April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hey ladies!! Congrats on all the BFP's!!!

I am due April 4th if everything goes well!! I am a little concerned because Monday at 18dpo my beta came back 82.4, I went back this morning for second beta, still waiting for results!! driving me crazy!!

But last night I tested again and my lines were as dark as they could be so ... I dunno!! anybody else similar situation?
Wow...just had a lot of reading to do!

I had my first early scan today. I am 5+3 so I didnt see much besides a sac and my little baby blob that was almost invisible. I was surprisingly unemotional at the whole thing...I honestly dont think I truly believe that I am finally pregnant.

As far as symptoms my predominant one is being so freaking tired....man I could go for a nap right now...but nope gotta go pick up several things at home depot, pick up ds and then maybe lay down for a bit
LittleSpy- That is disappointing about your mom. I think my mom is on the fence and doesn’t really understand why we would want another baby since DS is eight. I think she is proud of us and where we are from where we were when DS was born, and she doesn’t understand why we would want to change it. DH family is waiting on pins and needles for us to announce since they all know we decided a year ago to try again. Both my SIL are pg and due within 2 weeks of each other in about 2 months. I want to tell them before they both have their babies for sure! I don’t want the constant “when are you guys having a baby” over and over from DH family while my SIL have new babies.

Krissy485- I read about the TLC show on some entertainment website yesterday. I’ve watched 16 and Pregnant and I think there were 2 or 3 situations like that . Not judging anyone it just seemed to be the common theme, but it seemed like the moms had the daughters at 16 or 17 and were still young in their thirties having a second.

Bjs2005- I wanted to try and wait as well but I doubt that is going to happen. I have told two girls at work that know everything from and ask me everyday if I have any news yet. I couldn’t lie to them! And we told my son, and swore him to secrecy. For us as well, once we tell one family member, we might as well announce it on Facebook since everyone will know.

Jcomb35- No cramping in thighs, but twinges in abdomen. I am sure it is just growing pains as the uterus stretches for me.

CandyApple1- No scan today but I did get my blood drawn so I will get an official confirmation that I have a BFP. Curious to see what my numbers are.
Hey ladies!! Congrats on all the BFP's!!!

I am due April 4th if everything goes well!! I am a little concerned because Monday at 18dpo my beta came back 82.4, I went back this morning for second beta, still waiting for results!! driving me crazy!!

But last night I tested again and my lines were as dark as they could be so ... I dunno!! anybody else similar situation?

I found a chart that says the average Beta for 17dpo is 132 but can range from 17-429. I think you are good. Well within the milits :thumbup:


I just had mine done yesterday (at 20dpo) and was at 920.
So today is the day AF would have come along. It feels really good to be here today and there are no signs of her. Usually I break out and have not had any issues this month. Yay!! Excited to be free of that during this pregnancy. Also I was free of the moodiness and irritability that came along. I dont know why but I have been checking the toilet paper every time I wipe and been holding my breath in case there was blood. Not sure why I am so nervous. Pregnancy with DS was totally fine and normal. I cant wait to get into the second trimester!
Got the results back! Its at 294!!! So it tripled and more!!:)
I still check the TP for blood....not sure why its taking me so long to accept this pregnancy is real. I think since we have been trying for so long coupled with all the sad losses I have seen on my time on BnB I am just so scared to be excited...but everyday I am a little more optimistic and believing that this is happening...I dont want to fast forward to April becasue since this will most likely be my last pregnancy I want to enjoy it but it would sure be nice to get some kind of guarantee that my healthy baby would arrive in April and I could relax until then
roxane-great news!:thumbup:

sla and wishing- i completly understand! my af isnot actually due till tomorrow so i am freeked out! but i know my test keep getting darker and sure as heck fell pregos...but it was the same way when i prego before and had the blighted ovum and mc at 11 1/2weeks...sooo yeah gonna be nervous till i can see little bean on us but i am sure it will all be good!
Hi Ladies Mind if i join. Looking for a bump buddy for April.I'm due April 13th. Got my :bfp: July 30th(10 dpo) with a beta of 52 Today(13 dpo)it was ran again and it is 247!! WOOOHOO!
Roxane -- That's amazing news! :happydance: Congrats!

wishn & sla -- I also check the TP every time I go. I did that with DD my entire pregnancy. :dohh: From 1-8 months just to reassure myself that everything was okay. From 8-9(.5) months because I was ready for labor. :haha:

wishn -- I'm afraid this may be my last pregnancy, too. Want 3 but not sure that will happen. I was in such a terrible hurry for dd to arrive, I'm really looking forward to relaxing (ha) this time.
I always wanted 3 too but with DSS I think it counts as me having 3 since he has more then enough activities to keep me busy!

My youngest DS will be starting up Tball when this baby is born and I am just picturing my self going to his games with the lo in the stroller...it warms my heart. DS will be such a wonderful big brother...aww now im getting teary and hormonal...the end
Candyapple - how'd your scan go?

Jcombs - I still test and find on the strip test they go light dark and my HCG Is through the roof. Did you get bloods yet?

All week I keep waking at 5:30am. Wtf
Good afternoon ladies,
Just checking in :thumbup: How are you all feeling? I hope everyone is doing well. Lastnight I was crampy for a couple hours booo but AF was due, and I remember when I was pregnant with DS I had AF cramps on the day she was supposed to come for the first few months. Plus I kind of forgot to drink plenty of water :dohh: This morning I was very nauseous and it has been on and off all day, I'm super tired too. So being the POAS addict that I am I wanted to see what how dark my line is at 15 dpo. I'm darker than the control line woo hooooo. I'm going to the dr's tomorrow to have the pregnancy confirmed and to set up my first appointment :happydance:


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Hi all, whoa so much going on today!! Mommyx that line is amazing! I actually bought some more tests okay so now have four to do, will do one tomorrow, and then prob drop down to every few days rather than every other.

I have been a little crampy today, but nothing major.

I told my first person (other than dh) today - my best friend. I cried, and was shaking with nerves and have no idea why. I think I am just so scared that we may lose this baby. Dh said last t he is thrilled, but petrified, and it's such a shame because it's stopping us enjoying what we have, which was our aim.

And to those checking tp, I am too. Literally twice an hour at least. I'm convinced I will mc at some point :(
Hi all, whoa so much going on today!! Mommyx that line is amazing! I actually bought some more tests okay so now have four to do, will do one tomorrow, and then prob drop down to every few days rather than every other.

I have been a little crampy today, but nothing major.

I told my first person (other than dh) today - my best friend. I cried, and was shaking with nerves and have no idea why. I think I am just so scared that we may lose this baby. Dh said last t he is thrilled, but petrified, and it's such a shame because it's stopping us enjoying what we have, which was our aim.

And to those checking tp, I am too. Literally twice an hour at least. I'm convinced I will mc at some point :(

You gotta stop thinking that way!!! I know it's very hard not too but alot of women will do a mc on their first pregnancy, does not mean at all that you will have another one!! Cramping is normal in early pregnancy!! We gotta stay positive and miracles will happen!!:)
Hi all, whoa so much going on today!! Mommyx that line is amazing! I actually bought some more tests okay so now have four to do, will do one tomorrow, and then prob drop down to every few days rather than every other.

I have been a little crampy today, but nothing major.

I told my first person (other than dh) today - my best friend. I cried, and was shaking with nerves and have no idea why. I think I am just so scared that we may lose this baby. Dh said last t he is thrilled, but petrified, and it's such a shame because it's stopping us enjoying what we have, which was our aim.

And to those checking tp, I am too. Literally twice an hour at least. I'm convinced I will mc at some point :(

You gotta stop thinking that way!!! I know it's very hard not too but alot of women will do a mc on their first pregnancy, does not mean at all that you will have another one!! Cramping is normal in early pregnancy!! We gotta stay positive and miracles will happen!!:)

I know, and I said to dh when we found out "we just have to enjoy each day as it comes" I think partly I'm just so tired this week that I'm more emotional. I'm hoping that when we get past 6+5 (last mc) that we will start to feel a bit better, because I feel awful for feeling so scared, like I am doing a bad job for this baby by not being as excited.

Gosh pregnancy is hard, and I am only 4 weeks in! Will definitely try and stay more positive from now on, thanks :)

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