April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I've been craving pizza and sweets lol. I'm thankful it's not a weird craving haha. DH keeps saying he hopes I crave something completely weird like pickles and ice cream.
I'm 9 weeks today! So sore and tired all the time. I'm due on april 14th. Anyone else having cramps, sharp pains and occasional lightheadedness or dizziness? Can't wait to take the intelligender test next week! Crossed fingers for a boy! Good luck to all you along your 1st trimester with me. This is me and the fathers first so its definitely going to be an adventure.

Are the sharp pains like when you sneeze or get up to fast or turn wrong? If so, I get those every pregnancy, it's almost one of my first signs. Just those tightened, stretching ligaments that get pulled way too easily. But man, it is PAIN-FUL!!
I'm 9 weeks today! So sore and tired all the time. I'm due on april 14th. Anyone else having cramps, sharp pains and occasional lightheadedness or dizziness? Can't wait to take the intelligender test next week! Crossed fingers for a boy! Good luck to all you along your 1st trimester with me. This is me and the fathers first so its definitely going to be an adventure.

Are the sharp pains like when you sneeze or get up to fast or turn wrong? If so, I get those every pregnancy, it's almost one of my first signs. Just those tightened, stretching ligaments that get pulled way too easily. But man, it is PAIN-FUL!!

ah! I didn't think of that lol. Because If I turn too quick when I'm sitting or something I'll get that. And ouchie!!!!! It's painful!
Oh yeah, the ligament pain. I don't recall exactly when now, but there was a while when I was pregnant with dd when it KILLED to walk. It would take me forever to walk the like 1/4 mile to my car after work every day. :dohh: That's the kind of crap you totally forget about so you can trick yourself into thinking you "miss" being pregnant. :haha:

I had another labor/birth boy dream last night. Officially totally convinced this one is a boy. I'm going to be so surprised (but still very happy as I don't have a preference this time) if not!

Also, still haven't taken any extra b6 since Thursday and still feeling much better. I'm getting waves of mild nausea but nothing like before. I've been feeling a bit better each day this week so I don't think it was really that the b6 was making me sicker, just that it wasn't really helping anymore. I'm scared to convince myself the ms is nearly over already. It lasted so much longer with dd!
TeAmo that is ridiculous that you haven't seen someone yet! But fingers crossed Tuesday doesn't get cancelled, and at 10 weeks you will get such a good view of baby!!

Ukgirl, don't worry, everyone has a crappy day sometimes, just remember we are here for you when you do :hugs: lots of love and I hope you are feeling a bit happier today

Gemini I have had some pretty sharp pains in the last few weeks, although they have eased now. Be careful with your dizziness! Eat little and often.

And to everyone whose oh works rubbish hours, l don't know how you do it! You are stars because I am so pathetic at the minute I need dh for everything. And since he's away this weekend I have decamped to parents! Sometimes you ladies make me feel bad for moaning, especially since I don't have any other lo, which I can't even comprehend at this stage. I'm in awe of you all!!!!
I miss u ladies :(

Here's what's going on for me :( just gets worst. Maybe you could give me advice after I know several have had same sort of problem


It I've offended anyone by posting in here please tell me to take a hike :)
I'm 9 weeks today! So sore and tired all the time. I'm due on april 14th. Anyone else having cramps, sharp pains and occasional lightheadedness or dizziness? Can't wait to take the intelligender test next week! Crossed fingers for a boy! Good luck to all you along your 1st trimester with me. This is me and the fathers first so its definitely going to be an adventure.

Are the sharp pains like when you sneeze or get up to fast or turn wrong? If so, I get those every pregnancy, it's almost one of my first signs. Just those tightened, stretching ligaments that get pulled way too easily. But man, it is PAIN-FUL!!

I get these, they got worse as I got further along with my daughter, I would get them when rolling over in bed, every time I wanted to roll over I would hold my breath as I never knew if it would happen. They have started already again x
Mummy- I have replied and given you my experience xx
We love you mummy and will look for some good news in the May/June sections soon! Thank you for checking in on us. We miss you :) :flower:
Morning ladies, hope everyone is bright and breezy today, lol!!

My DH is at work and LO having a nap, so I treated myself to poached eggs, tomatoes, sauté potatoes and toast for brunch! Yum yum!
Putting my feet up for half an hour now, then its time to mow the lawn and hang the washing out lol! No rest for the wicked lol! Just had a quick go in the Doppler and heard bubs for a few seconds before it vanished again, tricky little bugger this one!

Went out for a long walk yesterday evening and collected lots of blackberries on the way back, gonna have a go at making some jam a bit later, wish me luck lol!

I'm just mega stressed out, I have 2 kids who are amazing but they make such a mess and lately fight alot because they are bored because I'm too tired to do much. my OH works split shifts so from 4am til 9pm, and during his break he just needs to sleep so the flat is a mess, I have no energy to cook, I barely manage the school run lol. It kinda just got on top of me the last few days and I went down but I have taken a while to relax and rethink and feel much better now. I'm sorry for taking it out on you guys!

dan-o I havent had any appointments through yet, apart from one I made myself for when I hit the 12 week mark. I'm going to call the midwife on monday and book myself in for a scan for the 12th week because I want the nuchal fold test.

liams-mom I'm really in love with mcflurries at the moment but any other sweets make me feel ill so you can keep your jam donuts :p xx

Sorry for being harsh. I have been hormonal too but it's been more like bitchy, grumpy, not being able to sleep type of emotional rather than crying at commercials type of emotional. On top of being pregnant after 2 losses my DH and I just moved cross-country and he is feeling very down and doubting everything. Sorry for aiming my bitchiness at you. Hope you're feeling better.

its ok :) Thanks for saying sorry I hope that you feel better soon, moving is tough when you're not pregnant let alone when you are! xx :hugs:
I miss u ladies :(

Here's what's going on for me :( just gets worst. Maybe you could give me advice after I know several have had same sort of problem


It I've offended anyone by posting in here please tell me to take a hike :)

You could never offend us by posting here, this is your thread and we will always be here to support you when you need us. I don't have any medical advice for you, just lots of thoughts and prayers for you to get out of hospital asap, so you can begin to heal physically and emotionally. :hugs:

Morning ladies, hope everyone is bright and breezy today, lol!!

My DH is at work and LO having a nap, so I treated myself to poached eggs, tomatoes, sauté potatoes and toast for brunch! Yum yum!
Putting my feet up for half an hour now, then its time to mow the lawn and hang the washing out lol! No rest for the wicked lol! Just had a quick go in the Doppler and heard bubs for a few seconds before it vanished again, tricky little bugger this one!

Went out for a long walk yesterday evening and collected lots of blackberries on the way back, gonna have a go at making some jam a bit later, wish me luck lol!


That brunch actually sounds delicious!! I really like poached eggs but am now wary because the dr said no eggs which are runny, and I only like runny eggs!! Our blackberries aren't quite ready to pick yet, but I've been keeping a close on eye on them! my DH love smaking jam (how random!) and I helped him once, it's not actually as hard as I had heard - we did OK! But good luck!

Afm, i am feeling fine again today. Felt a little ill last night for maybe half an hour but that's it. Which is worrying me of course....
I know what you mean, I've not been feeling too bad either, which is nice but niggles me with worry slightly!
Oh well... next scan on tues to hopefully set my mind at rest for another few weeks lol!

Ukgirl- did you get your Doppler?
Morning ladies, hope everyone is bright and breezy today, lol!!

My DH is at work and LO having a nap, so I treated myself to poached eggs, tomatoes, sauté potatoes and toast for brunch! Yum yum!
Putting my feet up for half an hour now, then its time to mow the lawn and hang the washing out lol! No rest for the wicked lol! Just had a quick go in the Doppler and heard bubs for a few seconds before it vanished again, tricky little bugger this one!

Went out for a long walk yesterday evening and collected lots of blackberries on the way back, gonna have a go at making some jam a bit later, wish me luck lol!


Your breakfast sounds lovely Dan-o! But I'm not jealous... :winkwink:

The weather has cooled off here so much the last few days, it's glorius! I love Fall, it's my favourite season. I hate being too hot and I have a *slight* love obsession with sweaters. Today will definitely be a sweater day! DH and I are planning to get out for a nice walk this afternoon.

Life resumes back to normal full schedule for me this coming Monday. I'm a grad student and so even though I'm done all my courses, my "school year" starts off again on Monday. I'm looking forward to being back into a weekly routine so time wont seem like it's going so slowly! I just hope I'll have the energy to keep up with everything without my beloved caffiene. Between teaching, working at the Library, and working on my exams I'll be hopping!

But if I'm nice and busy I won't have time to sit around and be paranoid about how bean is doing! :thumbup:

Hope everyone is feeling fine today! Enjoy your Sundays. :flower:
It's my turn to freak out. :nope:

As I previously posted, my ms has been waning. To the point where for the last 3 days, I've hardly been nauseous at all.

Well, this morning I'm spotting. Well, really more than spotting, it's pretty much like I sometimes get right before AF starts. And it's orange/pink, not a safer color like brown. We haven't recently dtd. My internal u/s was 2 weeks ago. Nothing has been up there since. I'm also feeling mildly crampy, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm panicking a bit or what. :cry:

I was feeling so comfortable because I'm past 8 weeks and we have seen the heartbeat. :dohh:
yeh Dan-o, it came yesterday and I got it straight out of the box only to find it's broken :( so I have to send it back for a refund and wait for a new one :(

I brought my self some new clothes today, took the kids to the park and OH helped tidy up so I'm feeling a bit better :) I was craving melon flavoured sweets and pickled onions today :/ lol I woke up needing sweets and had to fight the urge to eat them!
Littlespy, can you get an emergency U/S? I'm really praying that it's nothing!
Big :hugs: littlespy. Keep your chin up sweets - painful cramping and red is a lot more sinister than what you are having however I totally understand the concern. At 8+3 I started with pinkish blood which turned into bright red bleeding and small bits of clots however only very faint cramping - went to ER as I was sure it was over and there was a little hb still going strong. I def think that strong cramps are more of an indicator of bad things happening than spotting when you are this far along and have seen a heartbeat.

Try to take it easy hun (easier said than done with a LO at home, I know) - and remember, it never hurts to give your dr a ring and mention what is going on. They may just tell you to rest, but may want you to get checked out - especially if you tell them how concerned you are.

You are in my thoughts sweets - I hope everything is still perfect in there!
Hi ladies sorry I disappeared yesterday ...my relaxing day didn't go quite to plan :( ended up having a massive row with oh he said I was horrible to be around really short tempered and couldn't stand being near me - I sparked the argument as I feel he hasn't shown me any compassion when I've been extremely poorly so I told him an he went bonkers saying I'd lost the plot!! I was so upset that I ended up walking the lanes at midnight (couldn't find at keys) I eventually came in - note he didn't worry or call me!! He then said I was after attention!! I had to walk or I'd have totally broken down. Anyway I appologies yes me even tho I feel he was unfair but I wanted to make te peace anyway we made friends and he has been 100% better today!! Oh and would u believe it infront of friends he told me I was crazy for going on this forum and it was only for people with issues so not a good idea - how ****** rude how dare he!!

Right sorry ladies rant over could do with a hug! On a brighter note heard bubs again in Doppler yest :)

Mommy you are welcome anytime!!!! I can't help unfortunately :(

Doggylover/ukgirl my symptoms have gone a lot too it causes mixed feelings lol we are never happy!!

Ukgirl ewwwweee pickled onions mind you last pregnancy (miscarriage) I was eating gerkins by the jar full I the the things normally.

Readytomum good luck for tomorrow it sounds very busy fx sickness stays away for you.

Little spy have u rang EPU? They may get u in fr a scan.... Hopefully it's nothing. It could just be an irritated cervix hun not your baby ((hugs)) please let u know how u get on!

Well I have been watching oh an friends surfing yes it's freezing and raining in Wales but they still surf...mad! I dd have a bit I a moment tho - my friend is also pg roughly 8-10 weeks and surfed today I thought it was extremely irresponsible seeing as you jump onto your stomach before getting up never mind the risk of board wacking you!! Maybe I'm just grouchy an irritable as my oh says !

Sorry for such a long post and hope I haven't forgotten anyone have lots to catch up on xx
I called my doctor's number but their after hours lines are just for "urgent" situations. "Threatening miscarriage" is one they listed but I don't know. As upset and worried as I am, I don't feel like it's urgent. There's nothing they will do today. I think I'll just call in sick to work tomorrow and call my doctor first thing in the morning hoping for an u/s. I thought the bleeding was stopping when I went back to the bathroom and I breathed a little sigh of relief and then I saw a small clot which has almost made me hysterical. I know getting so upset isn't going to make things better, but I can't seem to help myself.

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