April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oohh... I'm jealous of everyone who has the heartbeat monitors for at home! That must be great to be able to hear the hearbeat at home instead of having to wait for U/S!

Doggylover... thank-you for taking over the thread! I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job. :thumbup:

Ladyred.... hope you're feeling better soon! Hormones can be a terrible thing.

Ukgirl.... I hope you feel better soon too! I was feeling really bloated and uncomfortable last week, and thankfully this week it seems to have gone down a bit. I don't think I was drinking enough water. If you're having some tummy issues I would suggest drinking lots of water and making sure you stay fully hydrated. It seems to make a big difference!
Thanks Doggylover for taking the thread over. I did wonder how the group would go on after the sad news.

Tiredness is driving me crazy at the moment, and emotions all over the place.
I said while sobbing in tears last night to my husband, that I wish I wasn't pregnant :cry: because I just don't know how we'll cope. Little one wasn't planned, but at the same time, we know we will love this little one just as much as little ones sisters, so I feel very horrible and bad for wishing I wasn't pregnant, but other times, when my moods settle down, I am so excited about the pregnancy and having another little one.

Just worries I think.

Hope you are all well xxx

Hun, I can empathise! I feel the same way! We dedided to start protecting as thought we hadn't conceived ( breastfeeding kept it at bay for aggggesss )but my period wasn't a true one and low &behold...already pregnant! Feel low though cos have been on my own for the last month. Oh has a job in birmingham, and we are due to move this weekend. Plus I have loads of exams and coursework for my counselling degree etc...... Feeling stretched to the limit atm. Oh and very sick...for the first time ever during pregnancy! Just typical. I really hope you feel better soon. xxxx:hugs:
ladyred -- I do feel like those thoughts are normal. To be very honest, this one was very planned for us and I still freak out about it here and there. :wacko: I was just looking at my daughter today and wondering how she's going to react. She doesn't even have a clue it's happening (and probably won't really understand what's going on even when the baby is born as she'll only be 20 months! Well.. probably 21 months given the precedent set by Maisie :haha:). In a way I guess I feel terrible that she won't be an only child. But if she were an only child, I'd feel terrible I'd be depriving her then, too. :haha::haha::haha: Just ridiculous!

dan-o -- That July thread was really rough to keep up with! I got really overwhelmed by 3rd tri and mainly lost touch. But I found the "graduates" thread again in June when we started TTC and have reconnected a bit with the few ladies on that thread. Much easier to keep up with them now there aren't even close to as many people on it. One of them, Melissasbump, is even on this thread! It's nice to have a couple folks here with LOs the same age as dd and expecting another at the same time, too. Makes me feel less crazy for wanting 2 under 2. :haha:

No luck for me with the doppler this afternoon. I figured as much but couldn't help myself. I kept thinking maaaayyyyybbbeeee I could hear something but I don't believe it was because it seemed too perfectly twice as fast as my heartbeat. I think it was just me hearing my blood both coming and going with each beat of my heart.
Hi ladies,
thought I'd pop in to say hi as I hadn't been on in a lttle while.
liams_mom I hope all goes well at your next scan:hugs:

Well the morning sickness is horrid today!! I have to say I'm quite lucky as this time around its not so bad. I don't always feel sick, it's more like every couple of days it hits and its horrible but then it goes again for a few days. Not sure why its like this? With my first it was so bad all day everyday for nine months so I'm very grateful its not like that this time. I'm just being a big sook and feeling sorry for myself today, lol. How is everyone else coping with it?
I don't really post here much, but I am part of this group!

Is anyone else having a hard time keeping up with housework?! I'm so exhausted all the time, my house is like a zoo these days! My husband works 12 hour shifts so it's not like he rushes home to clean up himself lol. Luckily he does help though, just takes some reminding and suggesting.
the original poster of the thread has been changed as per request :hugs:
I think i'm not welcome here... I've requested twice to be in the list... Bye then...

Nothing like a wee bit of passive aggressive to endear yourself to people. As mentioned the woman who was in charge of the front page has had a miscarriage, so I'm sure you understand it hasn't been updated. Anyway, people are always willing to chat, even if you aren't on the front page.


I didnt know that... Sorry to hear that... Thanks for responding... I just join this thread as i just confirmed my pregnancy @ 6 weeks... And this thread already had 290++ pages... I unable to read them all...

But i started follow this thread since then... I love to read all the stories...
Ukgirl, I loved my sonoline last time, can't wait to use it again, I'm gonna try at 8-9 weeks!
Does the fybogel work then? I'm suffering terribly with being bunged up, might have to try it!

Littlespy, I agree these threads are always moved, it's not a new thing. I was in the same one as you, but it was so busy and i could only get on once a day, so I just got ignored when I did post lol! Really hoping to be able to keep up with this one, i think i missed out by not having any bump buddies to share my journey with last time.

Readyto, they sure can move fast in these threads! So glad I can view on my iPhone now, makes it so much easier to sneak online!

I managed to eat myself into a stupor tonight, then spent an hour suffering before I threw up lol. That's the first time I've actually been sick, but I think it was more the random assortment of crap not agreeing with me rather than pure morning sickness lol :dohh:

Nimbec, congrats on the heartbeat!!! Seriously cannot wait to use my Doppler now!!

Hi teamo! Good to see you here!

It does work Dan-o but you have to take it everyday otherwise you get bunged up again. I read online about a mug of warm milk with sugar before bed, I did it last night and it seems to have worked :D

Sorry to hear that you threw up, being sick is the worst, I'm emetaphobic so I totally sympathize lol

Thank you admin for switching the group to doggylover! Doggylover I believe you are the best one for the job :thumbup:

I hope I win the bid for the doppler on ebay so hopefully I can hear my baby :D

there are however 2 major arteries by your hips which can sound like baby heartbeats :dohh:
sorry I forgot to add.. (there are so many to reply to this morning lol)

readytomum.. thank you for the water tip, I have been drinking more but I think it's still not enough xx

Iloveyouzandt.. my house is also a zoo!! I get up to do it and do a bit then need to rest I have 2 kids too and they are relentless when it comes to mess making!

kathy kuhz.. this group can be a bit fast moving sometimes so dont worry about it :)
Morning everyone!

Firstly Doggylover, thankyou for taking the thread, im sure you will do a fab job!

Ladyred, I know how you feel, i think ive cried every day over the last 2 weeks over this pregnancy, not because im actually pregnant, but because of the sickness, tiredness and how generally rotten ive been feeling. This pregancy was very much planned and i feel terribly ungrateful sometimes but i am over the moon to be having another baby, just not the pregnancy part.

UKgirl, good luck on your ebay bid! I bought a doppler on ebay over the weekend too!Also got a dream geni pregnancy pillow. You ladies might find a pregnancy pillow useful when you get a bit bigger, i had a cheapy one last time and it was a godsend!

Littlespy. I have the same guilty feelings you do re the only child thing. I was adament that I didnt want H to be an only child hence we are pregnant again but then i have moments when i worry he will feel pushed aside, obviously i will be doing my damnest not to allow that to happen (not that i think it will) but again thats part of the reason we are having them so close as he wont remember me being a rubbish mummy whislt pregnant etc lol.

Kristy, sorry to hear you are sick today, hope it passes soon for you

ILoveyouZandT, Yes my house is a tip at the mo and im usually so houseproud, just dont have the energy at the mo.

Nimbec, hope the move went well! Hope you get settled in really soon.

Sorry to anyone ive forgotten, baby brain...

AFM, Well im still nauseus and being sick at least in the moring when i wake, then just generally feel rubbish throughout the day. Im back at the docs later today and will probably go back to work this wed, my work are just so un-understanding though, i wish i could just tell them to "poke it"
On a brighter note, we are going to the Olympic stadium later to watch the athletics, so that should be good, just trying to muster up the energy! Hope everyone has a good day xx
Thanks for your kind words ladies, about my previous post, I think this pregnancy will just be a roller-coaster of emotions, but main thing completely is hoping little tiny will be healthy. I've got my scan next Thursday, my first scan, so looking forward to it.

Mammaofthree I can relate to feeling different this pregnancy, I've not been sick ones, and I was sick with each of my girls, so it is quite worrying when something is different after being used to being sick/or not being lol.


Oooh yea the pregnancy pillow... last time i got a breastfeeding pillow and used it as both :D xx
Hi ladies I will say hi an catch up properly later I'm feeling really rough today. (((hugs))) to everyone hope your day goes ok!
I can completely empathize with all of the ladies feeling up and down about having a second. This pregnancy has been so hormonal I go back and forth every day wondering if it was right and if Liam will be happy with a little brother or sister. I was an only, so I do think that sometimes I wish I'd had another to chit chat with and play with. Liam will be 3 years and a month when this baby comes and I wanted at least 3 years but didn't want to be over 35 when I delivered. I'm hopeful he will be his awesome loving little self and enjoy helping mommy with the bub. He's just so much fun on his own that I wonder if he'd ever even want a brother or sister :) All I can do is show him how much I love him and get through the pregnancy part of having another.

I've been so busy lately, sorry for being a fair weather poster. I've not been sick much but already have heartburn. Ouch! Kristy please MSG me if you ever feel you want to chat. I'm a very good sympathetic ear. I pondering getting a Doppler, but we're saving for our holiday right now so I'm trying to be good. Love you ladies :kiss:
Wowzers, up until now I've been so lucky on the pg symptoms. Sometimes I even wondered if I really was pg due to the lack of symptoms. Well I am happy and not happy to say that the MS has truly kicked it! It's not enough to actually be physically sick, just enough to make me feel gross all day! I still feel lucky so make it this far without sickness though! I hope this means I only have to endure 4 weeks this time :)
I know what you men soph77 I suffered with morning sickness from the day I found out I was pregnant with my dd at 5 weeks. I have only this morning started to feel the symptoms walking round the meat isle at morrisons lol! Thanks doggylover for taking over, u will do a fan job I'm sure! Congrats to all the lucky ladies with early scans! Mines not till the 3rd oct... Seems so far away. I also feel bad for my lil girl she will be 22 months when my lil bean comes along and she is very much a mummy's girl.... I co slept with her while breastfeeding. And am now trying to get her into her own bed and room. She does 4-5 hours max.... Any tips ladies? I'm at my wits end and need some space in bed lol! Thanks x
Is anyone else having a hard time keeping up with housework?! I'm so exhausted all the time, my house is like a zoo these days! My husband works 12 hour shifts so it's not like he rushes home to clean up himself lol. Luckily he does help though, just takes some reminding and suggesting.

I am having such a hard job with house work. I am a bit of a neat/clean freak, and gave myself a good shake at the weekend because the house has been a bit of a tip lately. My oh is good with cooking and taking care of me, but he doesn't understand the need to hoover everyday (all our dogs!) or how to wipe the kitchen clean properly. It's been making me feel awful i must say, but hopefully get on top of things soon. Hope you do to!!

Thank you admin for switching the group to doggylover! Doggylover I believe you are the best one for the job :thumbup:

I hope I win the bid for the doppler on ebay so hopefully I can hear my baby :D

I don't know about that, as long as I can keep up to date...! Hope you get your doppler soon! Am very jealous!

Hi ladies I will say hi an catch up properly later I'm feeling really rough today. (((hugs))) to everyone hope your day goes ok!

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Ladies who have been mentioning having a second LO, i am only on #1, but I already have said several times i do not know how anyone does it with other LO to think about. I have zero energy or motivation, and I am in awe of you all! So if you ever feel guilty, or down, just remember I think you are pretty amazing!!

Busy morning at work, and now after lunch I feel sick :( chomping on the digestive biscuits in hope that it will help!
Yay roma!!

Ladies, if anyone has any information they need updated on the front page (i.e due dates!) can you please let me know, either now in the thread, or through a PM. Want to make sure everyone is up to date!

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