April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

it amazes me how everything has changed since I had my son just 4 years ago, there is so much choice now. I almost don't knwo where to start lol. Slings and strollers and pramettes, sleeping bags or blankets, 3 different kinds of matresses it's like a sweet shop of baby stuff!!

p.s has anyone else seen the cute baby stuff tesco have? I have seen a bouncy chair and a really lovely cot mobile. It's a 3rd of the price compared to mothercare too!
Little Spy, I looked at Mei Tais too, I liked the Baby Hawk ones but having something ergonomic (not the bjorn) that could also do forward facing was important to me. I think I will probably just use the moby when she is small, I have read a lot of reviews from people who say the stretchy fabric doesn't feel as secure when they are heavier. I could have waited to get the gemini... but I really wanted those lil foxes! :haha:

Oh, I read something recently about forward facing (in the front) being bad in any carrier just because baby doesn't get the right back/hip support. May be different in a more structured carrier like the beco. Not sure where I read it now, or the reliability of the source. I'll see if I can find it if you're interested.
I had a mothercare own carrier but since being pregnant my back has never been the same so didn't really baby wear much at all really! I tried the babasling but I felt like Paige was lost in it, but she was tiny as a baby! I will probably use the carrier again for short trips out etc but that's all my back can manage! I've got the Icandy peach so gonna order the second seat soon to make it a tandem pushchair! I do love my pushhair! I have a lightweight stroller from obaby, and use it for quick use but couldn't use it all the time, its awkward to steer and has a mind of its own, my mum absolutely hates it with a passion, she looked after Paige for a weekend and took it with her, she called me about 3 hours later demanding she was gonna come pick up the Icandy lol x
it amazes me how everything has changed since I had my son just 4 years ago, there is so much choice now. I almost don't knwo where to start lol. Slings and strollers and pramettes, sleeping bags or blankets, 3 different kinds of matresses it's like a sweet shop of baby stuff!!

p.s has anyone else seen the cute baby stuff tesco have? I have seen a bouncy chair and a really lovely cot mobile. It's a 3rd of the price compared to mothercare too!

Funny my SIL and I were talking about this the other day. My nephew is only 17 months and there is so much more now than there was even then! Crazy!

:blush:so I had a big cry about feeling huge and fat. But just been out with the dogs so feeling better :)
awww no doggylover!!! I bet you have a cute little bump!! :hugs: :( xxxxxx

the babybjorn carrier I had was the baby facing me for the first few months then after about 4 months you could use it the other way and have baby facing out if you buttoned down the head rest bit.

I need something really strong and durable as we will be crossing main roads on our way to the school and I will have to hold both my childrens hands at that point. Scary!

Urgh Doggylover it's insane at so much it changes in so little time, things that I could do in my last pregnancies isn't allowed now, in Norway we ate A LOT of fish mainly mackerel and salmon so it's weird to limit portions now. Also hate the midwifes here, they rush you through the appointments so fast, there's no chit chat they get it done and you're out before you can blink lol.
I think I'm going for a mei tai for LO #2.

lily28 -- I'll tell you, I HATE umbrella strollers. We have one for dd. See that bar near the bottom in the back? Yeah, that makes it SO hard to walk behind.They must make smaller foldable strollers like that without that stinking bar. Those have to exist.

I can hardly believe I'm 19 weeks! I'm only feeling very pregnant when I roll over in bed (round ligaments, OUCH!) and when I walk up stairs and my legs hit my belly. :dohh: Ha, or when dd is into something and I have to try to jump up quickly from the couch to chase her. :haha: I wouldn't say this pregnancy is going by faster than my first, just that I'm less bothered by the amount of time.

I 'm also getting a mei tai and I will get a sling from a group of local baby wearing women, they have lovely selection.:thumbup:

I know what you are talking about! I think it needs some getting used to, but I absolutely get it. I haven't tried many strollers yet, just those from friends and I can't get around with the big ones.:nope: I must go to a store and see what is new.

Stairs: The elevator in our building broke down and I have to climb up and down 5 floors :dohh: I get more tired than I used to but the bump is not causing me any problems - yet, most of the time I don't even notice it. Except when I'm washing dishes or cooking as it bumps into surfaces lol:haha:

Oh Good morning ladies!

Lily that is what we call an umbrella stroller! My sister used one with both my niece and nephew for a bit and when they got bigger she said it was easier. I think we are going to go with a carseat/stroller combo as to which one yet still no clue.

Todays ventures are leading me to make a list of all the BIG things we will need for Emme for us to buy...he is so particular and precise about how much money we are spending from the budget so he wants to have an idea of what Holiday expenses are and baby budget! Thats my Husband the penny pincher!

I will get separate systems.
I'm letting the car seat up to the hubby, I don't have a car so I don't really care, he can go with his dad and figure things out.

I'm lucky so far as everyone is volunteering to chip in with gifts, but I have to find a way to get together with all these family and friends and tell them what I need. :dohh:

I like the bigger strollers for babies and smaller kids, they are more sturdy and comfy, I usually dont bother with the stroller, but we live on a busy main road where we hd a co-op shop 2 minutes up the road and a post office opposite us, everything we need is on our road, including a park and the school is only round the corner so I will baby carry mainly and only use our big buggy for when we go on days out to the zoo/ beach/ walking in the woods etc. We have a Vauxhall meriva so our boot is big enough to fit our O'baby Zezu inside it has a detachable car seat adapter on the frame too which makes life easier. I'm quite happy with my choice.

I too am struggling to get up stairs and out of bed. I sat on the floor the other day to dry my hair.... big mistake!!
Happy halfway point to those who are at 20 weeks already!! I can not wait to join you!

We have our scan in 11 days.. not that I'm counting down or anything! Canny wait! xx

Same here we live in a very central point so I will mainly baby carry, it makes absolute sense!

Yay on your scan! 11 days is not far! I have a long way till mine, it is on the 18th of Dec :(

I've got a babyjogger city mini for DS1 (feels odd writing DS1 LOL!!) which is light and quick fold but comfy like a bigger stroller. I'm planning on getting the double version and using the adaptors with a maxi cosi seat until DS2 is old enough to sit forward facing with his brother :flower:

Lily, i think I was raised in the red version of the same stroller!

Reminds me, I must take some new bump pics, don't think I've posted on on here yet!

Hope everyone else is ticking along nicely, sorry for not coming on as often as I should!

I will try to track down that stroller! Thanks for the suggestion,
Yay on growing up with a Maclaren :happydance:

Yes please, we need pics!!!

Hello Ladies! Hope everyone is having a great day! I am so thankful I live in a small country town & strollers aren't an issue. I too seem to migrate towards the bigger ones. But then again I have 2 great danes for pets so I guess that says something too!!!! lol

I'm having a really hard time sleeping right now. I either fall asleep around 8pm or so & wake up at 2am & can't go back to sleep or I just don't fall asleep at all. It's making my days a nightmare. It takes all I have not to bounce my head off my desk at work then I get home & I'm wide awake. I just don't get it. And yes, like others, my bump may not be big, but for some reason I feel like a beached wale when I try to roll over or get out of bed. And when I stand up I feel like my uterus is going to fall to the floor.... Is this normal????

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So I have been looking at the slings, baby carriers and what not...I think I am going to try the Balboa sling. I have a couple of friends who have offered to give me their Moby wraps but talk about how hard it is to put them on and one friend said she never felt like baby was secure....with that being said i am now looking at this option as I do plan on breastfeeding and they are very easy to use with that and have covers also. But like i said this has currently become an option. Just while Emme is little because when she gets bigger i will put her in the stroller.

OMG 2 great danes? 2? I love all dogs, and great danes of course but I'm a small person and I'm physically intimidated by their size!

I get that too when I sleep early, like 8.30-9pm. I will get up at 2-3 am and will not be able to go back to sleep again. So I try to stay awake until a little later, so I will have a deeper sleep. I know I will not be able to make it past 6am, when little baby starts rolling, but it is good enough for me!

So may different options with baby carrying...:shrug:

Steph I hear you on the beached whale front.

I feel HUGE at the minute. This week is the first time I've really felt MASSIVE rather than just "bumpy". I am spreading everywhere and everything is alreday so much more of a chore. Carrying text books to another classroom almost had me collapsed this morning! I just feel so cumbersome!!


I love, love, LOVE my bump. But i just feel huge and fit to burst at the minute :(

I'm ok with walking around, but stairs and going uphill I feel like a panting animal. :nope:
Doggylover this is my fat belly tomorrow makes 20 weeks. Please ignore the stretch marks they are from dd #1.
I was just reading that the 2012 Maclaren Quest has been changed so that you can put a newborn in it. I also considered the city mini but wasn't sure I liked the fabric, which is the same reason I think I might not like the Phil and Teds Dot... and so I go round in round in circles! Have to go do some test driving!

I have read a lot of reviews from people who say the stretchy fabric doesn't feel as secure when they are heavier. I could have waited to get the gemini... but I really wanted those lil foxes! :haha:

I didn't know that, I will check it out!

I read the same, but I'm thinking that once the baby is so big that doesn't feel secure in a stretchy fabric maybe it is time to switch gradually to the stroller. Still I have no idea, we will see in practice.

I have been so bad about excercising as well :blush:. Wanted to get back to the gym after work yesterday but just didnt have the engery. I ordered a Pregnancy Pilates DVD so I will try to do that today. They say that excercise is so important (def helped me get through the first trimester without major issues) and if I get lazy now, I can only imagine how hard it will be to start again. :dohh:

While I was super active in 1tri (swimming, power walking, brazil butt lift, pilates) now I can't keep up with all this. Doc told me to lower my activity by 30% so I took away all the challenging stuff. I do some pilates and lots of walking, like at least 5 km everyday.

Is anyone really craving one particular thing at the moment? mine is curry! it has to be spicey too!! Every day around dinner time all I want is curry, even after dinner I'm still wanting it I've stocked up on them! :p

Pasta, I just dream of pasta all day long, but I try to stick to better choices.
I made curry twice last week:thumbup:

I am on my feet all day at work, and I don't drive so I am always walking to and from the buses and trains etc. I have only been gained 3lbs in the 6 weeks of 2nd tri. So it is all evening out from the breadfest of 1st tri :haha:

Sorry other ladies are having an uncomfortable time. :flower: I just imagine my poor child is so squashed in my small bump. Your babies are probably swimming around in your bigger bumps doing laps etc! :haha:

Hey you are already quite active if you are on your feet and walk all the time, which is fabulous! I was talking to a girl who is a personal trainer and she said that the best is 20 min of brisk walking EVERY day, it is the most balanced exercise for this time.

Soon your bump will pop out too! Mine has anly recently and I feel my bladder a lot better!:winkwink:

Edit: Just please, no crotch-danglers (like Baby Bjorn)! :thumbup: Bad for baby's hips. And I found there is a local "babywearing club" in my area (which is a pretty non-granola type area) and they've helped me learn a lot and they even have a lending library so you can try out different carriers with your LO before buying! Plus there's always someone willing to lend you whatever you're looking to try for a little while, even if you just meet up for a playdate or something.

Totally agree!
We have a group like that too, some of the moms are super granola, but most are normal, and very helpful! The videos they have are extra helpful, in fact they convinced me about baby wearing.:thumbup:
Wow ladies you have all been busy chatting!! So nice to see and read. Sorry I've been quiet I've had a bonkers week sooooo busy!!!

Very interested in all the slings and baby wearing gosh I hadn't even thought of it :-s

On the push chair front I'd LOVE an iCandy but the funds don't stretch even to a second hand one soooo I think it will be a mothercare my3/4 I need it tone able to go over gravel and go to horse shows so still undecided on 3 or 4 wheels hmmmm

Hope everyone is ok?!! I'll be back around now!! So watch out I'll be bombarding everyone with daft questions!!

Oooooh nursery is currently being painted whooo hooo!!!!
That's a lovely bump mommabrown! Aww doggylover, I know what you mean but just remember you are growing your lil bubba and any weight you do put on can be lost!!! That's how get through! But I'm sure you look lovely! Welcome back nimbec! X
Eww what color are you painting Nimbec? I hear you on that boonkers of a week!

Yes that is a good way to look at it Kealz . Why is it that we feel so insecure during pregnancy? Even after 7 years of marriage when Dh tells me I look beautiful being pregnant and there is just something about me he can't resist i still call BS. :wacko:
lol.... lily... I am 5'4" & as of Monday I weigh 112lbs. Great Danes are big in size but they are the most gentle dogs I have ever owned. And I have owned almost every breed over the years. They are my very favorite and are so so so wonderful with babies & small kids. It's really funny to watch the two of them play outside together. They are super super rough & tough, running, jumping in the air & slamming into each other. Then when you let them in the house or around small children, they act all fragile, sweet & dainty. It's the sweetest thing ever. And they will watch over the kids like they are their mommy. My oldest hoovers over me & when I was still living with the oh she didn't like him to get too close to me....
Mommabrown -- <3 the bump!

doggylover -- I, too, feel massive this week. :dohh: My bump has just gotten out of control. But I'm still getting "Oh, I didn't know you were pregnant" comments mixed in with "Wow, you really look pregnant now" comments. :shrug:
Thanks everyone :hugs: I'm just having a real moany week I think. But it's nice to have you lot say you feel the same. Momma brown your bump looks great!!!

Nimbec very exciting to be painting the nursery! And I'm going or the my3. We did give a moments thought to the my4 but like you I need it for country living so the my3 won easily!
Here are some bump pics at last!

Those little stretchmarks at the front of my belly aren't new, they came up about a week after I gave birth to Sidney. Just my luck lol :dohh:
Bet I get loads this time :haha:

Bump just looks like too many pies when clothed, unless I've been stuffing myself with pickles and salt/vinegar crisps, then I look very pregnant... about 8 months gone lol!!


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Mommabrown and Dan'O, super cute bumps!!!!

As i was talking about how i need to get back into excercising and eating healthy, I was shoving a giant red-velvet cookie in my mouth. :dohh: Well no wonder I'm getting huge ahahahha

Tonight, I will do my Pilates video! !!!

Nimbec, yay for getting started on the nursery! What color are you painting?

I'm having issues deciding on a bedding set/ nursery theme for LO :growlmad:. All the ones I love are all for girls.

I do really like these two:


... but I guess I have to see what OH thinks lol
Mommabrown and dan-o.... Love the bumps!!!

Here's my bump as of today.


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Loving all the bumps girls :) I'll take piccy of mine in the morning! I'm off to bed I'm ridiculously tired and seriously craving giant chocolate buttons we have none and I'm seriously agitated about it lol!!!

Thanks Doggylover I think we will go for the my3 too

Night all xx

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