April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Last appointment (when my doc used the doppler), I asked her if the heart rate meant boy or girl... her response: Yes, boy or girl! lol
She said that she has not been able to find a correlation over the years. She herself thought she was having a boy at her 13.5 week scan in combination with all the other things....well she had a girl ahaha

I was predicted a Boy on the chinese thing but I'm still hoping for a girl (just seems like there is more variety when it comes to shopping ahaha). Next Thursday I'll know eeeekkk
Cute bumps, maybesoon and doggylover!!! :thumbup:

Thanks for all those who posted info about BF'ing. Getting different points of view helps a TON!!!

AFM, I have a fun story: This week on the radio in the evenings they have been giving away ballet tickets and a free ultrasound... (never heard of a radio station giving away an ultrasound, but whatever). Needless to say, because I am anxious to find out what gender LO is I have been calling every night to try to win. Well, last night I WON! :happydance: I called this morning and scheduled my gender scan for later this afternoon. I am so excited to find out!!! Then let the shopping begin! :haha:
Ahh I'm so jelouse of you ladies finding out so soon!!! The 4th December seems sooo far away!!! In all fairness since finding out we were pregnant its gone really quick I think, but still lol!!! You will have to let us know ASAP! My friend had a scan and the said she was having a boy, yeah... They took there little girl home in blue :s that's very rare though!! And it was about 8years ago! I can't wait to find out! Gonna go buy a token something after in blue or pink! X
Cute bumps, maybesoon and doggylover!!! :thumbup:

Thanks for all those who posted info about BF'ing. Getting different points of view helps a TON!!!

AFM, I have a fun story: This week on the radio in the evenings they have been giving away ballet tickets and a free ultrasound... (never heard of a radio station giving away an ultrasound, but whatever). Needless to say, because I am anxious to find out what gender LO is I have been calling every night to try to win. Well, last night I WON! :happydance: I called this morning and scheduled my gender scan for later this afternoon. I am so excited to find out!!! Then let the shopping begin! :haha:

Omg bjs how lucky is that!!!! So exciting!!! Let us know how you get on x
Bjs That is AWESOME!!! Congrats!!! Good Luck on the scan & let us know ASAP!!!!
Bjs: That's awesome! You can't even pay for a private scan here in Canada... clinics won't do them, there's a law against it. :(

Kealz: My gender scan is on Dec 03rd, so I'm right there with you in the long haul wait! For some reason I think it's a boy, and the Chinese gender chart said boy (although I've heard it's wrong more than it's right...), so who knows!? I'll be happy with either one though, and we have names picked out for both possibilities as well.

maybesoon and doggylover: super cute bumps ladies!! I think my bump is smaller now at 15 weeks than it was at 13 weeks... less bloating! :haha:

I got some stuff in the mail today that I ordered off ebay for the nursery!! :happydance: We're doing a Dr. Seuss theme, and I got the wall clings of Dr. Seuss Characters, and the laminated posters (there's a counting one, ABC's and rhyming) On Sunday if the weather is nice my sister and her fiancee are coming over to help me paint the little dresser we bought. The plan is to paint it outside to avoid the paint fumes if the weather holds up. But there were snow flakes fluttering in the air today.... so not sure that's going to work out. We want to paint it yellow, and then I'm going to paint the "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" on it. :cloud9:
BJS what a great prize! Can't wait to hear blue or pink!

Thanks to everyone who gave advice about the pumps. I think I will just get a manual one beforehand, just in case. Then if I need something more powerful I can get it later, and if I try the hand expressing and it works out then I won't have wasted much $. I remember reading some good advice on a blog just after my BFP where the person reminded everyone that Babies r Us will still be open after the baby is born so you don't need to get everything before. :haha:

Steph82, I don't know if I realized this before but we have the same scan date :) mine is at 9:30 am (earliest I could get in an attempt to not be driven crazy with more waiting!) I'm sooooo excited! The nursery decorating will be going into full swing as soon as I get the results :)

Yeah, I don't know about the heart rate thing. I don't remember the numbers from my earlier visits but at my last appt it was 146... pretty borderline!

Edit: Forgot to say beautiful bump pics! If anyone ever thinks I am ignoring them it is because I always read the posts pages in a row and then think of replies in the early pages and forget them by the time I post because my memory is just so crap. Sorry! My belly and bbs were so itchy last night I am wondering if it is time for a growth spurt for my tiny bump!!
well my first midwife I had with my daughter done the doppler at my 12 week appointment and said oh that sounds like a little girl to me but dont go buying pink... and she is indeed a girl lol.

I had my midwife 16 week check tody, I'm so depressed with the UK midwife system. In norway we got more checks and better appointments, they didn't even measure my fundus height at this one, she was looking in the wrong place for baby, I said to her I usually find it down in the middle, she didnt listen, then an older midwife said to her to move it down and guess what... THERE IT WAS!! stupid cow!! Everytime they got my heartbeat they were going, that's you.. I know it's me!!! I have my own machine at home!!!!!!!! grrrrrr.. it was crap!

Steph82 I left my manual pump in Norway, when we left we could only bring 3 suitcases worth of stuff so I left most of my baby stuff there. If I still had my manual pump I would use it again but I dont and to be honest it wasnt that great it didnt hurt my hand but it was tiresome and to be fair the electric one I found is the same brand and same price and doe the job in twice the time so this time I'm going for that one, and I wont have to swap hands halfway through. :D

We went shopping for clothes today for my LOs and saw lots of cute baby stuff I wanted to buy but I dont know the gender yet :( I've put £200 aside for a huge blow out when I get the sex scan down :D :D :D canny wait!
Aww little spy that sounds like a cute theme! Luckily when we painted the nursery for Paige we did it pretty neutral in the chance another baby would come along a few years later and would share, so we have blue sky's, clouds hills and trees everywhere! I don't really know what inward thinking when they gave me my date for the scan, she offered me at 9.30 appointment and I said no later please:( so my appointment is at 3.40 :( I did it mainly as we don't drive and buses don't go to the hospital that early... Stupid me didn't think I'm gonna have to wait alllll day for the scan lol!!!! X
well I just had to read over the last few pages quickly as my 4 year old is here and talking in my ear constantly about sonic the hedgehog lol..

I hate the dentist, I shake violently in those situations, I used to suffer from agoraphobia and didn't leave my house for a year :/ now I have it down to a mild emetaphobia and general anxiety disorder which is managable without drugs haha.. but yeah the dentist chair leaves me a quivering mess!! My teeth are good though. The cordosyl mouthwash can slow down bleeding gums in pregnancy :) Tastes like shite though!

I think that everyone has their own preferences when it comes to breastfeeding, in my own opinion I have only used the disposable nipple pads and leaked right through and hated them but that was only for a short while while my supply adjusted to the needs of my babies I had no issues with them after that but this time we will be using the cotton pads. The nipple guards dont appeal to me but if someone else wants to use them then it's not wrong it's just their own preference. Also with the whole nipple confusion thing... I dont agree, When I was breast feeding my DD my other half would ask to bottle feed her at times and she loved it and never really got confused, also because I travelled on airplanes with my babies ALOT, by the time my DD was 3 she had been on 12 planes and DS at 6 months had been on 6 so it was not always easy to breast feed while you are running to your departure gate between countries and flights and neither ones had issues when I put them back to breast... but if someone elses LO sturggled then that is different.

Your midwife wont comment on what gender they suspect through heartbeat, and they CAN tell from early beats, My friend is a midwife lol... but many wont guess because if they say oooh sounds like a girl and you go buying all pink and it turns out your little princess is a prince she can get in trouble for it, that is why when you go for a gender scan you sign to say you wont sue the hospital if they get it wrong. My midwife said oooh sounds like a girl with my daughter and was right, she had been in it a long time so I guess she would know but she had a 50/50 chance of being right so who knows if it was luck or know-how.

I also think that ladies are very territorial over their own methods and they worked hard to find what was right for them and their babies and that is right that they would defend their ways but what works for one wont always work for the other that is why we all give more than one point of advice. At the end of the day your baby comes out you put your nipple in its mouth and hope it sucks. It really is that! lol x
Kristabelle... YAY for Thursday!I don't have my appointment until 3pm :wacko:

I didn't want to take a full sick day for the scan but I also didn't want to have to come back to work after :haha:. This way I can drag OH to the baby store to get something cute after! That will be our first baby buy :happydance:

Its so exciting that for the aldies that already have their nursery going! I keep changing my mind on what I want to do :dohh:. First I wanted black and white theme and then add blue or pink... now i really like the vibrant color combinations for boys....ugh...i guess I need to wait to see what we have to decide.

OH and I have budgeted to each put $500 aside every month until birth. That will cover all the things we need to buy as well as my portion of the bills while on maternity leave. I do have to say though...it makes it difficult to not go crazy buying stuff (with the money sitting right there lmao).

Are you girls all set on names? We have a couple that we like but are not 100% yet. I figured we would really start brainstorming once we know the gender.
my DD suggested Amber-lee which I strangely have taken a liking to lol. We have a few names in the pipeline but none which we are set on yet, we are holding off as much as possible with our buying naming until we know the gender then it will be full steam ahead :p x
Bjs oh my gosh what an amazing prize! Can't wait to find out what colour bump you have!!!

Readytomum sounds like your nursery is well under way - I demand pictures of it soon :haha: it sounds adorable!

Steph sounds like a very sound financial plan you guys have. I agree its so important to make sure you will have bills like mortgage covered. Luckily we have been saving forever (or so it feels!) for this baby, so we are like you - trying not to spend the money when it's there!

As for nursery we aren't having a theme, really. Our furniture will all be white, simply because I like white furniture (our bedroom furniture is all white too) so we decided on duck egg blue walls for a little colour, but could go either way. I have a big wall decal picked off etsy which is a tree and jungle animals. Can get it in whatever colours, but I am going for brights.

Name wise I am pretty sure we are set on Isabelle for a girl. We have narrowd to Isabelle or Isla, I am happy with either but dh has a preference for Isabelle so I guess that's that! Boys we are still on the prowl. We have a super short last name (Jay) which makes it hard. Eg we like Max, but Max Jay sounds stupid! So Alex, Alfie, Freddie, Charlie, Harry...who knows yet. My top is Alex though.
Sorry I just realised I said littlespy I meant readymom!!!! Your nursery idea sounds lovely and colourful!!!

As for names, its been difficult this time round, I can't settle on a single name boy or girl! But I have plenty of time to figure something out! I was saying to my lo today " what is this " (pointing to belly) she replied "baby" I then said what's baby's name she replied very loudly "peppa!!!!!" Lol she is a little peppa addict! Safe to say I shall not be naming baby peppa lol!!! Xx
Kealz you never know...if you get stuck peppa would be an original choice!!! :haha:
Peppa's quite cute actually :haha:

I like Annelise for a girl. That has been my fave for ages. And for a boy, we amazingly now have TWO name possibilities... before we only had one and OH hated everything. So for boys we have Miles and Lucas. No middle names yet. My fave boy name is Soren, but alas... vetoed. Alex Jay and Amber-lee are great names, and my friend from school just named her baby girl Isabelle, which is such a pretty girl's name. Actually another friend from school has a two year old named Isla. Also adorable.

We are doing a safari theme for the nursery. The colors and things are mostly the same no matter what the gender is (navy, choc brown and grey), except for the crib and bookcase which I got/am getting unpainted and will paint either coral pink for a girl and turquoise for a boy. There is a poster and matching crib sheets on PB kids that I want for a boy and they are on big fat sale and I am hoping they are still available Thursday after the scan, if its a boy. And because they are on sale I can't get them now and return them if its a girl. So hurry up Thursday! And fingers crossed nobody buys my stuff :haha:
Kirstabelle I love the idea of personalising the cot in your gender colour to match the rest of the room! Hopefully Thursday comes quickly for us all to find out what flavour your bump is!

It's so exciting having everyone find out their genders! I love hearing the news from everyone!
Me too Doggylover! It is going to be extra exciting when we get to April and everyone's due dates are coming and then all of a sudden there will be all these beautiful babies (and beautiful baby pictures) for us!! Imagine how exciting that is going to be, can't wait!! :dance:
That will be great! I imagine I'll go massively overdue and everyone else will have popper before me :haha: it just seems so real now we know that it's boys or girls, so exciting!
Oh wow you gals have awesome nursery ideas!

I love Isabella (mostly because I like Bella for short) but Twilight ruined that for OH. He hates the movies and refused to allow it... In return, he loves Christian and I vetoed because of 50 shades of grey :haha: (he had no clue).

Miles is such a pretty name. :thumbup:

Amber- Lee is lovely Ukgirl.

We really liked Mia for a girl and Skyler for a boy. Or Jaydan for either girl or boy. I have gotten horrible responses for Skyler from everyone, but we don't really care. We will def play around with some other options once we know what LO is.
Personally I love Payton and Teagan but OH HATED them :growlmad:

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