always says im seeking for approval from my mum!! just because when she gets home from work i go give her a cuddle and ask her how her day is and get her a cup of coffee! or when i come back from shopping i show her what ive bought!
or if me and marc have a agrument i will tell my mum

i dont understand why hes like that, i love my mum and shes like my bestfriend so why wouldnt i tell her anything and everything!
i dont know what to do!!