April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

doggylover -- Gotta carry weapons on par with the weapons criminals have in order to adequately protect yourself in this country. We have guns for home defense. Scares me to have them anywhere near children but it scares me even more not to have them considering where we live.

Just yesterday, someone accidentally shot himself (to death) at a business downtown here. The business (hipsteresque tattoo parlor) was actually in the bottom floor of the small condo building I moved out of 5 years ago. A lot of people don't take gun safety seriously enough because they're just so common here so stuff like that happens pretty often. :nope:

I get nervous a lot because almost all of my employees carry guns (cops!). When I'm in a room full of them, I can feel myself start to panic. I'm the Employee Relations person so I know some of those guys aren't the brightest and accidentally discharge their firearms at times! I have a spreadsheet full of times that has happened! One of them accidentally shot his freaking KID with his department-issued pistol! It's just people playing around being stupid with them and it freaks me out.

sweetangel84 -- Congrats on :pink:!
Jeez littlespy that isn't great at all. Like you say it's probably that guns are so common, and readily available, that some people not take it as seriously as they should.

Apart from shotguns for farmers, and of course law enforcement, all guns here are illegal. That said in n. Ireland of course there are guns still about from the troubles, but luckily it's not a big problem.
Wow doggylover Dh has pretty much an armory of hunting rifles and hand gun for intuders. They are all locked down with locks plus locked away in the gun cabinet. I would not feel adequate not having a sense of security here.

I an feeling so down and out today. None of the attorneys are calling me back and i understand they are busy but i really need to get this done!
Hi ladies

Sorry ive not been on had a scary time - went to the loo and found BLOOD cue PANIC!!!! we're ok though it was only a tiny bit just taking it easy grrrrr or really trying too. I think it was my body saying calm down and SLOW down! I had an extreemly stressful day that i fear my have triggered it :( trying to relax and take a chill pill - the bath idea sounds fab!!!!!

I will catch up properly asap but i'm off to relax

(((hugs))) to everyone!
Oh nimbec, hugs darling, please relax and take it easy. We all think of you and baby!

My little baby is very lively today, hasn't stopped moving around. I think the room in there is getting smaller and baby tries to stretch out.
Mommabrown sorry you are having trouble with the lawyers, I hope you get someone soon to try and get everything sorted ASAP and get your LOs back full time.

Nimbec, :hugs: must have been scary. Duvet day or two!
Sweet Angel - congrats on Team Pink!

Nimbec - how scary, hope you are in a horizontal position with some sort of delicious faux cocktail in hand watching relaxing TV (notA baby story) and being waited on hand and foot by your OH :haha:

Doggylover- the gun laws vary state by state and they confuse me. It is illegal for me to have a tazer too, and was illegal in NY where I used to live as well. And even though I'm not a citizen, if I get permits it would be legal for me to buy and carry a handgun. So, tazer no, but handgun yes... :shrug:

Mommabrown- hope they call you back asap, so frustrating!

ReadytoMum- I get all those things too and I am usually a back sleeper. My MW said if I prop a pillow under my right hip I can sleep on my back but that is just weird. Then combined with all the crazy dreams, which I HATE, sleep is no longer that great for me either. And, I am guessing it will only get worse :( My MIL has a boppy body pillow thing that I am going to borrow to see if that helps.
Hi girls :) a quick one from me as I'm typing on phone at work! Had weekly scan this morning - cervix still holding strong and I'm plodding along anxiously to v-day! Baby has been going nuts in there lately and the past week or so we can see movement on the outside when I'm lying down relaxing. Exciting stuff.

Momma so sorry to hear about your kids - I cannot even imagine how you must feel. Huge hugs to you.

Nimbec get your butt to bed, or at least the couch!

Maybe and little I hope things at work get better soon - work stress is the last thing any of us need right now.

Lily glad baby is keeping you assured things are ok in there!

Congrats to new team pink and team blue ladies!

Doggy we are bananas now :)

Hugs to anyone I missed - stupid phone won't let me see all the posts and type too : P

Here's a pic from this morning - best ones I got so far I think. She's about 1 lb now!

Wow, this isn't even funny.

I kid you not -- Just 50 minutes after my last post, an investigation was put on my desk due to one of my employees accidentally discharging her service weapon while cleaning it. :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

And yes, gun laws definitely vary state by state. I live in one of the states with with the most liberal laws, I'm sure. We even have what's often reffered to as "castle law" here. It basically means if I feel threatened by someone on my property, or if I feel someone is threatening my property (ie, breaking into my car parked in my driveway), I can legally shoot and kill them. Even if they're fleeing prior to my gunshots (for example, if it's proven I shot them in the back). And I live in city limits. :wacko: Now, I can't imagine shooting someone for breaking into my car (I've had cars broken into so freaking many times it's not even a big deal to me anymore), but I would certainly shoot a home invader. Luckily, we've only had someone try to break into our house once. And hubby scared the bejesus out of them showing up at the window they were breaking into with an AK-47 (which he no longer owns, but was handy at the time). :haha: According to him, he heard "OH SH*T!" and then heard them clammer over our 7 foot wooden privacy fence. I guess word got out about it or something because houses around us are constantly being broken into but we seem to be lucky.
SweetPea..... Love the pic.... soooo cute!!!

kirstabelle.... I'm so thankful I live in Texas when it comes to weapons, etc. I was raised in the country with a Dad who is ex military & retired from the County Sheriff's Office. It was a requirement for me as a small child to learn how to use firearms & use them well!!! I still have them, use them, carry them & have a tazer that doesn't leave my car.... Luckily it's my right as a Texas citizen to be able to do so! I just hope & pray that doesn't change anytime soon.
Little Spy we have that here too. Crazy i know! Had the ADT company call for trying to get us to put a security system a few years back and Dh says to the man No thanks we have a security system its in there in the gun cabinet! lmao They never called back!

SweetPea she looks like my lo except Emmaleigh has a bigger nose! lol

Well talked to Lawyer given two options fight it with the negative part of Dh having a protection order or make a deal with the POS. So i want to talk to my kids this weekend and see where they want to be..if with me I will fight like hell and get DH order dismissed and if not then we will let them lay in the bed they make and still get DH order dismissed...I don't like the way he said it either so i am not very sure of getting them back.
. And hubby scared the bejesus out of them showing up at the window they were breaking into with an AK-47 (which he no longer owns, but was handy at the time). :haha: According to him, he heard "OH SH*T!" and then heard them clammer over our 7 foot wooden privacy fence. .

Holy mother no wonder they ran!!!! I would have to!

Sweetpea :happydance::happydance::happydance: for our bananas!!! Only 19 more weeks to go!! (Sounds like a lot actually!) and great scan pic!
OMG girls DH and i just got into a huge fight over the phone and it isn't looking to well. Holy hell! Things just could not get any worse for us at all. I am so tired of all this and it is looking worse each day like we are pulling apart. I am being strong for all of us and i am just pulling apart at the seams right now. He is so heart broken over all the lies and bullshit of my Ex for the last 7 years it isn't even funny and he has had enough so now he is going bonkers from it all and I really don't know what to do. I feel so hurt by everyone that they are over looking my other child who has been ripped away from his brother and sister. And soon to be little sister on the way that will also be affected by all this. I just need to run far far away and never come back!
Mommabrown..... I am so so sorry! I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through right now. This stress isn't good. I'm sure your dh is devistated by what is going on, but he also needs to be reminded that you are going through it also & while pregnant.

I wish there was something I could do.... :hugs: Hang in there as hard as it is. Try to take a moment to yourself & relax. Maybe a hot bath or a walk or something to get your mind off things for just a bit.

Thinking about ya, hoping & praying things get better really soon.
He knows he is reminded every time we try to talk that we have a daughter on the way and it isn't healthy for her. He is being so stubborn. Nothing i say to him is sinking in...

I really feel like everyone has abandoned me all at once...my family jumped ship, his is to far away and i hate calling them just to vent...then i feel horrible for aggravating all these wonderful ladies here on the forum...and he is actually going bonkers on me...

I thank all of you ladies for being here for me because i don't know what i would do if i couldn't talk with someone.
Oh mammabrown you know all about how things are with me and my oh at the moment I find that for a few days around court the tension and stress causes a lot of friction. He is probably hurting because he is being treated so unfairly. He has to remember though that you are stressed and hurting too xxxx

Im having issues with my oh too at the moment and now our funded for legal aid has been scratched so Im looking at having to pay thousands now :( so I may not reply much but Im still checking in here and there. xxxxx
Girl don't worry about venting here. Y'all have all been there for me while I was venting over & over for months about my problems with my dh. You are more than welcome to pm me anytime if you would rather. I just hate that you are having these problems. It's enough with what is going on with your kiddos & ex, but to add strain between you & dh is over the top. I know how it feels to feel like you have been abandoned. That was me not too long ago. And with emotions & hormones all over the place it makes a bad situation a million times worse. People can say all day long they know how you feel, but they don't & if you are anything like me, it just burned my ASS when people said that to me.

One day at a time.... That's what I'm doing right now. There was a time not so many weeks ago it was more like waking up in the morning & focusing on the next 10 minutes & getting through that.
Ladies.... I really hate that you are all having such a hard time right now. Darn it.... I had enough of that crap for all of us in this forum!!!!
Thanks girls! Ukgirl so far it has cost us 3000.00 and i know how much of a strain it puts on a couple.
I swear men are more hormonal than a woman!!!! I wish he would really take our family into considseration as well but it seems he is just so hung up that he won't even attempt to try.

Maybesoon you are so right it does burn my ass! I have found that i do have to take it day by day. Lately i feel minute by minute. I really need to find something to keep my mind clear of everything.

Again i really want to say thank you to all of you!

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