April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Steph I didn't realise your oh worked away so much, that must be tough. Will he be able to have some time off when Grayson makes his appearance?

And yes...pen moustaches. That is what I live with! In fairness, I do find moustaches quite amusing!!

I've already told dh that when he goes back to work if he needs to sleep some nights in the spare room he can. We both need a lot of sleep, and I'm hoping I get some catnaps during the day when baby is sleeping!
V-Day: At this point, if something horrible happened, I would totally lie about my due date. I don't know if that would work since they'd probably request my files or something but I'd do it anyway.

ukgirl -- I've had a lot of watery cm for weeks and weeks now. I'm having to wear pantyliners. :dohh: Fx that's all it is for you!

nimbec -- LOL at 5 donuts and a chocolate bar! Good for you! :haha: I'd be so sick. And your poor OH. Yes, compared to the first 3-4 months (for us at least), pregnancy is definitely the easy part! But all the discomfort of the first few months of parenthood is more rewarding and easier to overlook because, well, squishy baby! <3

Burger King -- Ew, I hate it! I also hate McDonald's burgers. The only fast food chain burger place I actually like is Wendy's. Not sure how far that chain stretches. I did have a bad time at work earlier so went to Wendy's for a dollar menu comfort lunch (seriously, healthy eating winner of the week here) and after I ordered, I looked over and saw Pizza Hut was right next door and immediately regretted my choice. :dohh::haha: But that's okay. I got out of Wendy's for like 300 calories. Pizza Hut would've been really, really bad.

LOL at OHs being stupid. I like to tease mine by telling him I want to be a surrogate for a couple who can't have children on their own and he freaks out that I'm actually going to do it and he's "going to have to live with a pregnant woman forever." :haha: The other day, we ran out of dog food and chicken food. Instead of offering to go get it himself, he just looks at me and says, "Have someone at the store help you with it." :dohh: Well, there was no one at the store available to help me, so I lifted a 50lb bag of chicken feed off of the floor and pulled a 40lb bag of dog food off the shelf and loaded both in my car. When I got home, I asked hubby to get them out of my car and he said, "Did you get help at the store?" then got mad at me when I said no. C'mon gentle sir, offer to freaking go get it yourself if you're so worried! Afterall, you are the one with the pick-up truck. Obviously not that concerned, really.
My DH is having issues with re-arranging our living room. I have insisted that we need to get a recliner to have in the living room so I have a comfortable chair to nurse in and put my feet up. That will likely mean we have to get rid of our loveseat to make room. DH was whining about losing the extra seat and was all concerned about where guests would sit when we have friends over. (We would still have seating in the living room for 5 people, plus computer chair to make 6!)

He doesn't quite get it that family comfort will come first, and that guests will have to make do! Our living room and dinning room connect, so we also have 7 dinning room chairs that can be used too! :dohh:

When I suggested that we might need to take into account a place to put a small cradle/rocker in the living room too, he started to panic a little bit and was like, "Doesn't that go in the nursery? Isn't that what that room is for?" I reminded him that we'll already have a crib in there and that this is much smaller and better for naps. So then he asked why we don't put it in our bedroom instead! And I told him because I would never get any sleep. Sigh.

He's going to be in for an eye opener when this baby takes over our entire apartment! lol :haha:
LittleSpy.... I love Wendy's burgers too!!! Now I'm wanting to stop at Wendy's on my way home.... hmmmmm wonder if I can get by with that since I do gotta stop & get dog food on the way home????

And yes.... I like you will be lugging a 45lb of dog food from the shelf to the shopping cart & into the trunk of my car. However when I get home, Shane will be more than willing to go get it out of the trunk for me.....
Readytomum lol at your dh!!! He sounds like he is majorly panicking, and getting himself into a bit of a flap! This is where you need to stay calm and pretend you already have a child when explaining things I suppose!!!! We are also doing some rearranging of furniture and rooms- we actually bought a love seat for our second living room, but dh has to touch up the paint before the furniture can go up...and he has to revarnish the floor as well. So it will get done by the time baby is approximately 21!!!!

Littlespy, minus bonus points (if thats a thing!) for your dh making you go get that animal food alone! But at least next time you need some you can say "I went last time...off you go" lol!

My dh now refuses to let me go shopping alone - especially if dog food is needed. But yet he's happy for me to take the dogs out alone down the icy roads?! :dohh: I think half the time the men folk just don't know what they are supposed to be doing!!! My dh definitely panics. Today he freaked out that we "don't have any stuff yet!" Because the due date was changed. By 12 days...it's not like we're having this baby next week!
Oh jeez these DH stories are hilarious! My DH is a star when it comes to running out to pick stuff up when I'm pg (heck even when I'm not!) this past weekend he went to 7-11 in the am to get apple juice as we had run out for DS. Then a few hours later he went again to get me my Hershey bar lol! THEN he went again later to get me an ICEE to share with DS (they really settle my stomach and DS just got all 4 eye teeth and the cold feels good!) THEN I realized that it was our turn to take snack to playgroup and asked if he could get it and he said 'yeah - ill be longer than usual bc I'm going to the grocery store - I can't show my face in 7-11 again today' (it's like 2 blocks from our house) I would've killed had I been the one doing all the running but he just goes without a word! Maybe it's a break for him bc I keep DS with me haha.

He def isn't perfect though - we were setting up the crib in DS's room since they'll be sharing rooms for awhile and he was like I'll put it together today and then next weekend I'll take apart the desk. There's a huge corner style desk in there as we switched rooms with DS about 6 months ago so there's be more space for his toys and things as we only have a small living room and no playroom or anything, so the desk stayed in there. Well the desk was where the new crib was to be going so I was like no the desk needs to go downstairs first let's just do it all today. You wouldve thought I asked him to cut off his arm. 'I didn't realize this was going to take all weekend! When do I get my weekend??' I mean honestly where was the crib going to go for a week?? The room is big but not big enough for all that large furniture! Where was DS going to play?

So finally after arguing about it he finally just moved the desk down and put the crib in its place while I worked on washing the bedding for it and getting that sorted out. Later that night he actually said 'you were right I'm glad I just did it all at once' - I thought I'd fall over when he said that! All in all it prob took about 3 hours to do so he still got his 'weekend' plus we didn't have to work around a big crib in the middle of the room all week long.
LOL SweatPea, your DH sounds lovely! I don't ask mine to get anything... but that;s mostly because I really don't ever want or need anything. I'll ask him to pick something up on the way home every now and again but I never have crazy cravings that I have to have (only after talking to you ladies on here of course :haha:).

Doggylover, it is hard not to have him around but I kinda like it :blush:. This way I have 10 days to myself and can go to bed early, watch all my girly shows, eat whatever I want. Then he comes home for 4 days and because we havn't seen each other, the time together is lovely. Not much fighting or arguing. I dohave to admit, i'm a bit of a control freak though, so I like to not have anyone to "run things by".

He will have 2 weeks off when the baby comes, so that will be nice. During maturnity leave, I will do most of the feedings and changings at night (even when he is home). He will take over night time duty after the 3 months maternity leave (for the 4 days hes home). At that point I think I deserve to sleep, since he has the rest of the week to do that (and I dont).
Well I say you where lucky he managed to do it my oh we'll erm let's just say DIY is not not strong point!! Ooooh I've ordered nursery furniture as was such a goo deal! Mum will put it together when she visits at Xmas otherwise we'd have to pay someone as its too heavy for me lol!!!! So funny he gets in a flap changing a lightbulb love him dearly tho!!
Lol sweet pea!!! My dh does the same sometimes - ask him to do something and he acts like I am hitler for expecting it to be done at some point in the next decade! I think with women we see something needs done, we do it, and that IS what our weekends are for. Men...the things that need done are the torture clearly!!

Steph, a girl I work with feels the same - her dh works away and although she misses him I guess you get used to it and enjoy having your own space. And you're right, when he is home that's your chance for a break!

Nimbec what furniture have you gone for? So exciting!!

We have a £10 voucher for Argos so I have been looking up some play mats on there to buy this weekend. So exciting looking at things and knowing I will be "allowed" to buy them soon!
Oh and to add to the dogfood/ carrying story:

We were leaving the house last weekend and he was carrying some stuff (all his mind you and not really heavy) and he said: "Oh yeah, no worries, I got everything" me: "good, cause i'm carrying your son... that should be plenty lol" :dohh:
bahahaha Steph that was a GREAT comeback!!! I'm gonna have to remember that one. Although I will admit that when we go shopping he is always really good at taking everything in. I usually grab a few bags on the first trip & he tell me to stay in the house while he gets the rest.

Last night when dinner was done I was cleaning up the kitchen & scrubbing the counters. He comes in the kitchen & says "Can't you just sit down for a minute & prop your feet up?" I replied "I will just as soon as the kitchen is clean otherwise it will drive me nuts".... He understands that because I can't stand a mess. We have hardwood floors & it drives me crazy if I can see anything on them so I am constantly sweeping them...
Lol great response Steph!!! I must remember that one!

I went for the mamas and papas sienna cotbed/changer draws & wardrobe it was such a great discount and made it within budget with enough spare to buy a lush changing mat :) I got £300 off then an extra 20% do I got the whole lot for just over the normal price of the cotbed alone. Mum has contributed too so will only cost us £150 for the lot yay!!!
Just had a look and I love that! Really love white furniture, we are getting all white as well. And £300 off is the biggest bargain ever!
Thanks Doggylover :) I just loved it but thought it was totally out of price range until I recieved the discount email from them :) sooooo happy!
Just had a look and I love that! Really love white furniture, we are getting all white as well. And £300 off is the biggest bargain ever!

I'm such the total opposite of you on that one doggylover! I'm not a fan of white furniture at all, but I really love dark stained wood, especially mahogony coloured stuff. :haha: My parents had a wood working business when I was younger, and so I think they've brain-washed me into the country feel of loving dark woods. It drives my husband crazy... he doesn't like white much either, but he likes a lot of modern looking furniture which I can't stand. Poor guy. lol
Hi ladies! Let me try to remember all the things I thought of while reading the posts. I also love Cadbury and hate Hersheys. But I do love pumpkin pie, so think I am assimilating fairly well here :haha: Hope everyone is done with the vomiting! I liked McD, BK and Wendy's before I stopped eating meat but now I mostly just like McD because their fish burger tastes better. I used to love a whopper junior with cheese, extra mayo, cut in half. That was my standard order. Plus onion rings with sweet and sour nugget sauce. Mmmmmm... Now I am ready for a filet-o-fish, french fries and some cadbury choc buttons. Ready to Mum, I bet that toffee candy bar you liked was a toffee crisp. That is one of my faves too. For the American ladies, that is basically a 100 Grand bar with better chocolate :winkwink:

I think I am the opposite of you ladies in nursery furniture tastes. We got an unfinished birch crib from ikea because I am going to paint it to look like this one that I love that is crazily priced imo (over $600) https://kalonstudios.com/shop/us/caravan-crib and the dresser we got to use as a changing table looks like this https://www.cb2.com/shop-navy-chest/s266632 and I have my eye on a zebra print rug. Yep, pretty modern, not very white, not very traditional :haha: It will be so fun to see everyone's nursery pics when they are done!
Thanks littlespy that makes me feel much better xx

yesterday I asked Aaron if he loves me (I know he does I just like to wind him up) and he said yeh so I said would you do anything for me... then he goes... who do you want me to kill... I was.. o_O what?? Haha he's so weird.

He works split shifts and still helps out here so I have nothing to complain about or quote him on... I know he says some weird stuff though.. He thought ladies peed out of their vagina instead of the urethra hes so strange haha.. My kids say the best things though.. Lucas thinks that the baby is in my actual stomach and when I eat the baby catches the food and eats it too... since I told him baby wants ice cream. he thinks literally haha or he puts my shoes on and says look mum Im mummy Im pregnant haha. cutey!

I dont really care about furniture as long as its cheap and looks nice saves space and is functional then I am happy. Our cotbed is going to have a cot top changer with a drawer and added drawers under the cot and babies clothes will go in a wardrobe I emptied out in my room. I love the little circus bedding sets in mothercare I like the jungle theme. Im also buying a foldable bath seat that sits on our bathrub so the kids can bathe with him or I can. Fun!

Im just wondering... do you need to work to get a matb1 form? Or do all ladies get one? I need one for £30 discount on cloth nappies xx
You should get one at your 25 week midwife appointment. I got mine yestday, and she never asked me if I worked at all. I think they give them out, and then if you don't need it to claim smp, you don't use it (unless like you it's for something else!)

Kirstabelle I love the look of that crib! But the price at the bottom said &#8364;999!!!!!! As if someone would actually pay that! Your idea is much better!

I think it's so cool how different everyone's taste is, and what different nurseries we ar going to end up with! It's good as well as it gives me ideas I would never think of on my own!!
I think aaron still needs it to book in his paternity leave too, so I was worried I wouldn't get one since it said the main point in it was to book maternity leave from an employer and I am a sahm lol.. Yay I can still get my nappies!!

OH is doing my nut in!!! He went to work and told all the guys there that we have chosen Bentley as our name and not one of them liked it so now he doesn't like it, I asked if he wanted to change it to Benson and he said he loved it, then he's gone into work today and I get a text that now he dislikes the name Benson too!! FFS if we have to approve the name of our kid with 20 blokes who work at fedex we'll just end up calling him Terry!!! grrrr I'm going to hit him with a rolling pin cavelady style soon! :p
Ukgirl I LOVE Bentley infact I named my puppy Bentley and if I hadn't my baby would probably have the name!!! Ignore everyone and tell oh to keep quiet it's impossible for everyone to like otherwise the world would be full of about 10 names lol!!!

Well furniture colour was a major issue for me hehe I love the dark wood and oak and white but only off white more creamy colour - but white went best with the cot stuff I like so that swayed the decision plus the amazing offer. When they are finished we should all put up a picture!!!

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