April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

lily: That's what I meant by umbrella stroller. The little tiny ones that fold up to almost nothing and are super lightweight without all the bells and whistles! My plan is to baby wear and then once big enough use a little stroller like that for long trips too. They're a whole lot easier to steer too than the gigantic ones as well.

kealz: I probably would have booked a private scan if I could have, but you're not allowed to do that in Canada. They actually have a law against U/S for "entertainment purposes" as they call it. Unless the doc. orders it, it's a no go. So I continue to wait. :coffee:

I hope everyone's day has started off well! I'm off to teach today. Only 7 more classes to go... only more 7 more classes to go... I can't wait for this semester to be over!
Good Morning Ladies,

You girls are too funny with the stroller rants :haha:

Where I live there is virtually no public transportation (I've never ridden the bus here in 14 years :dohh:) so I am dependent on a stroller. Of course everything is fairly roomy and I really only need it for shopping in the mall, disneyland, or walk outside/on the beach. Non of those places are tight, so a stoller wont be a problem.

I do remember how it used to be in Germany, when I would take public transportation everywhere :wacko:

AFM, I'm starting to feel more pregnant... lol... when I roll over in bed at night or try to get out of bed, its a lot of effort lol :haha. I feel a bit like a beached whale ahaha. I can only imagine how much more is still to come.

20w today :happydance:
lily: That's what I meant by umbrella stroller. The little tiny ones that fold up to almost nothing and are super lightweight without all the bells and whistles! My plan is to baby wear and then once big enough use a little stroller like that for long trips too. They're a whole lot easier to steer too than the gigantic ones as well.

kealz: I probably would have booked a private scan if I could have, but you're not allowed to do that in Canada. They actually have a law against U/S for "entertainment purposes" as they call it. Unless the doc. orders it, it's a no go. So I continue to wait. :coffee:

I hope everyone's day has started off well! I'm off to teach today. Only 7 more classes to go... only more 7 more classes to go... I can't wait for this semester to be over!

Yes umbrella stroller is another word:thumbup: My sis had an actual umbrella attached on her stroller when she was a baby haha!

I thing any stroller is good for long distance walking with the baby, like in the country, during vacay, shopping at a mall, when one lives in a smaller town etc. If one is living in the city things are complicated, there is lack of space.
And let me tell you that once that baby gets big then the big stroller is going to be so heavy most people just regret it. Lightweight is the only way to go for me. Our building is uphill, on quite a steep angle, so I could never manage pushing a 3 year old with a huge bulky stroller.

AFM, I'm starting to feel more pregnant... lol... when I roll over in bed at night or try to get out of bed, its a lot of effort lol :haha. I feel a bit like a beached whale ahaha. I can only imagine how much more is still to come.

20w today :happydance:

Yay on 20w!:happydance:

:haha: Beached whale!
I have this feeling of loss of balance when I get up after sitting on the floor, I have a hard time getting up, since my gravity center has shifted a lot :dohh: And yes I started rolling out of bed, instead of "jumping" out of it. :haha:
Oh Good morning ladies!

Lily that is what we call an umbrella stroller! My sister used one with both my niece and nephew for a bit and when they got bigger she said it was easier. I think we are going to go with a carseat/stroller combo as to which one yet still no clue.

Steph Oh i feel you. I find it more like rooting around trying to get up out of bed! I will be right there with you tomorrow!!! Woo hoo!

ReadytoMum we had out one at 5weeks 5 days then had to wait all the way till gender scan to have another at 17 weeks! Ugh i know how the suspense must be killing you!

Todays ventures are leading me to make a list of all the BIG things we will need for Emme for us to buy...he is so particular and precise about how much money we are spending from the budget so he wants to have an idea of what Holiday expenses are and baby budget! Thats my Husband the penny pincher!
kirstabelle -- I looked at the Beco Gemini but I think I may have just yesterday swayed myself from the more structured carriers for a young baby. I think I'm going for a mei tai for LO #2. I may get an Ergo as well because I think it will be more comfortable for me as baby gets bigger. Then I can do DD#1 on the back in the Ergo and DD#2 on the front in the mei tai at the same time. :haha: I know for a fact I'm not fiddling with a Moby or a wrap of any kind. Way too hot here about 9 months of the year for one, IMO. I'm sure you get used to wrapping it but I think I'm too impatient. I think a mei tai is going to be perfect for my needs. Compact, easy to take with, pretty quick to put on, lots of breathability, etc. I guess we'll see. The local baby wearing group (yep) alerted me to one at a consignment shop fairly close to where I work so I'll probably go check it out today. Otherwise, I'm considering a new Freestyle Mei Tai. Wearing dd (I had a pouch style sling) was pretty much the only way I could get anything done when she was younger. I'm pretty sure I could get a lot more done now if I could find a comfortable enough solution for both of us at her current size (and my current size :haha:).

lily28 -- I'll tell you, I HATE umbrella strollers. We have one for dd. See that bar near the bottom in the back? Yeah, that makes it SO hard to walk behind. Maybe my arms are just too short or something but it frustrates the crap out of me. :haha: I end up walking with it out to the side which of course gets really tiring after a short time. It's good for quick trips where you need both hands free at times (to like, a small store or something) but I'd rather carry dd on my hip than fool with walking behind that thing. It must just be me, though. :haha: They must make smaller foldable strollers like that without that stinking bar. Those have to exist. But the one I got was free with a purchase of something else. I'm sure it's regularly like $15-20.

I can hardly believe I'm 19 weeks! I'm only feeling very pregnant when I roll over in bed (round ligaments, OUCH!) and when I walk up stairs and my legs hit my belly. :dohh: Ha, or when dd is into something and I have to try to jump up quickly from the couch to chase her. :haha: I wouldn't say this pregnancy is going by faster than my first, just that I'm less bothered by the amount of time.
lily28 -- I'll tell you, I HATE umbrella strollers. We have one for dd. See that bar near the bottom in the back? Yeah, that makes it SO hard to walk behind. Maybe my arms are just too short or something but it frustrates the crap out of me. I end up walking with it out to the side which of course gets really tiring after a short time. It's good for quick trips where you need both hands free at times (to like, a small store or something) but I'd rather carry dd on my hip than fool with walking behind that thing. It must just be me, though. They must make smaller foldable strollers like that without that stinking bar. Those have to exist. But the one I got was free with a purchase of something else. I'm sure it's regularly like $15-20.

Omg you just reminded me of that too!! I had a stroller like that for my DD as I mentioned before we lived abroad and travelled on many airplanes at all times of the year so my mum brought us one of these strollers from argos so we could leave our main stroller at home when we flew... omg I remember bashing into the bar too!! I used to take tiny steps lol..

I like the bigger strollers for babies and smaller kids, they are more sturdy and comfy, I usually dont bother with the stroller, but we live on a busy main road where we hd a co-op shop 2 minutes up the road and a post office opposite us, everything we need is on our road, including a park and the school is only round the corner so I will baby carry mainly and only use our big buggy for when we go on days out to the zoo/ beach/ walking in the woods etc. We have a Vauxhall meriva so our boot is big enough to fit our O'baby Zezu inside it has a detachable car seat adapter on the frame too which makes life easier. I'm quite happy with my choice.

I too am struggling to get up stairs and out of bed. I sat on the floor the other day to dry my hair.... big mistake!!
Happy halfway point to those who are at 20 weeks already!! I can not wait to join you!

We have our scan in 11 days.. not that I'm counting down or anything! Canny wait! xx
Hi ladies, congrats on all new new milestones, can't believe some of you are halfway through already, where is the time going!!!?

Had to laugh at the mental image of an army of bugaboos coming towards you kristabelle :haha:

I've got a babyjogger city mini for DS1 (feels odd writing DS1 LOL!!) which is light and quick fold but comfy like a bigger stroller. I'm planning on getting the double version and using the adaptors with a maxi cosi seat until DS2 is old enough to sit forward facing with his brother :flower:

Readyto, pmsl @ your stroller rant :haha: Unfortunately if your pelvic floor is shredded like mine was with DS1 (had to get him out quickly, due to heartrate dropping) you might struggle with babywearing. I tried every sling/carrier possible, but they all made my bladder prolapse into my vagina. Lovely. I had to resort to using a stroller, which I hated, it's so bulky and annoying, but have got used to now. The babyjogger has been a lot better than the first one I had (oyster)

Lily, i think I was raised in the red version of the same stroller!

Maybesoon, my bump is high early on too IMO, it was with DS1 also. He was a back to back baby, so I always had a funny shape and very high bump, even at the end! Hoping for a 'right way round' baby this time!

Reminds me, I must take some new bump pics, don't think I've posted on on here yet!

Hope everyone else is ticking along nicely, sorry for not coming on as often as I should!
Hello Ladies! Hope everyone is having a great day! I am so thankful I live in a small country town & strollers aren't an issue. I too seem to migrate towards the bigger ones. But then again I have 2 great danes for pets so I guess that says something too!!!! lol

I'm having a really hard time sleeping right now. I either fall asleep around 8pm or so & wake up at 2am & can't go back to sleep or I just don't fall asleep at all. It's making my days a nightmare. It takes all I have not to bounce my head off my desk at work then I get home & I'm wide awake. I just don't get it. And yes, like others, my bump may not be big, but for some reason I feel like a beached wale when I try to roll over or get out of bed. And when I stand up I feel like my uterus is going to fall to the floor.... Is this normal????
Balboa baby sling.jpg

So I have been looking at the slings, baby carriers and what not...I think I am going to try the Balboa sling. I have a couple of friends who have offered to give me their Moby wraps but talk about how hard it is to put them on and one friend said she never felt like baby was secure....with that being said i am now looking at this option as I do plan on breastfeeding and they are very easy to use with that and have covers also. But like i said this has currently become an option. Just while Emme is little because when she gets bigger i will put her in the stroller.
Steph I hear you on the beached whale front.

I feel HUGE at the minute. This week is the first time I've really felt MASSIVE rather than just "bumpy". I am spreading everywhere and everything is alreday so much more of a chore. Carrying text books to another classroom almost had me collapsed this morning! I just feel so cumbersome!!


I love, love, LOVE my bump. But i just feel huge and fit to burst at the minute :(
Oh you ladies are confusing me with strollers again. At first I was thinking to just get a Maclaren, but then I wanted something I could put a newborn in for walking for exercise, and the idea of something all-terrain really appeals to me as we like to get out of the city with our dog and do lots of park walking etc. Plus the inline option is ideal since I am hoping to have #2 within a couple of years of this baby. But then I could just babywear and use the Maclaren for the bigger kid... but that's not all terrain.

I was just reading that the 2012 Maclaren Quest has been changed so that you can put a newborn in it. I also considered the city mini but wasn't sure I liked the fabric, which is the same reason I think I might not like the Phil and Teds Dot... and so I go round in round in circles! Have to go do some test driving!

Little Spy, I looked at Mei Tais too, I liked the Baby Hawk ones but having something ergonomic (not the bjorn) that could also do forward facing was important to me. I think I will probably just use the moby when she is small, I have read a lot of reviews from people who say the stretchy fabric doesn't feel as secure when they are heavier. I could have waited to get the gemini... but I really wanted those lil foxes! :haha:
Oh Doggylover you are almost there! Don't worry i do this too and coming from one pregnant lady to the next we psych ourselves out with how we should look and how we do look. I bet you look just as lovely as ever and besides you have a reason to have a bump there is a baby in there!!!

Kristabelle i find that i am very indecisive about it too. I go to the stores and push them around to see how i will like them and look them over...I wish there was a try before you buy because it just isn't the same pushing them around on a flat surface.
Mommabrown, I love that sling! I am def thinking of getting one as well.

doggylover, sorry your feeling so yuck :wacko:. My problem is mostly the turning and moving ahahah. No more jumping up, thats for sure!

I have been so bad about excercising as well :blush:. Wanted to get back to the gym after work yesterday but just didnt have the engery. I ordered a Pregnancy Pilates DVD so I will try to do that today. They say that excercise is so important (def helped me get through the first trimester without major issues) and if I get lazy now, I can only imagine how hard it will be to start again. :dohh:
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So I have been looking at the slings, baby carriers and what not...I think I am going to try the Balboa sling. I have a couple of friends who have offered to give me their Moby wraps but talk about how hard it is to put them on and one friend said she never felt like baby was secure....with that being said i am now looking at this option as I do plan on breastfeeding and they are very easy to use with that and have covers also. But like i said this has currently become an option. Just while Emme is little because when she gets bigger i will put her in the stroller.

Lovely looking sling!
That reminded me of another thing I couldn't do in a sling.. breastfeed! I think it was down to the rediculous size of my breasts when my milk was in full flow? :haha:
Not sure. Maybe I need further instruction so I can give it another go with the new baby!
I had a baby bjorn carrier for DD and DS but I sold it a few years ago I like the look of the slings.

I had a double buggy by maclaren when DS was a baby, we had a buggy bagI just put on the buggy seat which was reclined you can attach it with straps under the seat and padded it out with 2 blankets. But I dont like new borns being in strollers. I prefer prams for newborns so I'll be getting a pram.

I have an exercise ball I roll around on that's as far as my exercise was going until I said to OH that if I'm lazy now birth will be long so we have begun going for walks in our area and I found out my local pool does a swim and chill session twice a week in the evenings, they dim the lights down and put music on to float around to lol.. like a huge bath haha.. So I'm looking into that.

Is anyone really craving one particular thing at the moment? mine is curry! it has to be spicey too!! Every day around dinner time all I want is curry, even after dinner I'm still wanting it I've stocked up on them! :p
Steph i have too. I was really good about it at first because it helped with my fatigue but now i am really lazy about doing anything.

Dan-o you have to pull baby up pretty close to your breasts where the head is right about even with the nipple. I have seen people breast feeding out of regular carriers to which i would find difficult.
Mommabrown, I love that sling! I am def thinking of getting one as well.

doggylover, sorry your feeling so yuck :wacko:. My problem is mostly the turning and moving ahahah. No more jumping up, thats for sure!

I have been so bad about excercising as well :blush:. Wanted to get back to the gym after work yesterday but just didnt have the engery. I ordered a Pregnancy Pilates DVD so I will try to do that today. They say that excercise is so important (def helped me get through the first trimester without major issues) and if I get lazy now, I can only imagine how hard it will be to start again. :dohh:

Tell me about it. I did barely any exercise in first tri because I felt so sick and any kind of exercise would me SO hot and sick I would just want to lie on the floor and moan. I gained 7 lbs during first tri because I was eating so much bread to combat the nausea and doing no exercise. But now that the sickness is over I have been able to start exercising again, and have been able to eat normally again. I got a couple of prenatal exercise dvds and have been doing them 2 times a week. Plus I am on my feet all day at work, and I don't drive so I am always walking to and from the buses and trains etc. I have only been gained 3lbs in the 6 weeks of 2nd tri. So it is all evening out from the breadfest of 1st tri :haha:

Sorry other ladies are having an uncomfortable time. :flower: I just imagine my poor child is so squashed in my small bump. Your babies are probably swimming around in your bigger bumps doing laps etc! :haha:
Steph i have too. I was really good about it at first because it helped with my fatigue but now i am really lazy about doing anything.

Dan-o you have to pull baby up pretty close to your breasts where the head is right about even with the nipple. I have seen people breast feeding out of regular carriers to which i would find difficult.

See now I think getting baby low enough so he was level with my nipple was the main problem, I must have been doing something wrong, also my breasts were as large as his head, so a bit smothering! That sling you posted looks nice and low, that's about the only type I didn't try, maybe it would be more suitable with my generous bosoms lol!
I feel like I have a middle sized bump but a great big beast of a child who is bursting out already!!!

In terms of exercise I walk our dogs maybe 4/5 days (5 in a good week! in a bad week maybe only 3 at the minute!) out of 7 and usually do 2.5 miles for each walk, more at the weekends. But that is the only exercise I get. I've never been big into exercise at all.
So I have been looking at the slings, baby carriers and what not...I think I am going to try the Balboa sling. I have a couple of friends who have offered to give me their Moby wraps but talk about how hard it is to put them on and one friend said she never felt like baby was secure....with that being said i am now looking at this option as I do plan on breastfeeding and they are very easy to use with that and have covers also. But like i said this has currently become an option. Just while Emme is little because when she gets bigger i will put her in the stroller.

Of course everyone is different, but if I were going to do a sling-type carrier again (and I don't think I will), I'd do a ring sling because of the versatility versus a pouch. The pouch stuff just didn't work for me at all when dd got past like 3 months old. :shrug: I'm sure there are people who love them, though!

Edit: Just please, no crotch-danglers (like Baby Bjorn)! :thumbup: Bad for baby's hips. And I found there is a local "babywearing club" in my area (which is a pretty non-granola type area) and they've helped me learn a lot and they even have a lending library so you can try out different carriers with your LO before buying! Plus there's always someone willing to lend you whatever you're looking to try for a little while, even if you just meet up for a playdate or something.

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