April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

YAY!!!!!!! I FINALLY told OH tonight and he LOVED the onesie idea! He was BEYOND excited and began to call his family to tell them! Looks like some people will know before the "safe period" is over! Couldn't be happier or more relieved now that he knows!!!!! :)

Hey TCC,

I am currently 14dpo, with 3 BFN (10 dpo, 12dpo and 13dpo) I know there is still a small chance I am preggers, as AF has not shown, but I noticed you went through 2 cycles and conceived. This is my first cycle.

Any tips you can share, so I can be just as excited next month if this one doesn't work out?

I've been so "out of it" and sad since I've peed 3 BFN's.
Let me know, and CONGRATS! I am so happy for you!!!
Updated first page. I'm sorry if I missed anyone. Let me know.

Feeling a lot better knowing DH returns tomorrow after the worst week without him

How is everyone
Good morning ladies...i think lol...soooo tired! i gotta learn not to stay up and flip channels back and forth between TLC and the olympics lol. Last night i watched a show on TLC called I am pregnant and so is my teen daughter...i was like really? and what was crazy was that every mom was not like really old or anything because they all had their teen when they were teeens...oh goodness!

But other than that...i am waiting on a phone call from my ob office today to let me know what our game plan is.I had a m/c April this year b/c of a blighted ovum and i was 11 1/2 weeks along before we even knew...it breaks my heart because if had had an early scan it would have been caught much earlier...but it is what it is and my ob had assured me that when i got pregnanct again that they would monitor me more closely in the begining. but since af technically is not even due till tomorrow i called really early lol but the receptionist was super nice!

feeling tired, gassy, super cranky, my poor kids lol...so gonna try and get them around and go out side for a while this morning so maybe after lunch we can have queit time with a movie. check back in later!
YAY!!!!!!! I FINALLY told OH tonight and he LOVED the onesie idea! He was BEYOND excited and began to call his family to tell them! Looks like some people will know before the "safe period" is over! Couldn't be happier or more relieved now that he knows!!!!! :)

Hey TCC,

I am currently 14dpo, with 3 BFN (10 dpo, 12dpo and 13dpo) I know there is still a small chance I am preggers, as AF has not shown, but I noticed you went through 2 cycles and conceived. This is my first cycle.

Any tips you can share, so I can be just as excited next month if this one doesn't work out?

I've been so "out of it" and sad since I've peed 3 BFN's.
Let me know, and CONGRATS! I am so happy for you!!!

Honestly all i can say is to realx and just have fun! I only paid attention to my cm and (luckily) had some spotting around O...we only dtd the spotting day and two days later and that was it! I was def more relaxed and figured if i am pg its done. No need to stress about it! I feel like the more normal and less stmptoms you have the better! Good luck hun! I know you will get your bfp!!!!! :)
Okay, has anyone had any cramping in their inner thighs? It wasn't bad cramping, but it was there. Also I hate my test strips. I think their dye levels vary widely from test to test, even ones out of the same box! None the less, I am keeping more of an eye on the progression of my symptoms rather than the progression of my lines. Today's is still dark, but not as dark as yesterday's, and also I don't think my fmu is that great. But I am only testing once a day now and I can't wait all day to do it!! haha
sla545 -- I've already told hubby, a friend at work, my supervisor, and my mom. I just wanted to get it all over with. My best friend should get her card in the mail today (a late birthday card that tells her I'm pregnant) and hubby's telling MIL this afternoon. We have a (different) birthday dinner with good friends tomorrow so they're likely to find out when I don't drink. I'll probably call my dad this weekend. After that, I'll probably just go ahead and announce on facebook. I waited until 13 weeks to tell anyone other than my immediate family with dd. I can't do that again. :haha:

daisyr21 -- Yes, I'll be attempting to continue to work out my entire pregnancy. I like to run but with dd, I couldn't anymore by about 9 weeks, so I bought a stationary bike to use every day this pregnancy. Here's hoping I actually do it!

nimbec -- Congrats on your 3+! I stopped temping today. My temp never goes down until after AF hits so I figured I was going to cause myself needless worry if I continued to temp. My pregnancy symptoms started disappearing yesterday and are all but gone today. I know from experience they'll come back with a raging vengeance in a week or 2 so I'm enjoying it while I can! :thumbup:

mummyconfused -- Probably the hormones. :hugs: Hope you feel better soon!

Melissasbump -- I want to see a pic of Harrison in his big brother shirt! :cloud9: I have fx as tight as possible that you won't be sick like last time.

Krissy485 -- I hope you get your early scan and some peace of mind!

So, I told my mom last night and her reaction was, "Ohhh.... Julie." No, not an excited "Oh Julie!" but an "I'm disappointed in you" type of "Oh Julie." :dohh: I was quite taken aback because she's been pestering me about when I'm going to have another baby for MONTHS (hi mom, my daughter is just now 12 months old). I called her out on her reaction and she claimed to be very excited but the tone of her voice was anything but. I questioned her about it and she told me the reason she didn't sound excited is because she immediately started thinking about how (and I'm paraphrasing here) I could die in childbirth. She told me that exact same thing (essentially) when I was about 8 months pregnant with Maisie, too. WTF is wrong with my mother!? :nope: I had an amazing pregnancy and wonderful, very smooth and uneventful labor and delivery. I have no reason to worry about this pregnancy or childbirth. How is your first reaction to really good news going to be the most ridiculously negative thing possible? :dohh::dohh::dohh: I can hardly stand to talk to her anymore. Also, she claimed she "knew" when I came up to visit her for Maisie's birthday 2 weeks go. Okay, mom, but.. ummmm.. I wasn't pregnant then! :haha: She proceeded to argue with me about whether or not I was pregnant then since I was 3 weeks 6 days pregnant yesterday. I explained to her that you're not really pregnant for like the first 3 weeks of pregnancy and she refused to believe me. I finally gave up short of explaining to her when I ovulated and when I had sex with my husband. :haha: Mom, you're a freaking registered nurse. How do you not know this?! Ugh.

Anyway, hubby and I decided last night that we're going to be evil and find out the sex of this baby for ourselves but not tell anyone else. :)
Today's test and progressing pic from yesterday to today.

Good morning ladies...i think lol...soooo tired! i gotta learn not to stay up and flip channels back and forth between TLC and the olympics lol. Last night i watched a show on TLC called I am pregnant and so is my teen daughter...i was like really? and what was crazy was that every mom was not like really old or anything because they all had their teen when they were teeens...oh goodness!

But other than that...i am waiting on a phone call from my ob office today to let me know what our game plan is.I had a m/c April this year b/c of a blighted ovum and i was 11 1/2 weeks along before we even knew...it breaks my heart because if had had an early scan it would have been caught much earlier...but it is what it is and my ob had assured me that when i got pregnanct again that they would monitor me more closely in the begining. but since af technically is not even due till tomorrow i called really early lol but the receptionist was super nice!

feeling tired, gassy, super cranky, my poor kids lol...so gonna try and get them around and go out side for a while this morning so maybe after lunch we can have queit time with a movie. check back in later!

I watched that show last night too!! It was kind of crazy! I'm also in the same boat as you with being tired, gassy, super cranky. I have a dd who is 6 and a DS who is 4 and a new 12 week puppy. Yesterday I told myself I had to get myself out of my funk, so I did a little bit of cardio and then my dd and I went outside so I could help her on her bike ( we just took off the training wheels). I know feeling like this is part of pregnancy but I also think trying to have a good attitude helps you know? but man sometimes is hard..
sla545 -- I've already told hubby, a friend at work, my supervisor, and my mom. I just wanted to get it all over with. My best friend should get her card in the mail today (a late birthday card that tells her I'm pregnant) and hubby's telling MIL this afternoon. We have a (different) birthday dinner with good friends tomorrow so they're likely to find out when I don't drink. I'll probably call my dad this weekend. After that, I'll probably just go ahead and announce on facebook. I waited until 13 weeks to tell anyone other than my immediate family with dd. I can't do that again. :haha:

daisyr21 -- Yes, I'll be attempting to continue to work out my entire pregnancy. I like to run but with dd, I couldn't anymore by about 9 weeks, so I bought a stationary bike to use every day this pregnancy. Here's hoping I actually do it!

nimbec -- Congrats on your 3+! I stopped temping today. My temp never goes down until after AF hits so I figured I was going to cause myself needless worry if I continued to temp. My pregnancy symptoms started disappearing yesterday and are all but gone today. I know from experience they'll come back with a raging vengeance in a week or 2 so I'm enjoying it while I can! :thumbup:

mummyconfused -- Probably the hormones. :hugs: Hope you feel better soon!

Melissasbump -- I want to see a pic of Harrison in his big brother shirt! :cloud9: I have fx as tight as possible that you won't be sick like last time.

Krissy485 -- I hope you get your early scan and some peace of mind!

So, I told my mom last night and her reaction was, "Ohhh.... Julie." No, not an excited "Oh Julie!" but an "I'm disappointed in you" type of "Oh Julie." :dohh: I was quite taken aback because she's been pestering me about when I'm going to have another baby for MONTHS (hi mom, my daughter is just now 12 months old). I called her out on her reaction and she claimed to be very excited but the tone of her voice was anything but. I questioned her about it and she told me the reason she didn't sound excited is because she immediately started thinking about how (and I'm paraphrasing here) I could die in childbirth. She told me that exact same thing (essentially) when I was about 8 months pregnant with Maisie, too. WTF is wrong with my mother!? :nope: I had an amazing pregnancy and wonderful, very smooth and uneventful labor and delivery. I have no reason to worry about this pregnancy or childbirth. How is your first reaction to really good news going to be the most ridiculously negative thing possible? :dohh::dohh::dohh: I can hardly stand to talk to her anymore. Also, she claimed she "knew" when I came up to visit her for Maisie's birthday 2 weeks go. Okay, mom, but.. ummmm.. I wasn't pregnant then! :haha: She proceeded to argue with me about whether or not I was pregnant then since I was 3 weeks 6 days pregnant yesterday. I explained to her that you're not really pregnant for like the first 3 weeks of pregnancy and she refused to believe me. I finally gave up short of explaining to her when I ovulated and when I had sex with my husband. :haha: Mom, you're a freaking registered nurse. How do you not know this?! Ugh.

Anyway, hubby and I decided last night that we're going to be evil and find out the sex of this baby for ourselves but not tell anyone else. :)

Moms can be so weird!!! I know I'm gonna try to make a really big effort not to be like my mom to my kids. I mean she is great but sometimes.. blah! When i had my first child, we were living with my parents and about a month after I had her we were in the kitchen and she said to me "It mus be really nice to be able to concentrate on just taking care of your child and not have to worry about running a home".. I was like what?? I think she was throwing a dig at me!!... My mom had it kind of rough when I was little. My parents had me when i was 20 and by the time she was 26 she had all 3 of us, my dad worked alot and she was home by herself. But you would think that she would be happy that I had a lot of support around me but honestly I think she has always been jealous..
Daisy, we lived with my mom when I had my second one for a little bit. She is a hoarder, and a horrible house keeper. So I ended up having to work my butt off keeping her house clean for my kids! Then I would get so tired and she would tell me I needed to relax! I wanted to say, "I could if you would do something around here!" But of course, she's my dear old mother, and I wouldn't talk to her like that. lol
sla545 -- I've already told hubby, a friend at work, my supervisor, and my mom. I just wanted to get it all over with. My best friend should get her card in the mail today (a late birthday card that tells her I'm pregnant) and hubby's telling MIL this afternoon. We have a (different) birthday dinner with good friends tomorrow so they're likely to find out when I don't drink. I'll probably call my dad this weekend. After that, I'll probably just go ahead and announce on facebook. I waited until 13 weeks to tell anyone other than my immediate family with dd. I can't do that again. :haha:

daisyr21 -- Yes, I'll be attempting to continue to work out my entire pregnancy. I like to run but with dd, I couldn't anymore by about 9 weeks, so I bought a stationary bike to use every day this pregnancy. Here's hoping I actually do it!

nimbec -- Congrats on your 3+! I stopped temping today. My temp never goes down until after AF hits so I figured I was going to cause myself needless worry if I continued to temp. My pregnancy symptoms started disappearing yesterday and are all but gone today. I know from experience they'll come back with a raging vengeance in a week or 2 so I'm enjoying it while I can! :thumbup:

mummyconfused -- Probably the hormones. :hugs: Hope you feel better soon!

Melissasbump -- I want to see a pic of Harrison in his big brother shirt! :cloud9: I have fx as tight as possible that you won't be sick like last time.

Krissy485 -- I hope you get your early scan and some peace of mind!

So, I told my mom last night and her reaction was, "Ohhh.... Julie." No, not an excited "Oh Julie!" but an "I'm disappointed in you" type of "Oh Julie." :dohh: I was quite taken aback because she's been pestering me about when I'm going to have another baby for MONTHS (hi mom, my daughter is just now 12 months old). I called her out on her reaction and she claimed to be very excited but the tone of her voice was anything but. I questioned her about it and she told me the reason she didn't sound excited is because she immediately started thinking about how (and I'm paraphrasing here) I could die in childbirth. She told me that exact same thing (essentially) when I was about 8 months pregnant with Maisie, too. WTF is wrong with my mother!? :nope: I had an amazing pregnancy and wonderful, very smooth and uneventful labor and delivery. I have no reason to worry about this pregnancy or childbirth. How is your first reaction to really good news going to be the most ridiculously negative thing possible? :dohh::dohh::dohh: I can hardly stand to talk to her anymore. Also, she claimed she "knew" when I came up to visit her for Maisie's birthday 2 weeks go. Okay, mom, but.. ummmm.. I wasn't pregnant then! :haha: She proceeded to argue with me about whether or not I was pregnant then since I was 3 weeks 6 days pregnant yesterday. I explained to her that you're not really pregnant for like the first 3 weeks of pregnancy and she refused to believe me. I finally gave up short of explaining to her when I ovulated and when I had sex with my husband. :haha: Mom, you're a freaking registered nurse. How do you not know this?! Ugh.

Anyway, hubby and I decided last night that we're going to be evil and find out the sex of this baby for ourselves but not tell anyone else. :)

Moms can be so weird!!! I know I'm gonna try to make a really big effort not to be like my mom to my kids. I mean she is great but sometimes.. blah! When i had my first child, we were living with my parents and about a month after I had her we were in the kitchen and she said to me "It mus be really nice to be able to concentrate on just taking care of your child and not have to worry about running a home".. I was like what?? I think she was throwing a dig at me!!... My mom had it kind of rough when I was little. My parents had me when i was 20 and by the time she was 26 she had all 3 of us, my dad worked alot and she was home by herself. But you would think that she would be happy that I had a lot of support around me but honestly I think she has always been jealous..

You sound like me and my step mom (who is my mom to me). She was always terrible to me as I was growing up. Making me not feel welcome in my own home and suck. Talkign down to me and always making me feel terrible.
I made a decision that I was NEVER going to make my step daughter or my kids to feel that way at home. Now that Im pregnant again she always asks me.... "are you sure you want to have kids? They are terrible and hard to deal with you know..." Makes me want to slap her. I cant change that she did things the wrong way and her kids are screw ups. I waited and did things the right way and I'm happier for it. I swear she is jealous of my life because I was smart enough to make better choices in my life then she ever did. :shrug:
So when are you all going to start telling people?

As of right now, my DH and I are the only ones that know, though I think my mother suspects. This is my first pregnancy so I don't really know what to expect and am terrified of a mc. Originally we wanted to wait to tell everyone until 12-13 weeks, but I don't think I can last that long with my parents, especially if I get sick. Right now I am doing okay, the past day or so I have been feeling a little dizzy/lightheaded. This makes me think I will get real ms in the week(s) to come. Now I am thinking I will tell my parents when I am around 10-11 weeks (I found out it is National Grandparent's Day on Sept. 9 in the US) so having it be their first grandchild I think it would be fun to do it then...if I can wait that long. I for sure want to tell them before they guess, though. With the In-laws we might wait a little bit longer if we can (my sis-in-law is preggo, due end of Sept, so I don't want to take anything away from her) but I doubt we will be able to wait that long with them, either.

After that, I'm sure the word will get out as my mom cannot keep any secrets (for very long, anyway) but I will prob officially announce on facebook after we find out the gender...but again, we will see.
Gosh I'm away for the day and thread has moved so fast I will cat h up properly tomorrow but welcome laubull!!
Okay, has anyone had any cramping in their inner thighs? It wasn't bad cramping, but it was there. Also I hate my test strips. I think their dye levels vary widely from test to test, even ones out of the same box! None the less, I am keeping more of an eye on the progression of my symptoms rather than the progression of my lines. Today's is still dark, but not as dark as yesterday's, and also I don't think my fmu is that great. But I am only testing once a day now and I can't wait all day to do it!! haha

jcombs-i have had that same crampy like stretching feeling in my inner thighs to usually goes with when i have it across my lower stomach like hip to hip. but this is my fifth pregnancy, i have 3 kids, so my ligaments start stretching sooner i think lol...sounds like a good sign to me! hope you get your peace of mind soon! Oh and i have read all your posts and just want you to know that with my first i knew exactly when i got pregnant b/c my af was not right at all just really light not normal at all but when i went to the dr. and did home pregnancy test all came back neg...even a blood test that was done at about 4 weeks! I was about 6 weeks or so before a home test would come out pos. for some reason so when i went to the dr. they try to use my last "af" to do my due date but once they did a scan since i told them i was sure i was further along sure enough the scan dated me a almost 2 weeks further along. they said it was because i O about a week late that month and so on....but my mom had the same problem with her first baby but it took 3 months before she could get a pos test!
I didn't see this group! Can I join?! I suspect I'm due April.12th/2013!
Good morning ladies...i think lol...soooo tired! i gotta learn not to stay up and flip channels back and forth between TLC and the olympics lol. Last night i watched a show on TLC called I am pregnant and so is my teen daughter...i was like really? and what was crazy was that every mom was not like really old or anything because they all had their teen when they were teeens...oh goodness!

But other than that...i am waiting on a phone call from my ob office today to let me know what our game plan is.I had a m/c April this year b/c of a blighted ovum and i was 11 1/2 weeks along before we even knew...it breaks my heart because if had had an early scan it would have been caught much earlier...but it is what it is and my ob had assured me that when i got pregnanct again that they would monitor me more closely in the begining. but since af technically is not even due till tomorrow i called really early lol but the receptionist was super nice!

feeling tired, gassy, super cranky, my poor kids lol...so gonna try and get them around and go out side for a while this morning so maybe after lunch we can have queit time with a movie. check back in later!

I watched that show last night too!! It was kind of crazy! I'm also in the same boat as you with being tired, gassy, super cranky. I have a dd who is 6 and a DS who is 4 and a new 12 week puppy. Yesterday I told myself I had to get myself out of my funk, so I did a little bit of cardio and then my dd and I went outside so I could help her on her bike ( we just took off the training wheels). I know feeling like this is part of pregnancy but I also think trying to have a good attitude helps you know? but man sometimes is hard..

Oh i know what you mean! I have to keep telling myself that it is not their fault that i have ragggging hormones lol... my kids are ds 5 1/2, dd 4, ds 2 1/2 and i babysit my niece every other week right now who is 14 months and of course i have to have her this week. looking forward to next week when it is just me and my 3 and then camping next weekend w/ my parents.
daisyr21 -- I've also vowed to not be like my mother. :haha: She's just been such an egocentric cow over the last few years. And it wasn't until my husband pointed it out (with valid examples) that I realized how much she nitpicks every single thing that I do (I have stupid low self-esteem and I've come to realize over the last couple of years that my mom has a lot to do with that).

crownjewelz -- Ugh, I'm sorry you had to deal with that as a child (and now!). :growlmad:

Bjs2005 -- I also thought about waiting until National Grandparents Day, but decided to go ahead so that I can tell my friends and not worry about if my mom will find out via someone else (because... I can just imagine her woe-is-me guilt-trip wrath if that happened :dohh:).

Haha, I find myself popping in every couple of hours just trying to keep up. :thumbup: And we're only up to due dates halfway through April!
OOOOO...the topic of mothers and mother-inlaws....um yeah i have an amazing mom and dad for the fact but my mother-inlaw is the true piece of work! when i had my oldest we were living my parents and had been for almost a yr, we had moved in w/ them b/c my dad had cancer he is fine now though :) and when my son was born it was their first grandkid and they were thrilled! my dad was still working then and my mom was still at home so my then bf now dh, worked during the day to so it was me and mom all summer pretty much which i loved! i am the only girl so we bonded alot. then when my son was month old we moved out and my mom was still a huge help! about week before we moved my son developed colic so my mom would take shifts with me so my dh could sleep but so i would not get over stressed. then when we moved she would take him over night when i allowed so we could have a break and sleep. till this day my parents take my kids every other weekend and we go on a small vaction with them every year.
my mil on the other had....gRRRRRR....she will go visit her other grand kids but not mine! my bIL lives about 20 min aways, to get there the higway she takes runs past our town and there is an exit less than a mile away, but she will not stop and see them, she hardly lets us know when she is intown and then she expects us to drop everything if she tells us. she lives about 4 hrs away so you would think she would see us to if she was seeing them nope! and she always make sure to buy them bday and christmas gifts...not mine...i am like WTF! but yeah that is my rant on parents lol
Hows everyone this afternoon? anyone got any appointments tomorrow? I hope i have a scan to check our baby since we mmc in may so fingers crossed this bleeding was nothing sinister, they got me in quick enough though. been a proper lazy day but we needed it in all fairness.x

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