April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Lovely bump TeAmo!!

doggylover: we put up our Christmas tree today too! We finally got the Christmas stuff up, and we got rid of a bunch of furniture from the living room/dining room as well so we could start tidying up and getting our common space a bit more organized. We put out two small bookcases, two coffee tables and a trunk, and everything was gone off the side of the road within an hour! It was pretty impressive.

As for me, today was Christmas dinner number two this weekend. We had one to go to on Friday, and then another one tonight. It's been a busy weekend! Now we just need to wait till the 22nd when we head to my parents house for Christmas.

I really started to notice today too that I'm getting some really painful shooting pains on a fairly regular basis now in my right butt cheek. And ooooh man does it hurt! I've woken up the last two nights with charlie horses in my calves too. :( I know that I've been pretty terrible about drinking water the last few days, so I need to get back on that and hopefully that will help my muscles relax a little bit.
Lovely bump teamo!!!

Well I'm sat waiting for routine Midwiffe appt it's absolutely freezing here -6!!!!! Then off to get these leads removed - cant wait they are soooooo uncomfortable !

Hope everyone has a good day happy Mondays hey! Grrrrr
Morning ladies!
Wow to almost being in the third tri! I don't know about you ladies but this pregnancy is just flying by! Not long till we will be holding our gorgeous little boys and girls!
Booo to no maternity jackets! Thank goodness my sil sent all her old (and my old) maternity wear back to me and there was a jacket in there too, its long and covers my butt, but its also not too think so I don't over heat but if it is extra chilli I can wear a jumper with it!
Finally got all our Xmas decorations up and it all looks so lovely! Paige is starting to understand not to touch the tree or mummy gets mad hahaha! Bless her! Thank goodness we are not at home this Xmas! When I was pregnant with Paige I apparently agreed to have her 2nd Xmas with my mum coz we wanted her first at home just us! But it's worked out well lol! Then next year were at home on our own with our lil no name boy (lol) then the year after with oh family!!!! Lol planned well in advance to keep everyone happy!

Afm busy busy weekend! Went last min Xmas shopping (usually by this point I'm done wrapped and eagerly waiting for Xmas but just haven't been bothered this year) all I'm saying is never again! Mental! I was aching all over bump was awfully painful and I was aggravated and tired as I also had the pushchair! People do not care about people with pushchairs! But I managed to get everything apart from wrapping paper and cards so that's my job for today! If I can bothered! Bought a few little boy bits for our lil man who is sooo active at the moment! Feels like he is trying to kick his way out!
Is anyone having trouble with names? With Paige we had her name picked out before we knew we were pregnant, along with cole for a boy! Now I know we are having a boy I hate it! But oh still likes it! Yuk! Lol have a good day ladies!!!! Xxx
awww good to get it all sorted out Nimbec xxx

kealz.. glad you have a coat! I'm just sticking with my superdry jacket and a hooded top under it, I don't really feel cold anymore. OMG I hate xmas shopping! I got bump bashed by this stupid old lady in the supermaarket the other day then she smacked Lucas round the head with her basket I called her a stupid bitch and she just looked at me funny. I really hate how people just barge past when they are shopping, like mindless zombies. I feel like shouting at them.. yeh dont mind bashing the bump there's only a tiny undeveloed baby in there trying to grow!! Stupid people..

AFM... I'm in my ranting mood if you hadn't noticed already omg I have everything to moan about today!! My aunty (the one with the kid) asked me what sizes my kids were in clothes so I replied and asked her how big her daughter is now so I can buy her something, we are skint to the bone this year so it's probably going to be a dress from primark, and she's like oh yeh she would love a new nike track suit.... the kid is 1 year old and I'm not paying money on nike!!! She can have a primani track suit... omg.

Lucas is taking his turn to be home from school today, he has a really horrid cold, I've been up all night wiping his nose :( I'm shattered and to top it all I have to clean the bombsite of a flat!

moan moan moan from me today lol.. sorry ladies... on the plus side I did just eat 2 tuna mayo sandwiches and they were yummy! Suppose I best get on with the house work and wiping of noses now! Have a nicer day than me! xx
Wah! I just saw my belly move!!! this is crazy!
Ukgirl your aunt said the one yr old would love a Nike track suit? Wow, that one yr olds speech is amazing!!!

Kealz you'll be able to put your feet up on Xmas day if you are at your mums, no stress or worry about getting things sorted out!

Afm, the bright side to my day is the electric went off in the town my school is in so we all got sent home. I may get used to being home in the middle of the day because come September I am officially unemployed.

The job I currently have has been to cover a career break of a woman who is studying a nursing degree. When I went into my headmaster today to sort out dates for my maternity, he unfortunately had to tell me that the woman I have been covering for (for the last 3 years) is coming back in September. It totally caught me off guard and I burst into tears in his office :blush: I am absolutely gutted to be leaving the school because I have loved it there. After Xmas I only have 8 more weeks there, then I'm done, and I am so so sad to be leaving.

I'm also shitting myself because this couldn't have come at a worse time. We always knew it was a possibility, but tbh nobody (including everyone I work with) thought she would be back. There are zero teaching jobs around, so I have no chance of getting something new, especially since I wouldn't be ready to start until at least next January.

So a really crappy day for me :( I emailed all my friends at work and they came round to my classroom and I bawled :blush:
Aw no doggy lover! Sorry about your job! It's hard when you don't know what's gonna happen with your future! I was in the same position beginning of the year! It's hard but we manage! I feel like it was meant to be as I don't think I could have left Paige lol! Have a nice day to ourself an watch a good movie and pig out lol! That's what I'm doing today to cheer myself up lol xxx
I have Christmas 24 on, cheering myself up with Xmas movies!

I'm glad that you have said things worked out for you - everyone at school kept saying that they will for me, but its hard to fathom at the minute. So it's nice to know that sometimes they really do. As my headmaster said, it could end up being great as I currently travel an hour to get to work, so if I got a job closer to home it would be much easier with the baby. Maybe he was just trying to make me feel better!!!! :haha:
Obviously she didnt say it doggylover but even if she had she still wouldnt be getting one!

Sorry to hear about your job xxx
It gets easier! Go online and have a look to see what you are entitled to! You maternity pay should not change till ur maternity ends as its not your fault your losing your job! Once your maternity ends you should get help from the council etc! It all looks horrible now but it gets easier! We manage at the moment! It's all about budgeting and planning but it works! Today is the first time I've actually been 100% broke (hence a big fat sausage sarnie and a movie and duvet feelig sorry for myself ) and had to ask mum to borrow £25 to get hubby to work and milk and bread! I put it down to Xmas an the cat being ill! But you manage and family are great! You will cope! :) xx
Bloody animals...those vets bills are definitely a pain for us as well and always come at the worst times.

Luckily we have enough saved to get us through at least one year happily, and I have been reading up and I still get paid smp even though I won't be employed by the school anymore which is good, as that will be up until December. I think it's the shock of finding out more than anything, I did NOT expect this is how muc day would go! Someone actually asked me this morning when I would find out and I said "oh not for ages yet!" :haha: I felt silly when I was crying to her later on!

Once the shock wears off and I sit down and sort out our finances - high interest accounts are going to be my new BFF - I will feel better. Until march 8th when I have to leave them and I'll be a big, pregnant, crying, whale of a human!!!

Ukgirl, I always buy my cousins clothes in primark. They are just as nice and for kids it makes more sense as they will grow out of them so soon. Your aunt is also rude to ask you to get that considering how insanely expensive Nike is!
Hello Ladies.... Sorry I haven't been on since Thursday.... It's gonna take me awhile to get caught up!

Hope everyone is doing well. Good Luck to anyone getting scans this week!!!

AFM... I woke up at 3am on Friday morning with the left side of my head feeling like it was going to explode & puking. TMI but puking bloody mucus. Went to the doctor. Got yelled at for not going sooner (didn't know I was that sick). Had a fever of 102, sinus & ear infection along with strep throat!!! My throat was burning a little but I thought it was just a little raw from sinus drainage... My tonsils were the size of balloons but never hurt at all... So they put me on a huge dose of Amoxicilian & gave me a cough syrup with codeine in it & told me to make sure I took it ever 4 hours on Friday..... Feeling a bit better today.... But not 100%. Had snow on my car this am.... UGH! I live in Texas because I HATE the cold.... Sitting at work, not feeling it today...

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Urgh maybesoon that sounds awful!! Glad you are feeling a bit better now though xx

yeh doggylover exactly. nike is expensive Im pregnant with 2 kids and just lost half my income so she aint getting nike lol. I agree primark clothes are lovely. I get my kids stuff from in there. Not only that she is a year old she'll grow out of her clothes in six more months or less!

Im sure its a shock now like you said about your job but I think that when you let it sink in a bit you can think about how you can sort it out. I was the same when I lost my legal aid but everything can be fixed.. I think that even if you loose maternity pay you can still claim maternity allowance for a year starting from the date you start maternity leave xxx
You ladies are a mine of info, will have to get a look at maternity allowance candy, thanks :)

Maybesoon oh my gosh I'm so sorry you are so sick! Not 100% sure what strep throat is (any uk ladies shed some light on this for me?) but it all sounds awful. I, in my non medical capacity, prescribe lots of bed rest and being taken care of by oh!!!!
TeAmo -- Love the bump! And yay, I feel like people's bumps are finally catching up to mine and I feel like less of a freak now. :haha:

nimbec -- Hope your appointment(s) go/went well! Brrrr, -6! I assume that's Celsius, but still. The high temp here today is supposed to be 24*C. Not very Christmasy, though. :nope: Supposedly our last day of exceptionally warm weather for a while, though and looks like we may actually get below freezing later this week (fairly rare here).

kealz -- Yes! Definitely flying by! Did your first pregnancy drag on forever? Mine did. By this point last time, I had pretty much EVERYTHING ready to go (including my hospital bag packed!! :haha::dohh:). I can't even comprehend the amount of stuff I still need to do this time. :wacko: We are having the worst time ever with names. I sat down on Saturday after some morning chores and wrapping gifts with ONLY naming this baby on my agenda. She remains nameless. :shrug: I have several names I like but none of them are sticking. I seem to recall just knowing Maisie's name was the right one and I guess I'm waiting for that feeling again but I'm nearly positive that isn't going to happen. I thought it happened a couple of weeks ago but hubby wasn't on board with the name so now I've talked myself out of it, too. :nope: We've had a boy name ready to go since before I was pregnant with Maisie, too, and I do have a feeling that if we ever have a boy, I'm going to hate it, too! :haha::dohh:

ukgirl -- LOL about a Nike track suit for a 1 year old. Seriously? She'd get a 2nd hand one from me, lol! I'd probably be too cheap for even that. :dohh: And haha, at Doggylover making the point about the 1 year old actually expressing a desire to have a Nike track suit. :haha:

lily28 -- Yes, belly moving is crazy. And it just gets crazier from here! I have videos of my belly moving with Maisie. Seriously bizarre to watch it completely change shapes while she was rolling around late in 3rd tri. :wacko:

doggylover -- Aw, I'm sorry about the job. Do you still get maternity leave despite not having a position to come back to in September? Because if so, I'd say it couldn't have come at a better time! :winkwink: If not, that makes my HR spidey sense tingle. I have to tell you, I'd kind of LOVE being told I'm laid off as of like next July so I could collect unemployment benefits while I go to school! :haha: But that's mainly because paid maternity leave is nonexistant here and I only get 12 weeks and I'm going to use every ounce of my sick and vacation leave during that time (plus about a week of no pay). Still planning to not come back anyway at the moment but of course don't know if that's a legitimate possibility.

maybesoon -- Feel better soon!!

Oh boy, it seems I'm ravenous today Should I try to hold off 1.5 hours for lunch or eat my afternoon snack (greek yogurt) now? Decisions, decisions... :haha: I think snack NOW.
Littlespy... I know!! Its ridiculous to ask someone for that sort of thing at xmas! She can buy that for her daughter herself. I have more important stuff to buy and my own kids come first. I know that every year they go on holiday 3 times and get mine jumpers from primark which I dontt mind but if she can afford to fo on surfing holidays 3 times a year then she can buy her own kid nike shit. Im going to buy her a primark tracksuit lol.

Is anyone getting dizzy when they stand up for too long? Xx
Thanks ladies! I go back to the doctor tomorrow. They did say something about possibly changing the meds when I go in.

ukgirl... I have been getting dizzy but only when I first get up from laying down. It goes away pretty quickly. And well with an ear infection that's probably most of the issue....

doggylover.... It is an infection with a germ called Group A Streptococcus bacteria. You can get puss pockets in your throat & your tonsils swell up. Lots of people think that if they have their tonsils removed they can't get it anymore. That isn't true, you don't have to have tonsils to get the infection. Once you have the strep virus in your system you will always have it (from my understanding). I use to get it all the time as a child, but it's been about 5 years since I've actually had it.
maybesoon I had it last winter it was gross :( I get tonsillitis a lot but they wont remove my tonsils because I bled excessively after having a tooth out and had to have emergency stitches :( Its a good excuse to eat ice cream and crisps though! hehe

I think my problem is baby is laying really low making my legs ache. Although at the moment I can lay on my back fine :/ weird
Ok I get it, strep throat is tonsillitis (I think!) yeah I had my tonsils out as a child and haven't had it since which is good!

Littlespy, I will still get paid my full amount of maternity pay, I believe. Technically I am employed by the education authority and not the school, so even though I won't be going back, because I am with them in the 26th week of my pregnancy they will pay me until December 2013, which is all I would have gotten even if I went back. I know I'll love having the time at home, but I am already panicking about finances. We are very lucky that we have a great amount of savings, but I am a big panicker when it comes to money, and this just sends me over the edge!!!

And eat your snack now! I am currently eating an apple with peanut butter :mrgreen: yum!
ukgirl..... My baby is laying really really low too & it seems he/she is putting an enormous amount of pressure on my lower abdomin to the point that when I've been laying & I get up it is almost painful. I'm most comfortable on my back at this point too with my legs propped on pillows.

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