April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I called my doctor's number but their after hours lines are just for "urgent" situations. "Threatening miscarriage" is one they listed but I don't know. As upset and worried as I am, I don't feel like it's urgent. There's nothing they will do today. I think I'll just call in sick to work tomorrow and call my doctor first thing in the morning hoping for an u/s. I thought the bleeding was stopping when I went back to the bathroom and I breathed a little sigh of relief and then I saw a small clot which has almost made me hysterical. I know getting so upset isn't going to make things better, but I can't seem to help myself.

Try not to worry too much hun, and I know it's easier said than done... I had bleeding through out my pregnancy with my first with no apparent reason! Wasnt nice, as was constantly worried but I have a health 14 month old! Also, around 10 weeks is when you miss your second period roughly and sometimes u get a slight bleed! Just get I touch with your doc and really push it! Hope all is ok! Big hugs xxx
aww littlespy, anyone in your situation would be freaking out, you are allowed to feel that way! I think you should call the nhs direct and get an emergency appointment, they can get you an emergency scan tonight or tomorrow, if you really want to wait then that is okay too, just maybe rest and take it easy for the rest of the day and have OH do everything with your LO if you can xx I really hope everything will be okay for you xx
I think any kind of bleeding can be classed as 'threatened mc' so you have every right to call. Always follow your gut and if you feel like you should call, then call. Rest assured they probably get non urgent calls all the time from scared pg women - and you have a valid reason regardless. Keep in mind - that is what they are there for, and that's the profession they chose - which comes with many after hours calls - trust me they are used to it by now! If it will give you ANY peace of mind at all to call - then call. Especially after a clot there is no need to panic alone wondering whether to call the dr or not :hugs:

TMI but have you been constipated at all? If I even get a little bit like that I get tannish/pink spotting from all the pressure - I think it irritates my cervix somehow.
just to add to what sweatpea said about it's their job and what they choose to do she is completely right, I am training in nursing and I would never turn away someone in your situation or think anything bad of you for being worried, it's people who have the problems and dont come in and get worse because they waited who are worse off. Even if you just have a chat with a nurse or midwife it will help, I had a massive bleed at 37 week with my youngest, I went in an hour later and it turned out I had torn inside from moving too quickly, they found that from just doing an internal exam, so maybe you wont even need a scan, they might just take a look down there and be able to put your mind at ease xx
Thanks everyone. It's just the only time I had any spotting at all with dd is after dtd around 9 weeks so this has really caught me off guard.

I'm constipated on and off but don't really recall if I have been the last few days.

I know I also have the "huge" corpus leutum cyst that could potentially be causing some trouble, I suppose. It just really worries me that this is happening a few days after my ms has eased up so much. :nope: Bad timing.

I'm in the US so the healthcare system is a bit different. I called the doc again just to see what the "after hours answering service" is like and I'm just not comfortable leaving a message for call back by them unless things get much worse. I'll just call first thing in the morning when they open and hope they can squeeze me in for an u/s just so I'm not left wondering.
Aww little spy it must be so hard but please try and stay positive as you say it could be a number of things hopefully nothing serious but I am a qualified a&e nurse (uk) and we wouldn't think badly of you for coming in with your symptoms - maybe another option if not confer table with doctor situation. X
I'm in the US so the healthcare system is a bit different. I called the doc again just to see what the "after hours answering service" is like and I'm just not comfortable leaving a message for call back by them unless things get much worse. I'll just call first thing in the morning when they open and hope they can squeeze me in for an u/s just so I'm not left wondering.

I totally get this. Even with my ectopic, by the time I was in pretty bad pain (not ER enough for me though because apparently I had miscarried normally, wasn't at risk for ectopic, and to me it just felt like bad gas pains directly in the center of my abdomen), I couldn't get through to the nurse so left her a message that day, she didn't call back until that evening and her message was just a casual "I just need to know a little more about what is going on before I can talk to the doctor..." and by that next morning I was in emergency surgery without having even spoken with anyone. SO FRUSTRATING.
Littlespy, you must go in for a scan tomorrow hun, don't forget you have that enormous cyst, you're not exactly a normal case! I'm sure they will get you in pronto! Hope everything is fine with your baby, will be thinking of you xx
Mommyx1311 and Hockey: I'm so sorry to hear your sad news :hugs:

Liams_mom: FX for a little sister for Liam. Glad your scan went well and that you are only having the one that you wanted.

Melissa: I feel exactly like you described so don't feel bad. I have been TTC for 3 years and I wish that I could be happy now but I feel awful. Just feel blah all the time.

Dano and Little Spy: interesting about the B6, I think I will skip it for a couple days and see if I feel better. I thought that B6 was supposed to help with MS.

Readytomum: Wow your life sounds busy, I'm tired just thinking about it. I couldn't imagine studying right now, it would never stick. Good for you!

LittleSpy: Many people spot during the first trimester so it could be nothing. If it were me I would probably go to the ER. I am in Canada and these things are covered here so nothing to lose by going. If you aren't having bad cramps and red blood it's probably fine to wait until tomorrow to see your doctor. I hope everything is okay. :hugs:

Ukgirl: that sucks that your doopler arrived broken how frustrating!

Nimbec: Sorry to hear your hubby is an arse, mine has been too. Not that bad but he keeps insinuating that I could be doing more. I have always done everything around the house and he is completely lazy. Now that I am preggo I am trying to take things easy. He's getting mad because I want the TV off by 10 so I can sleep, I don't want him eating in bed because he eats such strong smelling food. I'm making him do more around the house. Anyway he keeps telling me that I'm not an inviolate. Anyway men are jerks. Be careful going out late by yourself it's dangerous.

For all the other lovely pregnant ladies I hope you all are doing well and that all the little munchkins are snuggled in tight. This tread is so fast moving that it is hard to keep up.
TeAmo that is ridiculous that you haven't seen someone yet! But fingers crossed Tuesday doesn't get cancelled, and at 10 weeks you will get such a good view of baby!!

I see the midwife on Tuesday but wont see baby and know everything is okay until 12 weeks! sooooo far away... :shrug:

thanks for the replies girls. Glad im not the only one having to wait ages to have some antenatal care!

Thinking of you LittleSpy xx
yeh Dan-o, it came yesterday and I got it straight out of the box only to find it's broken :( so I have to send it back for a refund and wait for a new one :(

I brought my self some new clothes today, took the kids to the park and OH helped tidy up so I'm feeling a bit better :) I was craving melon flavoured sweets and pickled onions today :/ lol I woke up needing sweets and had to fight the urge to eat them!

Ohhh that's so annoying! Hope you get a replacement soon!

Melon flavoured sweets sound lush!!! In fact so do pickled onions mmmmm lol!
Nimbec, I'm sorry you had a bad day hun. I think our DH's sometimes lose sight of the fact we are pregnant, hormonal AND that it's only temporary!
I've been really grumpy with this pregnancy, but luckily my DH has seen it all before, so just stays out of my way now lol :haha:
Sending :hug:

Ps. Sounds like he's totally got the wrong idea about the forums!!
Littlespy :hugs: I have everything crossed for you, but I agree with the other ladies that you should head to the ER if nothing changes and get seen, nobody will think badly of you at all. Keep us updated.

Nimbec sorry about your OH being such an idiot :haha: Men just do not get it, which is totally natural, but they could try and be a bit more sympathetic at times!

UKgirl, cant believe your doppler arrived broken!! Are you sending it back for a replacement?

I didn't do much this weekend, and slept a lot, but it's Monday morning at school, and I am sitting in my classroom and feel like I could just burst into tears because I am so exhausted. Feeling very sorry for myself today. :cry::cry:
^ Oooh I'm in a pissy mode lately, but I think it is my natural character anyway, I'm very impatient and angry at some docs I happen to see these days. They don't seem to realize that a pregnant hormonal woman with a life outside the hospitals is not able to be there 9 h everyday AND expect me to know all the procedures via telepathy without them bothering to explain me stuff. I'm not a nurse or a medical expert or working the health sector how am I supposed to know all the procedures?
Sorry for the vent but they seem to be in their own little world without any contact with the real life.

Started my blood work today at last! Some tests are left for tomorrow, and I also have appointments for my "official" U/S on Oct 1st and nuchal translucency on Oct 5th.
Moring ladies.

Nimbec, hope you are feeling better today!

Littlespy, spoke to you on the other thread, just want you to know im thinking of you and hoping your mind is now put at rest.

UKgirl boo to a broken doppler!

Sorry to those ive forgotten, my head is mush!
We were at my parents this weekend and it was lovely and relaxing, she entertained DS most of the time so me and OH could chill out in the sun and even got a lay in yesterday moring.
Today, at last im seeing the midwife! Shes coming at 11am and this afternoon i have another doctors appointment.
Morning Ladies :flower:

Liamsmom great news on your scan and the confirmaton of one bean as you had hoped for.

Littlespy how are you today? Have you organised to see a doc or get a scan? I really hope all is ok for you and you get some ansers today!! :hugs:

Jen76 thankyou its nice to know i'm not the only one - blooming men can you just imagine if they had to carry the baby and had all these hormonal changes going on?! Hope you are ok?

Ukgirl how annoying about the doppler, how long will your new one take to arrive? Melon sweets sout good BUT even reading pickled onions made me feel queesy! hehe funny how we all crave different things.

Dano Thankyou, sounds like your oh has the right idea and understands! Yes my oh has totally the wrong idea about forums and i was going to suggest he read one of them but i'll make sure its not this one now :wacko:

Doggylover Yup thats men for you grrrr! I really hope today goes well for you and that time flys by. also most impotantly the kids behave! How old are they?

Lily grr yes i totally understand sometimes docs have no idea about real life and the fact we can't just drop everything and that we don't necessarily understand what all the procedures are - surely its their job to explain them to us?! Hope your ok!

As for me sickness is back today i can feel it coming in waves over me but on a positive note oh has been MUCH better since our row - fx it stays like this!! I'm still waiting for my 12 week scan date.... wondering how long i should leave it before calling them - i have been scanned at 6 weeks and saw midwifes for booking in last monday and they said they should call or send a letter. My friend that went the same day has already had her appt through. I don't want to appear to be hassling them but i need to organise my diary around it.
I think I'm just going to return it and not replace it because I think I would over use it and apparently there are some risks with using them.

My son went for his first day of school today, He looked so cute in his new uniform!

nimbec- I havent heard about my first scan either yet, I was going to call and ask today

melissasbump- good luck with the appointments

lily I hope they sort it all out for you!

doggylover - take it easy I am like you have no energy at all. its tough

littlespy - good luck for today xx
Morning ladies :flower:

Feeling pretty good today, which was slightly worrying, but I've doppled and baby sounds fine to me. Probably just having a 'good' day lol!

Got my 8 week scan tomorrow.. eek! Fingers crossed things are progressing well and baby has grown as it should!
Thanks for the support girls!

melissa good luck with your appointments!

nimbec I already have arranged the 12 w appointment for the reason the nuchal translucency is super important, and it is hard to get an appointment with the right timing, at least in my area. Doc said arrange this first and then all your other tests. Very happy that I got a date so easy!

ukgirl23 yay for the 1st day of school, I wish him a happy & productive school year! Too bad about the doppler thingy being broken, you should return it for a refund. IDK if I'm that interested in buying one, I think I will play it cool for now.

dan-o good luck at the scan! I was so relieved when I got mine on Friday, now I realize how important it was so see the little heart!
Nimbec I teach 11-16, so some of them are great, but some of the younger ones can be so irritating at times haha!

Ladies, I feel awful. My best friend just text me to tell me she is pregnant. That might seem like it's great news, but I just cannot be happy for her, and I feel awful about it.

She is getting married in two weeks time. She has always said (until about a year ago) that she hated children, babies especially. Then she changed her mind, and of course she decided to get pregnant and it happened right away. She doesn't have a job, and they struggle to make ends meet as it is. I know it's not my place at all to say she shouldn't have a baby, but I just feel like it's so unfair. It took me so long to get to this point, and all I have ever wanted is a family. She never did, and of course gets it like that. I know I'm being so selfish, and I should concentrate on a) the fact that I am pregnant and will finally have my baby and b) the fact that I'll have a close friend to go through this with, but I just can't help feeling like it's so unfair, and why was it so hard for me and so easy for her.

I must sound so awful :( And trust me I feel it, but I am actually crying. Maybe it just was a bad day to get this news, when I'm feeling rubbish anyway.

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