April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Ukgirl, that definatly sounds like grief with your ex! What a nightmare! Hope it all works out and he does what hes meant to at least..

Doggylover, lol i always big up these work meetings and then they turn out to be not very big a deal.
Do you get 9 months full pay? If so thats really good. I get 3 months full pay then 9 months statatory but im hoping to take the full year off if we can afford it, We have got some money put aside so hopefully that will work out ok.
Wow ukgirl.... Sorry you are having issues with the ex.... Don't you just love the unreliable jerks that make things so much harder for the kiddos.... ugh...

So my bff's husband set me up on a blind date this weekend without my knowledge. They invited me to dinner on Saturday night (which is nothing unusual since I eat with my bff & her parents all the time & have since we were in school) so I didn't think much about it when he said that one of the guys he does business with was going to be going too. Well come to find out yesterday, the bff's hubby starts asking me what I thought of the guy. I replied that he seemed nice enough. Well come to find out, it was a blind date & the guy wants to date me. UMMMMM FURIOUS doesn't even come close to how I feel right now. My bff says she didn't know anything about it. What part of pregnant & married do people not understand. I know my oh hasn't been very nice... OK he's been a complete selfish ASSHOLE/FUCKTARD. But he's still my husband & the father of my unborn child & honestly the mere thought of another man touching me right now makes me want to vomit all over the place (TMI SORRY)!!!

Not that the guy wasn't completely sweet, owns his own business & seems to have his crap together.... Nothing like my oh....

Then to top it off Friday evening the oh starts texting me.... YES DURING THE WEEKEND!!! So Friday night he tells me that he loves me but that he will probably never be able to change & he doesn't want to disappointment me anymore so he doesn't know where that leaves us. I replied telling him that there are certain things that are a must. He has got to make sure I KNOW/FEEL loved, wanted & needed and he hasn't done that at all since we found out I was pregnant. He couldn't even respond to that. Saturday he's texting me saying he loves me & we need to get everything figured out so we can get me home, get the house ready & the kiddos prepared for the baby..... Ummmm just last night he wasn't going to change, now he's ready to get it all figured out & get me home.... WTF?!?!?! Yesterday it was I want you home then he text me saying he was trying to email me a video of his 4yr old son doing flips off the top bunk of his bunk bed..... UMMMM ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???? He's going to break his freaking neck & you are videoing this???? Yeah, I am totally not impressed with that & over my dead body do I want my baby growing up in a house where that behavior is allowed. All I need is my baby watching his/her brother & sister doing that crap & end up with a broke neck. That just proved that he's still not being a parent.

Am I over reacting about the 4yr old doing flips off his bunk bed???
maybesoon you are NOT over reacting over the 4 year old flippingoff his bed!! My kids share a room and have bunk beds and my 4 year old is not even allowed on the top bunk unless I'm in the room then he has to sit down away from the edge.. OMFG how irresponsible is your husband??? His son is going to get hurt!! I personally think your friends BFF meant well but really??? WTF??? you are pregnant and married like you said.. What kind of guy would want to date a married pregnant women too? No offence to you lol I mean in general. I hope your BFF has ripped her husband a new one today! oh dear!! Fucking exes hey!! Do not go back to your ex he's so unstable he has a neon warning sign flashing above his head! xxx Hope you are okay despite all that shit xxx
Thank you ukgirl.... UGH! I'm actually doing really well. After I had that complete & total meltdown last Monday things have just been much better. I think maybe my hormones have calmed just a bit!!!

Yeah, my bff text me a just a bit ago stating that her poor hubby was walking around with his tail between his legs last night!!! And I agree it was nice in a way, but seriously... Then I found out from the bff when she text me that he hadn't even told the guy that I'm pregnant, only that I am currently separated from my oh... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Wow, men just don't think sometimes!!!

As for the oh.... He has some serious issues to work on. Since I moved into my own place 2 weekends ago I think that has helped me a ton. I'm actually enjoying being alone & having "me" time. After the meltdown, it really cleared my head & I finally realized that we will be just fine. I have enough love for my baby for both mommy & daddy & we will never have to do it alone because I have amazing friends & family. So it changed my thinking ALOT! And to be honest when he text me saying he was sending me that video my second thought was "Thank you Lord that I am not in that house. We would be in a HUGE fight right now because I would have lost it over that crap"..... I just don't understand how he can think that is funny or cute. I mean the kid has a trampolene. If he wants to be doing flips send his butt outside, the furniture is not a gym. I have heard he posted it on facebook. I wish I could see the comments he got from it. I'm pretty sure his sister will not like it when she sees it.....

I then had a dream last night my baby was visiting the oh & I got a call from the hospital that my baby had broken their neck.... Scared the living crap out of me....
I wouldnt leave a baby alone with that guy, He's such an idiot. I'm glad you have your own place, I remember when I separated from my husband I was sad at first but then I started to relax and it was brill!! Of course when he tells you he loves you its going to melt your heart, all you want is for him to be a good dad and a good husband but dont let him lure you back like I said to you before, make him show you he is changing, dont trust what he says, one minute he blows hot the next he blows cold, it's not good enough. You and baby deserve better and you can most definetly do it alone if you need to!! xxx
That's what's the most funny to me now... It's like a game with me now to time him from a good text to a shitty text to see just how long it will take for him to flip personalities!!!! I know it's totally horrid of me, but I've learned to find the humor in it so I'm not stressed anymore, I just laugh....
Do you get 9 months full pay? If so thats really good. I get 3 months full pay then 9 months statatory but im hoping to take the full year off if we can afford it, We have got some money put aside so hopefully that will work out ok.

No you get a better deal than me. I get 6 weeks at 90% then 33 weeks at SMP and then the last 13 weeks are for free. I can't believe you get 3 months on full pay! I'm lucky that I can take so long off, but teaching in the early years is not best paid, and the maternity is really bare minimum. But luckily I've been saving for...ever for this baby, so we'll be ok :)
oh WOW! So my SIL saw the facebook video the oh posted of his 4yr old son doing flips off the bunk bed. Apparently (ok, I haven't seen it yet) the oh had put the mattress from the bottom bunk on the floor and created a "gym". I guess going outside to jump on the trampoline in 72 degree beautiful weather is out of the question these days.... Anyway, the SIL is completely PISSED!!! She will be showing it to my MIL later this evening. Hmmm wish I could be a fly on that wall.....
I took a new bump shot tonight and put it next to my old one for comparison. The first one is 13 weeks, the second one is a day shy of 16 weeks. :flower:


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awww readytomum your bump is super cute! I have to admit I think we may have the best bumps here!

Maybesoon I thought you said he had sent you the video? Maybe I read that wrong :/

I'm actually ready too early for the school run this morning! and I got out of bed on time lol... I have woken up in a parallel universe!
This morning it's really icy and cold outside so I'm going to have to be very careful on the school run :( Why couldn't I have conceived in February like I planned to! lol at least around the school roads there should be grit down :)

Have a nice day ladies! xx
Readytomum lovely bump pics and there is a definate difference!!

UKgirl its really icy here too and we live in the countryside down lots of lanes - i don't have the school run to do just yet tho and i'm lucky that the primary school is literally just down the road - walking distance so we can slip slide all the way there!! I did slide a bit thismorning taking the dogs out. We are looking after MiL's Yorkie and of course my lil chuihuaua (wrapped up in his coat :haha:) but the yorkie is driving me CRAZY he is 7 now and is shitting and pissing all over the house which is gross plus we have only just got my baby (chi) toilet training so its not good for him at all grrrrrrrrr roll on tonight when she is home!!

maybesoon well at least other people are seeing him for who/what he is truly like!!! what an idiot there is only one way that will end .....A&E!!

I'm extreemly jelous of all you girls getting maternity pay i get NONE! I have been self employed and payed taxes ect but because i've been off ill since march (dodgy heart all sorted now!) I don't meet the requirements to have it payed :wacko: Poor OH is going to have to look after me!! Oh well I am earning my keep as i'm helping him in the office (he works from home) and I also go to important meetings from him. So although i'm not officially paid i just cheekily say can i borrow your card plsssssssssssssssss :shrug:

Hope everyone has a good day!

I'm at a bit of a loss today which unfortunately means i'm going to have to tackle the house work YUK! I've got lots of twinging pains today and when i stand up i feel like my insides are going to fall out ....hope everythings ok!!
maybesoon: sorry your husband is such a pain. On the other hand I like the way your friends care for you, fixing you up with a blind date is so sweet. I know it is extremely early for you to meet guys, but hey it is a nice boost of confidence and shows that your friends care. The guy sounds nice too.

Candy so sorry about the ex, this is such nonsense, some men are just trouble...

ReadytoMum oooh what a beautiful bump! I love your tops! Are they maternity or regular ones?

I have a huge problem with my shirts (most are button down) as they are gaping at the boob area. I can't be in t shirts all the time :(
I need to go shopping. Thank god my trousers fit with a small elastic band in the button.

Anyone else feels very dizzy/ low blood pressure? It sucks, I have it most of the day... And lower belly cramps again... Last night I was in pain. :p

Nimbec : I feel like that too, all weird inside. maybe it is normal? IDK ... The baby was moving like crazy all weekend but it is sleepy and quiet since yesterday.

Next week I'm having my second round of blood & urine tests. Is it standard to check up for toxo every 2 months? I think it is a little crazy, I don't have cats and I don't eat raw meat or anything...

Anyways I wish you all a lovely day!
ReadytoMum oooh what a beautiful bump! I love your tops! Are they maternity or regular ones?

I have a huge problem with my shirts (most are button down) as they are gaping at the boob area. I can't be in t shirts all the time :(
I need to go shopping. Thank god my trousers fit with a small elastic band in the button.

Thanks Lily!! The black shirt was just a regular long lengthed blouse, which no longer fits around the bump. :haha: The blue sweater is a maternity top. I got it on sale at Motherhood Maternity. It's suuuuuuper comfy and shows off bump nicey! I finally broke down last weekend and went shopping for some maternity tops, and new regular tops that were a bit roomier. I teach a university course, so I needed to go and get some nice tops that fit properly that I could teach in.

You're still wearing your regular pants?! Wow! I wish I could still wear my jeans... oh how I miss them. :haha: I've been wearing mat pants for the last few weeks, and although I miss my regular pants, they are so much more comfortable! Enjoy your pants while you can!! :haha:
Lovely big bump readytomum! Mines still a bit up and down, but I'll have to post a pic soon!

Nimbec I'm in the same boat as you financially, although we do get £400 a year tax credit to help top up DH's wages... :dohh: better than nothing I guess!

Lily I've never been tested for toxo at all!

As for me... I'VE GOT MY SCAN IN 3 HOURS!!!! :wohoo:

hoping to have some pics to post at long last!!!
Hi girls :)

Going in for my weekly scan to check cervical length today - has been stable so far so hoping it continues. Dr tried forever to check gender last week but baby was feet down sitting on its heels so couldn't tell - hoping we will be able to get a good look this time! I think baby may have turned around bc it seems I'm feeling the jabs a little higher up than before so fx'd.

Also started on p17 shots last week and will be getting them weekly until 36 weeks. My hip is still sore from it so not looking forward to it but hey ho I'll do what I must to hopefully avoid another preemie! The crazy dreams have really escalated too since getting the shot last week too.

Everyone be careful now that it's starting to get icy - I don't want to read about any of you ladies taking a nasty spill!
Wow Ladies it seems this is the season for crazy people!

Readytomum cute bump pic!

Maybesoon men are just plain idiots! They seem to make all the wrong choices first before they even try to make a Right choice. Gez...

Lily i am having stomach tightening to. I woke up DH last night crying and worrying. He just rubbed my belly and told me I am under to much stress and today just take it easy. I really hope that it is more like a growing uterus thing rather than the baby being stressed out.

ooSweetpea I hope that everything continues to progress well for you! And good luck with seeing the gender...our lo was just so stubborn and would not let us see anything until she finally kicked and we could see she wasn't a boy!

Dan-o Woo hoo can't wait to see what you are having!!

Afm, Well we got a lawyer and he seems to think this is a plot for my Ex to try and take custody away from me permanently. He allows them to call me every night but he sits right there beside them telling them what to say to me. :-( I am really upset he is using my son like a puppet to do this to our family.
Here is a new bump pic it isn't the prettiest bump in the world!


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Good Morning Ladies!

Dan'O SweetPea, so excited to hear what you are having :happydance:

My scan is Thursday so i'm right behind you! For those of you in the November scan post....boy oh boy, there are tons of boys lol. Funny, since we are still dominated by girls here :haha:

Mommabrown and Maybesoon, MEN SUCK:growlmad:. Sorry your dealing with all of these games. Maybe, I think your DH may really just not see the danger is what he is doing :dohh: Men can be very blind to the dangers of certain situations.

Lily, I havnt had any toxo testing either. Not sure what that is about. The only testing I had (about 6 weeks apart) was the intregrated testing for the NT scan.

Nimbec, don't feel bad... I have to take short term disability as my maternity leave (which is 12 weeks max). During that time I only get very little pay (I believe $300/week). Its better then nothing, so I'll take it!!! With being out of work for that time, and only receiving a portion of my pay, we calculated the cost into our baby budget. Hopefully that will cover anything that comes up.
So much to plan and account for when you have a :baby:... crazy how people can afford it lol... and so totally worth it :thumbup: ... I hope :haha:

ReadyMum, awesome bump!!!

UKgirl, careful on the ice!! We just got our first cold front here... which means 60 degrees at night ahahahaha and up to 78 degrees during the day.
I actually hoped to get pregnant in June/July, so I could be pregnant in the winter here. Sommers are just brutally hot and I could not imagine dealing with that at 8-9 months. I'm sure I would have planned different, if I was living in aa colder area :wacko:
Morning Ladies!!! Good Luck to those getting scans today! Can't wait to see some pics & see who's Team Pink & who's Team Blue!!!!

AFM.... Not much has changed. I'm still constantly starving, stretching pains all day & all night. When I stand up I swear it feels like I have a bowling ball hanging from my uterus pulling it to the ground.....

Wishing everyone a great day!
bahahaha from what I understand he posted the video on his fb. Now mind you he is a supervisor for the day shift of the 911 call center for the police department in the city he lives in. One of his co-workers posted a comment under the video stating "all I can say is I'm glad you know the number to call for an emergency"..... For some reason I figure he probably got an ear full from the women he works with!!!! I hope so anyway! I know his sister was furious!

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