April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Yeah, we got our car seat out, had a wee play, and put it back in the box as well!!!

I dunno about evicting my dh so I can co-sleep......you'd never have any more babies after this one! :haha:
^ Lol true!

DH already told me he will move to his studio if baby and I make too much of a fuss! I bet he will absolutely fall crazy madly in love with baby and he will not move hehe... After all he already has suggested co sleeping first.
If I judge from my mother in law's stories and my parents' stories, as both DH and I were super quite sleepy babies, ours will be a quiet sleepy baby too. I have no worries, yet!
Haha, lily, I'll cross my fingers for you about that quiet sleepy baby thing. :haha: Maybe you're right. Both my mom and mil claim oh and I were no-sleeping tantrum-throwing terror babies. :dohh: I wouldn't go so far as to say that about dd but they also both claim she's "worse" than we were. She is quite "spirited" for sure, but they're both very overdramatic in general so I'm sure they are about that as well. And yes, dd is and has always been a handful but here I am ready to do it all a second time! I love dd's personality, as exhausting as it can be at times. Too bad for her, she is very much like me. I would probably get so bored with a quiet baby. At least if I have a calm baby this time, I'll still have dd1 for entertainment. :haha: I'm thinking there isn't a chance OH and I would produce a calm, passive, submissive personality-type child, though.
Hi ladies!

Melissabump, sorry to hear you've had the same thing as me, truly vile virus!!!

Ukgirl, love the name benson! Very cute!

Hi Louise, welcome!

Lily the nursery scheme looks lovely, when are you getting to work on it then?! Mine needs new skirting and carpet before we can decide how to fill it lol!

Nimbec and doggylover, envious you have some bits already!! So exciting!! I can't afford to buy anything until new year, boooo lol!!

Regarding the cosleeping, we did it for the first 4 months as Sidney would not sleep anywhere else! I then gradually moved him into his bedside cot, then into his own room when he got fed up with me snoring lol :haha: He's a great sleeper now unless he's ill. Fingers crossed the next one sleeps in a bedside cot, but if not, then it will be cosleeping again for us!
Personally I dont care if people love or hate our babies name I like it and Aaron likes it so that is ll that matters. My mom loves the name which is great Im sure his mum will too. I think it is a gorgeous boys name and when he gets older it can be shortened to Ben if he likes.

Hiiiiiii louise!!! Congrats and welcome :) xxx

lily I loooooove that bedroom.

Im the opposite of you planning to co-sleep. I co-slept with Connie and Lucas I made sure the bed was next to the wall and baby was between me and the wall with my ex husband on the otherside so no crush issues and Im a mega light sleeper since having babies so any noise wakes me up. I was completely alone with Lucas so having him in bed with me and Connie was lovely. Some people said I would never get them out of my bed but it was actually rather easy. Lucas was a fi ger holder as a baby. He would only settle if he could hold my finger so I would sit by hiss cot until he fell asleep.
Glad you girls like the colors! I will get on with painting first thing after New Year. We need some time for the fumes to evaporate. And I will finally start shopping for essentials. The cradle is my no1 priority atm, and I know it takes 3 weeks to get it delivered from the moment I order.

This is my cradle:
Thanks, I get a good discount too!!! hehee!
Welcome to the madness Louise!

I love the color too Lily, turquoise was my boy color for the crib. Its my fave color in general. Since I already have navy as one of my colors though I felt like if I did turquoise and navy for a girl's room it wouldn't look very girly. Love your cradle too. And love that little poodle stuffed animal in the pic too, super cute!

My nursery won't be finished for ages either, just because I am such a crazy woman that I am determined to get as much of it on sale as possible, so have to wait for it to get there. I just know a bunch of the sheets and stuff will go on sale once January hits, so there's no point rushing to get them.

We're not telling people the name we've picked until her birth day. I feel like when people hear it before its "official" they think they are entitled to an opinion on it. Which is really not the case :haha: I'm 95% sure we're going with Annelise. But we don't have a middle name picked yet. I would be fit to kill my DH if he invited his friends to have an opinion on the name. Unless they are squeezing the child out of their non-existent vajayjays they'll just have to keep quiet.

Doggy your friend is so annoying. She could even have written a one word reply to your due date msg, like "yay". I think she is in for a rude awakening and some harsh lessons about selfishness when her needy little baby gets here!

Pretty convinced we are having a "spirited" baby too, Little Spy. I think if baby was a boy I could imagine a calmer baby, but a girl with my genetic code? Calm is probably not happening! :haha:
kirstabelle.... I love the name Annelise!!!

bahahahahaha as for the friends squeezing the child out of their nonexisting vajayjays!!!! I think I almost pee'd myself when I read that from laughing so hard!!!

We are set on the girl name, but if we find out Tuesday it's a boy... eeeekkkk... We have no names at all picked that either of us like.... blah.... I have been harrassing Shane about if we find out it's a boy (which I think we will just because we have a name picked for a girl & we will have everything we need for a girl)... The good Lord likes to play those kind of little jokes on me!!!! But I've been joking telling him we will just name him NO NAME MEFFERT...... He thinks it's all funny because he's still convinced it's a girl....

I am so EXHAUSTED. This crap of being up all night with a kid that pee's the bed is for the birds. He is almost 5 yrs old & still wetting the bed. Last night Shane let him come & sleep in our bed (which was one of our no no rules) after he wet his own bed. Well of course having the tossing, turning, whining 5 yr old in the bed I got absolutely no sleep & of course.... He wet our bed at 3:30 this am...... So I am not a happy girl at all today. I can hardly keep my eyes open at work & my lower abdomen feels like it could pop at any moment with all the pressure down there.....
Maybe my DH wet the bed until he was almost out of elementary school - so almost 12 years old. He had a lot of tests done and they could find nothing wrong and suddenly he just outgrew it but it can be really hard on a child. His mom actually had him wear the larger size pullups or whatever for awhile and he stopped wearing them when he knew how to put his own bedding in the wash in the night if he woke up wet. He never had sleep overs or slept over anywhere else because he was so embarrassed - I always get sad when I think of him telling me about it :(

I don't blame you for not wanting him in your bed though. Even though you and DH support him, there are rules that he still needs to follow and they shouldn't be changed due to bedwetting. Obviously this would imply deeper issue but you don't want it to turn into 'I know I can sleep with them if I pee the bed' and have it turn into an 'on purpose' thing. Does he do the same at his mom's house? I know there are so many factors that can come into play when an older child still wets the bed and sometimes there ISNT a reason but it's worth investigating a little... can be a medical issue but can also be a mental one too. Also when older kids wet the bed, even though they may play it off a bit there are usually strong feelings of shame associated with it especially if they are shown frustration (as hard as it can be to have to deal with night after night when you are tired already) from a parent figure that they look to for support.

Maybe you could suggest pullups or something as a trial run and see how it goes? Or cutting out drinks after a certain time in the evening? Also find out if it happens at his mom's house and what bedtime routine consists of there (or have DH ask) just so you know what it baseline. As much of a pain as it is to be woken up by him in the night - put yourself in the child's place and imagine waking up in cold wet pjs and bed sheets almost every night. I don't know exactly what age my DH started putting his sheets in the laundry and not waking up his mom (and depends on maturity levels from child to child) but maybe if he wets the bed you could have an extra set of blankets for him and a small bin for him to throw wet stuff in? Leave a washcloth by the sink or baby wipes in his room with a new set of pjs? Again 5 may be a little young for that plan to leave him to deal with it alone though. If you go the pullup route I would explain that you just want him to be able to be comfy at night and get a good nights rest, not about having to clean up in the night etc.

Hope that helps! I know it's not super common but from hearing DH talking about dealing with it when he was a kid i thought I'd pass on what I learned from him :)
Maybesoon has the 5yo only started wetting the bed? If so there is probably a reason why, which your dh should be addressing, since he is his son.

Just emailed dh the links for loads of bouncer chairs! He is right beside me on the sofa, but I know if I show him now (before dinner!) he'll just look at the pictures and prices, and I want him to read them, so it's for work tomorrow!!

Both my brother and SIL were apparently notoriously bad sleepers and...so is my nephew! Myself and dh were both very quiet babies so I am PRAYING that it works for us and we get a nice quiet one (at nighttime...nice and lively during the day!) but we'll see!!
Sweetpea that is so awful about your dh :( it must have been awful for him when he was growing up
my 6yo has problems when her dad is visiting from norway, it's stress related, my 4yo (5 in may) wets himself because he gets too busy playing and doesn't go until the very last minute. It could be that your Stepson doesn't want to wake up to go the toilet then it gets too late. Why don't you go in to him before you go to bed and wake him up gently and ask him if he needs the toilet and if he wants you to take him.

I am getting some energy back lately so I've been doing mroe around the home but my back is KILLING me!!! Is anyone having this problem? it's right at the bottom round my hips? If you are getting it how are you easing it? I'm in so much pain I couldn't sleep last night xx
Hi all.

Wow its been busy on here today!

Welcome Louise! and congrats!

Lilly love that colour and the crib!

Maybesoon, sorry you had such a rubbish night, I agree with Doggy, maybe your OH should address why its happening?

Kirstabelle, Annelise is a lovely name (sorry think i spelt it wrong!)

Doggylover, your friend definalty has some issues, do you have any mutual friends you could talk to and fing out if there are any underlying issues?

Nimbec, hope everything is ok, did you go to the hospital re your HB?

UKgirl , thats so sad about your daughter getting stressed about your ex, must be heartbreaking, whats the next step in all that stuff now anyway? I hope the stresses sont affect you having a nice christmas.

Sorry to anyone ive forgotten, brain is like mush!

Oh UKgirl, im having lower back issues too, i see a chiropractor once a month anyway for it as ive got mild scoliosis.
Is anyone getting the dull ache in your bump if you walk too far? Oh my god i so dont remember getting this so early last time, if i walk to far it feels like my uterus is about to drop out, it feels so heavy!
Also this baby is super active compared to how Harrison was! i dont know how im gonna be in say 10 weeks time, the size of a house and struggling to move i think!
Re names, we have pretty much settled on Olivia Grace for a girl and our boy is definatly Lucas Daniel.

If anyone is looking for a cheap tandem, we have just got ours delivered and are super impressed with it. It was £115 brand new!!
Love those names Melissa! Is your tandem nice? Have you given it a whirl yet?!

And good idea about talking to our mutual friends. Although to be honest the two of them (there are 6 of us, but two live away) aren't interested at all in either or our pregnancies. I get that, because they are at a totally different stage of life (not even thinking about marriage or babies), but I have been surprised at their total lack of interest. So I think if there was an underlying issue with my friend, she wouldn't mention it to them, although ill definitely bring it up. To be honest, I think she is just having trouble coming to terms with what she's done- she decided to have a baby and luckily got pregnant straight away after years of disliking kids. I don't think she realised the enormity of it all until....well it was "too late"

Is anyone else getting sick of their wardrobe? I am literally wearing the same few things over and over...I am currently wearing an old jumper of my brothers...and I'm about to go out for dinner in it. I've come to the stage were if it looks half decent...it gets worn :blush:
I'm not sure yet Melissasbump, we have a hearing just after xmas for directions, at the moment they are collecting all our notes from Norway and translating them to risk assess him, but the issues I have with him now are not the same as I had with him in Norway, my kids were babies when we left and need a different type of care. He doesn't seem to care about their safety, which scares me most.

CPS say they have concerns about him after reviewing a few hours of contact with him, but they say I'm hurting my kids by not being strong and standing up and saying what I want, instead I'm just giving him what he wants, but it isn't easy when you're in court and everyone is telling you to do something and that it will be fine then you say ok and it comes back to bite you! lol They are right though I need to stand up more for them it's so tough though. I'm so scared of looking like a bad mum or looking like the horrible ex wife who refuses contact.

I hate this back ache too!! It's horrible it's right in the base of my spine, I dont remember this pain so early on with my other 2, this pregnancy by far has been the hardest. I get aches in my bump too when I have walked too much or bent over too much. I'm forever picking up crap my kids drop on the floor it's annoying. I dont remember being like this so early on either lol xx

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