April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

mommabrown.... I am so so sorry to hear this. I know custody can ruin you financially, but you need to get another attorney! We have a judge in the county I live in that his horrible like that. There was a case where the kids had their attorney ad litem, psychiatrist and their teachers all testified that the father was abusive mentally & physically. Then the father's psychiatrist testified that he has a really bad temper that he can't control & he lashes out but doesn't remember it. The judge still granted joint custody giving the father 50% of the time with the kids..... We were all so SHOCKED!

Try to hang in there. Get another attorney, one that will fight their ass off for you. I can't imagine the stress this is causing you right now. Definately remember we are all here for you to talk to.

doggylover I'm so sorry you aren't well... There is a stomach bug going around here in Texas a friend of mine is 6 months pregnant with twins & has it right now. I hope you get to feeling better really soon.

AFM.... Nothing much has changed. I seem to be a bit on the grumpy side today.... I'm feeling like everyone is taking advantage of me & my time. I don't know, maybe I'm just being selfish, but I just want some down time to myself again. Seems like every minute of my day belongs to someone else & I'm tired but nobody seems to give two shits about that.

Hope you ladies have a great day....
Mommabrown, so sorry to hear! I wish there was ssomething we could say or do but just like everyone said... we are here if you need to talk!

Doggylover, try to drink as much as you can (easier said then done, I know lol). Last thing you want, is to end up in the ER.

UKgirl, that sounds horrible! Is there anything you can do to protect yourself? We are allowed to carry a gun (with a permit) and have one in the house (without permit). I know that it is far from Ideal with kids in the house but there has to be something you can do to protect your home and family?!?! Stay alert and make sure you keep everything locked!

AFM, baby was fairly active this weekend! Of course everytime Daddy put his hand on my tummy to feel LO, he would stop lol. Bad little baby!

OH and I went baby shopping and finally decided on a travel system. We really like the Britax B-Agile. Its very pricy but we feel that it will be worth the investment (since we will use the carseat and stroller everyday). It only weights 16lbs, so super easy for me to handle and lift into the truck.
We also looked at nursery furniture and completely disagreed on what we want :growlmad:. OH and I have very different taste and I guess I felt like he should just let me decide :nope:. Looks like I will have to compromise and we are now looking for a used set that is high quality (but still in budget).
mommabrown -- :hugs:

doggylover -- I hope you feell better soon! :flower:

afm -- Still having a bad time at work. Supervisor caused me to melt down again yesterday right before I left for my u/s. It's great timing as my evaluation was due 2 weeks ago so will be happening this week (you know, on time. :wacko:). :nope:

We had our anatomy scan yesterday and all is well, still :pink:! :happydance: Doc said all looks good and didn't recommend any further testing for heart or chromosomal defects so I'm relieved. I can't seem to wrap my head around how different she looks from dd1, though. It's very hard for me to imagine having a different baby. That's weird!
Thanks Ladies! I love having you all it is still hard talking with DH about this as he is peeved and i am emotional and it isn't mixing well.

Maybesoon...I am in a broody mood today too. I still feel like ripping the attorneys head off! We are looking for another attorney but honestly don't know how it will go since it shows now that DH is a threat to my DS. I still can't F'ing believe it.

Ukgirl HOLY CRAP!!! I wouldn't be sleeping a wink hardly with all that going on either. I hope you do have some means of protection too. Congrats on TEAM BLUE!! WOO HOO! I am glad court went well for you also. It makes it easier for you to get on with everything now that is out of the way!

Step Dh and I don't really agree on much with this LO either.

Little Spy glad your scan went well yesterday too! We get another on the 12th of Dec and i can't wait to see Emmaleigh's little face again. She honestly already looks just like her brother other than the shape of their heads. I compared their u/s photos! lol
LittleSpy.... Sorry to hear about your supervisor.... Hope it all gets sorted out for you soon.

I am having work issues right about now. I am the only full time employee they have & the part-time girl is now making more money than I am. She gets to work if & when she wants & gets paid pretty much salary. Meanwhile I'm working from home just to stay caught up with all the workload I have. It's really beginning to get to me. I have mentioned it to my boss a couple of times now & he keeps asking me to hang in there that he's working on it.... That has been about 3 months now & it just keeps getting worse & worse. I'm now feeling used & abused & getting pretty darn sick of it....

I am seriously thinking of looking for another job while on maternity... I just really hate to change jobs, I hate change. I love my job, just sick of being taken advantage of. But maybe it would be best to change jobs because I could find one in my town & not a hour away one direction....
LittleSpy.... Sorry to hear about your supervisor.... Hope it all gets sorted out for you soon.

I am having work issues right about now. I am the only full time employee they have & the part-time girl is now making more money than I am. She gets to work if & when she wants & gets paid pretty much salary. Meanwhile I'm working from home just to stay caught up with all the workload I have. It's really beginning to get to me. I have mentioned it to my boss a couple of times now & he keeps asking me to hang in there that he's working on it.... That has been about 3 months now & it just keeps getting worse & worse. I'm now feeling used & abused & getting pretty darn sick of it....

I am seriously thinking of looking for another job while on maternity... I just really hate to change jobs, I hate change. I love my job, just sick of being taken advantage of. But maybe it would be best to change jobs because I could find one in my town & not a hour away one direction....

Yieks.. no fun! Can you just stop working from home and just ignore the work that doesn't get done? If your not getting paid for the extra hours, then maybe the work needs to wait?
Steph I have threatened that so many times in the last month.... I guess it's just going to have to come down to that honestly. Maybe if I just start screwing off my work & taking my time they will get the hint. Sad part is, if I leave they are completely screwed. There isn't anyone else who knows the system to write checks, pay bill, do payroll, make deposits, do the paralegal side for the attorney I work for, who to call if computers or phones go down, hell they don't even know who to call if a light goes out in the office.....
Thanks ladies. I've finally stopped being sick but just feel awful! I very rarely get sick and am not very grown up at dealing with it (I phoned my mummy immediately this morning!) plus side- the baby loves being home all day and is kicking up a storm. Especially when I take in some

Sorry to hear about the trouble people are having at work :hugs: it is definitely the last thing that you need at the minute.

Ukgirl glad to hear court went your way. Stay safe. Is there anyone you can meet with to walk to And from the kids school? Another mum maybe? Failing that- carry your keys in your hand, with the keys pointing out through your fingers as you make a fist. By the best protection but at least gives you a weapon if needed.
awww doggylover- sorry to hear you've not been well :( I'm emetaphobic so when I'm puking I'm having panic attacks too lol I cry like a huge baby and call my daddy :p I hope you feel better soon hun xx

Glad to hear your scan went well littlespy xx

sorry to hear you ladies are having tough times at work :hugs:

Sorry if I've forgotten anything, I'm mentally fried after court :(

this guy is like 34 or something, he's raped a 13 year old before and went to prision for a year then was released on conditions, plus being on the sex offenders list, then on saturday night he went to a house party near town and raped a girl in her twenties, Last night he broke into a Liberal club and poured himself a pint and stole some biscuits haha silly git.. then tonight he was seen hanging around outside a school not far from our home where a teacher chased him but he didn't get him. I live in a crowded but quite safe area so to have this guy roaming around is quite crazy. I walk alone in the mornings but I'm on 2 main busy roads so always have people around me and with Aaron after school. We dont have guns really here. Well he does lol.. hopefully they get him soon :(
Oh my goodness ukgirl! That is insane... You need a tazer gun. My mom got me one last year for Christmas. That sucker throws out 750,000 volts!!!! I haven't had to use it on anyone, but I can tell you when you hit the trigger the sound will scare the crap out of ya!!! Be safe & just keep on your toes, watch your surroundings. Hopefully he will be caught very soon!

Mommabrown.... I think you have a honestly good reason to be in a bad mood today. I just wish there was something I could do to help.

doggylover... Great to hear you have stopped being sick.... Hopefully it all passes really soon & you get to feeling better. Rest & fluids. Maybe the baby just wanted some "mommy & me time"!!!

I think my work issue will get better. I'm trying to be patient. I am just not the patient type person & the hormones just make things worse. I think I've been fighting getting sick. There are so many viruses going around right now. We ate dinner with my bestfriend's family Friday & Saturday her mom was diagnosed with pnuemonia & she was diagnosed with strepthroat. Bronchitis is also going around right now. I'm hoping I can keep it all at bay & not catch any of it.
after I wrote my post they caught him just up the road from my dads haha.. yay!
So finally I have proper time to write here.. I have to confess that Im typing to you all from the bath tub surrounded by candles and bubbles which is meant to be destress aromatherapy stuff. Its rosemary and eucalyptus... so Im going to smell like a roasted lamb chop when I get out hahaha.. little man is loving our bath.. he`s kicking away in his own little personal bath for one while we chill out to beyonce.. Im wondering if I should play something macho like queen... muse maybe a bit of cold play :/ ah well he seems to enjoy this stuff so I will stick with it.. I guess I shall go enjoy my bath now and say to you all bollox to shit faced bosses.. Crap friends and douchy ex husbands they all suck. At least we all have our gorgeous healthy little half baked beans to look forward to xxx
awwww ukgirl..... enjoy your peace & quiet time!!! I'm extremely jealous!!!!

And I agree about the shit faced bosses, crap friends and douchy ex husbands sucking and I'm going to add lazy ass spoiled wrotten co-workers to the list!!!
Oooh good add there maybesoon I may have to add dirty stinky neighbours to that list too :p ! Xxxxxx
after I wrote my post they caught him just up the road from my dads haha.. yay!
Good to know, he sounds like a very dangerous person. I don't understand how they let him go...:nope: How scary it must be to have a man like that running around your neighborhood ...
There is chemical castration for these individuals, they should start doing this already.

Glad to hear baby likes bubble bath time with you! So sweet!

I'm weird and don't enjoy bubble baths, even when I'm staying in a hotel for work and the tubs are marvelous, I just can't relax lying there in the water. I'm the type of person who prefers the high pressure hot water from a shower.
I could never give birth in the water tub like other women, I would be too stressed haha!

The hell with all those people that bring us down. I stopped caring honestly...

At last DH felt the baby. We were watching a dvd last night in bed and baby started punching (or kicking), he did it twice and decided to take dh's hand and put it on my belly and asked him to be quite. Of course he never listens to me and started calling the baby "Baaabyyy wooohoooo! Can you hear meeee? Where are youuuu???" So the baby goes quite. DH gets disappointed again, but I kept his hand there, relaxed and BAM! He got a nice kick! You should see his face! He couldn't believe it!
hello ladies.. So great to read all your stories and updates! Sorry I have not been on as of late. Lots going on with bf/baby daddy.. Nothing between us. He has just been dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression as of late.. sadly, things from his past continue to haunt him.. :( The last few weeks have been tough.

On a brighter note.. My latest scan went great! AFP results came back normal and baby is moving and kicking around constantly.
And we have FINALLY confirmed what team we are a part of!
We are thrilled to say we are

TEAM PINK :pink: yay!
SweetAngel84 yay on team pink! Congrats on your little girl!
Sweet angel congrats on team pink!!

Ukgirl glad to hear they caught that guy- scary biscuits.

It's crazy the personal protection stuff you guys are allowed in America! If I owned a taser I'd get arrested!!!! Even our police are only allowed to use them in very special circumstances. That said the N.irish police all carry guns unlike the mainland so they don't need the tasers lol!
Sweet angel congrats on team pink!!

ukgirl: glad court went well, and that they've caught that guy! Scary stuff. We're not allowed to have hand guns here either. (which I think is a good thing really, because there's a lot of crazies out there...)

doggylover: hope you're feeling better soon!! stomach bugs are the worst. Just try to eat toast, crackers, and as much liquid as you can take. If you drink it through a straw you're less likely to irritate your stomach into getting sick again because you're taking in smaller amounts at a time.

littlespy and maybesoon: sorry you've got work problems to deal with! Sometimes other people are just really inconsiderate and its a shame there isn't more that we can do about it. Hang in there ladies!

The last few days I've been feeling exhausted! I just can't sleep at night. I've tried adding some extra pillows to make things more comfortable, but we only have a double bed so there's really no room for them and they just end up falling off the bed by the time morning rolls around.

I just can't seem to get comfortable! I'll wake up every few hours because my side and hips are just aching, or my arm is asleep, or my ear hurts from laying on it, etc. I wasn't really expecting this to be a problem I have to admit because I usually sleep on my left side anyway! It's starting to make me feel like a bit of a zombie.

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