April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

If you're not going back to work do you still have to get a big pump? I mean I know eventually I will want to leave the baby with family when we want to get out of the house etc so will need to use bottles and expressed milk then, but I am just trying to figure out if I really need a pricey pump when I am going to be a SAHM? Should I just wait and get one later?

You can become skilled in hand expression and then wouldn't need a pump at all. Lactation consultants will tell you that when you master hand expression, it's actually much more efficient than a pump. Or you can get a manual pump. But one thing I learned last time is never discount the possibility that your baby will refuse to nurse. It's the craziest thing, but out of a group of 15 women I was friends with who were pregnant together when I was with #1, 3 of us had babies who refused to nurse. :wacko: And trust me when I say we tried and tried and tried because exclusively pumping is so much more work than nursing! But I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens, then buy or rent an electric pump if that's what it comes down to. :thumbup: 3/15 means it's much more likely that your baby will nurse than won't! You know, plus that's a terribly small sample size. It just blew my mind because that is not something I ever even once considered as a breastfeeding complication when I was pregnant! I figured my baby had breast aversion because I had a low supply but the other 2 women produced plenty (maybe too much and that was the issue? forceful letdown?).
Morning ladies, I am a sahm and am hoping to breastfeed! I still have breast pump from lo, just need to buy new bits! It's a manual avent hand pump! I thought I'd use it loads, but not really! But when I did use it I didn't really struggle with hand cramps! And I bought some breast milk storage bags for the freezer! I'm really hoping I breast feed this time round, unmanaged to do it for 6 months last time as I was expecting to go back to work a month later, then I was made redundant! Stopped breast feeding for nothing! But it was not with out its complications! My lol didn't latch on very well, she wouldn't open her mouth wide enough! So instead of helping me through it mw gave me some nipple shields! It's basically a teat for you boob! Ladies don't use them! I could not get lo of it and although she was getting bmilk! It reduced my milk supply a bit and was bloody awkward being out in public and having to put the sheiks on first, and as baby got older she would knock it off.... Sigh lol made it very impossible for ppl not to get a peek at my boobs haha! So this time I shall not be using them!!! Xxx

Just gotta say I disagree with never using nipple shields. :flower: I didn't know about them and I often feel like if I had known, I wouldn't have had some of the problems I did. Part of our problem early on is that LO had a horrible latch. I remember both of us getting so frustrated becuse we'd have to try so many times to get her latched on correctly at each feeding. Very overwhelming. We had a boob/mouth size mismatch in the beginning and I think the LC had unrealistic expectations for her latch. I should have just left it alone, I think, but instead I was insistant that it be perfect each time. :dohh: I think a nipple shield would have helped that for sure and really would have taken down the frustration levels of both of us. Of course it's all speculation because I can't go back and try something different in that situation but I wouldn't discount using a nipple shield this time around at all. In fact, I plan to have one ready to go in case I need it first thing. :thumbup:

Using a nipple shield is how I finally got my baby to start nursing when she was 3 months old and I did wean her off of using it for a few weeks before she started refusing to nurse again (with or without the shield). I'll be using a nicer shield this time, if I need it - one of the contact shields. Before I just got the cheapest thing available because it was kind of a last ditch effort to get her to nurse.

Anyway, so I think a nipple shield can be a very good temporary solution for some bfing problems. I think even if it has to be a permanent solution, it's way better than the alternative (which is either exclusively pumping or not breastfeeding at all). But that's just me and probably because of the experience I had, I envy anyone who had a LO who would nurse, with or a without a shield! :winkwink:
I'm hoping I've attached my first bump pic! Not 100% sure it'll work as I'm on my phone though!


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Morning ladies!!! Hope everyone is having a great Friday so far!!!

I decided to take a bump pic this am.... :blush:

Crazy story.... My bff who just had baby #3 4 months ago took a pg test last night & it was a BFP!!! I hate to say this, but she is devistated. She has horrible horrible horrible pregnancies & baby #3 was a birth control baby. My bff & her hubby didn't want anymore pregnancies because of how hard they are (we are talking hospital the whole pregnancy along with blood thinners, one kidney shut down, diabetic). She asked her doc about getting her tubes tied & because of her bleeding issues/ect. her doctor stated he would rather her hubby get a vasectomy. So he went had his vasectomy & they were told it could take up to 15 ejaculations before he was completely sterile. So after the baby was 8 weeks, my bff got on the birth control shot for added protection & ended up having to stop breast feeding because of the shot.... Well now she is having blood work drawn this am. She is so upset. All she could say last night was "so many people want babies & can't get pregnant & it seems like my hubby can look at me & I'm knocked up.... It's just not fair to those women who desperately want & deserve a baby".... I'm praying for her sake it was a false positive caused by the shot..... Anyway... That's the latest drama in my life....

Hope you all have a wonderful day & weekend!


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Maybe soon that's an insane story about your BFF. I'm sorry she is having such a bad time with her pregnancies, and having a 4mo and being pregnant again will be tough.

In other news, cute bump!
Even with my pitiful supply, my boobs leaked like crazy! It's really, really, really, really (really) annoying! Especially because I started breastfeeding in the summer and it gets really hot here (I think the high was like 115*F the day dd was born!). So I'd leak a bit on my bra or something and then (this is really gross) smell like CHEESE! Yuck!

I recommend cotton washable breast pads. Much more comfy than disposable ones! Along with a sleep nursing bra or two. Those things are way more comfy than regular nursing bras and I found if I just tried to let the tatas be free, I'd leak everywhere constantly. But if I had on a light bra like that with the nursing pads in, it was just enough pressure to keep me from leaking everywhere constantly.

I would have some bottles but I WOULD NOT USE THEM until the baby is 4-6 weeks old and breastfeeding is already well-established. It's very true that not all babies will get "nipple confusion" but you won't know if yours is one or not until it's too late and problems are already happening. One of the pediatricians we saw on one of our million weight-check visits during the first week poo pooed "nipple confusion" (even used air quotes when she said it) and... she was wrong in our case. Once I introduced a bottle to supplement when LO was a week old, that's when the breast aversion began. :nope: So, if you need to supplement, I HIGHLY recommend supplmenting with a supplemental nursing system. I think that's where my lc really screwed the pooch with me last time - She recommended supplementing with a syringe and a finger. It was very difficult to do and that's why I started using the bottle after a couple of days of finger/syringe. A SNS makes so much more sense because if you're supplementing, that means you need more milk. What tells your body you need to produce more? More breast stimulation! Your body doesn't get that with finger-supplementation! :dohh::dohh::dohh: If you supplement at the breast, you're baby is getting the extra milk s/he needs, and your boobs are getting the extra stimulation they need. And you don't need to go buy one of the expensive SNSs. You can make your own, really cheaply. I just ordered tubing from dr.jacknewman.com (he's a well known lactation consultant in Canada). You just plop that tubing in a bottle of supplment, sit the bottle on a table at or just under boob-level or between your boobs, and feed the tube into LOs mouth once they're already latched on and have drained both breasts. Voila! (now let's see how easy I find doing this with a flailing hungry newborn added to the mix :haha:)

Seriously. One thing about my experience is that I really think I may know more about this crap than a lot of LCs at this point. :haha: Not that I would automatically discount advice that differed from mine, but I just feel like I have a very strong leg to stand on when it comes to knowing about what they're suggesting I do and I can ask more relevant and useful questions. I was so unprepared last time because I simply had no idea how to prepare.
Sorry, I take back what I said, ladies its obviously up to you what you decide to do! But my experience with nipple shields was a bad one, and although I'm greatful that I got to breast feed my lo(with a shield) I like to think that it would have been a better experience for us both and my supply not to use them, and feel I did not get the support I needed from the mw to help baby latch on! And yes it was frustrating trying to latch her on with out it, she would just scream, and I didn't want to give up! And I tried everything to wean her off including cutting the top down bit by bit till she just met nipple! Many a wasted shield! But that was my experience! Any way, I'm gonna be disappearing for a while, hope all you pregnancies are happy and healthy! Gl xx
Thanks doggylover!!!

You also have a cute bump!!! Babies are growing!!!!
Wow, maybesoon, that's nuts! I wonder if she was already pregnant before she got the shot? I don't think depo could cause a false positive. :nope: Hopefully it was a dodgy test, for her sake!

Cute bump!!

While we're on the subject, women who want to breastfeed, seriously do your research before getting a depo shot (edited! :) ). I've heard many, many times about that shot drying up supply almost immediately. I took the progestin only pill for BC while breastfeeding and that thing messed. me. up. (no cycles and I was crazy emotional). Lots of women don't have a problem with it but I won't be doing it again. This time it'll be cycle-tracking and condoms all the way until I stop bfing.
Sorry, I take back what I said, ladies its obviously up to you what you decide to do! But my experience with nipple shields was a bad one, and although I'm greatful that I got to breast feed my lo(with a shield) I like to think that it would have been a better experience for us both and my supply not to use them, and feel I did not get the support I needed from the mw to help baby latch on! And yes it was frustrating trying to latch her on with out it, she would just scream, and I didn't want to give up! And I tried everything to wean her off including cutting the top down bit by bit till she just met nipple! Many a wasted shield! But that was my experience! Any way, I'm gonna be disappearing for a while, hope all you pregnancies are happy and healthy! Gl xx

Please don't tell me you're disappearing because I disagreed with you. I tried to be respectful about it and I'm sorry if it came across differently. It's okay for us to have different opinions! What a boring world this would be if we all agreed about everything all the time. I don't mind at all that you disagree with me. I'm glad you shared your experience and I'm sorry it was difficult for you. I kind of know how that feels! :flower:

I get a bit passionate about breastfeeding because I've spent countless hours over the last 15 months researching and learning because of my experience. I don't mean to suggest that I know everything or that just because my opinion differs from someone they're automatically wrong. We can disagree and both be right (or we could both be wrong :haha:).
Omg I'm really worried about it :s I guess all I can do I be as prepared as possible!!

Kealz are u off on holiday?

Lovely bumps ladies!!
Sorry, I take back what I said, ladies its obviously up to you what you decide to do! But my experience with nipple shields was a bad one, and although I'm greatful that I got to breast feed my lo(with a shield) I like to think that it would have been a better experience for us both and my supply not to use them, and feel I did not get the support I needed from the mw to help baby latch on! And yes it was frustrating trying to latch her on with out it, she would just scream, and I didn't want to give up! And I tried everything to wean her off including cutting the top down bit by bit till she just met nipple! Many a wasted shield! But that was my experience! Any way, I'm gonna be disappearing for a while, hope all you pregnancies are happy and healthy! Gl xx

Please don't tell me you're disappearing because I disagreed with you. I tried to be respectful about it and I'm sorry if it came across differently. It's okay for us to have different opinions! What a boring world this would be if we all agreed about everything all the time. I don't mind at all that you disagree with me. I'm glad you shared your experience and I'm sorry it was difficult for you. I kind of know how that feels! :flower:

Sorry I'm feeling a bit sensitive and emotional at the mo (I know I'm not the only one) I know I agree, everyone has different opinions and that how we can all help each other I suppose. I'm just struggling with things at home at moment too, I miss my mum, she has been working away and I haven't really been able to talk to her for a few weeks so I'm goin out for a meal with her and my sis tomorrow as he is back in town! My mother in law is just and insensitive bitch (sorry language) and basically said she thinks I'm depressed because I haven't felt to do any house work this week! And my oh is just making me hate him with his stupidity... I'd like to say I need a drink! Unfortunately that can't happen! So I need to go out to an all you can eat restaurant and binge! Sorry littlespy... Ignore me x
Lol nimbec I wish, I'm just being silly and emotional! It's fine :) x
awww kealz..... I'm so sorry.... :hugs: Hope you feel better soon. The needing a drink thing.... Yep I have felt that way multiple times! You have the right to not feel like doing anything. Don't let your MIL get you down. Our hormones are rightfully all over the place & we have the RIGHT to feel like shit, be a littel "lazy" & get upset from time to time....

I'm so happy I have finally started staying at my own place now. I LOVE my mom, but don't think I could have handled another second in that house with her. She can be so judgmental & over bearing...

Take care & feel free to rant anytime. We are all here for each other!!!
Awww ((((hugs)))) kealz all our hormones flying around its so difficult! Diff opinions are great as we can all learn from them I love to hear diff views and everybody's body is different xxx
Kealz you definitely sound like you need a break and some family time, so that they can take care of you and get you back up to full power. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time :hugs:

Little spy thanks for all your info on breast feeding as well. I can't envisage what an SNS is so will have to google that!!
Thanks ladies, I know I'm not the only one going through a hard time at the mo, I just don't really have anyone to talk to about it, my best friend is great but he is also a guy (and gay) lol an doesn't really get it...
Also a quick question or 2 has any one had Bose bleeds? I got got a really bad one never really had them before! And also a question for the ladies who know babies gender, did you know the heart rate of bubs if so high or low? Just wondering if the old wives tale is right about high heart rate being girl low being boy, as when I went to mw and heard baby's heart beat for 1st time I was shocked at how slow it was as dd was soo fast! This heart rate was 124 bpm! Also has anyone done the Chinese gender chart for fun? I was predicted a boy lets see on 4th of dec! Oooh I'm so excited just got message from my sil saying she just got us tickets to see peppa pig live in theatre 3rd jan for Xmas! My lo loves peppa she is gonna love it! X
Kealz that's why you have us, to talk to when you feel crappy :)

How high would hr be for a girl? My lo hr was 162bpm last night when I used my Doppler. Chinese gender says boy, I had a feeling it was girl, now I'm just lost!

I currently have my 16mo nephew asleep on my lap and my lo kicking away underneath him! :cloud9: a good day! My nephew is the best thing and with lo in the mix too it's great!
Thanks doggy lover that means a lot! Ummm I was looking at a website and it says anything over 140 is girl, under is boy! But it stresses its a wives tale but hey ho! We use te gender chart with everyone I know any the only person it got wrong was my bestie, but that explains everything he may as well be a girl haha! I'm so hoping its right for me, lol but what will be will be! Aww that must be so nice to get proper kicks, I didn't get proper movement with my lo till I was 21 weeks! This time I've felt swooshes an little pops and jabs! My cousin is 23 weeks and her belly went to one side the other day as baby moved :) she was slightly freaked out bless her, I love that!!! Aww it's nice, my sil has 2 lil ones one is 2 and a half and one.is 11 weeks, its nice coz all the cousins will be at a close age and will get on so well! Will be same with ur nephew! My lo follows her cousin round like a little lost puppy bless her x
kealz.... Hang in there! We will all get through this one day at a time & together!

As for the baby's heartrate. The theory has been disproven over & over. But it's still fun. They say the faster heartrate is girl & slower is boy. My doc said the only real truth in it is during labor. For some reason girls tend to speed up during labor & boys tend to slow down (lazy boys). My bff's girls all had slow heartrates & my nephew's was really fast. So that's 4 off the top that were incorrect!!! My LO's heartrate varies so much. It goes from 118-160....

I have done the Chinese gender test twice from different places & got boy both times.... So hopefully on November 17th we will know for sure!!!! eeeekkkk

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